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22981160 No.22981160 [Reply] [Original]

The Forms ARE real. Platonism is correct. Essence precedes existence, the highest level of reality is perceivable only by the intellect.

>> No.22981170

Magic IS real. Schizo theories of signatures and demonology is correct. Gematria is true. I am retarded.

>> No.22981177
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You're right!

>> No.22981187

retroactively refuted by Ἀμμώνιος

>> No.22981197

wut u mean??

>> No.22981198

nothing of which has to do with Platonism. Are you drunk or expressing your truth?

>> No.22981204

No, he's the schizo and I'm drunk. Drunks believe in Plato, schizos believe in gematria.

(drunks know gematria is a ripoff of Greco-Egyptian numerology)

>> No.22981205
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symposium = drunk = Greek thinking

It's in the rules don't blame me.

>> No.22981206

>Theory of signatures
>nothing to do with platonism

>> No.22981218

BTFO by neuroscience

>> No.22981227

If platonic forms are real what is the platonic form of ejaculate?

>> No.22981233

>forms are reeeeal
whooa tell me more! like things actually exist? noway!

>> No.22981298

but Socrates never got drunk in the Symposium

>> No.22981315

I liked the various dialogues but then I started reading The Republic and he's kinda retarded
>kids should be raised communally and parenthood should be abolished
>kids should be robots that have no autonomy outside of serving state
>no one should have any rights at all unless they are for the express purpose of building and maintaining the state
>all sex and procreation must by necessity be eugenic, for the good of the state of course
What good is the state if it doesn't actually foster an enjoyable life?

>> No.22981452
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Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.22981454

>Plato is dogshit when he's not repeating socrates
Who wouldve thunk

>> No.22981462

The Republic is an autist's wet dream

>> No.22981479
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imagine being able to mog fucking Plato of all people like it's nothing.

>> No.22981487

He literally just copied sparta

>> No.22981489

people always focus on the points that were meant to filter retards. the aim of the dialogue is made clear in the first two books. read it again.

>> No.22981504

That second paragraph isn't in Diogenes Laertius' book. It's literally made up by some butthurt redditor.
>...and one day when Plato had invited to his house friends coming from Dionysius, Diogenes trampled upon his carpets and said, "I trample upon Plato's vainglory." Plato's reply was, "How much pride you expose to view, Diogenes, by seeming not to be proud." Others tell us that what Diogenes said was, "I trample upon the pride of Plato," who retorted, "Yes, Diogenes, with pride of another sort."

>> No.22981556

There are a lot of good criticisms to be made of cynicism.
That they make a show of their poverty while pretending to renounce distinction seems to be the gist of Plato's critique.
Cynics are somewhat similar to hippies and can be critiqued similarly for being hypocritical using the renunciation of distinction as a way to gain it...
Another critique I find compelling is that they really are not self sufficient. I can't remember the author, but he critiqued them on the grounds that they were dependent on begging and more abstractly that no one is really self-sufficient. As everyone in a civil society is dependent on other's work in one way or another.

>> No.22981561

>Socrates gives a toast at the beginning of Symposium imploring all those present to drink to moderation and NOT get drunk

You never read it, did you?
in what way does neuroscience btfo Plato?

>> No.22981567

>accuses people of not reading it
>later on they are definitely at the very least tipsy while alcibiades is super drunk
Very impressive anon.

>> No.22981568

Usually, people who say "neuroscience refuted this" have no idea about neuroscience or at most have something they have read in a Malcom Gladwell-style book.

>> No.22981578

>>alcibiades is super drunk
this just confirms you haven't read it.

>> No.22981582

Since when did /lit/ become /x/
>B-b-bbuttt it's in a book
Fuck off

>> No.22981595

Imma analytical method the shit outta your bitch-ass propositions.
>The Forms ARE real
Define "forms". Define "being". Define "realness".
>Essence precedes existence
Define "essence". Define "preceding". Define "existence".
> the highest level of reality is perceivable only by the intellect
Define "highness". Define "level". Define "reality". Define "percievability". Define "intellect".

>> No.22981600

define "imma". Define "analytical". Define "method". Define "propositions".

>> No.22981627

Alcibiades is very drunk but also he is a latecomer and he was already drunk before he showed up at the gathering. FYI that’s like basic Platonist dialogue stuff.

>> No.22981724

exactly. he wasn't a part of the symposium. the only person with any deep philosophical insight in the dialogue is socrates who wasn't drunk.
>FYI that’s like basic Platonist dialogue stuff
now this is just embarassing

>> No.22981730


peak 4channel

>> No.22981746

Define "define".

>> No.22981773
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>Magic IS real
Yes. Computer programs.
Chemical bonds, logic gates.
Abstract memes.
>Gematria is true
Jews are retarded.
>I am retarded

>> No.22981780

Well? How is he wrong?

>> No.22981896

Probably referring to Ammonius Saccas for some indiscernible reason.
>Diogenes got brutally filtered by Parmenides
Not the first, nor the last smug retard to endure this fate.

>> No.22981922

hardly anybody knows what the forms are, what it means to participate in them, or what they imply. most people who like Plato, especially on this board, have been conned into embracing a philosophical creole behind which there is no substance, explanatory power, or commensurability with modern thinking. metapolitics is certainly behind the shell-game enthusiasm. the remaining few who study Plato seriously are desperate scholars who are unlikely to find a satisfying answers.

>> No.22981928

t. desperate aristotelian thomist

>> No.22981930

No colours without light, no light without darkness, no darkness without space, no space without time. Space and time are these Forms. Anything else is not knowable.

>> No.22981943

Neither space nor time mean anything in isolation. If nothing else is knowable, then those two things would not be knowable either since space and time only have meaning in the context of particular objects.

>> No.22981946

How are the Forms related to the instances, that is, how does the actual relates to the potential? How does the former cause the latter?

>> No.22982116

Are the platonism forms a type of theism?

>> No.22982130

>Neither space nor time mean anything in isolation.
>in isolation
In themselves, yes, because they're not things in themselves, but they can be examined individually, as did Kant.

>> No.22982763

Aristotle was a Platonist though

>> No.22983091

he did say women were just as capable to be soldiers as men so yeah he was wrong

>> No.22983160

The Republic is an analogy, retard.

>> No.22983218

This is such cope. Imagining the perfect city is a crucial step in Socrates/Plato's attempt to discover the nature of justice. If he's wrong about what a perfect city would be, then he's probably also wrong about justice, and he knows this. Therefore he must have thought that his idea of a perfect city was actually perfect. And that's retarded.

>inb4 he was describing an ideal but wasn't trying to make it actually practical or something that could exist in reality
No, Socrates explicitly objects to this idea. He thinks it could and should be achieved in reality.

>> No.22983234

Hence why they cannot be forms.
Aristotle was a midwit pseud (the best one to ever live).

>> No.22983237


>> No.22983246

Aristotle demolished the doctrine of the forms and we’re just going to pretend like it didn’t happen? Feel like you’re in a high caste yet?

>> No.22983252

yeah the dialogues defenitely wasn't about the tripartite soul

>> No.22983283
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>> No.22983741

Do you think platonic Ideas are things in themselves? That's what Schopenhauer believed, and I agree with him. Maybe there ought to be a distinction between the kantian Forms and the platonic Ideas.

>> No.22983762

According to orthodox Jewish, Christian, and Muslim interpretation? Yes, absolutely.

The Churchlands have their fedoras on so tight that they're reviving Platonism, you should go check them out.

>> No.22984080

maybe this is my personal bias or lack of knowledge but as much of a shit poster Diogenes was he didn't actually have anything to replace the systems and ideas he shit on. the best he could come up with is going "that's stupid" but most things end up "stupid" if you put too much thought into them, but most of the time they still work on some level or have value.

there is no way to build a culture off being a cynic only to critique the one you're already in.