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22976609 No.22976609 [Reply] [Original]

Will reading help me get a catholic wife

>> No.22976618

Yes, reading Spanish dictionaries

>> No.22976621

Not in America lol

Being a doctor will get you right in there though. Of course that's just as true outside the church.

>> No.22976626

Papists don’t read, hence why they’re papists

>> No.22976633

Stay away from our women chud.

>> No.22976847

Why? I’m a convert but my dad was Irish catholic

>> No.22976893

As if a thick latina Catholic wife is a bad thing lmao

>> No.22976906
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>mfw my thick, pregnant lapsed Catholic wife helped me get my GED and to pick up reading.
>mfw i'm a godless, heathen protestant
>mfw she does not care
>mfw all my days are good
>mfw she never stops laughing

>> No.22978478

Christianity is Jewish mythology and Jewish apocalyptic cults. Read Barth Ehrman. Or literally anyone who points out Christianity's retardation.

>> No.22978519


>> No.22978556
File: 109 KB, 600x929, 16757374386943-21019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a great outline of how to grow in the spiritual life:

Also can't recommend enough picrel. A very eccellent spiritual guide.

>> No.22978851

congrats on being sinners that take your religion as a joke

>> No.22978916
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>Institions responsible for the discharge and guarding of a religion falls in to disrepute, corruption and child-abuse
>People no longer take it seriously as a moral authority

>> No.22978920

The knowledge that you don't see is the knowledge that counts. It's just knowledge of knowledge otherwise.

>> No.22978929


Knowledge is a basic acknowledgement of all about something, and not an additional something more about something. If you're just looking at the discovery of some phenomenon, you don't yet have any true knowledge, it's a false kind of knowledge.

>> No.22978931
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>you're a jew for not wanting to be a jew
Why are christcucks like this?

>> No.22978934


>> No.22978943
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Shalom yourself, golem.

>> No.22978965
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Christians are the shabbos goy for Jews.

>> No.22978975

Pagan-tards, evangelical american boomers, and Ashkenazi are the only people in the world who believe modern Jews to be in any way related to the ones in the bible. Interesting…

>> No.22978981

it’s bizarre that the last holdouts of atheism on this board are 5 years out of date wojak threads with virtually no intellectual content

>> No.22978990

Atheism is culturally dead, even normies "believe in something"

>> No.22979004

I don’t see how something that defines itself in opposition to other things has any life in the first place. The life of this sort of thing is the life of a tape worm, if they didn’t have christian bowel movements to gobble up and criticise they wouldn’t exist. I never see these sorts of people construct a new model or give energy and impetus to any sort of novel culture. It’s just seething about someone’s else’s model of reality endlessly. Nobody gives a fucking shit. What an utter waste of time

>> No.22979053

Ehh it had its moment but it's gone alright. Like I said, even people who genuinely question God's rulesets at least believe in something higher. I can count the number of atheists I've met on one hand but the amount of "agnostics" who believe in something makes up the bulk of non believers.

>> No.22979085
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To be clear, are you saying thay picture is false?

>> No.22979088


>> No.22979108
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>> No.22979196

>Your leaders do this so you must like it too and approve of it aaaaaaa

>> No.22979229

Jews as imperfected originators of the faith who should be gently encouraged to convert has been the mainline through history. Now the mainstream right foster it either because they‘ve been brain broken by anti-moustache man propaganda or because they innocently think jews can be their bulwark against (partially muslim) immigration. The mainstream left fosters a derivative mentality as part of an overarching tolerance motif.

It also happens to be true, painstakingly obvious in every page of the bible, and the only contrary case is some patently retarded god of the gaps coping about an irrelevant tribe in Central Asia.

>> No.22979237

Thank you rabbi for that quick rundown on world politics, but Im pretty sure what I said is more correct.

>> No.22979260
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>if only they knew how good things could be

>> No.22979298
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Things where good until 3rd world immigration was allowed. Sadly there is no good Christian reason to refuse them. Our political leaders are either jews or are of the same moral opinions of them, or of the lesser, globalist Christian method.

The Pauline Creed of neither Greek nor Jew precludes the rejection of people based on ethnic grounds. In fact Western White Christians will proudly proclaim they have more in common with an African or Arab who (Falsely) professes to be Christian, than his near-kin who (Honestly) profosses a lack of belief.

>> No.22979309

Why would you want a woman who has been fucked in the ass a dozen times before she graduated high school?

Unless you take "no hymen, no diamond" at face value.

>> No.22979316

>Anti-Christian has a picture of various penises saved on his computer


>> No.22979335

again, statistics refute your exegesis:

>> No.22979445
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Public opinion is manfactured. By whom i wonder?

>> No.22979574
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Im not Anti-Christian, there needs to be a new reformation wherein a transvaluation of values can occur. Where one can place ethno-centrism, personal strength and courage from within, loyalty, brotherhood and family can be made primary over humility, empathy, weakness
, meekness and the World to come. Everything that is occuring now, except the tranny stuff and kids, is perfectly within the scope of Chirstian thought.

"Render unto Globo-Homo's the things that are Globo-Homo's, and unto God the things that are God's"

"You will own nothing and be happy."

These sentiments are the same and need reevaluation.

>picrel They laugh and mock the Pope for this

>> No.22979595

Everyone on 4chan has penis-related pictures saved to their computer, you do too.

>> No.22979599

The render under Caeser verse doesn’t mean Christians should just ignore politics. This is actually an understandable confusion as I see prot-tards interpreting it the same way. That verse has always been interpreted as Jesus clarifying that he is not the political messiah imagined by the pharisees. It doesn’t mean you should always just shut up and pay the government

>> No.22979604

>Porn-brain mongoloid discovers that not everyone is a weird pervert, gets defensive and projects

>> No.22979622

He literally comes to say when he returns he is to rule all of earth, you fucking mongloid.

>> No.22979625

Come on dude who is gonna listen to a woman talk with that energy for an hour?

Just listen to this https://youtu.be/IB2FfcqV-5Y?si=GpWMafeQFIk9avX0

>> No.22979626

Go to Guatemala or something, find some qt in an impoverished village, get hitched, and take her back with you

>> No.22979628

And? What does that have to do with what I said

>> No.22979633

That isn‘t a picture of various penises.

>> No.22979639

Various: more than one; several

>> No.22979644
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He is a complete leader. Social, political and more. The reason he says that is that he is preaching to slaves, serfs, downtrodden, the powerless and the helpless. Those who have no political ability, so they should continue to server their evil overlords, as you ought to. As you are commanded to do until the Rapture.

>> No.22979645

I imagine going to church would help more than reading

>> No.22979658

Lol again thanks for the rundown rabbi but I am correct and you are not

>> No.22979663


>> No.22979664
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>Render unto Ceaser does not actually mean render under to Ceaser
>Fucking Protestants, how could they not realize this?

>> No.22979703

>I know better than centuries of scholars about this heavily translated snippet taken out of its context
>I am also gonna larp as a Roman

Interesting behaviot

>> No.22979730
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Correct, Avē Imperātor!

>picrel, you

>> No.22979744

>You are the bad image, while I am the based Roman man

Just admit you are mad that your mom made you wear slacks to church on sundays

>> No.22979763

>say the line, christoid!

>> No.22979811

When mom says I still have to go to church even after I showed her an infographic about how its Jewish!

>> No.22979814
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I'm getting sick and tired of you christians

>> No.22979815
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Christ is King!

>> No.22979827
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>Just admit you are mad that your mom made you wear slacks to church on sundays
Can't helpt but notice you went straight to the mother there, friendo.

>> No.22979830

Lol because I know that you don’t have a father

>> No.22979867
File: 80 KB, 540x810, 1640119988780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a full childhood growing up anon, still have a full and happy family. Im expecting my first child in May. Life is amazing, it saddens me your mind goes to the worst places when debating.

>> No.22979871

I too like to play make believe on the internet!

>> No.22979877

So even in your fantasy, your religion is still the purview of single mothers?

>> No.22979891
File: 70 KB, 770x533, FF58FF5F-2853-4721-8996-C369EC1996B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t want to go mom don’t you understand that JEWS actually invented Christianity

>> No.22979932

>a 200+ lb goblina and a high school degree
Is this really your idea of a flex m8

>> No.22979941

Keep praying

>> No.22979943

nobody cares

>> No.22979982
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, 1704618917736617m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you always assume the worst? Are you so damaged that you can not envision others doing well?

>> No.22979994
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>> No.22979999
File: 31 KB, 658x466, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a personality issue, anon, not an educational one.
Not him but anything related to happiness is a flex to the miserable.

>> No.22980238

Jew-god worshipper, read a book and if you're over 90 iq you may get over the mental virus that Jewish mythology combined with some greek philosophy installed in your brain. Golemcuck.

>> No.22980247

Very cool rabbi! Maybe time number 9999 of using the “your God is Jewish” meme will work!

>> No.22980262

Says the one person spamming predictably tired retorts through the thread with no sense of self-awareness.

>> No.22980265
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Either he is the Jewish messiah, foretold in the Old Testament, also known as the first 5 books of the Torah or the religion is a fucking joke.

Is he not the Jewish Messiah born to the Davidic Line to redeem both the jewish people and all people?

>> No.22980288

I love when jews try to explain how the religion they clearly are seething about really works lmao. Im sure you have made a lot of converts with this strategy lmao

>> No.22980293

If somebody walked up to Alex Jones and shot him in the head I'd be so happy. This worm gets to have his cake and eat it (like the fat faggot he is) when it comes to how his public claims are treated by his viewers: if he's right about something, he's a serious figure and he means what he says; a "maverick"-type going against the system! If he's wrong? People are "taking him too seriously".


>> No.22980316

Can you correct what was said by >>22980265 then?

>> No.22980330

Yes, very easily actually. The Jewish people Jesus came from is in no way related to the modern Ashkenazi called “jews” we all (oresumably, I do have my suspicions about you) think are responsible for various evils in society. All available DNA evidence shows this to be the case. The only people who disagree with this fact are the Ashkenazi themselves and some fringe shabbos goy evangelical sects. Which one are you?

I have mentioned this several times throughout the thread and no one has answered this lol they just keep repeating “king of the jews”

>> No.22980338

Mind you, Revelations literally says that a group of demon worshippers would eventually come and pretend to be the Jews while bringing about evil in the world.

>> No.22980370

I did not ask if modern jews are related to ancient jews. Please reread >>22980265

>> No.22980384
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Ok, yes He is the jewish messiah. And yes, the modern people calling themselves jews hate Him more than anything else in the world. Now I can only presume that by your seethe, you are Ashkenazi, correct?

>> No.22980393
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I'm from Scotland and have nothing but contempt, hate and disgust for the kikes.

>> No.22980412

Then focus on that instead of attacking the religion of your forefathers and your brothers. No world force in history has been more antisemitic than the Christian kingdoms .

>> No.22980455
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I would do, but your headcanon of you Christians being the real jews is as damaging as it is retarded and believed by nobody outside your circle. Further the Christian world-view of meekness is abhorrent in the face of rising militarism of other creeds, there is no incentive or inducement for ethnocentrism, rather the opposite with the Pauline Creed, Galatians 3 28 - 29. There is no command to make war, be violent and kill those who attack you, Matthew 5 38 - 48 comments pacifism and humility. You won't ever agree with me because you're a fundamentalist and literal believer that must twist the very obvious meaning of these commands in order to justify your worldview. Double-Think.

All Arab kingdoms now are utterly hostile to kikes as are many Asian ones, hence why they are so so few of them there.

As I said in another thread which I can no longer locate, transvaluation of values is needed to keep the West alive. Christianity needs a hard reinterpretation in order to value the opposite of what it has done historically and provide a moral framework that encourages a Crusader-Settler worldview.

>> No.22980488

They used jews happily as fifth columnists to repress their populations at large. When the Shepherd‘s Crusade got off the ground as an attempt to put a stop to this the kings across nations intervened with force to protect the jews.

>> No.22980600

>Further the Christian world-view of meekness

If they were so meek, how did our Christian ancestors behead all the pagans and convert their daughters? Might is right until it actually happens tho lmao

>> No.22980601

GED is literally high school and "thick" is never not a euphemism for fat.

>> No.22980622
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Because man has killed man since we left the caves, it is only now that they go through life without ever having been slapped. This is how life was and is how Islam is spreading throughout the West now, while the pope licks the feet of niggers, Islam beheads those it disagrees with. While you ponder theological theory of Logos, Platonism and other abstractions, a Muslim is forcing somebody to obey their Sharia. Who will win?

Indeed it is, a Good Enough Degree. I'm grateful to have finally finished my high school equivalency and for the support and encouragement she gave me when studying.

>> No.22980631

So the elite Germanic Kings in the middle ages teamed up with jews to supress the true believing Christian population….and that shows that Christians are bad?

>> No.22980643

But I thought Christianity encouraged everyone to be weak cowards? How did those slave moralists absolutely btfo every pagan in Europe? The only sources of info we have on those religions were preserved by Christians or carved onto a ceramic or something, lmao

>> No.22980648

No, it shows that the jewish mind virus infecting them to pacifism, neurosis, and compliance with the threats against their simple pastoral society is bad.

>> No.22980659

Legacy of Rome against provincials. Also Charles‘ massacre figures being borne out by historicity outside of identifiable battle suggests violation of armistice.

>> No.22980664
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By ignoring the Bible and letting emotion override biblical law and the frequent need for indulgences or the frequent wars between Christian states? Or do you believe that once they adopted Christ their entire world-view changed as soon as they came up out of the water?

You seem unwilling to address or acknowledge that the same thing that happened to the Pagans of Europe is now happening to the Christians. But you, no doubt like your Pagan fore-bearers, think that keeping true will allow your to be rewarded in some next life, and that since your religion is the truest, it will be reborn again in the future.

>> No.22980666

It's funny how you guys think the European Pagan LARPers are Jews. What else can you expect from a Catholic thread.

>> No.22980669

Whats the difference?

>> No.22980673

One are a bunch of homosexual tard LARPers who point out the obvious contradictions between the word of Christ and your "Crusader-Settler" return to the middle ages retardation and the other are just secular Jews.

>> No.22980676

>You seem unwilling to address or acknowledge that the same thing that happened to the Pagans of Europe is now happening to the Christians

Because it’s irrelevant to anything. I think Christians should stand up and fight against these forces. Many of them actually are they just don’t show up on American internet forums. What does that have to do with the fact that the religion of “might makes right” and “my God vs your God” was exterminated by the “cowardly” and “meek” Christians? I can also tell you are jewish because you keep bringing up Islam.

>> No.22980680

No one is actually a pagan though, so often I suspect the LARPers have other agendas

>> No.22980686

Im sure these stories are real in your mind…

>> No.22980690

Nah there are plenty of people who worship Gods other than Yahweh (Allah). What do you think the sin of idolatry is?
If there's any religion/metaphysical distinction that doesn't exist, it's atheism.

>> No.22980697

Lol, white trash finally got his GED! Was math too hard for you as your alcoholic dad whipped and raped you screaming about Jewsus? Lol
I literally come across more middle Easterners smarter than your low class dysgenic white background. In an actual eugenics program you would have been purged long ago.
Also, there were many Platonic Muslims too, low IQ trash.

>> No.22980699

I more meant that no one is a neo-germanic pagan or whatever goofy thing they call it. Like someone trying to recreate the indo-european pantheon.

>> No.22980705

A lot of people if anything are like Varg and just use Gods to personify nature. At the end of the day Pagans are just nature worshippers who believe might makes right. They are correct that many of you Catholic LARPers want to have your cake and eat it too. You use the image of Christ to promote your modern might makes right mentality.

>> No.22980709
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If it was irrelevant you would then mention in the same breath the need to fight it. Though again, not jewish, I bring up Islam as it is the greatest thread to the West, in both demographics and culture. It is the fasted growing in both converts and family size.


>> No.22980720

You're just dysgenic trash from a low IQ, low class neocon town in Jewmerica. Stfu, moron.

>> No.22980724

>You use the image of Christ to promote your modern might makes right mentality

And theres nothing wrong with that.

>> No.22980729

If you were really struggling that hard for the GED than idk why i was even engaging. Im gonna hope you are just making this all up tho

>> No.22980735

Nah, he's a retard who's been spamming genocidal rhetoric against people of Middle Eastern descent for years on here, even though he is a Christcuck himself. He is low IQ trash.

>> No.22980742

Also, I am not Muslim, just get tired of all the disingenuous Zionist-like rhetoric trying to push for genocide.

>> No.22980744

Thanks for this great resource

>> No.22980745
File: 31 KB, 640x415, natsoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm European, anon. Though I am in the US carving out my pound of human flesh to return home with. You do seem angry though.

Where did you get the impression i struggled?

>> No.22980756

If you had to study for the GED exam as you said here >>22980622 I got bad news for you my friend, you might be a little special.

>> No.22980801
File: 22 KB, 972x564, Quadratic.formula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't all know how to solve quadratic equations without first being instructed on how to use the formula, anon.

>> No.22980822

Didn’t you learn that in like grade school? As far as I remember, I basically learned nothing in high school and almost certainly would have been able to get a passing grade on the GED test before starting, as would most white children.

>> No.22981015

>grow up in the most secular societies in human history where religious authority is completely disempowered
>end up irreligious
youre not as great a mind as you think you are, especially since youre spamming fucking wojaks of all things. im just glad you wont reproduce, statistically speaking

>> No.22981110
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I think she is a beautiful woman and a very great teacher. But thanks for the link, friend. Will listen to it. God very much bless you!

My pleasure!

>> No.22981167


>> No.22981358

>Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

> Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

>And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Matthew 7:21-23