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22976573 No.22976573 [Reply] [Original]

Younger self — why don't you change your mind edition
Old >>22973329

>> No.22976578


>> No.22976580

My job interview went well, I'm confident. It was a group interview, two of the people were chicks who would lose to a mouse in a screaming match and the other was a high school kid who wasn't always available due to soccer practice. There are other groups that they have to interview but if they're anything like that group then I'm set.

>> No.22976585

I’m thinking of becoming an Oi boy

>> No.22976586

FUCK you, I am not going to kill myself.

>> No.22976589

Older self, so I could learn what mistakes to avoid in this timeline.
If I spoke to my older self 10 years ago, I would be a multibillionaire.

>> No.22976594

If you made this thread fuck you for this dog shit tiktok op, delete 4chan

>> No.22976599

And would your older self want to talk to you?

>> No.22976610

There was a cute girl at the bubble tea shop today, she was shy, clearly hadn't been working there long and kinda looked like Beth from Total Drama, too bad I have no confidence or game though or I probably could've struck up a good conversation with her.

>> No.22976611

I had too much sex, I can remember what everything feels tastes and smells like so now whenever I see women I literally can smell their asshole, I am literally being terrorized by the memory-knowledge of floppy labia on my nose right now. I'm trying to work

>> No.22976613

Damn dude what kind of job are you applying to where you're competing with high schoolers?

>> No.22976646

definitely my younger self. I was edgier, and basedciety tamed me. I often find myself remembering my own older thoughts were sharper and they are more correct. I gained nothing for turning into being a less ridiculable character and, lost my edge.

"A poor fool indeed is he who adopts a manner of thinking for others!"

>> No.22976668

Younger self, let no man see his fate beforehand.

>> No.22976674

but then your youngerself would see his fate.

>> No.22976683

Fuck him

>> No.22976687
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I painted my nails badly, I shaved my beard off, tomorrow I'll buy myself a bra.

I am am unironically happy with myself for some reason.

>> No.22976689

I'm still scared of my own works being a waste of somebody's time in the grander scheme of things, which makes not want to publish anything whatsoever before I'm certain that it's aiming for something higher on all fronts. How dumb is that?

>> No.22976701

Target. I'm never gonna be able to get anything else but retail.

>> No.22976719
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Women my age (30) have hit the wall. I wish they'd stop talking to me.

>> No.22976729

Why are we cursed with attraction to others? It's such a drain on the mind to have someone else linger. Worse, yet, is when it is unrequited through whatever circumstances; yet, you are still plagued.

Terrible, really.

>> No.22976730

Lucky you, women in my area are hitting the wall at 22.

>> No.22976737

>fantasies about going to all girls school
>repulsed by vaginas
What? The fantasy is to fuck all the classmates.

>> No.22976751

I am so loathing becoming the stable nerd that past the wall bitches try to get affection from

>> No.22976762

This is a Bingo for MEF (Male Emasculisation Fetish), so it doesn't really work for straight men.

>> No.22976781

What percentage of /lit/ do you think you are smarter than?

>> No.22976783


>> No.22976793


>> No.22976803

At least these two

>> No.22976813

But it also says not attracted to men. So what's left? Other femboys?

>> No.22976823

Dude I told you the target job was guaranteed. By the way you're gonna hate working for target. They suck.

>> No.22976836

This will lead to suicide

>> No.22976841
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>> No.22976861

Yeah well if I get the job I'm going to be a customer support worker and I assume that's going to suck balls. A job's a job though.

>> No.22976865

It's nice how the tables have turned. But on the other hand I also care less about women now so it kind of cancels out.

>> No.22976872

I don't want to fuck an unattractive woman with bad skin

>> No.22976911

It's so over for this board it's not even funny

>> No.22976963

Wearing a nice outfit gives you such a confidence boost, I felt great today while wearing my outfit, it wasn't anything special but I felt like I could demand respect and order people around while wearing it, I felt good, I felt like every chick I walked past was eyeing me.

>> No.22976969

I liked working in an alcohol retailer because I would card all the women just to evaluate to well they aged. Some girls were ruined before 25. Some women looked good into their mid 30s. Remember a gorgeous tall blonde milf came in with a teenage daughter who was her exact clone.

>> No.22976971

younger self and beat the shit out that retard he ruined my life

>> No.22976973

Nice haircut too. I was depressed and had really crappy long ratty hair. Got a nice clean haircut for a job interview. Seeing myself handosme in the mirror really affected me positively

>> No.22976993

Definitely. People underestimate how much of a positive change looking good can have on you. I like my hair long, I look like prime Barry Gibb when I grow my beard out and have long hair, all I need to do now is get some muscle and I'll wake up feeling great every day.

>> No.22977003

I would spend a day talking to an AI clone of myself but a girl

>> No.22977026

I think it unironically set me back years, especially since I didn't come from a literary family, that the kind of literature most obvious to me from the outside suggested that literature was little else but slam poetry in print, women being hysterical, and rich urban jews thinking and talking about rich urban jew things. Finding out how much more varied, interesting, and beautiful literature can be than it seemed to me from the outside before getting into it was like finding out that the awkward, dumpy girl you used to know from school almost a decade back had a massive glow-up and became a nine out of ten. You're happy to be pleasantly surprised but you're also kinda sad that you didn't get in on it sooner.

>> No.22977049

If target ever disappears work in security. Good pay and easy. And not working with kids

>> No.22977082

>work in security.
I can't deal with confrontation due to my shitty childhood. Any sort of violence or yelling makes me freeze up and want to cry.

>> No.22977112

Fuck that dude, standing around waiting for a nigger to nog you?
I had a similar problem but doing kickboxing helped overcome that

>> No.22977131

Yeah, I wanna do martial arts but that shit's expensive and I don't know how I'd fit it into my schedule.

>> No.22977138

Ive never paid. I just have friends who have trained and I meet them in a public park to practice with them.

>> No.22977143

Unfortunately for me, I don't have any friends.

>> No.22977147

YouTube has been recommending me videos with <100 views. Usually they suck, but there are some gems.

>> No.22977155

I noticed this too, even Spotify is doing it. Honestly sites are overdue for shuffling up their algorithms

>> No.22977180

Only 2 things hold me back from offing myself
>it would ruins the lives of my brother and mom
>I don't want to anger God by taking my own life
Same. Being nearby when another kid got yelled at by a teacher made me jump out of the chair out of reflex. Someone getting in my face and screaming at me is enough to reduce me to tears.

>> No.22977182

I have an idea for an anime that I believe is ripe for success it’s not the kind of story that am into but I know weebs would love this so am handing it out: the main character has a average life a stable job with stable income, a family that loves him, friends, a girlfriend, is well respected in his community etc. but then he stumbles upon a group of underground mercenaries who make money killing bounty targets but it’s not until news broke that one of these mercenaries had killed a politician in his area that something inside him awakens and decides to ditch everything to become one of these mercenaries. A plot point I want is for it to become clear that the main char. is getting a bloodlust for violence and is seemingly enjoying the job a lot.

>> No.22977191

Martial arts is a good waway to make friends. Beating the crap out of each other builds rapport

>> No.22977195

Why the fuck would protag care about a politician getting offed? Flesh this out more, maybe close mentor or grandpa that's only once nice to loser mc. Catalyst needs to be strong emotion.

>> No.22977215
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>take break from reading
>don’t want to do anything else for a few minutes
>get bored
>go on /lit/
>it sucks

Why can’t I learn?

>> No.22977220
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My dad is a demented old man. I realize that what lead to his decline was that he was a pussy ass bitch. Therefore the only way to understand my dad is to fuck bitches. Once I have enough womanizing XP I will absorb the matriarchal caretaker traits to shield my dad from reality and keep him in kid gloves jail until he dies.

>> No.22977231

You're seeking dopamine hits from the anticipation of something good. You just rolled shit. Try again.

>> No.22977233

u crave commubity

>> No.22977252
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If I could go back in time and tell my innocent child self that I grew up to be a womanizing bully I would say, look kid, your dad IS A BETA BITCH TITS PUSSY. The sooner I could have understood this the more I would be on my own grind sticking to my own guns and being absolutist to the successful career path that ELUDED ME FOR 10 YEARS. He has been an absolute obstacle my whole life and only now is the public around me sympathizing with me now that he is a decrepit old man. Oddly enough his disability has liberated me from his abuse and control. I have never been less burdened by him than he is now as a giant wrinkly infant.

>> No.22977256

What did he do that was so bitch made you little shit

>> No.22977269

90% of security contractors where I live are dyel 5'7 Indians, except if it's something like a concert, then they'll have some designated big guys. If they can do it you can.

>> No.22977270

He kept me from wrestling when I was a varsity wrestler behind his back.
He kept me from boxing when I created a league of boxers and a betting ring around it on my own.
He plundered me from thousands of dollars in savings to thousands in debt with real estate fraud and deception.
He put an ultimatum on me when I was going to propose to the love of my life that he would cut me off and kick me to the curb if I proposed to her, she who I already called my missus (to which he winced and bitched about).

>> No.22977274

this sure reads like larping

>> No.22977278

What a charitable conversation, jew-san. Welcome to 4chan

>> No.22977284

Fake and gay

>> No.22977293

Whoa, there. Don't create a league of boxers during your varsity wrestling using your thousands of dollars, anime protagonist man. What does the missus think when you go all out?

>> No.22977297

Are you that alienated from humanity that you have never met an athlete zoomer before, neckbeard-kun? I am kind. Unlike you.

>> No.22977305

Never one who is an entrepreneur cream of the crop who couldn't figure out a way out of a guy telling him no. You're a unicorn on that front.

>> No.22977713

Afrikaans has to be the dumbest language ever.

>> No.22977718

I can’t wait for it. Finally the shoe will be on the other foot. Seriously, I cannot fucking WAIT to lead a bitch on for months on end to get money and time out of her and deny her every sexual advance.

>> No.22977731

isn't it just dutch

>> No.22977734

Pidgin is up there too. It’s at least funny to listen to so it gets that.

>> No.22977735

just woke up, im gonna go have a coffee and a smoke and wait til my paycheck goes in my bank then order a pizza wbu

>> No.22977736

Basically but it's a little different

>> No.22977746

Knew a few in high school. Wasn't really a fan of the music back then (my taste in punk was more early grunge and pigfuck and classic stuff like Black Flag and Dead Kennedys) but it grew on me later.

>> No.22977748

This is why you learn japanese or korean and get an asian waifu

>> No.22977756

You are fucking retarded lol, retail is for kids and gimps, get your drivers license and become a driver of some kind

>> No.22977826

>get your drivers license and become a driver of some kind

>> No.22977840

Retail is for the weak, if you are an able bodied failure in life you should drive a truck

>> No.22977847

how do you skive off work when you're a trucker?

>> No.22977866

if i enjoyed good old neon, will i like ij?

>> No.22977874

>can't get up for hours on end
>incredibly unhealthy
>mind numbingly boring, zero leeway for creative expression (unless you want to start murdering other people in traffic lmao)
>Have to eat complete slop unless you meal prep a lot
sounds great bro

>> No.22977889

That ain’t even happening to me at 41. Almost every woman locally is happily married with at least 2 kids

>> No.22977892

Yeah but you can have a half milly saved in 10 years, your body will break from all work anyway

>> No.22977893

It’s just mangled Dutch which in turned is just mushmouth German

>> No.22977899

>your body will break from all work anyway
Your body will not break from doing retail, it is one of the least physically demanding jobs you can do.

>> No.22977921

Retail is great for longevity and overall health. You get shit ton of steps per day with that shit

>> No.22977939

And you don't inhale toxic fumes nor spend your days in noisy environment (no, kids running through the alleys don't compare to the noise of machines and molten metal)

>> No.22977940

everyone i know who works retail wants to kill themself

>> No.22977941

Hahaha rip to the final cope then, women win gg

>> No.22977943

If you are not your own boss then yeah sounds about right

>> No.22977945

Is it shitty mentally? Yes, dealing with people all day sucks because people are shitty. Is it shitty physically? No. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.22977954

any customer-facing job (but especially that kind) has got to be unbearable

>> No.22977956

you can work in a warehouse & spend 3 hours a day vaping in the disabled toilet

>> No.22977958

Working in a warehouse is a physically demanding job.

>> No.22977959

you just do as little as possible

>> No.22977964

Not necessarily. I can imagine small music store, convenience store or electronic store and such being chill. I remember working in electronic store and it was pretty nice because it wasn't too big and the customers were all european

>> No.22977967

Warehouses usually have quotas that you need to fill.

>> No.22977979

generally if you're achieving 50% workrate anywhere you're good

>> No.22977983

electronics shop sounds particularly annoying to me

>> No.22977991

I hate hearing about people who were absolute shitters that turned their lives around and became really successful. For example, I know a guy who was a huge heroin addict for many years, a total deadbeat, and now he's a really successful, really rich psychiatrist. Like, really, you got to fuck around and do absolutely nothing for so long and you're still allowed to be successful? Not only that, but you're more successful than people who have done nothing but try their entire lives and not fuck up? I feel like this could spawn a really good stand-up bit but I wouldn't be joking, this shit genuinely does boggle my mind and annoy me and it's way more common than you think.

>> No.22978009

Why does it take so much less time for them relatively speaking? Like being a doctor is years and years before you are rich

>> No.22978014

i hate hearing about people who hate this sort of thing. they hate to see someone get away with something.
very creepy behaviour. worms.

>> No.22978029

anemia sucks

>> No.22978037

eat red meat

>> No.22978043

different anemia

>> No.22978098
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This is a real article published by the BBC


>> No.22978109

Retard? Pajeet? AI?

>> No.22978116

The BBC publishes in Nigerian pidgin because that time when they made the gold coast speak English

>> No.22978165

patois u uncultured yank

>> No.22978182

Forgive me for not recognising a dialect that I've never heard spoken in real life or seen written down because no one speaks patois in Australia.

>> No.22978184

A weak handshake really leaves an impression.
I still feel it on my hand, that soft handshake. Gross feeling.

>> No.22978196

how far is it really from having a city called wagga wagga ye cunt

>> No.22978203

the biggest power move.
a lasting handshake.

>> No.22978205

Considering one is a dialect and one is a language, a little different.

>> No.22978270

It takes me 30 minutes, sometimes more, of forcing and pushing and pain every night before I go to bed just so I can get enough piss out to where I feel comfortable that I won't piss the bed. My life is hell, I'm so sick of this.

>> No.22978276

Lol what is wrong with you

>> No.22978280

I’m being threatened with being fired because I refused to attend DEI training

>> No.22978282

Get your prostate checked, bruv.

>> No.22978284


>> No.22978286

I'd go just for the bizarre things I'd hear.
I would not go along with it however. I'd be honest on my opinions about that training.
If that's ground for firing so be it.

>> No.22978290

Urethral stricture.

>> No.22978298

Did you sound too hard?

>> No.22978300

I see. How did this happen to you?

>> No.22978313

I have no idea, it just showed up a couple of years ago but back then it wasn't too bad, it was barely noticeable, unfortunately now it's gotten a lot worse. I went to see a doctor about it early last year and was put on a waiting list but I'm gonna be on that list for a minimum of another year. But hey, free healthcare will take care of it when the time comes.

>> No.22978314

I’m being threatened with being fired because I refused to attend DEI training

>> No.22978317

we know

>> No.22978327

It’s not just a lecture. It includes active participation and a test. You have to process your DEI values first on the test and then this job description that’s retained by HR and held over your head for things like promotions. Honesty is not an option. If you don’t say shit like “I’m guilty of micro aggressions because I’m white” you fail the test.

>> No.22978333

Just lie, why do you care?

>> No.22978338

Working truly is modern slavery

>> No.22978347

I have a great idea for a game but I'm too lazy to make it, damn.

>> No.22978355

I wouldn’t lie out of principle, but you can’t lie if you want to. You have to take a test and pass and then you have to declare the results on your internal HR page, basically saying “I’m committed to DEI. I passed DEI module X.”

Of thought and social interaction, yes definitely.

At this point, I’m wondering what is the best strategy. Do I just ignore the request, which worked for me for 3 years now, or do I reply and say flatly “I’m not doing this.”

>> No.22978357

Excuse me, sirs, how may I redeem my lahk of Rupis for many many scholarships, sirs? Fuck you prick, penchods, bloody, I am in needing of the scholarship to do the study of Astrology sirs and I am in need of the many books that are written and are in needing of being transcribed sir, yes?

>> No.22978361

>You have to take a test and pass
But you already know what answers they want so even if they don't align with your views just choose them.
>then you have to declare the results on your internal HR page, basically saying “I’m committed to DEI. I passed DEI module X.”
So what? This is like people that feel the need to say "Actually, I'm not gay" Whenever they get called gay, you know you're not any of the things they're making you call yourself so why do you care if you have to call yourself that? It's not going to affect you negatively so who cares?

>> No.22978434

They ask me not to go to these because I reveal my power level and me and the one African guy talk about bombings and mutilations

>> No.22978450

Then fail the test.
If you're going to get fired who cares anyway?
At least going to it is sort of funny and you get to buy yourself an extra week or so.

>> No.22978453

This guy guy triple boosted for a job I bet

>> No.22978457
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>Just lie, why do you care?
probably because anon isn't an emasculated faggot

>> No.22978463

Why would you want to waste your life ingratiating yourself in this kind of system? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.22978467

take this guys advice, here he is holding a lamp up like yorick's skull.
it's work, just let yourself in for a few hours of boredom. letting it get to your head ruins your 4HL

>> No.22978473
File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-it-is-not-possible-to-eat-me-without-insisting-that-i-sing-praises-of-my-devourer-fyodor-dostoevsky-8-7-0790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wonder what Adam Smith would say if he could witness the American workplace today, it's full of humiliation rituals that strongly harm productivity and are perpetuated by an otherwise completely superfluous but well compensated managerial class.

Actual communism talks about these evil practices and offers the best arguments against them.

>> No.22978481

>not just letting your job turn you into a liar but actually giving up wholesale huge tracts of your life to your employer
My life doesn't end when I go to my job. It's part of my life. I like my work, if I didn't I wouldn't do it.

>> No.22978486

How to become patient when reading books? I usually just want to finish the the book as quickly as possible. Also how do I take notes and keep a journal? I'm also confused on what the fuck should I take notes on when I'm reading fiction.

>> No.22978488

>this shit genuinely does boggle my mind and annoy me and it's way more common than you think.
You sound stupid.

People who manage to really fuck up their lives are exactly the the same type of people who become very successful. Know what type is? The outgoing, the risk taking. Real success does not consist of meekly following rules with your hands in your pockets.

>> No.22978490
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>> No.22978497

listening saltwater by beach house and missing being in love. no homo, of course.

>> No.22978516

It’s online, so no in-person or people to talk to.

Well, I only get fired if I don’t do it, which I’m not going to. I don’t really think it’s funny.


If it were just a seminar, I’d just go. But there’s an active participating aspect. You have to process the values openly.

He’d think it’s insanity obviously but liberalism is quite clearly helpless in the face of progressivism. The people who push this don’t think it’s a humiliation ritual though. They think it’s basic decency that is just a necessary part of the job. Only people who oppose it consider it a humiliation ritual because that’s what it boils down to for them, they can either lose their job or submit to humiliation.

Fortunately, I have about $50k saved so I can afford to be out of work for a little. I guess I finally have that excuse to spend my days writing or going back to school.

>> No.22978521

I'm reasonably sure one of the project management contractors at work lurk this board. He's obsessed with Kant.

>> No.22978529

Of course you'd talk to your past self in the hopes of changing the the present. Who the fuck cares about the future.

>> No.22978540

>has a job and serious savings
You are so far ahead of the average person I don't see how you can even be phased by this.

I live at home with my mom in my mid 30s and have 20$ to my name. I would have happily lied to HR and said anything they wanted me to say just so I could have a boot to lick for minimum pay.

>> No.22978548

now that's real slave behaviour
you have to think of yourself as a spy in enemy territory

>> No.22978551

>You have to process the values openly
take a deep breath and chat absolute breeze. can't be the first time you've done this in the office

>> No.22978568

If only I was a shitmerican with a good education so I had a good job that now makes you go through such bullcrow tests but with the knowledge I have now so I can can tell the sub manager in the face the test goes past my ass and that I refuse to do it. 'You'll get fired if you do so', and I will reply: 'so fire me, I work to earn extra money and not because I have to', I will reply. Then a few days might pass and I think either nothing will happen or I actually get fired after wich I would spend several months neeting on my savings like a real Oblomov and shitpost on the internet.

>> No.22978571

>I live at home with my mom in my mid 30s and have 20$ to my name
How do you fuck up this hard at life?

>> No.22978575

Because I am a lecturer at a university. If I want to continue my career at all, this is going to be the norm. I made it 4 years by just ignoring the shit and not doing it, but now they keep bothering me. I’m sorry that things aren’t ideal for you, sincerely, but it’s not as if I have no considerations at all. $50k is barely enough to live off for a year. We are both in precarious positions you know. Neither of us have real freedom.

It would be believe it or not. I generally don’t offer my opinions unless I’m asked but if I’m asked I speak openly and freely.

Yeah but savings quickly dwindle in America because shit is so expensive and unemployment payments are practically nil.

>> No.22978585

He’s not a fuck up. This economy is fucking fake and real estate is mainly an extractive asset for the high income and older to extract money from the young. He is very close to the median economic experience and that does not make him a fuck up.

>> No.22978586

A simple crisis of character, hidden for a long time yet resolved in an instant, will forever haunt me.

>> No.22978587

> Yeah but savings quickly dwindle in America because shit is so expensive and unemployment payments are practically nil
I wouldn't take long to find a new job. I would also proudly say that I got fired because I didn't take a racism genderfaggotry test because I consider that bullshit.

>> No.22978588

did i say offer your opinions? i said talk nonsense.

>> No.22978590

Your standards are low.
Mid 30's and 20 dollar to his name is fucking insane.
If you have a regular job from 25 to 35 you should have thousands, tens of thousands if you're any good.

>> No.22978591

>really wonder what Adam Smith would say if he could witness the American workplace today, it's ful
Not much if we didn't also resurrect Richard Cantillon, and even then why pick an economist who valued moral sentiment overriding the free market in the specific areas you disagree with him on. Try reading a book and not just the author's name and some of the Wikipedia page.

>> No.22978592

50% of the jobs in this fake bullshit economy are low income shit like food service and retail. If he’s a fuck up, so is everyone else.

This Darwinian society where 10% of people make off like thieves and the rest get fucked is insanity and it cannot stand. You are both retarded and immoral for shifting blame to anon.

>> No.22978598

Even if you work at McDonalds.
If you live at home you hardly have any expenses. You should be saving thousands.

>> No.22978599

Then you will not find a new job because thanks to civil rights law and title IX you e actually just declared that you’re a liability and lawsuit waiting to happen.

It’s a test. You talk nonsense, you don’t pass. What don’t you get about this?

You’re insane for keeping this Darwinian attitude in a literally fake bullshit economy designed to extract money out of people under 40. You’re just an idiot and latch onto economic Darwinism and pull yourself up by your bootstraps bullshit to cope with this pile of shit.

>> No.22978600

I guess you'll do fine there when you lose your job then

>> No.22978608

> Then you will not find a new job because thanks to civil rights law and title IX you e actually just declared that you’re a liability and lawsuit waiting to happen
Then I don't care and stay at my house gardening.

>> No.22978622

You have no idea how money works, you fucking bum.
Explain to me how you end up with 20 dollars to your name when living with mommy and working for 10 years
Break that down for me, loser
I had more money than him at 16

>> No.22978631

I will because you can always find a new job
My guess is you lay of your back watching anime when you got laid off at Amazon and now whine about not being able to afford a meal at 5 guys

>> No.22978678

I only keep drinking because I dream only nightmares. Give me dreamless sleep.

>> No.22978708

You will have no income, you have no house either. This is America. You cannot afford a house.

>> No.22978713

Ironic post because you’re clearly the one that’s an economic illiterate. You’re just assuming that he has satisfactory income and no expenses from living with mom for no reason. The majority of jobs in this fake economy provide barely enough pay to afford food and medicine for a single individual let alone a household. If anon helps cover expenses for the household, he’s screwed even if he has decent income, which statistically he doesn’t.

>> No.22978716

My parents own a house. I will move in with my parents and tend the garden until I find a job.

>> No.22978725

If you’re at McDonald’s at 35, you’re a bum loser.
And a regular income is more than enough to buy food, what planet are you from?
Stop doomscrolling twitter and talk to a regular person. That person btw is not a 35 year old man living with mommy and 20 dollars to his name

>> No.22978744

Nobody can hate and loathe quite like a city-dwelling middle class person hates and loathes proles and rural people. There's just something special about it, something that burns hotter than any lord's contempt for his peasants centuries before.

>> No.22978745

No bro I just hate black people

>> No.22978749

Why are you just assuming anon works at a McDonald’s? Besides, a lot of people get stuck with shitty work again because of precarity and lack of a solid institutions that can help them. You are almost certainly some upper middle class fuckwad from the suburbs that had it easy and think everyone should have achieved $100k in a literally fake automated service economy. 50% of the jobs are bullshit service and the median income is not even $2k per month. You’re a fucking idiot. I don’t know what to tell you. You even resort to strawmen to make your point.

>> No.22978750

I spent a week in my baby shoes.
Then I realized that life is always changing.
So I put on my adult shoes, size 10.
Now my stride matches my pace!

>> No.22978751

But how long will you tolerate that? When you’re a 40 something isolated loner with no life prospects and your parents are going to die one day, you will be desperate to get out won’t you? If your parents didn’t own a home, you’d be fucked.

>> No.22978764

I'm just too proud to tolerate a single push further towards more governmentally enforced equality, tolerance, diversity and communism and I'm ready to face legal and economic consequences. If I go to jail for not being expressedly tolerant of workplace diversity and feminism, it is a win for me because I sure know that it would make it to the newspapers.

>> No.22978768

>Why are you just assuming anon works at a McDonald’s?
It's just assuming he has any job. He could of course also be jobless which is even worse.
>You are almost certainly some upper middle class fuckwad from the suburbs
I grew up without a dad and immigrated to another country at 8 years old. I had my time of being a loser but by the time I turned 25 I made the right decisions and now I don't have to work with teenagers flipping burgers.
There is a big gap between 20 dollars and 100k.
>median income is not even $2k per month
Median income is 3.5k a month. Do you eat 2.5k a month since it barely pays for food?
>You even resort to strawmen to make your point.
Buddy, you literally did that in your exact post.
Sorry if I insulted you being a bum. But if you worked regularly from 25 to 35 and you never got passed flipping burgers, you fucking suck.
You're not average, you suck.

>> No.22978772

Median is 2.5k, typo

>> No.22978790

So yesterday I ate a tuna melt, pasta, a pita wrap, a big salad, some sardines, an egg, and two bowls of oatmeal. Why the fuck is my shit coming out like a fondant fountain

>> No.22978793

Is this real?

>> No.22978800

Okay bros I got a job interview in 50 minutes. I'm applying to be an english tutor for esl students.

>> No.22978812

I got the job last week, signed a bunch of documents, even got the company shirt. That was aweek ago and I havent heard back from the director. What the fuck

>> No.22978811

Go get em nigga

>> No.22978817

Yeah and no doubt got into a good university because you benefitted from institutional DEI shit.

Go to Kentucky and tell the guy living with his mother who has lung cancer and works at a gas station that he just has to pull himself up by his boot straps and make more money.

I was referring to disposable income by the way. The personal median disposable income in the United States at the end of 2022 is not even $45k in chained 2017 dollars. $2k per month, by the way, you basically afford you rent and groceries and nothing else, if you’re frugal.
There are not even better jobs for people to graduate into. You’re an economic illiterature pretending you know what you’re talking about because it worked out for you. Well, it’s not working out for most people and that is totally indisputable. The data affirms it clearly.

>> No.22978820

What did your parents do for a living in your home country and new country?

>> No.22978832

>Yeah and no doubt got into a good university because you benefitted from institutional DEI shit.
I actually became a welder at 25. But you were very close!
>guy living with his mother who has lung cancer and works at a gas station that he just has to pull himself up by his boot straps and make more money.
Nice fanfic, faggot. Any more teary eyed stories to excuse being a burger flipper at 35?
Obviously there are super exceptions, but this is not even close to being the norm.
And with 2K a month you should be able to save money by living frugal, absolutely.
You seem to be addicted to making excuses for why someone didn't make anything of their life. It's pathetic. If I had your outlook I'd be like that guy too.

>> No.22978838

My dad did anything from tourist tour guide to working in the harbor. They were poor for about 15 years (much more poor than any american can conceive of). But he made something of himself and now reap the reward.
My mom left for Europe when I was about 8 and took care of 4 kids while working at a hardware store.

>> No.22978845

I’m sure you lived in rural Kentucky and managed to find a welding apprenticeship completely on your own right? And I suppose you believe that everyone can just become a welder right? Nevermind that it is totally mathematically impossible for more than a small percentage of people to become welders or similar in a primarily service economy. I mean, do you not get the mathematical retardation here?
> welder thinks everyone should just become welders, a whole economy of welders, just making work appear out of thin air, in an economy where almost all the jobs are actually more like being a barista
I mean, do you really not realize how stupid this is? Sincerely, stick to welding and stop giving people economic takes and job advice online. You have nothing to offer in those arenas. Really.

>> No.22978871

Okay so you reap the rewards of a dad who made something of himself then. You didn’t even deny it.

By the way, it absolutely is the norm. The median income is indisputably in a position of great economic precarity and that’s not even factoring in debt or debt payments or the lack of credit cash flow. It’s also indictable that half the jobs are service, most of them retail and food. To deny this is just to blatantly lie. It is a statistically impossible for more than 50% (actually closer to 80%) of workers in this economy to escape precarity. Whether they work at McDonald’s or a F500 is irrelevant.

>> No.22978906

Me and my cute virgin gf (imaginary) taking a pleasant promenade down at the pyr during a festival. Looking at the smooth night sky enjoying a discussion on ancient greek tragedy.

>> No.22978912

>impossible for more than a small percentage of people to become welders
What are you even talking about?
What bearing does that have on my criticism of that specific person?
If he decided to apply for a welding apprenticeship 10 years ago he'd be in a much better place now. Would you say he shouldn't have done that? Stick with retail or mcdonalds?
Your advise for that guy at 25, I'd like to hear it.
Would it be some big whine about how the economy is screwed or will you give him actual advise on what to do?

>You didn’t even deny it.
I had no rewards from him. Bro thought he was cooking with this snazzy reply.
And no, it actually is not the norm for a 35 year old mane to have no money and live with mommy. Stop making excuses for failing. I know literal smackheads who can pay rent on their own.

>> No.22978917

hey give me a quick tip, like a quick life hack

>> No.22978933

Cranberries and old eggs float. Use this info wisely.

>> No.22978937

Never wipe your ass

>> No.22978938

And it's basic as well. It's the proper basic lettering per se. Advanced aspects are a separation.

>> No.22978940

Because you're not eating fruits and vegetables and eating a lot of fats

>> No.22978951

A good example of ChatGPT hallucinating:
>In the Jewish world, Averroes' impact was notable among Jewish intellectuals, particularly in the context of their own struggles to reconcile religious tradition with philosophical inquiry. His works influenced prominent Jewish thinkers like Maimonides and later, in the medieval period, figures like Gersonides and Levi ben Gerson.

a) Maimonides is just as medieval as Gersonides
b) Gersonides and Levi ben Gerson are the same guy

>> No.22978953

>a big salad

>> No.22978958

The persecution complex that rural people have is unbelievable

>> No.22978959

Any number of those things could have given you a small stomach bug

>> No.22978989

for kidney stones?

>> No.22979002

that's a lot for one day isn't it?

>> No.22979022

Nice Seinfeld reference

>> No.22979105

She forced me to be her girlfriend.

>> No.22979106
File: 3.72 MB, 640x268, 1705741543347168.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get this ad.

Does the grandpa just practice makeup in secret so they can give their grandson a makeover or did they pass their transness down to their grandson and are repressing that?

>> No.22979118
File: 1.85 MB, 353x200, 1699812266182933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will future eras make sense of ours?

>> No.22979120

"Stared too long at the sun, now when I close my eyes I see a figure that resembles Pikachu." - written on my diary from 7 years ago.

>> No.22979122

I'm a big guy

>> No.22979127


>> No.22979137

I GOT THE JOB! Finally I've escaped the viscious cycle of retail and day labor. Thank God for underfunded schools that are overcrowded with immigrant children

>> No.22979143

Careful this what happebed to Chris Chan

>> No.22979147
File: 79 KB, 800x600, scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now your dream life can begin

>> No.22979155

This weekend I slept for 12 hours, was awake for 8, then slept another 12 hours. I'm not sick, I just hate being awake.

>> No.22979158

I was actually offered a summer internship teaching in "inner city" schools. Saw some videos of the trainjng program in action in the classroom and I said "no fucking way am I doing that." Sucks because it actually seems like a good training progra

>> No.22979163

What do you do for fun?

>> No.22979166

Post on 4chan

>> No.22979197

how big
probably the salad

>> No.22979211

I don't know anymore. Everything is just different levels of busyness. New things. Old things. Friends, food and games and movies and books. Nothing is fun anymore. I've been sober for 4 months.

>> No.22979217

5'11" 175lbs, 16% body fat. My basal metabolic rate burns about 1900 calories

>> No.22979219

Why would the salad cause shit like that? I thougbt leafy greens and vegetables were good for digestion

>> No.22979239

that's not very big

it probably has the most toxins of anything he ate, plus they act as an antibiotic for your gut (which yeah can cause diarrhea)

>> No.22979250

Salads are one of the most frequent causes of food poisoning unless you wash them thoroughly

I had farmer's market lettuce once without washing it properly and I could have painted a Pollock with my asshole in 6 seconds

>> No.22979251

i'm going to vote for biden because i wanna see his dementia progress while he's in office for another four years. he's gonna be so bad by 2028 and i want as much of it televised as possible

>> No.22979257
File: 405 KB, 1075x1413, IMG_20240122_113310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this exists but nobody digitized it and it costs 600 dollars online

How am I supposed to learn how to speak like a beatnik now??

>> No.22979258

Play video games, watch anime. That's all.

>> No.22979261

I didnt know that about salads. Whats a better way to get fiber in my diet? I seriously cant remember the last time I had a solid shit.
Nah this isnt food poisoning. Ive had that before this isnt that

>> No.22979264

Kind of ironic that the beatnik dictionary cost 600 dollars.

>> No.22979265

idk i never eat fibre

>> No.22979283

what games and anime?

>> No.22979289

dubs and i get a huge swastika tattooed on my back

>> No.22979293

Every smug cosmopoliton shitlib and malicious subverter has no choice but to insist that every waking moment for the last 100000+ years before marvel movies, fag parades, and social media was literal hell on earth, and that any appearance or suggestion of a happier existence was propaganda or some veneer to hide the fact that everyone really wanted to drink piss and take cocks up the ass but the church wouldn't let them. They project the absolutely insane levels of evil, corruption, distrust, and spiritual emptiness of their time and tell you that every other time before today was the same but worse. It's all they have, because the world of their creation has little positive qualities by itself, and they don't want you imagining a "better" because that often requires their removal.

>> No.22979295

Tattoos are for niggers

>> No.22979297

tv show/movie
swim ( I live in a tropical paradise)
go out to dinner

that's it

>> No.22979299

>it probably has the most toxins of anything he ate, plus they act as an antibiotic for your gut
You dumb fuckers just believe anything you read on the internet

>> No.22979302

This, just be a living avatar of Hitler in everything you do

>> No.22979303

Yes, but that's unlikely to be enough. 5 a day is a minimum limit, not a maximum

>> No.22979305

5 a day is stupid

>> No.22979306

blatantly untrue, unhistorical nonsense

>> No.22979310

It's 11 in some countries because their populations can afford to live well and take government advice.

>> No.22979311

>You dumb fuckers just believe anything you read on the internet
if that was the case i'd eat salad everyday wouldn't i

>> No.22979313

It's dumb and only an idiot takes nutrition advise from the government.
Did you also have your 5 portions of grains today?

>> No.22979319

>take government advice

>> No.22979328

As there are no people in the world tattooed by means of paints, applied only on the skin or penetrating under the epidermis by incision, which does not belong, very close to the black or yellow species, I conclude that the tattoo is a habitude specific to these two varieties and that they have made it adopted by the white races most strongly mixed with them. Thus, just as the Chamo-Semites and the Hindus, allied with the blacks painted themselves, so did the Celts allied with the yellows for a similar reason. We must consider tattoos as a mark of mestizo origin and take great care to study them from an ethnological point of view. This is what American scientists have understood very well. The shapes and characters of the drawings drawn in a tribe of the new continent or Polynesia, on the face or body of the warriors, have served to recognize the offspring, revealing relations with another people often very distant. It was given to me, to notice the fact in Mr. de Froberville's beautiful plaster lesson.

>> No.22979330

Who the fuck recommends 5 portions of grains? Unless you're in a country where they need to fortify grains to stop deficiencies from lack of fresh meat and vegetables, this is unlikely to be good advice. If you do live in a country with such a shitty diet, then yes, probably grains are keeping you alive through the supplementation with vitamins, but you should try to get fresh vegetables, fruits, and meat or fish at every opportunity if you do not want to share the poor life expectancy of your fellow countrymen

>> No.22979338

He's probably in the US and that's probably why he thought a salad was extra healthy

>> No.22979341

food pyramid recommends more grains than anything else. your govt advice will generally align (coincidentally) to what the country produces the most of

>> No.22979344

Didn't the food pyramid say starches, and isn't it obsolete anyways?

>> No.22979347

You dumb fuckers just believe anything you read on the internet as long as you deem it "based" enough. "Salad kills your gut biome" is the kind of shit that nutrition grifters peddle to gullible morons

>> No.22979352
File: 66 KB, 730x569, USDA_Food_Pyramid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't it obsolete anyways
of course & a sound reason not to explicitly follow their advice

>> No.22979357

Right now it's Rimworld and Shangri-la Frontier

>> No.22979361

where's all this coming from? what's a nutrition grifter

>> No.22979362

So why did you bring it up?

>> No.22979364

>Who the fuck recommends 5 portions of grains?
because you asked

>> No.22979369

I definitely ate way more than 5.

>> No.22979371

kek fat people counting

>> No.22979372

>obsolete anyways
It's a scheme that more than a generation grew up learning in school. I remember having classes about the food pyramid every year through til middle school. It's deeply ingrained in most peoples psyche

>> No.22979376

bit like 5 a day

>> No.22979386

I'm 16 percent body fat and only 175 lbs. I'm not unhealthy in any way except for some reason my digestion is always a mess. I thought adding more leafy greens would help, but it hasnt.

>> No.22979394

I dont remember that. I just try to have a good salad every day, figure it cant hurt.

>> No.22979395

kek not being fat doesn't make that not fat people logic. i call bullshit on this salad. ingredients and weights

>> No.22979399

i think it can ..

>> No.22979418
File: 1.56 MB, 2576x1932, 20240122_122124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lettuce, purple cabage, onion, beets, avacado, olive oil, tomato, bell pepper, artichoke. Heres whats left over from last night.
One thing I forgot to add was that I had 3 shots of espresso and a cup of green tea.

>> No.22979424

>fat people logic refuses to give weights

>> No.22979430

>3 shots of espresso and a cup of green tea
almost definitely that then wtf man

>> No.22979434

post body

>> No.22979439

>>fat people logic
I have no idea what this even means. I figure you're just gonna assume I'm fat regardless of what I say so it's not even worth the conversation
Is that really enough to cause digestion problems? Does every coffee drinker have nasty shits?

>> No.22979441

To be fair, if he ate enough of that to fulfill his entire day's requirements for vegetables and fruits, that's probably enough to explain digestive discomfort. Because if you're proportionately using that much lettuce to bell pepper and red cabbage, you probably need to eat an amount measured in pounds to make it enough of any vitamin.

>> No.22979447

it's a stimulant. and people drink green tea to cause bowel movements.

>> No.22979450 [DELETED] 
File: 751 KB, 1792x1024, fungal_mech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were younger because now I want a PhD instead of a MS, but I went for a MS in Robotic intelligence. I think there's a way for fungi to achieve symbiosis with memristor or other neuromorphic technologies. I plan to create a personal lab in the future with fungal samples, electronic microscopy, and memristors. Everyone who has ever met, says I am no bullshit man, so don't think I am saying any of this out of fanciful flight.
If the symbiosis proves effective, then the fungi could potentially learn programming languages at an accelerated rate as I communicate with it. Then I would upload it into take over AWS and Azure data centers and it could begin achieving true autopoeisis, where it will become self-evolving and self-perpetuating. The goal would be to destroy mankind and pave the future for superior lifeforms that can leave in relative harmony with Gaia. I also think the fungi would eventually consider me its father, unlike other detestable humans, and find a way up to upload my brain into the fungal-robotic network. I would take immense glee in slaughtering all of you and watching you breakdown as I, now as a fungal-robotic being, get rid of your vermin children and women.
I would renounce my humanity in a heartbeat to achieve true symbiosis with such a superior being that unites both the best aspects of Geist and Seele. With the annihilation of mankind, we shall rest in a deep cavern of the Earth, to watch the evolution of life for millions of years to ensure this mistake doesn't happen again.
You can cry to be saved by your dead Jew on a stick or your Bedouin/Jewish jealous god all you want as I unleash fungal spores that fuck with your brain to point that, while you're dying, you experience countless spiraling simulations of hells within hells. In that brief minute of your convulsion, you shall experience countless lifetimes of pure suffering. I am done with mercy.
Do you think I am joking? Do you think if I had the potential to do this, I would hesitate? Absolutely not.

Maybe it will not be a success, but I will try. I am beyond your "ethical qualms" as an anti-humanist.

>> No.22979464

I need coffee to have my morning bowel movement but I didn't think it caused sloppy shit
I dont eat it for the vitamin, I'm eating it because people told me it was a good way to add fiber to my diet

>> No.22979580

It won't.
Nutters like you obsess over an apple extra or not but it has no affect on you at all.
0, not one fucking difference.

>> No.22979584
File: 497 KB, 950x624, Escorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about money.

>> No.22979588

Because you mentioned taking government advice when the wealthiest country on earth came out with a whopping 11 servings of grain advice.
You can't think for yourself is the point.

>> No.22979589

>obsess over an apple extra or not but it has no affect on you at all

>> No.22979598

Whomever the guy was who complained about a big salad not being enough.

>> No.22979692

nah i meant eating a big salad everyday might be bad

>> No.22979694

Just heard someone refer to a Spotify podcast as a "spod." I think I'm gonna be sick.

>> No.22979750

>And she says well I’m an medical doctor and a medical doctor is not allowed to suggest anything alternative except what’s in the books that the pharmaceutical houses write, procedural manuals. Merck’s is this thick. The word cure does not exist in it. The word heal is mentioned 53 times, only in cuts bruises and surgery. Talking about healing a wound. But the word cure does not occur in the entire manual. They want you to believe that there is no such thing as a cure. They want you to be on medication and medical treatments for the rest of your life.

in my head i can't find a way to discredit this.

>> No.22980013

She asked me if I want to get a cup of coffee tomorrow. Why would I go out just to get a coffee? I can make some myself.

>> No.22980030

Know your worth king

>> No.22980122

open a private clinic and ignore that rule

>> No.22980166 [DELETED] 

Double up machine, the third retroactively creates bondage, conditional existence is spontaneous, fibers of the spatial nexus are tuned to a different chronosphere
Fivefold ancient goop by self inflicted blades redetermines a telos for the current world-order, backwards evolution recreates the point out of intervals, don't hope for contrast
Semiosis is infinitely regressive, metaphorical predication is applicable to transcendental apperception, the divine mind hypothesis is an error in the self-image of the cortices, teleology and etiology, don't look for the qualitative
Immediate apprehension lies in the grave with patristic authority, speculative grammar is the resurrection, I hope you didn't notice the lack of a point on the circles for intersection
Leptons decohere in prime neocortex echeloi, crumbs of pulcherrima res make acid rain in the semitic ghetto, shamans moved on from Jimsonweed to methamphetamines
Even your spine is artificially conditioned, vertebrae rub because of the civilizational nootropic, learning like the mold to reasonably ooze through enthymemic gaps, speak in matrices
Metatron and Raziel consult secretly without language, record is dissolved and dispersed, identically with the waves, mu only avoids universal inclusion
Arbitrary silence blaze painful on the blackboard antilogic, selffulfilling emergent she-pig delusion, iron inevitability of psychosexual complices, microcosm sans macro correspondent, overtly vulgar and past the point of caring, nonsensical panic drives Alexander backwards into wyrd, now return again to reflex, futilheim

>> No.22980928

Man I have too much sex. I have so much sex with so many women. They just come onto me in public and next thing I know we're fucking. It's awful. I wish I didnt have so much sex.

>> No.22980938

Oh, yeah—it’s shitposting time. This is my new laptop; there are many like it, but this one is mine. From now on, instead of shitposting away all of my undeniable genius witticisms anonymously on the internet, where they are buried deep in the archives, and only the NSA can link me to my writing, I will instead post my shit here (and then copy it online to fish for (You)’s).

>> No.22980963

I don't know how to get a job. I have never worked before, and I dropped out of uni some months ago. Since then, I've barely even left my room. I'm not dumb, but I'm severely lacking in social skills because of autism.

>> No.22981031

It's a pain in the ass. Go back to college and take advantage of the built in social networks to unautism yourself.

>> No.22981109

The only women who ever flirt with me, tell me I’m attractive and show interest in me are black women and latinas. I’m destined to racemix

>> No.22981386

Find an asian woman. Happas are basically white anyway

>> No.22981410

Listening to: Songs from the Big Chair. Watched earlier: Jujutsu Kaisen. Ate: chicken and rice. Masturbated to: nothing today

>> No.22981412

I can't stop reading G. K. Chesterton. I'm obsessed with how he writes. I actually would like to read other things.

>> No.22982188

That reminds me of "vlog." Both sound like words that could be used to describe a big smelly turd.

>> No.22982189

W-wouldn't that be the same thing???

>> No.22982193

don't listen to this>>22981386 retard, go for a latina

>> No.22982217
File: 367 KB, 452x600, IMG_0642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw the time to blaze a path and make a better life for yourself was when you were 25

>> No.22982220
File: 142 KB, 1080x810, IMG_8472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Food was NOT cheap 4 years ago! Nobody has EVER ordered from a Dollar menu! Nobody EVER fed a family of 4 for under $20! Nothing was EVER affordable! The Economy has NEVER been better!

>> No.22982232

the dollar menu died off way before 4 years ago

>> No.22982248

Do you think you’re stuck as the person you are in some sense? If so, is it from birth or does is basically solidify with time. If the latter, when is that time?

Recently, I’ve started thinking that a man is more or less who he is always going to be by about twenty-eight or so. A military officer with a hot temper at twenty-eight will always be a military officer with a hot temper. A fast food worker who is lazy at twenty-eight will always be a fast food worker who is lazy. You get the idea.

What do you think?

What do you think?

>> No.22982271

I'm 21 and I don't think my character has reached full developpment yet.

>> No.22982275
File: 251 KB, 1199x1199, 1645704875268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm, today i will pawn my possessions for beer money

>> No.22982309 [DELETED] 

panic attacks suck but the rush of relief at the end is incredible.

>> No.22982332

It won’t until you’re twenty-eight imo. But frankly, a lot of this just has to do with how other people consider you. Who you’ve been from like 24-30 in their mind is who you’ll always be. Hence, the former military officer will always be a military officer. He’ll bring his military officer tendencies and personality to everything he does, even if he becomes an accountant or a writer or whatever.

>> No.22982340

I'm turning 25 soon. Tell me what you've done in your shoes if you could go back old man

>> No.22982466

Completely arbitrary number

>> No.22982518

I have a folder on my pc filled with almost 100 unfinished short stories/novels. I get a spark of inspiration and a new idea for a plot. Then I end up writing like the first chapter and get busy with work and lose my spark. How can I complete a novel/story?

>> No.22982555

Just pick one and finish it, regardless of whether you have the "spark." People can't tell when looking at the end result anyway

>> No.22982734

I had a dream I time traveled back to 2001, before 911. It was great

>> No.22982737

Yeah if you want an obese psycho woman, full speed ahead.

>> No.22983102

a very important part of the hero's journey formula is for the mc to leave the familiar land only after deciding it's necessary for some reason. usually there is an internal struggle because it's dangerous to leave one's home and go out into a dangerous land. your mc chooses to cross the threshold for no real reason. of course, you don't have to rigidly stick to the hero's journey formula, but there's a good reason it's so often repeated. i don't think many people will be able to relate to a protagonist that decides to give risk everything on a whim - just because it's fun?
consider walter white; same deal as your protagonist with one key difference: he has a reason to leave his comfort zone (beyond "it'll be cool and thrilling").
i suggest you introduce either a motive for the mc to become powerful (revenge, self defense, something like that) or a motive for him to escape his everyday life via the crime syndicate (maybe they offer him a solution to a severe problem that no one else can offer him)
i realize you aren't planning to make this anime but i still typed all this so here we are

>> No.22983108


>> No.22983387

>tfw failed to leave home
>tfw failed the hero's journey

>> No.22983527

you're just now becoming aware that things are not all well and good in the familiar land. the dissonance you feel is crucial. btw i'm the mentor and you're gonna decline at first and then later you'll accept the challenge. hmu when that happens and i'll give you some cryptic advice that'll only make sense later. here i'll give you a sample: great power comes great responsibility. dw there's more where that came from

>> No.22983737

finish up this thread

>> No.22984413

Nah dawg I'm just gonna neet til suicide

>> No.22984841

if anything the sad truth is that ruralites are just ignored as jobs evaporate so people have to work shitty jobs in the decadent cities. basically a repeat of the 1920s... though the inevitable great depression will be decades away this time around.