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/lit/ - Literature

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22967041 No.22967041 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that ANY ""reconstructed" or erasmian gay pronunciation of Greek or Latin is fake and a meme
>no indoeuropean language has vowel length natively, it's only a semitic feature
>erasmianfags talk about how beautiful and poetic their pronunciation is and then go "mayyyneen ayeeeday theyawwwww"
>only languages with vowel length (actually evidence in script) are arab and semitic
>"b-but let me tell you how to speak your language!"
>"b-but your ansisters were fake and gay trannies who spoke like howling monkeys!!"
>"let me take away your heritage"
>"let me rule you"
If you take this scheme seriously post foreskin lol. Oops is there something wrong?

>> No.22967050

t. modern Italian who thinks it's pronounced Giulio Cesare

>> No.22967060

Why is it always the people that dont know anything about the topic making the most noise
On an anonymous board of all places
Vanitas vanitatum

>> No.22967061

>t. says "guy-usss you-lee-us kike-tsar"
>t. no foreksin
>t. no more penis
>t. seething and dilating

>> No.22967062
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he's a creatura hellenica who got obliterated on /clg/, can't bait anyone there anymore and now he's trying elsewhere

>> No.22967063

I know, amerimutt Erasmianfags stay loosing pretending they have heritage!

>> No.22967065

t. hates german for being the closest to true latin pronunciation we have in the modern world

>> No.22967080

Hows it feel being dominated by kikes after having fought so hard against them??? Ahaha the turk cockroach is eating your wifes shit

>> No.22967088

if this nigga learned about the existence of some obscure polynesean language he would immediately claim to know better than the islanders

>> No.22967091

>Gaius ends in -us
>somehow it's pronounced -o

>> No.22967096

>neeeee letzen mir tell ihnen how to shpeek yoa langvage! zat iz nicht how yoa shpeek langvagina!
>i lieb zee kikes and am entschuldigung for vat I hab to them gedone!
>herr turkische cockroach bitte fuck my wife!

>> No.22967114
File: 45 KB, 1012x102, Τέχνη-Γραμματική-Βικιθήκη.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kills the turkish rapeslave

>> No.22967123
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>neeee vee musst geh and getten unser mandatory castration fur Israel!
>Danke ihnen jews! Lieber herr Turk bitte raise my kinder muslim!

>> No.22967130

You mean the german? Correct lol

>> No.22967132

We wuzz Romennn und Scheissee

>> No.22967138

No, we destroyed the Romans

>> No.22967146

This is for theatrical pronunciation you fucking german
Everyone extends and shortens their speaking when they act on a fucking stage you insolent turk rapeslave

>> No.22967157

>t. cannot even into english but pretends to know greek better than greeks
>t. foreskin and balls removed aftre last defense against jews failed

>> No.22967160
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>This is for theatrical pronunciation
holy pitaroach cope

>> No.22967161

Approximately 1700 years of your history was spent immitating them and failing
Rome killed itself and even in the crisis of the 300s was still shitting on muh ancestors
Whilst the Greeks and Romans were building capitals and temples your ancestors were living in mudhuts without the ability to write their own history. Asa matter of fact, that is the biggest cuckery ever: having your history written by others because you don't know how to write

>> No.22967164

greece is the only country that still defends its heritage with a traditionalist party
You are cucks of kikes and have your balls clipped off while turks fuck you from behind

>> No.22967168


>> No.22967170

Go choke on Mehmets circumcissed schnitzel in Neukoln you fucking worm

>> No.22967175

Yes amirimutts are also inbred, keep telling the truth!

>> No.22967183

>prithee! foresooth shakespeare beest the correctest english!

>> No.22967186
File: 317 KB, 828x581, 22d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself you fucking slave of kike turks

>> No.22967227

>5 posters
take your meds you seething shitskin

>> No.22967241

>t. german

>> No.22967248
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Die basedrman

>> No.22967254
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>5 ips
get a grip you bitch niggers

>> No.22967264

>t. german

>> No.22967268
File: 223 KB, 800x600, 1615461375353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hfw ruled by German kings
>hfw much of ancient Hellas rediscovered by German+Anglo archaeologists
>hfw irrelevant since turks took their anal virginity
>hfw told he's an ""Hellene"" by trolling anglos wanting to create a proxy state against turkey after they called themselves "Romaioi" for millennia(in fact neither)
>hfw fed by the crumbs of German economy and tourists

>> No.22967330

>hfw wife fucked by turk

>> No.22967339

I like how Germtards act like its a big own that their money is redistributed to the south so the based Meds can take their siestas and enjoy their wine lmao

>> No.22967358
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>>hfw wife fucked by t-ACK

>> No.22967363
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Yes, I enjoy the 109% of your paycheck while kikes cuck you politically and memhet destroys your wife's cunt

>> No.22967365

oh you're both schizophrenic huh? very cool

>> No.22967377

for me i pronounce every language with a thick american accent. fuck your thirdie barbarbar

>> No.22967388

And yet today a Jew rules you

>> No.22967389

>t. hates german for being the closest to true latin pronunciation we have in the modern world
From the major languages, it's Italian and then Spanish. The closest is Sardinian, from what I've heard.

>> No.22967400

Ecclesiastical Latin is absolutely confirmed to be the same as at least silver age Latin with probably only minor differences from classical(admittedly their spark of genius was lost), while Koine Greek and up is absolutely 100% confirmed to always be exactly the same and eternal. Only Homer uses strange words sometimes but if there were differences they were proto proto Mycenaean

>> No.22967403
File: 124 KB, 720x541, 1680189974304566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ecclesiastical Latin is absolutely confirmed to be the same as at least silver age Latin with probably only minor differences from classical(admittedly their spark of genius was lost), while Koine Greek and up is absolutely 100% confirmed to always be exactly the same and eternal. Only Homer uses strange words sometimes but if there were differences they were proto proto Mycenaean

>> No.22967414

Post foreskin so we can know where this obsession with trying to take away peoples ancestors is just a quirk and nothing more serious

>> No.22967443

>subhuman thinks there are "latins" that speak "latin"

>> No.22967459

>kike pretending their are not Latins
Ahead of the planning of taking peoples ancestors away Jerry? Rope yourself. Millions speak Latin languages today. Screenshot this post so the kike can't deny it

>> No.22967469
File: 17 KB, 400x400, lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22967470

someone send this thread to icycalm holy shit

>> No.22967477

>arf arf
>bow wow
>Bark bark
>Wan wan

>> No.22967496

so can you explain why lambs in pericles' age had a different dialect?

>> No.22967498

>das rite in 403BC Athenians adopted a new alphabet from Ionians and randomly used ι, η, υ, ει, οι, υι to represent the same sound /i/ for no reason at all *barfs residual turkish cum mixed with stiff bread cumbs from germany*

>> No.22967500

>hey I found irrefutable evidence your ancestors spoke like retarding monkeys!
>it goes: "old McDonald's had a farm, ee aye ee aye oh!" :)
>y u no believe me? :(
>y u no let me tell you how to speak your own language?
>y u no let me take away your heritage and history?

>> No.22967508
File: 6 KB, 210x130, ιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιι.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22967544

You wanted to take our history. You didn't realise: the greeks invented History.

Yes, the overman should come into this thread to destroy you.

>> No.22967547

>barfs residual turkish cum mixed with stiff bread cumbs from germany
The irony, lel! You have seen who's in Germany now? Only Mehmet and his roach friends. Sorry they are all sharing your wife!!

>> No.22967558
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>Romans have a perfectly working letter for the /i/ sound but randomly decide to import y and call it littera peregrina often mistaking it for u even doe Greeks totally spelled it as i

>> No.22967565
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Is it really that unbelievable that the pronunciation of a language has changed over the last 2000 years?

>> No.22967574

balkan hominids are at the minimum this delusional, yes, if you press him, he'll probably tell you that cucuteni-trypillia people too spoke something akin to modern demotic greek

>> No.22967580

Greek is a notoriously hard language for foreigners to master in every Age. I'm sorry it was too hard for you Hans Abdulali Atoglu von Liebenkike:)

>> No.22967586

>t. Circumcissed amerimutt

>> No.22967620

>t. Hans who thinks lambs talk
>meanwhile his wife is making lamb sounds while Kemal rails her throat

>> No.22967639

Mutts go five seconds without thinking of interracial sex challenge failed

>> No.22967642

>ay yooo listin, y'all know that wistirn city those Latins call "Roma" right? wi finna call it Ῥώμη with η which totally sounds like ι for no fucking rison whatsoivir

>> No.22967655

Amerimutt, where are your ancestors? Do you even know? I feel bad for you

>> No.22967660

Envy the pure Greek race more amerimutt without language or culture or history

>> No.22967677
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>hello my name is Dionysius of Halicarnassus I finna start writing about Roman history n sheit
>let's see, founder of the city? a certain ROMULUS
>of course I'm gonna transcribe his name as Ῥὼμυλος with υ, because υ sounds like ι and I have nothing better to do

>> No.22967696

Latins speak and spoke fast

>> No.22967709
File: 121 KB, 670x893, 1686613870375524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...and he had a brother, named REMUS, which I'm gonna spell as Ῥήμος again, just to fuck with people, with a sound which is definitely the same as ι lmao troled

>> No.22967800

Texts are modified by Jews often

>> No.22967816

You're Turkish

>> No.22967849

More like Turks are us because we fucked them so hard
And now they fuck the Germans
And you amerimutts don't even have ancestors

>> No.22967859
File: 38 KB, 358x700, gayreek high art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a bunch of herm fellaters, holy fuck

>> No.22967880

>t. German with no foreskin, Mehmet took it and his wife

>> No.22967895

Lol okay turk

>> No.22967930

Kill all German varvari holy fuck

>> No.22967935


>> No.22968462

In conclusion: erasmiansisters btfo, real Greek always

>> No.22968946


>> No.22969856

t. German

>> No.22969932

Exquisite bait

>> No.22969938

Germans stay losing

>> No.22969946

Who said anything about Germans, you fucking schizo?

>> No.22969950

LMFAO this fucking jewslave german

>> No.22969951

he's a poor little buck broken gayreek who can't accept his shithole nation and people aren't even worthy of cleaning the shoes of Germans

>> No.22969964

Ok Mehmet keep begging they will give you a job someday

>> No.22969965

Erasmian pronounciation is ugly as hell, so it loses automatically even if it is more accurate.

>> No.22969967
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>Ok Mehmet keep begging they will give you a job someday

>> No.22969972

The proof it's inaccurate is it's that ugly. No white man ever made such ugly sounds

>> No.22969992

What's ugly about it?

>> No.22970078

>"lass mich schau you how to schpeak your langvage"
>"you are alle vrong about how to schpeak your langvagina"
>"vatch, das ist so much mehr poetic"
>mayyyynin ayeeeday theyawww, payyyylayyyeeyadowww acheylayyyyoos :)

>> No.22970111

you sure your people arent suffering from serious lead contamination or something?
post your superior greek lit (from this century)

>> No.22970124

>from this century
What country has produced superior lit this century? Houellebecq slop is the only readable thing to come out of the west this century and his best novel was released in the 20th century.

>> No.22970128

In the Erasmian there is no difference between υ and ου. They pronounce both ou. What's up with that?
Another thing I don't get is pronouncing ζ as zd. Where did they get that from?

>> No.22970132

post an example or fuck off dimwit

>> No.22970134

No country has any examples, including Greece.

>> No.22970137

do you know what a comparison is? my point is, greece is economy is tourism dependant. useless fucking people that have nothing but their history
fuck off idiot

>> No.22970140

And let's call a spade a spade, northern Europeans prefer the Erasmian pronounciation because they are unable to memorize the orthography. Greeks don't need such an aid.
The accuracy is an excuse. I don't see them dropping the accent when they recite anything from the Hellenistic era and thereafter.

>> No.22970150


>> No.22970155

Greece is some of the smartest white people, which means smartest people on the planet. We have superior shipping, medicine, and engineering, which is all society really needs if you think about it. That we don't work our asses off for nothing is a testament to how smart we are, not the other way around.

>> No.22970163
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Choose one Turksonouglupulous

>> No.22970173

i guess i'll take your word for it, why not

>> No.22970203

Shut the fuck up brown German rape slave for the turks

>> No.22970278
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>> No.22970308

>In the Erasmian there is no difference between υ and ου.
there is afaik
>Another thing I don't get is pronouncing ζ as zd. Where did they get that from?
various kinds of evidence for this choice, one which is obvious is that Greeks themselves when σ met δ fused them as ζ as for example in Ὀλυμπίαζε(Thucydides), and since δ is voiced σ also gets voiced to /z/ regularly
albeit it's also true that originally they may have used it for the opposite /dz/ as for example in Zeus or ζυγόν

>> No.22970334

I know almost nothing about classical languages, but just using my general high iq that sounds like a complete ass pull and I generally doubt theories where an Ameritard college professor tells me how things 2000 years ago “actually” went.

>> No.22970336

Greek is a highly irregular language. Sorry it was too hard for you varvare

>> No.22970338
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*clap clap clap clap*

>> No.22970343

If you'd like more evidence and have the interest, see the current /clg/ where OP got destroyed. Don't mind him: Greeks have a difficult time understanding the extremely basic concept that language changes over time.

>> No.22970351

>there is afaik
Learn erasmian first, there isn't a difference. They literally said υ is u because it looks similar, no evidence even though Romans pronounce y as i.
Also try saying "sd." Is it even possible for the human mouth to make that sound? Retard

>> No.22970354

stop samefagging pitachimp this is getting embarrassing

>> No.22970357

Ye its totally a big conspiracy against your autistic theory of how a language worked 300 years ago

>> No.22970359

Greeks don't have a hard time understanding anything retard, we know our language changed a lot, we have the most ancient documents in the world and they obviously have different words sometimes, even though often they were just for writing and the language was probably closer to demotic than they left evidence. We just don't want the Germans taking our heritage or especially the Jews. If anyone else claimed they spoke languages better than the natives, like if amerimutts claimed to speak Chinese of Confucius better than the Chinese, sjws would be up in arms about it. But Germans and jealous Jews victimize us and nobody cares for some reason. It's okay because you can't take our history, Greece invented history

>> No.22970364

Nobody cares about your theory which is literal guess work combined with German jealousy and Jewish subterfuge against people with actual history, amerimutt

>> No.22970371
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>> No.22970374


>> No.22970377

Post foreskin
Unless it's missing for some reason? Hm?

>> No.22970388
File: 24 KB, 969x74, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh pitamonke vros....

>> No.22970389

Either kike or slave of the kikes

>> No.22970394


>> No.22970395

Stop posting that same document as your literally only evidence. Who proves it isn't a kike forgery? Anyway ζ is called a double sound because it was said with emphasis, it's also said with emphasis in English monkey kike amerimutt

>> No.22970397

Yes that's right. Greeks have always been great scoundrels. It's because we're smarter. What smart person do you know who follows rules?

>> No.22970399
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>> No.22970402

What happened to your foreskin? Suspicious..

>> No.22970404

Make sure you keep sending 30% of your paycheck to the ECB so kyrokos can buy his gyros and go to the beach

>> No.22970405

Not too different from your Jewish brothers

>> No.22970409

Lol ratio

>> No.22970414

You're right. Kikes have brains but no manliness, African varvari have manliness but no brains. Thats why both are more respectable but more dangerous than Germans and amerimutts who have neither. Only Greeks have both brains and balls. Glorious uncircumcised ones unlike your kike ones which are so useless you go half the way to castrate them yourselves

>> No.22970418

It's proof of great intelligence to have slaves. We didn't stop having slaves. The Germans are our slaves now

>> No.22970425
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pitamonke sistirs.....Dionisos betrayed us as well.....
Dionisos Alikarnasseus more like Dionisos Allemandeus....

>> No.22970438

>there is afaik
Maybe in theory but in practice they pronounce them the same.

>> No.22970442

Yes, it is halfway between those sounds. Now go back to sucking Kemal

>> No.22970477

You don't circumcise balls retard

>> No.22970488
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>> No.22970509

And you would know kike?

Ancients used words in broad ways.

>> No.22970518
File: 5 KB, 179x170, 1678481638319390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ancients used words in broad ways.
pitamonke u so funny

>> No.22970544

>Checkmate Euro only my penis was sliced by Dr Goldman, not my balls

>> No.22970692

Emasculated kikes lmfao

>> No.22971020

Kike detected

>> No.22971054

Hungarian kike