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22969718 No.22969718 [Reply] [Original]

>hurr the concept of hell is dumb le eternal suffering is not le possible!!
why not?
>it's just not ok??!

>> No.22969731
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>my political opponents WILL be punished! You'll see!

>> No.22969744
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>God forgives. An eternity of punishemnt is not the behaviour of an all loving Father. He knows there is good in all His creatures. Therefore I reject the idea of endless suffering.

>> No.22969848

Is Satan suffering in hell or is he enjoying it?

>> No.22969852

When you're basically this part under your chin where the neck connects softly, because of a dimensions problem and when you know what to do normally, without that part, you don't. You need to stay wise and use that part.

Maybe then you'll fix this.

>> No.22969853

Satan being separated from God its his own suffering.

>> No.22969859
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God forgives, but God also requires justice. That’s why Jesus Christ had to die in our place, becoming sin for us. This is why our eternal salvation is a free gift from God.

> But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

The second we believe in Jesus’ offer of eternal life, we are instantly sealed by the Spirit forever.

> In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
Ephesians 1:13

Anyone reading this can be instantly saved right now if they trust in Christ alone for their eternal salvation.

> Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.
John 6:47

>> No.22969867

We can’t earn our way into heaven by good deeds. It’s only by accepting the free gift of salvation that we are saved. This gift is by a simple belief in Christ, not of works.

> 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
>9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9

>> No.22969871

King of kings, Lord of lords. It's all good bar one reason.

>> No.22969874

Going uncontrollably forward through dimension. I got the crowns, and the little pink snoochie.

>> No.22969907

With the dimensions I have available in 2-form I can produce infinite stability as long as I focus, so much so, the do, 'stay wise' is a stable zone. It produces a thought that is stable. I mainly use knowledge plus the 2 of a crown on the left and pirate hat (that has jokes concerning parts of a ship associated with it), on the right.

>> No.22969933

It seems to be that I have only a front end, any do is lopsided and out in front.

>> No.22969936

I just stumbled upon, thus, the way I need to act is against something quite wild rather than a straight left right.

>> No.22969939

So there's no point in being good?

>> No.22969994

That's cool and all but Mohammed is the true prophet so whatever you're whining about it is evidently false.

>> No.22970004
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>hurr the concept of hell is smart le eternal suffering is le possible!!
why yes?
>it just is ok??!

>> No.22970017
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Just because eternal salvation is a free gift, doesn't mean that there's no point in being good.

Being good:
1. Results in eternal rewards
2. Can bring earthly blessings
3. Improves spiritual health
4. Pleases God

The list goes on. Just because Jesus has already earned eternal life for us, doesn't mean that we should stop working. But even if we do stop working, then Christ is still faithful to save us.

>5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
>6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,
>7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
>8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
Romans 4:5-8

>> No.22970020

Scientifically speaking, you get used to pain. After millions of years unending suffering would eventually turn to ambivalence. The pain would wear off the more you get used to it.

>> No.22970022

Just trust in my super duper intellect. Understand that if it can be done properly, it is, to the highest degree of good.

>> No.22970028

Apparently the blood sacrifice is over. It's something about you stumbling upon some truths at the same time as I'm doing the moves round about what I said earlier. So my next move may be apt

>> No.22970036


Absolutely not. It is not even possible to be good.

>> No.22970043

>Scientifically speaking
Biblically speaking, the torment goes on for eternity.

>And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Revelation 14:11

Fortunately, God has made salvation incredibly, incredibly easy. Just believe Jesus' offer of eternal life. That's it. The second that you fully trust in the fact that Jesus has earned eternal life for us, then you're saved eternally. You can't bribe your way into heaven by your own works, there's no heavy burden that you need to bear to be saved; it's simply by trusting Jesus Christ when he says:
>Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.
John 6:47

But if you refuse this gift, then you remain condemned.

>He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
John 3:18

>> No.22970054

It is possible to do good. Atheists, Muslims, Catholics, JWs etc. do good.

But this won't bring them eternal life. Why? Because it is not possible to impress God with our goodness, for the sake of earning eternal life.

>But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
Isaiah 64:6

The only "good" that will ever result in anyone going to heaven is if they trust in Jesus Christ, because Jesus (being God in the flesh) was the only person to ever keep the law perfectly, and then died as a sacrifice for our sins, and then rose from the dead for our justification.

>> No.22970075

The suffering or 'fire' of hell is unironically Christs love burning them. You're right, that idea is ridiculous: God and Christ are only love, only forgiveness, but his love and forgiveness burn the souls of those who, in this life, have hardenes their hearts with sin, and act with hate and disdain for Him amd his endless love and mercy.

>> No.22970130
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>point to being good
No, this isn't an RPG. Nobody's going to give you an enchanted sword because you did the right thing.

>> No.22970177

I don't think you understand what being good means.
Each time you leave your house you should marvel at how someone did not slit your throat just for fun.

>> No.22970206

Alright, keep engaging in moral calculus like an autistic freak then

>> No.22970215

All religion niggers can do is try to scare you with fear into their faith, bunch of pathetic little rats

>> No.22970222

What are you, illiterate or something?
Go watch some chinks driving over kid's heads in China.

>> No.22970239

How exactly does that effect my decision to do good?

>> No.22970250

Shut up, imbecile.

>> No.22970281

there's that christian love and compassion

>> No.22970313

You are the first ones to talk about love and compassion of Christians while showing neither yourselves, you snake.

>> No.22970332

If I watch enough LiveLeak videos do I get armor with fire resistance or ice resistance?

>> No.22970378

Imagine yourself in their place.

>> No.22970396

>christianity is about being a misanthropic troll
i do agree with you... for the wrong reasons

>> No.22970401

Yeah, that sure would suck! Still don't see how this means I shouldn't do good.

>> No.22970432

>eternal anything
Refuted by thermodynamics thoughbeit

>> No.22970444

>shouldn't do good.
I wasn't arguing with you. I was saying to an imbecile that good is not correlated with receiving an enchanted weapon in RPG.

>> No.22970456

Perpetuity ≠ Eternity
Get your shit straight, assholes.

>> No.22970462

I'm that guy. The point was that doing good doesn't require a reward. I don't know why you're accusing others of being illiterate.

>> No.22970476

>pointing out that non christian chinks drive over kid's heads just to avoid paying hospital bills is now le racist
Crawl back to your upboat interwebs you flamming faggot.

>> No.22970485

So we are arguing for the same thing lol.
All good fren

>> No.22970502
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>> No.22970508

do you talk like that in church?

>> No.22970540

Do you talk to your mother same way you talk in a locker room with the lads?
There is time and place for everything, even shit talking.
Or are you a puritan or something?

>> No.22970574

nta, but there is no benefit of using vulgar and insulting language like faggot, regardless of the context, situation, or scenario.

>> No.22970612

From a metaphysical point of view the insulting language emerges due to inherently unnatural and disgusting behaviour which can only be defined by a vile and foul language which said behaviour summons.
There is absolutely no need to take cock up the arse.
Therefore, I maintain that calling someone a faggot is absolutely necessary and vital, especially in cases when it is dully deserved.

>> No.22970627

>my ridiculous idea that has no reasonable ground to stand on is real because saying it's not real is in my view cringe
I am just stunned, I guess the hell is real after all, I better stop sinning and give poor people all my money so I don't end up there when I die!

>> No.22970630

There is a special place in Hell for people who worship a God who presides over a Hell.

If such a God is God, all is lost, there is no hope, and you might as well worship Satan. Trust your human heart, not you mental categories.

>> No.22970638

>Trust your human heart
I'd rather trust a gambler with my life savings than trust my human heart lol

>> No.22970656
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>I better stop sinning and give poor people all my money so I don't end up there when I die!
The only thing that will get you into heaven is trusting in Jesus Christ for eternal life. If you're trusting in how good you are, then you're screwed. Only Jesus Christ was perfect, which is why He had to die on the cross for us.

Now, believe in Christ for the free gift of eternal life. It's not your works that save you, but rather having faith in Jesus Christ for eternal life.

>8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
>9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9

>Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.
John 6:47

The second you believe, you are instantly sealed with the Spirit forever.

>In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
Ephesians 1:13

>> No.22970670

I genuinely wonder what will happen to those without grace.

>> No.22970677
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>make imperfect beings
>get angry at them for being imperfect

>> No.22970694

>ill will use the enjoyment argument
I would enjoy slitting your throat and since it's enjoyable to me I guess it's fine by you?

>> No.22970752

why are all tradlarpers on this site psychopaths?

>> No.22970755

Why are all tourists faggots?

>> No.22970812
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go make another "atheism is a religion" thread retard, i'm sure God will appreciate all your effort.

>> No.22970828

You got it wrong, only Vishnu is real and is the path to become one with Brahman.

>> No.22970846
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>Watch paradise and one evil serpent who i grant free will to
>Watch as Eve, who does not know lies or falsehood or evil or misdirection, is tricked in to eating from the tree of life/knowledge by said serpent
>Comdemn Eve and all her offspring to eternal sin, damnation, suffering and pain
>Also ejected from paradise
>Some time later deciede to send down ⅓ of me, who is not the other ⅔ of me, but still is in a way
>Purposefully have him humiliated, tortured and killed to pardon the sin i originally condemned them for
>Raise the ⅓ of me from the dead, who is not me, but in a way erasing the sacrifice and then call it mercy

>> No.22970863
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>But this won't bring them eternal life.
Why would one wish for eternal life? If i am to rest forever and fade to nothingness, i do so happy that i raised a good family and left my land better than i found it.

>> No.22970888

the only locker room theology is paganism, early christer apologists argued against what they saw as the morally repulsive conduct of the greek gods and heroes, yet here you are pretending Christianity is fully compatible with incel style bile—and in a way it is, if you are willing to become a 4th century style thug-monk, but you are really just a 2020's fedora trying to get a rise out of non-christians on the internet (where nothing is really but christianity especially is reduced to a costume)
here is a cut and dry instance of your neofedorism, if only the opponent knew how [meta]physics worked he wouldn't believe such dumb things!

>> No.22971008

Waste of trips on an imbecilic ramblings.
There were actual Christian saints, yes, saints and yet you don't believe in what they have to say. Hell, I bet you've never even read any of their works. Yet you attack a filthy mouthed Christian anon on the internet, saying, "you're not holy enough for me".
You are full of yourself and you know it.

>> No.22971024


I totally lost the game this life.

>> No.22971027

So did you by the looks of it. That's not how you solve this riddle. Penises. But then again, it was tricky for me too.

>> No.22971032

A duck would have been better. Faggies.

>> No.22971035

Cretin, you lost an argument.

>> No.22971046

As much as I want to be sexually perverse to you it's not currently on my mind and won't be forever if you play your cards right. In other words, let's make this a better place with physical altercation.

>> No.22971348

>you attack a filthy mouthed Christian anon
and i would do it again christlarper

>> No.22971543

Just don't get attacked back, stinking trannie

>> No.22971611

>everyone is degenerate except me
how much porn is on your phone cumbrain?

>> No.22971641

Hell is a pagan idea and does NOT belong in Christianity.

>> No.22971646

>degeneracy is a sore spot for this one
Are you becoming obsessed with your own sins?

>> No.22971649

God keeps incrementing your consciousness thus makes you capable of perceiving ever increasing levels of pain

>> No.22971658
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>> No.22971678

"God is Love" vs "God is loving".

>> No.22971699

Hell is simply your eternal soul being so corupted and far gone that you can no longer feel the light and love of God. You can interpret that as you wish. If you imagine it as just never ending physical torture that's because of your finite mental abilities.

>> No.22971700
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>> No.22971926
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>The experience of infinite pleasure or infinite pain is equally outside your comprehension for now, you just have to wait to see