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/lit/ - Literature

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22963724 No.22963724 [Reply] [Original]

zoomers eat this shit up like its a masterpiece when its just misery porn about a retard addicted to banging prostitutes

>> No.22963754

I gotta agree I used to read it once a year back when I was 19-23 or so, I read it some 5 times total, back then I thought this was the hardest shit around
around 25 I tried reading it again and couldn't get past the first 50 pages
okay I get it woe is me I'm a truecel yet I get hoes ok bro clearly you're not LDARing and ropemaxxing so stfu? I swear fakecels are insufferable much like Cioran man wrote 20 books on why we should just kill ourselves then has a wife and two kids fucking hell
I feel like Amery wrote much better on topic on death, it's comparing apples and oranges anyhow since it's approached from a wholly different angle but the man killed himself in the end so his shit is true... he was a j*w though so [redacted]

>> No.22963781

Take your meds

>> No.22963803

>misery porn about a retard addicted to banging prostitutes
I don't recall giving Dazai permission to publish my diary

>> No.22963818

I'm right THOUGH

>> No.22964303
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If the wikipedia summary of his bibliography is at all accurate, almost his entire body of work is just a semi-autobiographical description of how badly he wanted to kill himself for being a lonely alienated weirdo

>> No.22965491

This, but unironically

>> No.22965506

bros...i was born into a rich family...but then i developed vices in my youth...now i hate myself...i want to kill myself...if only i could dual suicide with my waifu...that'd be kino...kino... kin-

>> No.22965690
File: 26 KB, 290x227, Osamu_dazai_19480619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22965726

Semi-biographies about privileged under achievers and their boring lives are overrated.
>smart but lazy
>popular with the other sex yet can't find true love
>rich but distant parents
>drug abuse
>"gee bill! how come your mom let's you eat TWO wieners?"
I'm so bored of it all. I'm gonna go to the bookstore and ask the clerk to recommend me the shittiest book they can think of and I'm sure it'll be better than 99% of said shit.

>> No.22965735

He tried to pussy out the last second.
>At the time, there was a lot of speculation about the incident, with theories of forced suicide by Tomie. Keikichi Nakahata, a kimono merchant who frequented the young Tsushima family, was shown the scene of the water ingress by a detective from the Mitaka police station. He also speculates that "Dazai was asked to die, and he simply agreed, but just before his death, he suddenly felt an obsession with life".

>> No.22965773

yeah it really is just sad porn, and it's semi-autobiographical

>> No.22965789

I like this book because the main character is such a loathesome, pathetic piece of shit that I feel better about myself by comparison

>> No.22965863

Still better than anything English-speakers ever came up with
Literally a scat fetishist book by a degenerate faggot

>> No.22965893

Shut up, you retarded ESL weeb.

>> No.22966060
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>Shut up, you retarded ESL weeb.

>> No.22966107

You retarded weeb trash, at least read good Japanese literature and stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.22966229

it is amazing how the mind can destroy what should've been a good life, ignoring the rapes, and abuse from the parents. If he wasn't born autistic he would've lived pretty sweet

>> No.22966237

zoomers do not eat up any book LOL. ZOOMERS DONT READ HAHAHAHAHHAH

>> No.22966515

>ignoring the rapes and abuse from the parents

>> No.22966667


>> No.22966918

>words words words
i'm not going to read your blogpost lmao

>> No.22966984

stop trying so hard, it's embarrassing

>> No.22967231

mishima mogs

>> No.22967269

Zoomers are women and can only read genre fiction and womanish drama

They think in terms of "characters" having "experiences," and can't see anything above or beyond that. Just like a woman. When you tell them "read a book" they hear "watch a worse version of a forgettable Hollywood schmalzy movie in your head." Even when they read something canonical like Shakespeare or Dostoevsky, they reduce it to characters having feelings about (simple, comprehensible to zoomers) events. It's all woman drama to them. You'd think the male zoomers would at least enjoy a more masculine take on this watered-down form of reading, like preferring sword-and-sorcery, but nope, they can ONLY read either total genre schlock or fiction reduced to a soap opera.

The one exception is when they read fantasy, but they read fantasy "as" an anime series or video game, or some combination of the two, and what they're really doing is "thinking about the setting" and its features (magic systems etc.), while reading. What they really think they're doing is reading a poorly laid out lore wiki. They are ultimately trying to figure out Boromir's power level or the "stats" on the Ring of Power, and waiting for "the romance" to take place between character A and character B, based on what could be interpreted as their flirtation in earlier chapters. Not because there was anything substantial there, but because there must be a "the romance," because it's a story, and stories are little boilerplate soap operas.

>> No.22967424

It's funny you took this chance to air out all your seething frustration about zoomers when the opposite is happening in this post.
Zoomers seem to be getting *something* out of this book, which is at least somewhat removed from typical zoomer drama. Meanwhile >>22963724 interprets it pretty much as plainly and superficially as you described. A miserable retard bangs prostitutes.

>> No.22967439

bros im so sad im finna kms fr fr

>> No.22967456

Lit has been eating this up since the board started

>> No.22967520

Zoomers are sick to death of their riskless joyless screen-mediated lives. They're fascinating by tales of actual suffering and trauma

>> No.22967560
File: 132 KB, 640x958, Osamu_Dazai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual suffering and trauma

>> No.22967566

poor worship is so pathetic

>> No.22967575
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based af & hugely underrated post, fyi

>> No.22967664

no no no, you don't get it, zoomers bad! brainrot!

>> No.22967685

>Zoomers seem to be getting *something* out of this book,
They're only aware of it bc it was popularized by that one faggot creepypasta youtuber who also popularized Blood Meridian

>> No.22968406

Its fucking underground Lit man, dude read Dostoevsky's Notes from the Underground and developed a raging hard on

>> No.22968415

>oh boohoo i no longer enjoy a piece of media after having indulged in it several times

>> No.22968466

Books such as this are basically for midwitted young people

>> No.22968551

>misery porn about a retard addicted to banging prostitutes
would probably still be an improvement over my life desu

>> No.22968684

>misery porn about a well born, handsome retard addicted to banging prostitutes

>> No.22968721
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>TFW you will never be a well born, rich, handsome retard addicted to banging prostitutes

>> No.22968904

crazy to see this lumped in with shit like Coleen Hoover
I remember reading it when I was a teen, but it never left much of an impression on me. I have a theory that the book is only effective within the context of Dazai's life
what the fuck are you saying
nothing wrong with that

>> No.22969673
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it's crazy how fast anyone from a moderately wealthy family starts thinking they're part of the lower class the moment something bad happens to them
>could've cleaned up and lived a quiet life with his parents' money
but he thought he was the center of the universe and couldn't imagine a life like that. tangentially i know a girl from a well off family that loves to whine about living in the third world and how bad it is while living in a big house away from all the dangers of a third world country