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22966803 No.22966803 [Reply] [Original]

Pornography is a disgraceful activity

>> No.22967188
File: 72 KB, 640x563, rapebait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two young men allegedly risked jail to drug and rape that

>> No.22967206

She was kind of a cute tomboy back in the day, I think she gained a lot of this weight and stopped doing her hair after the rape which Ive heard can be a pretty common reaction. Assuming the rape thing happened (I know it's been disputed) it could've also been a power thing about "showing this stupid feminist" not anything to do with her appearance

>> No.22967217

it seems insane to me that such an obvious bullying nutcase became a thought leader

>> No.22967222

elaborate, I do like jerking off to porn

>> No.22967233

She always represented the extreme end and became pretty far removed from feminist circles as her output got wackier

>> No.22967246

She was pimped out by some D*tch scumbag

>> No.22967294
File: 505 KB, 586x907, DDD4A1E7-5F46-46FD-BC42-06B2DD458CD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pornography is disgusting. erotica is based.

>> No.22967308

If it's so disgraceful, why does my pee-pee get hard when i see it
That's nature's way of affirming its correctness
Dworkin is just jelly cause she's fat and ugly
If she were alive today, she'd be whoring herself out on O.F

>> No.22967341
File: 253 KB, 1600x2575, dworkin_mugshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was kind of a cute tomboy back in the day
she was always a fuck-ugly jew cow who hated sex bc the only kind of men her hideous ass could ever pull were degenerate misogynist scumbags

>> No.22967348

Id smash

>> No.22967412

why are there women on this board.

>> No.22967428

Waiting for the incel response to this

>> No.22967449

Fat-era Dworkin sits on your face, what do you do?

>> No.22967464

cum everywhere

>> No.22967468

The rape was supposed to have taken place 10 years after my picrel. So she was well beyond any 'cute tomboy' days she may have had.

>> No.22967481

Well then we are left with
A) bbw lovers
B) anti feminists
C) she made it up
I believe at this point people are going to just choose from the above along ideological lines

>> No.22967485

If I don't masturbate I can't read. I simply can't concentrate. Masturbating brings me peace of mind.

>> No.22967489

Never underestimate a nigger.

>> No.22967536

likewise. i didnt begin regularly using internet porn to masturbate until i was like 16 years old, & it occurs to me now that most of my stereotypical young teenaged angst & aggression was just accumulated sexual frustration from never getting off. low test low libido nofap retards can & will never understand males like us

>> No.22967614

You're fucked

>> No.22967634


>> No.22967644

Dworkin is about to sit on your face

>> No.22968376

those are some grade-a dick-sucking lips

>> No.22968382


>> No.22968395

beat off

>> No.22968482


>> No.22969120

>Pornography is a disgraceful activity
it's not an activity
t. dean learner

>> No.22969442

I could barely make out what he was saying. Can someone provide a transcript?

>> No.22969513

What if it's gay porn?

>> No.22969553



>> No.22969574

agreed, it's extremely harmful to young men

>> No.22969577

And heroin addicts like using heroin

>> No.22969897

Pornography is dangerous to adolescent minds, because such minds are still developing, but in reality, it's no more dangerous to adolescents than movies and art in general — because all this shit is fantasy made to barrage the senses, typically with a sociopolitical agenda behind it. Everything needs to be moderated with adolescents. Adolescents should be encouraged to play physical sports and live in the present moment with their peers rather than engage with anything we would call "passive" entertainment (including books).

That said, this woman is psychotic, because she aggrandizes porn the same way incels aggrandize women or the Nazis aggrandized the Jews. She attributes far more power to a single thing than is necessary because she possesses a deep inferiority complex in relation to that thing. Listening to her is just as bad as listening to some Soviet moron advocating broadcasting all kinds of porn on public television to all ages. Both people are sick and have sick views.

>> No.22970415

Really? I'd say that most thought leaders are by nature obvious, bullying nutcase.

>> No.22970420


>> No.22970421

not comparable

>> No.22970492

They're absolutely comparable: if we step outside and look at them on principle, you derive pleasure from the activity and it's inherently bad for you. This is just cope so you can continue in your vice.

>> No.22971259
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Today I remind them

>> No.22971272

Feminsts don't care about males abusing each other.

>> No.22971273

I like Camille Paglia but she strikes me as a false-flag operator when she attacks other feminists like this

>> No.22971284

She resented second wave feminism coming to be monopolized by shrill neurotic whiners with near-psychotic persecution delusions. In a way, it was really another expression of the male gaze: the only way men can fathom women having an organized discourse critical of men is to imagine it as a bunch of neurotic whining cunts, so they unconsciously give more air time to the unwell Dworkins and grifter Steinems, simply because they assume that's what a feminist looks like. Want to have a feminist on for a debate or interview? Get that cunt on here, you know the one, the really shrill cunt who writes those whining books.

Paglia identified with a libertarian form of feminism that surmounted differences and difficulties and sublimated them rather than falling into an eternal recurrence of the termagant archetype. She had to watch that dream die, as feminism became a yuppie pastime and installed itself in the mediocre bourgeois firmament. So she has some bitterness.

>> No.22971291

yeah, but still. she strikes me as a traitor or something

>> No.22971463

And now you strike me as an idiot.

>> No.22971816

That's not true, bell hooks wrote a lot in defense of young men, who she thought were made patriarchal through abuse from older patriarchal men.

>> No.22971821

this but the exact opposite

>> No.22971833
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Define "pornography". Isn't the Dworkinoid meaning anything and everything "degrading to women"?

>> No.22971866
File: 23 KB, 510x329, dramatic-before-and-after-heroin-picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a fucking retard, you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.22971988

The chemical process between masturbating, heroin, and falling in love are essentially indistinguishable. Are you saying falling in love is as bad as taking heroin, too? Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if you are, because you wouldn't be the first mongoloid to think this.

>> No.22972564


>> No.22974154

Do you know of any place to find this book? I am borderline autistic, and so I've scheduled my complete reading list for the next few years, with a general theme for each year. In 2024, I'm reading mostly theology and literature on sexuality (including anti-pornography literature and other more traditionalist views on sexuality). I'm scheduled to read this book sometime in March, but I'm having a hard time finding it anywhere. Should I just find a pdf inakmstead?

>> No.22974166

don't go near feminists, and are unable to get it up with ugly women
Fat fetishists are ALWAYS engaged to rich lardos like that Tess model. They have no need to rape especially a mishappen jew
She just made it up. 80% of rape accusations that don't get investigated are fake. 100% of rape accusations by feminists or other fat women are fake
She did have rape fantasies though.

>> No.22974171

Reminder dworkin was pro-child rape and pro-bestiality
Scum, glad she's dead and with 0 offspring

>> No.22974621

>Reminder dworkin was pro-child rape and pro-bestiality
Any quotes or videos on this?

>> No.22974667
File: 165 KB, 827x1020, 1676251309171791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat jewess writes a book crying about porn, meanwhile..

>> No.22975570

if porn is so bad, why do more and more women make a career on onlyfans?

>> No.22975575

what's a pornography? post examples

>> No.22975614

>Are you saying falling in love is as bad as taking heroin, too

>> No.22975670

What's disgraceful is the anti-human religious notion that sexuality is a dirty and shameful thing that needs to be repressed and hidden.
>Men Possessing Women
she is just seething that no man wants to possess her

>> No.22975745

she's talking about nude magazines, sex tapes, and snuff films

keep in mind she wrote in the 70s and 80s

>> No.22975945

I actually like the spirit of where Dworkin is coming from. Don't get me wrong, she's totally nuts, the original feminazi.
But I think her stuff genuinely comes from worrying about women and girls and how they're exploited. Combined with obvious resentment over what happened to her.
But it's refreshing and noble compared to the vanity driven performative bullshit that passes for feminism today.

As far as insane people go at least she was real

>> No.22975973

In an ideal world porn would be banned. It sedates men and degrades women.

>> No.22975979

Studies have been run separately showing that repeated porn exposure reduces human belief in God and connection to God, dehumanizes the human form; AND that it reduces the functioning of the pineal gland

>> No.22976553

Not that it matters but I wrote >>22971284 and didn't post >>22971463

>> No.22977190

You've seen what people on /gif/ like

>> No.22977209

Can I see them?

>> No.22978425

only because you've allowed your body to depend on orgasms for relaxation. It's like saying "I can only bear reality when I'm drunk" and thinking it's normal.

>> No.22978456

>while this book may meet much resistance—anger, fear, dislike—law? police? courts? —at this moment I must write: Ive attacked the fundaments of culture, thats ok. Ive attacked male dominance, thats ok. Ive attacked every heterosexual notion of relation, thats ok. Ive in effect advocated the use of drugs, thats ok. Ive in effect advocated fucking animals, thats ok. here and now, New York City, spring 1974, among a handful of people, publisher and editor included, thats ok. lower case letters are not. it does make one wonder.
Lower case attracts the weirdest people.
The ters were discussing this passage: https://ovarit.com/o/FeministBooks/28249/question-about-dworkin-s-women-hating
>Primary bestiality (fucking between people and other animals) is found in all nonindustrial societies. Secondary bestiality (generalized erotic relationships between people and other animals) is found everywhere on the planet, on every city street, in every rural town. Bestiality is an erotic reality, one which clearly place people in nature, not above it
>Needless to say, in androgynous community, human and other-animal relationships would become more explicitly erotic, and that eroticism would not degenerate into abuse. Animals would be part of the tribe and, with us, respected, loved, and free
This is standard New Leftist bullshit. These freaks were hiding behind pre-capitalist societies to justify breaking down any sort of community in their countries - which was exactly the goal of capitalists that were funding and publishing their books. They never wanted a reactionary return to extended (and even more patriarchical) families of le third world.

>> No.22978464

>destroys eight decades of feminism


>> No.22978472

Real talk, why is dworkins so obsessed with women putting snakes in their vaginas, like it is always her go to example for how depraved porn is. Was this a thing in the 70s?

>> No.22978503

Writer's poorly disguised fetish.

>> No.22978532

>she's talking about nude magazines, sex tapes, and snuff films

Most fetish stuff doesn't need to involve nudity and sex FYI and it'll be called "porn"

>> No.22978543

she's just mad dworkin opposed pornography

>> No.22978555

>starting heroin use at 30
wew lad

>> No.22978659
