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22966315 No.22966315 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>22962268

>> No.22966323 [DELETED] 

Astounded by the factual nepotism of my day. Hurrah and hurrumph.

>> No.22966331

The best literature in the world isn't nearly as transcendent an experience as sticking your face between a pawgs buttcheeks

>> No.22966334

and everything else is cope

>> No.22966337

The general chaos and violence caused by Israel is very frustrating to me. Not because of any particular love or hate for Israel, but rather because in my perfect world, the whole Earth would be made up of Israels. Little ethnostates for every ethnic group on Earth. That way there would be peace on Earth; you won't have ethnic conflict if everyone has their own homeland that will forever be theirs.

>> No.22966343

I know this is going to come as a shock but some people don't consider their racial/ethnic identity to be an important or defining aspect of themselves.

>> No.22966348
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What happened to the white man's Faustian spirit? Nowadays most white men just jack off, sit in a pool of semen and think about suicide, while playing vidya and smoking weed

>> No.22966349

Man discovers for the first time that nationalism literally only results in violence and ethnic cleansing

>> No.22966351

>The general chaos and violence caused by Israel is very frustrating to me
But the thousands and millions of rapefugees heading to Europe is not frustrating to you at all.

>> No.22966352

Meme degree the poast

>> No.22966353

It's going to come as a really big shock how often your family will murder you for a better cut of land too

>> No.22966357

Only ape in captivity jacks off

>> No.22966359

Evolution is never kind to populations with a malfunctioning sense of altruism.

>> No.22966362

because faust is a tragic tale and he gains nothing in his source for knowledge (which he only understood to clap pawg cheeks anyways). then the devil took his woman, and then he tried to talk to her but god takes his woman.

>> No.22966363

Uhhhh, how are you measuring countries which didn't exist at time? Is that one of the complications?

>> No.22966367

A tiny minority of neurotics, yes. Any actual social science demonstrates that the average person even after centuries of ideology forcing them to think they are just atomized generic "world citizens" still thinks their culture, religion, people (however defined), etc. are important.

What you are seeing is the result of a century of phony internationalism, or rather the power politics of technocratic cliques masquerading as internationalist in order to prevent nationalist challenges to their own power. Read Carl Schmitt's essay, "The Age of Depoliticizations and Neutralizations," at the end of Concept of the Political.

>> No.22966369

I don't care what a bunch of retarded faggots do when I'm gone

>> No.22966377

I wondered a bit if the best answer to Newcomb's paradox. My current thinking is
>Pick box B. If B is filled then take A
>Pick box B. If B is empty then don't take A
My reason for thinking in this way, is to force the God in a dilemma were in regardless of its prediction it'll be wrong.

>> No.22966378

>you're neurotic if you try to define yourself by your interests, attitude and tastes instead of by your immutable ethnicity

>> No.22966401

No dude, jews are just a race of psychopaths

>> No.22966403

It's just Britain trying to not lose a lot of output through registering Ireland as Britain, while sectioning off Netherlands from Spain, and so on. They also hate to print lists of Scottish intellectuals and inventors near lists of English intellectuals and inventors. Irish record keeping accounts for a lot of Baltic and German and Icelandic records around 1400. I wouldn't be surprised if Greece being absent didn't account for a lot of Ottoman records being absent in the Balkans and Austria-Hungary accounts too.
The ancient Western World would also only exist because of those Arab and Ottoman records reintroduced to the West, so there's probably some biased counting where Greece does exist for Events and Figures, but does not for percentage depth of records.

>> No.22966405

Yeah everyone else in history has just been holding hands and singing kumbaya

>> No.22966406

Anyone wanna see a pic of my breakfast? I made corned beef hash and eggs

>> No.22966407

That doesn't matter. In 1946 Indian people might have defined themselves by their interests or passions. In 1947 they were killed for being Hindu/Sikh/Muslim. It's the same for the Tutsis in 1990s Rwanda. I don't like that ethnicity is the foundation of a person in relation to the rest of the world, but it is.

>> No.22966410

>registering Ireland as Britain,
Ireland was Britain. In fact, part of Ireland still is Britain.

>> No.22966415

go ahead

>> No.22966418
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>> No.22966423

You're not supposed to take the genodical atrocity as an example of how to act lmao

>> No.22966447

looks pretty good, great job anon

>> No.22966448

Coulda been better. I put the potatoes in too late so they werent as crispy as I would have prefered

>> No.22966451

looks like shit

>> No.22966456

How do you determine who gets what land?

>> No.22966457

We would if it wasn’t for you, meddling rabbi

>> No.22966459

It's definitely slop but it ain't gross.

>> No.22966460

The best breakfasts always look like smashed up garbage

>> No.22966465

NTA but whoever has the lowest casualties after the war

>> No.22966469

That's what got us into this mess in the first place man

>> No.22966473

Defending oneself from such an act, and preventing it from happening, is the primary motive in politics. Everything else comes second to that.

History has proven that regions of ethnic and religious diversity are never far away from breaking out into fullblown sectarian violence. Literally every major conflict in the world right now:
>Israel/Hamas War
>Ukraine/Russia War
>Myanmar Civil War
>Sudanese Civil War
Has roots in ethnic conflict. I claim it is cruel to allow for the situation which results in ethnic conflict to emerge to continue existing. The solution? give everyone an ethnostate and send everyone who's in the wrong place back to where they came from. It will cause a lot of suffering but it would end ethnic conflict for all of time. It's the equivalent of pulling off a bandage quickly.

It would require a lot of research to be accurate but I would create an ethnic map of the world in 1491, before all this colonization and mass movements of peoples began. The world would be carved up into little states based on this ethnic map and everyone goes back to their homelands.

>> No.22966487

>points out that every modern conflict is along ethnic divides
>"I think the solution is to introduce more ethnic divides and make people associate with them as closely as possible"
you can't be serious

>> No.22966495
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>The world would be carved up into little states based on this ethnic map and everyone goes back to their homelands.
American detected

>> No.22966498

>I would create an ethnic map of the world in 1491, before all this colonization and mass movements of peoples began
>The world would be carved up into little states based on this ethnic map and everyone goes back to their homelands
Even ignoring people with multiple ethnic backgrounds, this would lead to places like Italy and England becoming so crowded as to be unliveable, while America would be basically empty. Back to square one, pretty much. And then you end up with all these people with no real connection to the culture of their ethnicity, all moving to a country at once. Isn't that the kind of thing you would be against?

>> No.22966501

Stupid faculty union is on strike so my classes are cancelled for the first week of the semester

>> No.22966507

You're missing the point. If every group is siloed from every other group by borders, there's no more ethnic tensions. No more genocides.

It would be a very rough transition but afterward there'd be peace forever.

>> No.22966532

I've made another mildly astonishing discovery. Another future dinner conversation cinched...

>> No.22966541

Pat Buchanan wrote a really good article about that back in 2017-18. He said there's been a major reduction of war and violence in Europe, especially the Balkans, on account of the fact that european borders now more resemble ethnic boundaries. It's interesting to note that the Russia-Ukraine war is very much about ethnic boundaries. I'm personally a nationalist and am fond of Buchanan, and while it is a good point, I also dont think there's any utopian solution to war. There is also an impulse by the greater races to empire building and the problem of resource scarcity. War is natural.

>> No.22966558

It's really funny to picture hundreds of new conflicts and untold bloodshed breaking out as people are forcibly moved to their new ethnostates and this guy is just sitting their going "wait guys it all works out in the end, we are tearing off the bandaid"

>> No.22966586

Spending everyday studying languages for about 8 hours. Eating once or twice a day only, and when I go outside it's always only to the supermarket. My sole sources of entertainment are an hour everyday of making fun of retards on here, an episode of anime a day, and gay AV's, which I watch not with a sexual purpose but utilize as a sort of comedy. And you know what? I'm fucking loving this life. The best I've felt since the corona lockdowns. Just wish somebody would blast me with 30k dollars or something so I can keep this lifestyle up for another decade.

>> No.22966591
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>Spending everyday studying languages for about 8 hours
Anon, are you literally me?

>> No.22966597

How are you paying for your lifestyle

>> No.22966609

f(input) = output. stay in your lane never change then wonder why everything you do seems conclude in the same fashion. a small perturbation affects trajectory significantly. im listening to let me be your fantasy by baby d. nose attacking the grindstone. life is good. these days the older i get the younger i feel.

>> No.22966622

>If every group is siloed from every other group by borders, there's no more ethnic tensions. No more genocides
What about the people who, again, end up in overcrowded countries, or places without the resources to support the new population? How do you prevent people from attempting to leave their "ethnostate?"

>> No.22966626

What languages are you studying?

>> No.22966643

>What about the people who, again, end up in overcrowded countries, or places without the resources to support the new population? How do you prevent people from attempting to leave their "ethnostate?"
The UN would take care of making sure all the ethnostates had their needs met.

>> No.22966657

With savings. In 6 months it's back to the salt mines for me.
German, Latin, Chinese. Trying to reach a good enough knowledge in all of them to be able to more or less read any text in them.

>> No.22966659

>How do you prevent people from attempting to leave their "ethnostate?"
There would be no need for large scale immigration, as everyone would already have an ethnostate. Tourism, academic/work travel, etc. can all be done as they are now.

>> No.22966662

is Fink the best?

>> No.22966676

>a decade of living on $30k
How are you doing that?

>> No.22966690

>There would be no need for large scale immigration, as everyone would already have an ethnostate
What if there aren't enough jobs or houses available? Or there's some sort of non-ethnic conflict or political struggle going on? Or a natural disaster happens?Don't just say the UN will handle it, they can't solve every problem in the world.

>> No.22966701

>borders now more resemble ethnic boundaries.

That's not really true though. Most countries have significant minorities. France has its "German" region, Spain has its Catalonian region, etc. the UK has Scotland and so on. And the wars in Europe of the 20th century had to do with major powers competition, not with ethnic disputes.

>> No.22966722
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Gigabased. Good luck when you have to return to wageslaving, Anon.

>> No.22966733

>Or there's some sort of non-ethnic conflict or political struggle going on?
No such conflict has ever come to releasing the levels of carnage that ethnic conflicts. Will this system solve internal conflicts? No. But it will ensure that there will be no more genocides.

>What if there aren't enough jobs or houses available?
That would be the job of the ethnostate's government. Of course, some ethnostates will be poorer/worse-off than others, due to historical reasons or geographic realities. In those cases we would transfer surplus wealth from richer ethnostates to subsidize poorer ones, on the basis of making amends for history. For example, the English and Scottish ethnostates would send wealth to say the Pashtun or Marathi ethnostates, if needed. The Fur ethnostate would receive money from the Arab one. And so on.

> Or a natural disaster happens?Don't just say the UN will handle it, they can't solve every problem in the world.
Coordinating international response in the light of natural disasters is literally the UN's job.

>> No.22966739

Interesting to note that the current conflcits we have in europe are things like Scottish or Catalonian or Kosovo independence movements, whicb really just demonstrates Pat Buchanan's point

>> No.22966742

>But it will ensure that there will be no more genocides.
Religious genocides will still occur

>> No.22966752

>In those cases we would transfer surplus wealth from richer ethnostates to subsidize poorer ones, on the basis of making amends for history
People don't even want to do this for others in their own country

>> No.22966759

Third world. Minimum wage here is like 400$, so I should be able to comfortably live for 5-6 years off of 30k.

>> No.22966762

I consider religion to be covered by my program (as religious groups of an ethnic group ought to be considered different ethnicities). For example Muslim and Christian Arabs would get their own states.

If the world has changed to the point that every country on earth has been broken up on 1491 ethnic lines, it is safe to assume that a "worldwide reparations program" isn't impossible.

>> No.22966769
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really like when you move smoothly from one obsession right to the next instead of a temporary emptiness. life's half as fun when your heads not fizzing with ideas.

>> No.22966774

Belgium was Spanish and Austrian by that measure. It's a very strange way to slice up the Holy Roman Empire in general

>> No.22966780

Dunno dawg, the arab expansions of the 8th and 9th centuries were motivated by the religious desire to empire build. People want imperium, which has always been a balance to the forces of ethnos. The history of empires would be inexplicable according to your theory

>> No.22966781

>worldwide reparations program
"Why should I have to pay a tax just so some backwards goat fuckers in Pakistan don't starve?" A lot of people have this attitude now, and if you divide everyone strictly along ethnic lines and really encourage people to identify with them, you'll only end up strengthening these attitudes

>> No.22966786

I wonder if some people are just mentally handicap sometimes, like actually just slightly above retarded. It's like a person just wanting to, basicly as I heard as a kid, stay in their own lane but people keep merging into your lane to cause troubles and using the person as a scapegoat for their problems. It seems to me the dude is just "doing him" and everyone is trying to do his time around him. Weird people.

>> No.22966787

It's much like a wheel in the sky, one that keeps turning. Could make a good song tbqh

>> No.22966788

Holy Roman Empire was an abomination anyway

>> No.22966834

I have encountered many people in my life who I know are uglier than me, sometimes with less money too, that have pretty girlfriends
It makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with me

>> No.22966844

presumably it's your personality

>> No.22966851

bad rng

>> No.22966853

Probably some kind of worldwide conspiracy

>> No.22966871

Women, believe it or not, can sometimes have weird tastes, fetishize a certain body type, or-get this- even value emotional connection over purely physical traits.

>> No.22966877

Twas neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire!

>> No.22966880

Well bros, I got a date with that Viet girl tonight. I havent been on a date since 2016. Super nervous. Actually have to clean my car.

>> No.22966882

>fetishize a certain body type
they just do this for cultural show though. the dadbods thing lasted for like a minute meanwhile you can go dig up carved bbw art from ancient human sites

>> No.22966883

Well, it was as holy as Rome, which is really to say it was Satanic.

>> No.22966884

Ask her if she likes Apocalypse Now

>> No.22966924

I already made some jokes to her about her broken English. Think I need to lay off a bit

>> No.22966937
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why does this image almost make me want to cry

>> No.22966945

that's all pretty based except the weed part but to each his own

>> No.22966955

answer your own question
you know it's easy, the devil's plan

>> No.22966958

>cultural show
That's all there really is to women

>> No.22966960

I don't understand what I am going through.

>> No.22966968

Maybe its the eye-strain caused by looking at an upscaled low-rez image?

>> No.22966979

Try to describe it.

>> No.22966981

The feelings are not resolved. At least I don't think so. I don't have any idea what he thinks. I think he thinks I let him down at some point, pretty severely, and that's probably true, but he let me down too, pretty severely. We don't talk about any of this. I come over and keep him company. Yesterday was the first day I was happy, truly happy, in a sense of feeling truly at ease, in his company for the first time in maybe 2 decades or more. Today I did not feel at ease in his company. There are old things. Yesterday the miracle seemed a done deal, that we wouldn't have to have a kerfuffle. I'm going to die one day. He is going to die one day. What will have been worthwhile? It belongs to my place to try to make him happy. Sometimes it has been very demanding. But I also suspect I have been so locked in a narrative that is relative to my own suppressed anger that I have become stiff in ways that have railroaded our relationship down paths that make things very difficult for me. It is very possible that I could be a bit more honest, without having to vent everything and have the big thing happen, and thereby make my own life a lot easier, as we both move toward death unsure whether we are ever going to talk it through or not. >>22966960

>> No.22966986

Sense of inferiority to SVMERIAN BVLLS who had a fully developed civilization and writing system by this point in time.

>> No.22966994

>frequents lit
>thinks writing is good

>> No.22967007

I actually don't necessarily, oral culture is kinda superior. But it's obviously an achievement and obviously cultures which were without writing systems were not voluntarily so.

>> No.22967014

Empirically, yes, people who are asked "What is important to you? What defines you as a person?" and answer "my hobbies, the fact that I want to college, the fact that I enjoy living in Portland," etc., tend to be neurotic upper class weirdos and twits who would openly tell you they are "mentally ill." They often brag about it, even.

Normal people say things like family, religion, ethnic and cultural background, nation, etc.

>> No.22967016

Is this ur dad

>> No.22967017

>ou won't have ethnic conflict if everyone has their own homeland that will forever be theirs.
that isn't how it works. a population can outgrow its resources. wealthy people in one ethnostate can use the state to invade and plunder weaker ones for their own gains. other ethnostates may subject other ethnostates for slave labor. ethnostates can become divided as its inhabitants differentiate into subethnic groups based on geographical or other differences to create conflicts as bitter as any between 2 distinct ethnic groups.

>> No.22967019

how do you avoid getting a sense of fomo from being around a rich crowded place

>> No.22967028

Seriously none of you guys have any idea how much more likely your family killing you for more land is than living to see another ethnicity is in any ethnostate.

>> No.22967032

>oral culture is kinda superior
wat? all oral-only culures didnt progress very far technologically or societally

>> No.22967038

They just happy chatting

>> No.22967042 [DELETED] 

maybe that's why

>> No.22967046

The problem is youre comparing shit like Mexicans who have an existing and working family structure filled with people they love and can rely on with people larping about the need for a great white ethnostate instead of just realizing their nuclear and extended families are just functionally dookie because they didn't maintain them

>> No.22967049

>For example Muslim and Christian Arabs would get their own states.
lol, so we break down states based on christian conservatives, christian liberals, christian communists, because apparently there are all artificial ethnic groups within an ethnic group? do you even know what ethnicity means besides "identity category"?

>> No.22967069


>> No.22967079

true, and nothing wrong with that

not true. they were more peaceful than war mongering world conquering """advanced""" cultures

>> No.22967081

that's a weird relationship to have with a father

>> No.22967090

I'm speaking purely in terms of literature. Bardic poetry is the peak.

>> No.22967095

50% natural human inclination to reestablish normal relationships, hierarchies, and group structures within a generation + 50% aid from a state that actively seeks to promote a healthy people (instead of doing what is currently the norm: the exact opposite): functional state, aka "ethno"-state.

An "ethno"-state is just a normal state. It's the default state of the state. Being against this is like being against being thin and engaging in moderate exercise, on the logic that ever since we have locked everybody up indoors and encouraged them to become fat fucks, we have done a mediocre job of keeping their bloated fat asses alive with trillions of dollars of medical technology. Instead of doing that, you could just stop pumping them full of corn syrup, let them return to normal (or at least let their less damaged kids return to normal, while writing off the older fatass generation), and encourage them to do what they already want to do - take a fucking walk.

>> No.22967099

I wouldn't disagree, it's just frustrating not being able to tell what I'm doing wrong exactly
Dating advice from women/therapists simply doesn't work and advice from men isn't much better
This is funny, but I think there's truth to it. More in life comes down to luck than we'd like to admit

>> No.22967105

I think it is, yea, but I'd be interested to hear why you think so?

>> No.22967109

You write like you are romantically attracted to him lmao

>> No.22967115

fair enough

>> No.22967125
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I rest my case.

>> No.22967131


>> No.22967137

You're drawing conclusions from superficial context cues rather than anything in the substance of his post.
It's a pretty normal type of relationship to have, if you can't relate then good for you, but these things happen all the time.


>> No.22967142

>superficial context cues
the whole thing is wrapped up in a kind of vagueness and mysteriousness that reminds me of someone talking about their lover. when people talk about their parents they tend to be more blunt, I noticed it immediately

>> No.22967165

It's just the trope of referring to someone via pronoun without introducing them. All it signals is that the person is someone they think about a lot, usually in a negative/distressing context. This is often a romantic partner but it can also often be a parent - again, you're lucky if your parental relationships are not like that, but you're not necessarily the norm.
As for vagueness, it just speaks to having history with a person and built-up associations, shibboleths, taboos, etc. Happens in romantic relationships but it definitely also happens with family.

>> No.22967166
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I refuse to kys myself before I have sex with:
>cute euro (pale skin) twink
>black twink (buck breaking)
>thai ladyboy
>filipino hooker
>prime 20+ pussy
>mature 40+ woman
>granny 60+ slussy
>bbw woman

>> No.22967167
File: 1.11 MB, 450x247, madmad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend continuously ignores content of my emails and even whole emails and just responds to the lowest hanging fruit so he can get back to talking about what he wants to talk about at length
>never replies to my replies to what he's talking about, or even to my answers to his direct questions
>even if it's clear I put effort into it
>start never replying to what he says either, just sending new emails like "Hey, ever read this author?"
>don't reply to his reply
>just send a new email several days later with something else
To the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all hearses to one common pool! and since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied to thee, thou damned shitty friend!

>> No.22967173

I don't think I have any clue what this relationship should be

>> No.22967181

this is what the relationship >>22967173 is like. Imagine that's been your dad for the last 15 years.

>> No.22967187

have you checked any of these off yet

>> No.22967189

I don't have to imagine it, at some point you just realize you're not going to get anything out of an old boomer, they have thought about nothing and have nothing to share but their fears and insecurities.

>> No.22967193

Thanks, Japan.

>> No.22967202
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most often when I write about my relationships with others as of late I've used almost exclusively cannibalistic or animalistic metaphor

>> No.22967215
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Only via jerking off to porn, but I will do all of them irl one day

>> No.22967216

just locked into having the same conversation with you up to 10+ times a day, and if you tell them you've had this conversation 10 times already on the same day- maybe you've even nuanced your answers in between takes just because, or to give you something to do- he will get very defensive. I really, really wonder what is wrong with his mind that he doesn't realize that he has said the same thing- he has said the same sentence to me maybe 20 times in one day, as if he had never even said it once. Which is not to mention that he has been on this talking point for years, and we have discussed it for years, I have discussed it with him for years because I don't know what to do. Telling him makes no difference. Telling him that it is clear that he doesn't care at all what you do or who you are or anything, letting him know that that makes it hard for you to have a functioning relationship makes no difference.

>> No.22967220

Sounds like he has dimentia or a serious issue man

>> No.22967223

don't talk about your dad like that on 4chan

>> No.22967230

I believe in you anon

>> No.22967240

the thing is that he does not.
my theory is this:
he has been working on a book for about 15 years. I think he has done bad shit in his life. I strongly suspect he has sexually assaulted my mother at some point, and he really has let me down very, very severely, and I don't think he can live with it. The book has been done for a long time now but he refuses to send it to the publisher. He knows that it's done, he says that it's done, he says that it's out of cowardice that he doesn't send it. I think the reality is this: if he stops thinking about his book, he will have to think about everything else. For as long as he hasn't sent it, he can keep thinking about the book. I think the reason why he doesn't understand anything of what happens around him is because he is always thinking about the book. That is in fact what he himself says if you do talk to him about it- he is almost never there with you in the room, he is with his book. I wonder if he will get past this before he dies. He is only 65.

I do not know what to do with the knowledge that he has probably at least sexually assaulted her. He would have done so about 10 years ago, after they had been married 20+ years. I only have a kind of hint from my mother, but my gut feeling says it's real.

>> No.22967253

>An "ethno"-state is just a normal state. It's the default state of the state.
no it isn't. all the european "ethnostates" you see today are extremely new. less than 100 to 200 years old.

>...functional state, aka "ethno"-state.
what the fuck is this definition. an ethno state is a state (to put it crudely, a bounded country ruled by a political system and a bureaucracy) that is inhabited by one ethnic group or controlled by one ethnic group at the expense of others. An ethnic group is a group is one that has a shared culture/history/mythos/vague genetic heritage. None of this has to do with a "human inclination to reestablish normal relationships"

>> No.22967257

Damn that is extremely tough, I remember my dad saying some stuff here and there while we were watching movies that made me realize he kind of seemed to think rape was okay in certain contexts. I was never really able to talk to him the same way after that, what keeps you going there everyday? I barely talk to my parents anymore so it's interesting that you seem to think theres something there you need to do

>> No.22967265

I don't understand whether you are agreeing or disagreeing with my post. If you are disagreeing, then your example just backs up my assertion that ethnostates just by virtue of being one ethnicity will be conflict free.

>> No.22967276

won't be free of conflict*

>> No.22967289

thank you, anon. I appreciate it

>> No.22967298

I come from a dysfunctional and broken white family and grew up in a non white area, surrounded by ethno-cultures alien to my own. It is not illegitimate to want my own ethno-culture with it's own space. It has been impossible for me to integrate with asians or mexicans or armenians simply because i am not asian or mexican or armenian. The collpase of our own ethno culture and its own space correlates directly to the implosion of our families.

>> No.22967309

one reason is because I have done bad shit, and I wouldn't want to be abandoned.

>> No.22967312

There is a unique 19th century nationalism, but that doesnt mean people had no concept of ethnos prior to it. Keith Woods actually just recently made a good videp on the subject

>> No.22967321

Keith Woods is a midwit YouTuber. I would trust a comic book before I trust any of the stupid shit he says.

>> No.22967325

It's not about the ethnoculture or some abstract concept though, white people see that their families have collapsed and veer right into neonazism and adjacent ideologies without realizing that they failed their own families with their idealogies, for example the endless rhetoric about "moving out when you're 18", well guess what I moved out, bye! That's just one dumb example but the whole of the average white middle class individuals world view in practice leads to the dissolution of their own families.

>> No.22967327

And you're a midwit 4channer. People have had distinct ethnic identities which correlated to their political formation since the dawn of time

>> No.22967331

Our families are failing because we don't have a culture or community anymore. This was caused by progressivism and mass imigration which has totally displaced us.

>> No.22967404

You're just repeating dumb modern propaganda. The emergence of national consciousness in Europe is a venerable subject. Machiavelli was certainly an Italian nationalist. It's usually said that the Hundred Years' War was the final transition from feudal and regional self-identification to a general sense of the French nation as against the English (on both sides). These trends were certainly in full swing by the Renaissance monarchies, since these monarchs both used national pride for PR purposes and were subject to national pride when they failed to serve the nation. This is a standard element in narratives about the rise of the modern state from the absolutist proto-national state. The absolutist state was always already implicitly predicated on a "state before monarch" formulation, so even when monarchs tried to develop absolutism to increase their power and resources, they were in reality preparing the very framework in which they would be only chief servant of the hypostatic entity that is the state, and if the question is then raised "what is the state?" the obvious answer is that it is the hypostasis or mirror of the people. Again this is more or less the standard narrative of the emergence of the modern state going all the way back to the 13th century in theory. It is the hinge of both Hegel's and Marx's interpretations of the modern state too, including the development of a rational bourgeois bureaucratic class that serves the hypostatic state rather than at the pleasure of the monarch, which is a crucial part of the emergence of modernity.

This thesis is also proved by the fact that in the 16th and 17th century, as the background to modern constitutional theory was being developed in the Wars of Religion and the Fronde in France and in the English Civil War and the controversies with the House of Stuart, the raison d'etat invoked by parliaments was typically "the French" or "the English." See the Ancient Constitution by Pocock for an interesting example of the antiquity of the idea of constitution, in the sense of the true "status" (hypostasis) to which the legal state refers or which it represents. Also read Carl Schmitt's Constitutional Theory.

The entire 18th century then busies itself with defining constitutions and social contracts, trying to conceptualize their primordial origins, describing how they are embodied by actual modern states. Both the American and French Revolutions are products of this discourse. The French Revolution was a revolution of the French nation. Napoleon only embodied it and carried out its will, which is why Napoleon saw his imperial forms as essentially carrying out the same will as the democratic revolutions, the will to freely self-given rational forms of government.

>> No.22967411


It's also why he was confident that Prussian constitutionalism would ultimate stabilize relations with the monarch, and the monarch would only ever be a check against the system and never really the "owner" of it (an arbitrary, irrational relation superseded by modernity).

It was taken so for granted and considered so self-evident that nation-states are the primordial underlying entities to which politics must always ultimately refer that Locke's entire political theory, often misconstrued as the ur-social contractarian position, is actually predicated on the tacit assumption that given PEOPLES are always capable of reconstituting their external political form. That is, that there is a "constitution" (bundle of national, religious, and ethnic self-understandings) underlying the the apparent political constitution (in the modern sense), so that when the latter goes awry, the can always in principle dissolve it and begin again.

This is so much the default position that Marx, supposedly the arch-internationalist, didn't assume that the nationalities would disappear in Europe for many centuries. He explicitly rejects this in his writings on the Paris Commune, among many others. It's clear from everything he writes that he thought the peoples of Europe, basically the ones we know offhand like "the French" and "the Germans," were more or less organic unities and would probably want to dwell amongst themselves for many years to come. Lenin assumed the same thing when he gave the nationalities the free right of secession after a communist revolution. That's how self-evident "nationalism" (a roundabout way of saying people like to dwell with people who share their identity and traditions) is, even internationalist leftists were never really against it. Nor were any socialist movements, really.

What about America, the first "propositional nation?" The Founding Fathers were racists and even the ones who wanted to free the slaves wanted to send them back to Africa or at least segregate them from white society. Lincoln, supposedly the greatest integrationist, did not want blacks integrating with whites. He also wanted them to move away from the USA. US immigration policy was extremely restricted to western European whites for a long time, and it only stopped being so due to tampering by Jewish activist politicians like Manny Celler. There is nothing organic about America's current demographic trends, they are just the targeted destruction of the country by an elite clique. (See Samuel Francis' concept, anarcho-tyranny.)

>> No.22967416

To cal it an “ethnic identity” is a sleight of hand. Anyone who isn’t a midwit knows that.

>> No.22967417

So who is against "nationalism?" Post-war New Left academics who blend 19th century English "Manchester liberal" social contractarianism, which both left and right correctly identified as an ideological front for English capitalists, with a bit of vague and mushy pseudo-anarchist thought (not real anarchism, which understands the concept of voluntary association and communal cohabitation of different peoples, thus self-dividing naturally into distinct groups), and post-war neoliberal propaganda. There is no such thing as internationalism. Everybody in history has been a "nationalist," which is a stupid term. Everybody in history has understood that a state should be a reflection of a people, not a vague economic zone containing miscellaneous migrants and consumers.

The Greeks defined themselves against barbarians, orientals, Persians, etc., and also amongst themselves in poleis, and the same principle of the polis was invoked by Machiavelli, Locke, Rousseau, and everybody else. It's because it's an obvious principle: insofar as groups exist, and insofar as states exist, the most logical political formation is for the state and the group to be mutually coordinated. "Anti-nationalism" is as absurd a position as "anti-family-ism." It's not even a position. No one in their right mind would contest that family structures exist. Vary, sure, but not that they don't exist.

Where there is order and homogeneity, culture arises. The French see themselves as distinctly French and have since the 14th century. The Italians resented French and Spanish influence in Italian affairs, the Spanish are currently divided among regional nationalists. What counts as an ethnos varies but the basic fact of people wanting to be with their ethnos doesn't.

>> No.22967421

Do you think adult men should play video games? Does it matter how old or their station in life? For example, would you think less of the American President if you found out he plays Animal Crossing and Elden Ring in his spare time?

>> No.22967430

Also if you actually read Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities instead of just the 20 pages you read for a class you'd know that the emergence of national self-consciousness is predicated upon the emergence of public sphere through novels and letters in which writers see themselves as, and are seen as, addressing "the public," in their vernaculars. The question is then, which public? Not the public of Europe or the world, or at least them only secondarily. The European novel is both a bourgeois and an incipiently national literary form because it inherently addresses a certain public in terms of what is familiar to them: their language, their concerns, their customs, even their locales.

>> No.22967432


>> No.22967437

it's a perfectly fine way to decompress

>> No.22967444

They can teach you some interesting ways to think and consider strategy, they have interesting uses of art and programming (assuming you look into that stuff on the side and don't just play mindlessly) but for the most part games are at their core slop let down by having to repeat the same actions over and over. But I wouldn't think less of anyone for playing them

>> No.22967492

The point of not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing. One point seems to be that if you do let the left hand know, you will become self-important which will be bad for you.

>> No.22967506

It's just kind of weird pretending that you don't think something you did is good. Like am I supposed to lie about that? Probably, in reality, I'm supposed to be humbled by knowing the awful states I've been in, and knowing that I would not be finding a way out if it weren't for Gods grace. I don't know why that thought isn't having more of an impact for me.

>> No.22967514

Maybe I'm supposed to not think the question is important, recognizing the constantly recurring reality that however deep you dig, there's always more to discover about your own selfishness and so on so it just gets.. you jump the gun if you let yourself settle on the idea that you're good. It's gonna turn out down the road that in reality your motives were perhaps not so clean after all...

>> No.22967523

... yes. you're meant to go on pretending to be modest.

>> No.22967524

To free myself. To undo this flesh which crawls upon this earth and dance like mist on the face of the mountains above. To rend the boundary between mind and world in one self-expressing thought. To delve through the solid ground and reach the dark warmth of the mantle and sleep therein. To die to myself that I may live that I may die to death. To lose my vague outline in a crowd of snows on a howling winter's morning and become united with the numb gray cold. To become stone and be weathered as the ages pass and the roots of strong young trees pry me apart. To break the sunlight on the waves of some distant shore. To part with another for ever. To lighten until the very clouds may become a stairway and the skies a door. To become an image half-glimpsed on the horizon at dawn and a word heard in hushed whispers at dusk. To give myself as sacrifice. To atone. To never have been. To understand.

>> No.22967537

That sounds like a problem of your family and less than the different cultures that surround you. If you were a dysfunctional family in a white community you'd be probably just as alienated. And there is nothing to prevent you from making ethnic friends at school, which happens all the time in the American school system.

>> No.22967538

I've had more fun and mental stimulation from video games than the years I spent working in a technical high stakes field. I can understand why a man would drop them as the responsibilities of life pile up but I think that's a sad reality and not something to be celebrated as growing up.

>> No.22967556

hold the phone this guy said he has more fun playing videogames than he has at work ??

>> No.22967555

I'm thinking about you, anon

>> No.22967559

Hip-waist ratio?

>> No.22967562


>> No.22967567


>> No.22967568

Lmao keep thinking buddy

>> No.22967570

Not just fun, also the level of cognitive challenge and strategic planning which video game detractors often deny

>> No.22967576

This was my favorite song in 2023

>> No.22967583

nothing like some league to clear out the cobwebs at the end of a shift

>> No.22967602

pretty sure i saw these guys live in 2011

>> No.22967606

>distinct ethnic identities which correlated to their political formation since the dawn of time
I'm the original anon, but why does that matter. There are as many states or empires in history that had distinct ethnicities, but that didn't mean that all of them got their own ethnostate. The more likely situation was that any ethnic group had a degree of self-rule or autonomy within a multiethnic empire. To assume that ethnostates were the rule is dumb (if I am taking what you are saying correctly).

>dumb modern propaganda.
And you are repeating... what exactly? Primordial propaganda? Are you implying your conclusions are somehow older than mine? I don't get it. If we are roughly in the same demographic age bracket, chances are we developed our views reading views passed down to us by someone. You are implying your views are somehow more organic than mine, which is pretty absurd.

>Machiavelli was certainly an Italian nationalist.
That is debatable. And even if nationalist positions existed they were incredibly fringe or vague. To unite Italy like in the 19th century was an incredibly artificial process that involved integrating massively disparate culturally and economic regions and which the Italian state STILL has not come to grips with today.
I was going to read the rest, but I have no clue actually how your longpost has any relevance to what I'm saying. I was arguing that ethnostates are dumb, and that that anon's (your?) post had some wacky idea of an ethnostate. But now your spamming me with a college essay on the development of European political thought and constitutionalism.

>> No.22967615

Don't worry, I didn't read it for you. I mostly write stuff like that assuming people who aren't retarded might be reading, so that they don't get misled. And that they might want to follow up on some of the things cited.

It's been a long time since I specifically cared whether the person I'm talking to on 4chan engages in a good faith manner or has a functional brain. Mostly I talk around people like you at a kind of notional non-retard. Over time I've grown to love the notional non-retard. I can almost see his face now...

>> No.22967621

>didn't write*
Also I assume most people like you are posting from your phone.

>> No.22967657

It's actually not that difficult to understand, even if the writing is turgid. But honestly it just reads like you mashed a lot of ideas together, and wringed out the conclusion that you wanted. It's just political pastiche and it's cringe. I also find it kind of stupid you assume that just because political theorists/ideologues said something, that means that they are correct. Using Marx and Lenin to argue for ethnostates is funny and retarded.

>> No.22967668

Here's some Lenin quotes:
>The recognition of the right of the nations oppressed by tsarism to free secession from Russia is absolutely obligatory for Social-Democracy in the interests of its democratic and socialist tasks.

>Victorious socialism must achieve complete democracy and, consequently, not only bring about the complete equality of nations, but also give effect to the right of oppressed nations to self-determination, i.e., the right to free political secession. Socialist Parties which fail to prove by all their activities now, as well as during the revolution and after its victory, that they will free the enslaved nations and establish relations with them on the basis of a free union and a free union is a lying phrase without right to secession—such parties would be committing treachery to socialism.

>Just as mankind can achieve the abolition of classes only by passing through the transition period of the dictatorship of the oppressed class, so mankind can achieve the inevitable merging of nations only by passing through the transition period of complete liberation of all the oppressed nations, i.e., their freedom to secede.

>The proletariat cannot but fight against the forcible retention of the oppressed nations within the boundaries of a given state, and this is exactly what the struggle for the right of self-determination means. The proletariat must demand the right of political secession for the colonies and for the nations that “its own” nation oppresses. Unless it does this, proletarian internationalism will remain a meaningless phrase; mutual confidence and class solidarity between the workers of the oppressing and oppressed nations will be impossible; the hypocrisy of the reformist and Kautskyan advocates of self-determination who maintain silence about the nations which are oppressed by “their” nation and forcibly retained within “their” state will remain unexposed.

>No democrat, let alone a socialist, will venture to deny the complete legitimacy of the Ukraine’s demands. And no democrat can deny the Ukraine’s right to freely secede from Russia. Only unqualified recognition of this right makes it possible to advocate a free union of the Ukrainians and the Great Russians, a voluntary association of the two peoples in one state. Only unqualified recognition of this right can actually break completely and irrevocably with the accursed tsarist past, when everything was done to bring about a mutual estrangement of the two peoples so close to each other in language, territory, character and history. Accursed tsarism made the Great Russians executioners of the Ukrainian people, and fomented in them a hatred for those who even forbade Ukrainian children to speak and study in their native tongue.

>> No.22967678

Yes, I can pluck Lenin quotes out of historical context as well. Congratulations. Cherrypicking Lenin and Marx is the specialty of many a tankie. Some weird halfbaked nazbol doing it on /lit/ is par for the course, I suppose.

>> No.22967680

Here's a relevant Marx quote off the top of my head, on the issue of the Paris Commune:
>The unity of the nation was not to be broken, but, on the contrary, to be organized by Communal Constitution, and to become a reality by the destruction of the state power which claimed to be the embodiment of that unity independent of, and superior to, the nation itself, from which it was but a parasitic excresence.

I'm not really reading your posts, forewarning.

>> No.22967717

Black woman. I can tell

>> No.22967793

It is absolutely unacceptable for an adult man to play videogames. It's a massive time sink and takes away your motivation to succeed in life by giving you "surrogate success" in your imaginary worlds. Most importantly it makes you forgetful of God and I even suspect it messes with your faculties of spiritual experience and metaphysical knowledge. Also almost all of them have subliminal counter-initiatic messages and could program you just like how most of the population is programmed by tiktok, tv, music, etc.

>> No.22967805

Again, out of context. Lenin said A LOT of shit. He was a politician first and foremost, and he promoted nationalism when it was convenient and crushed nationalist movements when it was not. You just need to look at the historical record of the Russian civil war. Marx was similar, in that his ideas of nationalism evolved from his early writings to his later ones, and was tailored to the context in which he was writing. And even if they did believe the nation as a primordial or indivisible unit (they didn't), they also made contradictory statements which might indicate they were holding contradictory ideas and weren't always systematic thinkers. Also, it simply doesn't matter, because the historical records shows that nations as a primordial entity is bunk, even if some political theoreticians created some artificial intellectual constructs saying something to that effect.

>I'm not really reading your posts, forewarning.
alright, moron.

>> No.22967812

I want to devour you whole

>> No.22967821

I'm trying to fix my internet addiction and focus more on my writing. I've barely written anything in these last few years. It seems to be going rather well, I don't really feel the need to go Twitter or Instagram as much as I used to, but I still waste too much time on 4chan.

>> No.22967826

i get sleep paralysis often.
i've never had the hallucinations of monsters around my bed, just waking up paralysed.

>> No.22967926

there's no winners except the newest born. just for a moment. your birth: your first victory. and last.

>> No.22968008

yesterday an anon posted his music and the thread died. I wanted to say that I think you're really fucking talented and you shouldn't stop working on it.

>> No.22968015


>> No.22968016

If you are over the age of 18 and haven’t had sex there is a strong chance you won’t be able to get it up the first time.

>> No.22968053

idk dude a lot of babies birth crying, I wan't to die in the mothers womb.

>> No.22968054

I'm finally at peace. I have a job that I've come to terms with, pays well and isn't too hard. I have hobbies that I want to pursue, and can. My sister has had a baby, and she's smart and beautiful. I want a minute more every day of my life.

And yet, the ugliness of society remains a mystery to me. The conflict, violence, evil, hatred, destruction, infliction, cruelty, adherence, greed and gluttony seem overwhelming.

All of these exist within me too. I hate it. I hate what people are. I hate my nature.

Do we exist to overcome ourselves?

>> No.22968066

I was being sardonic

>> No.22968238

I believe the French are actually subhuman.
They became more despotic than the King that they hanged, and then after killing Robespierre said, "okay, no more mass murder of people without trials," and somehow just head emptied years of killing each other for basically no reason but 'muh revolution'.
Even Africans are smart enough to hold grudges and not forget them.

>> No.22968254
File: 13 KB, 228x221, 1000039821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel DA FAUSSIAN SPIRIEEEEEE too but here I am in clown world working for fat karens clicking on box ticking bullshit for my paycheck and so happens every transaction I bet bullshitted into box ticking.
Sorry guys I cant keep up with the race war I am stuck at a red light and then stuck behind a windows update and then counseling the cashier girl at the gym into spelling my name correctly into the gyn membership. Also I have a date with the twerking negresses tonight who let me nut inside

>> No.22968264


>> No.22968271

I didn't read this post either. I hope in the future you will learn not to be a faggot when someone disagrees with you. Instead, assume good faith and respond in good faith, lest you be led down another primrose path like this one, only further demonstrating that you are a retard.

Well, I lied. I read the first two sentences of your post and the first 5 words of the next one, and I can already tell you're a retard and your reasoning is specious. Try reading sometime. There are very good and obvious potential criticisms of what I was posting, and I had cued up some responses to them for when they came. But you're too dumb even for those.

>> No.22968307

I offered my grandmother unlimited reading for free via Kindle, but she says she prefers the feel of books.

>> No.22968316

She's legitimately not going to live long enough to read all the books in her local library, so she gains nothing from Amazon's faggotry.

>> No.22968320

Not sure if that is her vagina or panties but you can see something for a moment

>> No.22968328

found 2 new youtube channels today. one a cute german (?) girl who dances to crystal castles, nosaj thing, etc. tracks in rooms that always look like liminal spaces to me. she never speaks in the vids. the second a 50 year old mentally ill male virgin with 600 subscribers.

>> No.22968346

You're lucky you don't get the demons, which I am certain are real demons

>> No.22968353

Don't try to jolt yourself awake in one big movement. Instead, rock back and forth. Think like a turtle on its back. It's the micro-movements building up that wake you up. Rock back and forth, move in any way you can, just keep building up the momentum or steam. Kinda feels like an electrical charge building up sometimes.

Used to get sleep paralysis all the time, but now do this any time it happens and it works like a charm. I've gotten so used to doing it that I actually used it in deep sleep a few times, unconsciously knowing it'd wake me up from a shitty dream. It's like an emergency escape lever.

>> No.22968369

not that anon but i'll remember this, thanks anon

t. sleep paralysis sufferer

>> No.22968390

yeah i know a girl who gets them, can't help but feel like it wouldn't be that scary though. being paralysed just feels so uncomfortable & horrible though.

i'm worried about trying anything that could frustrate me. i used to use the 'focus on your pinky finger first' til i realised it barely works. you can wiggle your little finger for ages feels like without progress. i just focus on staying calm.

>> No.22968409

I found a fucker who 'streams' his writing.
What the fuck.

>> No.22968417

Objectively, I think it would be best if I died.

>> No.22968427

It’s torturously uncomfortable and terrifying. You are in like a dissociative state and unless you are used to having them, don’t realize you are dreaming, and not be able to move makes you panic and you get more terrified. The only good thing about them is I can lucid dream after I fall back asleep after sleep paralysis for some reason

>> No.22968431

I'm going to vacuum, dust, mop the house tomorrow. It's been years.

>> No.22968436

Because they're relics of lives that would have been totally forgotten if not for this handful or artifacts that attest to their existence. The miniature bull especially, because you know it probably belonged to a child. The beads might have been draped around a woman's neck, or around a child's wrist. The tools may have been used by a man to provide for his family. If somebody hadn't dug in the exact place these artifacts were buried, it would have been as if those people never existed. It's haunting how easily a person can be forgotten.

>> No.22968442

i never go back to sleep after that i'm too much of a pussy.
you noticed a pattern with it before? for me, it's usually when i'm sleeping during the day & when i'm REALLY tired

>> No.22968445

I've always tried pushing my arms up as if I were bench pressing but that doesn't work very often. I'll have to try that.
It's very scary

>> No.22968453

oh fuck you're right. it was the bull

>> No.22968459

i just got new flooring put in. not extremely happy about it as they shattered a light fixture in my washroom and made everything wood flooring but whatever.

>> No.22968467

my next door neighbor in my duplex is similar
>can't hear well
>makes you repeat shit
>then proceeds to talk over you as you're repeating what you just said five minutes ago
I'm so tired of it I just nod and agree and pretend to understand what he's saying so he goes back to his side of the house. he has decent access to weed though.

>> No.22968469

the entire political developments of the last 30 years can be attributed to one thing: white people think they're being heckin cool when they a: make fun of themselves for not being as rad as minorities, and b: put minorities/weridos in things

white consciousness since 1990 can be summed up as
>bet you didn't think i'd make the white character a black? huh? i don't even see color!

ALL of it. i mean all of it. white people have turned this into an entire religion they arent even aware of. white people live for the moment, absolutely live for the moment when someone says 'hamlet?? black???' and they get to go 'huh? oh! i suppose so haha. i didn't even notice, i think jamal makes a great hamlet, EVEN BETTER THAN WHITE GUY ACTOR'. they want to be seen saying that, BET YOU DIDN'T THINK I'D SAY A BLACK GUY IS BETTER THAN THE WHITE GUY HUH??? HUH???

yes white people, congratulations, you're 'cool' now. enjoy the nightmare you have created for the whole world now

>> No.22968479

first try any 18-100 human being pussy then we can talk

>> No.22968484


>> No.22968489

porn was a disaster

>> No.22968498
File: 98 KB, 800x1237, P-W-Botha-apartheid-era-president-of-South-Africa-dies-at-90-730829095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about Botha?

>> No.22968499

Today while at work, I was reading Wikipedia instead of doing my job. I was reading the page on future manned space missions. The US and China are both trying to land on the moon this decade. They wish to establish long term space logistics networks for their space programs. These space programs are national symbols of each respective country's technological might.

When I looked at manned missions to Mars, the only one planned is going to be done by SpaceX in 2029. This stirred something deep within in me. I imagined this mission being successful and it made me angry. But why? It would be among the greatest achievements mankind has made. It would pave the way for the future of mankind to be a multi-planetary species.

That was not why I was angry. I was angry because it would be a victory capital. It would say to the world: "Look at mankind can do when right things are owned by the right people! Cast away those archaic ideals of distribution of ownership! Those ideas have been tried and failed! It is time to do what works and not worry about what could be!"

And it would probably be right. This! This is what makes me enraged. The idea that bourgeois is right, that we do need them. That we are nothing more than domesticated primates for who's purpose is to be a means for other primates to enact their vision of the world.

>> No.22968501
File: 375 KB, 719x1276, 1705536109275111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ashamed of the things I have been put through, I am ashamed of the person I am.

I used to think that I wouldn't make it past 20. Now I am 26 and think I won't make it past 30.

I fucking hate having gender dysphoria.

I don't want to be this kind of animal anymore.

>> No.22968506
File: 1.70 MB, 903x1600, image_2024-01-19_185210968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.22968514

I haven’t had it in years but I would get it when my sleep schedule was all out of whack and sleeping on my back. I wouldn’t try to go back to sleep for like 15 minutes or so and if I started getting the auditory hallucinations I would get up again before the paralysis. It is a terrifying experience for sure. I’d bet many alien abductions and ghosts stories are sleep paralysis

>> No.22968523

sleeping on your back yeah 8 times out of 10 it is, but the first time i ever got it i was sleeping face down which really sucked
>I’d bet many alien abductions and ghosts stories are sleep paralysis
or vice versa ...

>> No.22968524

Botha what?

>> No.22968529


>> No.22968537

Sometimes it feels like you can’t breathe either and it’s thought that’s where the chest sitting hag legend comes from. After I had sleep paralysis a few times, if I felt it coming on I’d just keep my eyes closed so I wouldn’t get the visual hallucinations, and I’d just have to get myself out of the paralysis while hearing shit. You can’t panic though as that makes it worse

>> No.22968538

The first politician to run on a platform of universal male castration has my vote

>> No.22968545


>> No.22968546

Botha these nuts lol

>> No.22968636


>> No.22968666
File: 442 KB, 608x1838, kroxivore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22968668

im looking for western esoteric books to read

>> No.22968683

oh heres a lolcow tourist heeeey

>> No.22968685

literally just woke up & it happened again (twice today)
hallucinated for the first time. i was in the break room at work & the receptionist walked up and checked my pulse

>> No.22968690

Grime maxxing, desk covered in the ash of burning incense, a empty crate of franzia next to a newly bought one, empty bottles of various kinds, a cum rag in the drawer, a 15 year old laptop with missing keys
Living the high life

>> No.22968706

It would solve just about every social problem overnight and rid the world of corruption

>> No.22968725

I love how you people propose human extinction to be the answer to all the worlds problems, yet you're never the ones to lead the way.
Just ONCE I want one of you to say "DEATH TO THE HUMAN RACE" right before jumping off a tall building

>> No.22968735

I never said anything about killing anyone, just castration. Calm down. We do it to farm animals, and it seems to work exceptionally well.
Universal would be ideal, but we could also castrate only those with big dicks to select for weaker men

>> No.22968739

>tranny hands typed these words

>> No.22968740

>universal male castration
In other words human extinction. See? You don't even know what you're arguing for. Dumb doomer kys

>> No.22968746

charlie im not gonna read your enemies to lovers queer hobit wattpad shit

>> No.22968751

unsolicited advice, but don't ever try and reason with a negro, they will twist your words and argue in bad faith to advance an agenda.

>> No.22968753

Give examples.

>> No.22968760

Fedoras are awesome.

>> No.22968763

Post nose.

>> No.22968772

Wrong, my point was about social utility. Not personal preference. You are not separating me from my cock I would fijnd away to evade the law, but the law would objectively be for the better: it would obliterate crime overnight
I also said i was open to selective frustration, only castrating hight t and big dick men who statistically tend towards violent crime

>> No.22968781

Anyone else worried they're becoming depersonalized to the point of no return?
Nothing feels real. Nothing seems hopeful.
this isn't /soc/ bullshit I'm genuinely curious. It seems like a nasty habit of the human condition amplified by ceaseless yearning.

>> No.22968796

I hit this point like 5 years ago and went right past it.
You don't really get used to it but it doesn't really feel like 'you' being uncomfortable with it either. I'm pretty much fucked socially though.

>> No.22968799

Okay, if you make an equivalence of the word retarded to the word nigger they will try explain away why the impact of the word is not the same when in reality they’re more or less the same thing in essence. The west sought to advance black interests eventually but not the same for mental defectives because low key even so-called liberals don’t want them around. The difference being that progressives were always positivists, nothing changed except what rhetoric was being pushed. In their eyes, the nigger can be emancipated, the retard cannot and holds back the race towards enlightenment, never mind the less intelligent being more predisposed to religion, which progressives see as holding back the world from being a racial transcendent mind-spook (as opposed to an actual spook) free existence.

>> No.22968807

but why would you collectively punish an entire group for the actions of a few individuals? apart from the fact that your local chadthundercock crush ghosted on you and eversince you're a sore femcel

>> No.22968814

>but why would you collectively punish an entire group for the actions of a few individuals?
Because as i said it would lead to a society free of crime and disorder. I made my reason clear.
I'm not a resentful femcel, I am a man, so enough with the ad homs

>> No.22968816

To put it bluntly they view their struggle is more of an uphill battle than so-called “neurodivergent” peoples and then use their superior social skills to upend that, which in all essence is just an act in order to evade truth.

>> No.22968825

you'll never be a man, you flat femcel cunt!

>> No.22968827

>Because as i said it would lead to a society free of crime and disorder.
You're retarded. With that out of the way, since collective punishment fails to distinguish between bad actors and good actors, the marginal cost of being a bad actor decreases while the reward stays the same. You create an incentive for more bad actors. You literally achieve the opposite effect, you absolute retard. Get born right so you can think in terms of supply and demand and incentives, thanks.

>> No.22968829

What if you define yourself by both qualities

>> No.22968839

stop feeding the tranny with your attention

>> No.22968845

Your response makes no sense. We know as a scientific fact that men who are fully castrated become more passive and generally more feminine.
We also know that men are responsible for the vast majority of violent crime
Put two and two together, if all men were castrated there would be reduction in overall violent crime

>> No.22968853

I kinda wonder if I was abused or molested as a kid and forgot. I knew about sedual topics and acted with them in mind from an earlier age than my peers, am extremely uncomfortable with touching people or being touched, and have a laundry list of sexual hangups and baggage for no reason I can think of.

>> No.22968863

Read about Buddhism... or yank my prick?

>> No.22968867

and personally what you gonna do with your oversized brown clitoris after your castration?

>> No.22968868

>sedual topics
sexual topics**

>> No.22968873

it doesn't really matter, but i have a statistically larger than average penis. knowing that makes me feel good.

>> No.22968876

Again this is not about me.
I like having a penis and would find a way to evade the law
What is good for the collective has little relation to my personal wants

>> No.22968885

both are masturbatory

>> No.22968891

post dick with timestamp now you faggot tranny

>> No.22968894

>muh crime
Why ignore all the good men have done for the world. You wouldnt be here without men.

>> No.22968913

You are reacting emotionally like a women.
This is not about men being bad or good.
It's about the statistical fact that men are responsible for most violent crime
Castration would reduce that tendency. Just like how it works with farm animals.
Therefore, from a perspective of social utility, state mandated castration would be a overall good for society as it would overall lead to a mote peaceful society

>> No.22968933
File: 177 KB, 540x720, 1564739767717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are reacting emotionally like a women.
>btw universal male castration
also didnt answer my "emotional" question

>> No.22968941

Are manifestos the only way to really get inside a psychopath or serial killer's head? I keep searching for what goes on in their minds but I only get broad characterizations and cited studies. No, I want a POV play by play about why he wants to dissect a living cat. Any recs?

>> No.22968956

Where have i ignored the good men do?
Not relevant. Overall society will be better for it, and i have already explained my reasons why

>> No.22968968

This kills the crab

>> No.22968972

>still doesnt answer
Based. Staying true to the cowardice typical of your kind.

>> No.22968979

Tired of this fucking beard, feels like a nigger cactus

>> No.22968996

and women are mostly responsible for bringing in hordes of predatory migrants and transing their kids en masse whats your fucking point?

>> No.22969004

Tired of this board, feels like fucking a cactus

>> No.22969019

Tired of this board feels like an African American Cactus who has too much melanin for photosynthesis

>> No.22969021


>> No.22969031

I never ignored the good men do
I simply asserted that more men, especially high t men, lacking a penis would lead to a society with less violence
This is a fairly obvious inference that you have yet to rebutt

>> No.22969033
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The female rear end is what is on my mind, so I shall write it.

>> No.22969036

This is also true for killing every baby before they get a chance to commit a crime, tf is your point retard?

>> No.22969050

Why the fuck do brits say erm instead of um

>> No.22969071

>that you have yet to rebutt
No one denies men are more violent than woman, or commit more crime. Everyone is pointing out your conclusion "castrate all men" is retarded.

>I never ignored the good men do
You must have. Because in all of history, uncastrated men - masculine men - have led us to the society we now live in. And if you DID included it in your "reasoning" you would have to admit the FACT there are vastly more non-criminals in the world than there are criminals.

Again, lead by your own example and castrate yourself. The world doesnt need weak men like you.

>> No.22969084
File: 80 KB, 1080x1197, IMG_1366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s a two autists derail thread arguing about troons thread

/lit/…why you like this?

>> No.22969098

i have concieved of the most masturbatory literary endeaver possible: to write a book, in full, and then have no intention whatsoever of anyone else to read it! think of it, this could be a book that answers the secrets of the universe, and it would be for my eyes only, mine! a product no more like a silkworm having spun the most glorious silk weavery, only to seclude it until the grave. mwahaha, you shall never read the new and revised My Diary Desu Yo!

>> No.22969121

Dont worry its over now.

>> No.22969135

Jacking off three times a day and then taking a really hot bath, two days in a row has left my balls feeling very unpleasant.

>> No.22969152

no one pays attention to the tumblr-informed parts of my personality. they're currently nailing me down to a cross

>> No.22969181

No you haven't refuted my logic or the conclusion.
The conclusion was that it would end violent crime
That is the important contention. I don't care about anything else

>> No.22969223

need a fat ass red head gf bros i swear...

>> No.22969239

I am 30 in a few months. I spent a chunk of my life disguising my autism, learning to charm people, learning to stick out less, learning to take risks, fail, and stand up for myself, and I could not be happier for having straightened my thoughts. but I cannot disguise my extremely narrow band of interests. I will never travel, I will never study more than a few esoteric topics, I will never really have perspective outside my small slice of reality except what I can glean from others i.e. I will never be wise.

>> No.22969254
File: 93 KB, 800x800, frog man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so long
so long
someday the whole world will sing my song

still life remains
somewhere in my heart the beat goes on

>> No.22969314

Bro that's the cum room right there

>> No.22969343


This song reminds me of growing up, my mom would play it. We had some great years together after dad left. Why is it so hard to appreciate the real parts of life and so easy to get swept up in the mundane? It's like you can focus on petty shit and preparing to live, all the way to the grave.

>> No.22969358

>I don't care about anything else
False. You care about saving face after losing an anonymous argument.

>> No.22969379


>> No.22969402

It is now my birthday!!!!

>> No.22969405

Feast on wine or fast on water
And your honour shall stand sure,
God Almighty’s son and daughter
He the valiant, she the pure;
If an angel out of heaven
Brings you other things to drink,
Thank him for his kind attentions,
Go and pour them down the sink.

>> No.22969406


>> No.22969414

>Angels: notorious drink spikers
–GK Chesterton

>> No.22969433

Just took the first shit of my thirties.
Thanks bro.

>> No.22969450

As my friend always says, wishing you many happy returns of the day

>> No.22969454

We have had nothing but godawful threads for the last 4 days

>> No.22969459

I think a drop in other boards quality is leading to a lot of lower quality posters coming here, just look at this thread >>22968567 and the replies, all just dumb memes

>> No.22969465

happy birthday anon

>> No.22969498

It would be an understatement to say that I am not free to do whatever I want. I have been blessed to be born in a time and place where I have had this freedom since the day I was born. Despite that, it feels as if I am wasting away all the time that I have on past times that amount to nothing. The quick rush I feel playing video games, scrolling the internet or watching mindless YouTube videos that feed me information that I do not use in any direct manner are becoming stale and I can't help but feel the longing for a personal connection with a woman growing stronger day by day.

>> No.22969502

Ayyy fellow january bro

>> No.22969505

Just watched a youtube ad about warning about fentanyl. It then asked me if that ad was relevant to my life. My brother died of a fentanyl overdose 6 months ago. I clicked on "skip survery."

>> No.22969515

>a decade
Tell me all the ways you save money senpai

>> No.22969528
File: 1.73 MB, 273x271, 1631062318145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A profound sadness has erupted from within. If they are man’s best friend, why must they leave us so early? Do companions not live side by side forever? Are we not indebted to one another for our years of love and servitude? Why must they die so quickly, why must they be taken from our lives in such an undignified manner? Where is the god that took such a beautiful animal from my home, in such a state? Where is the lord when innocent creatures with such pure souls are taken away from me when all seemed so well? If I could re-arrange the stars I would, I would change the cosmos, the universe, and god itself I would. If I could only have them for as long as I live. If I could cast nature away, I would. If I could hurt the thing that did this to him, I would. But there is nothing, no lord, no creator, but a random occurrence. I stare into the abyss and nothing looks back, Jesus wept, I wept, and nothing changed. Where is my best friend? My companion? My family? My Tribe? My Creed? Where is anything when everything matters to me?. I am utterly helpless, all those years of living, all that ‘wisdom’, all those texts and life experience. Meaningless in a moment when nothing else is important. Nature, as it were, the thing that brings us together, binds us and enshrined us in destiny is nowhere to be seen. At some point, we were brought together, to be together, and to love one another. But you cannot go where I go, you cannot think what I think, you cannot do what I do. I am superior, but I do not wish to be. I wish to be just as you are, your equal, and even if I confess that we are equals, it does not make it so. There is so much in you that we can learn from, love, compassion, loyalty and happiness. Yet, we learn nothing, we see nothing, and we feel nothing. Many of us think of you as tools, as things that can be controlled for our will. Why can it not be that we are an equal, why did nature design us to be so far apart, so compellingly distant? Where is man’s best friend?

>> No.22969531

Sorry bro, i've been busy

>> No.22969536
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>> No.22969541

NEW >>22969540

>> No.22969564

I have IBS

>> No.22969705

> Instead, assume good faith and respond in good faith
That is rich coming from a whiny bitch like you whose only threat is to not read a post because it will hurt his feelings.

>There are very good and obvious potential criticisms of what I was posting
absolute cope. if you threaten to parry an argument, then you better parry it and not threaten to parry it. Because that is just another way of stating you are actually have nothing to counter at all, because you are historically illiterate. It's ok, I'd expect as much from someone spamming their C+ college essay on an image board.