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22961724 No.22961724 [Reply] [Original]

Has someone here actually read any of his work?
He seems like an extremely odd person, especially for someone in his particular field, so I'm curious if his work has any real scientific or philosophical merit to it.

>> No.22961744

He doesn't have a corpus. He has a dusty old thesis in paperback and a bunch of midwit self help bestsellers. He knows he doesn't have enough wits to write a real book and would make a fool of himself if he tried. He is a charismatic lecturer and a contrarian who is enjoying wealth and fame by dazzling wayward young men into thinking he can somehow lead them to pussy.

>> No.22962034

He actually does have some interesting lectures in his field, but Id avoid his sepf help griftbooks.

Also, he has one of the worst interpretations of Dostoy of any prominent modern intellectual and has essential ruined talking about him any time there is a self style libertarian podcast bro in the vicinity

>> No.22962046

he has a really cool biblical lecture series on youtube which i really enjoyed. really gave me a greater appreciation of the bible and its interpretive tradition.

i don't subscribe to his moral dogma, but, insofar as he's a lecturer on childrens movies, he's alright.

>> No.22962049

>Also, he has one of the worst interpretations of Dostoy of any prominent modern intellectual and has essential ruined talking about him any time there is a self style libertarian podcast bro in the vicinity
oh no, what did he say about dostoevsky?

>> No.22962125

Basically he reduces Dotoys great novels to materialist treatise. Its his fault half of the Dostoy thread posters who have no original thought parrot materialism in every thread.

>> No.22962132

He seems like a decent practically oriented quasi-Jungian to me. If I were you, I'd just watch a bunch of his older lecture series, the ones before he got really big, on Youtube. They're arranged in playlists on his channel I think. Then, if you like what you see, read stuff like Jung, Eliade, Paglia, Campbell.

>> No.22962154
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>> No.22962359


Peterson is a hack. He claims he wants to promote free speech and have a real confrontation with opposing ideas and then insulates himself in both religious and political environs which exactly mirror his own beliefs and has basically stopped entirely engaging with anything that may challenge them. Embarrassing.

>> No.22962366

Bro, when Nabokov wrote a pedo is was mostly draped in language which could apply to an actual woman, but this could only be written from a place of actual desire for children. Creepy in the extreme.

>> No.22962407

>real scientific or philosophical merit
He is a Jungian pragmatist. He's not concerned with philosophical rigor, but rather with ideas that are gripping enough to invoke action. I believe there's a lot of merit in that but you have to take him as he is and not expect great achievements in all areas. There tends to be a lot of bizarre criticism due to his fame, but I don't seen him as any worse than any of the other celebrity thinkers out there.
>extremely odd person
Jung comes up a lot here, but if you read that stuff then you will understand a lot of the ways that Peterson thinks too.

>> No.22963700


>> No.22963705
File: 82 KB, 654x540, 1523679597449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life.

>> No.22963707

I now hate him even more, thank you.
I am so glad his daughter got Tate's, goes to show what a father he is irl as well.

>> No.22963712

fraud of the century

>> No.22963720

His UOFT lecture videos are alright. Alot of his insights just come from philosophers and authors though. Alot of Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, ALOT of Jung.

>> No.22963726

i love that the op asks if anyone has read his work and multiple responses are about how much they like his youtube videos
the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.22963731
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Reminder that the autists stimming themselves by repeating the same nonsensical vitriol about Peterson, thread after thread for year after year, are pathetic ideologues and resentful idiots. His best feature is that he gets them to out themselves as such.

>libtard /lit/
Seethes that Peterson turns them into reactionaries by pointing out their bullshit.
>pseud /lit/
Thinks cynically dunking on mass media meant for a general audience is a sign of intelligence.
>chud /lit/
Thinks he's part of a Jewish conspiracy preventing them from having sex.
>tranny /lit/
Thinks he's a "literal nazi."

>> No.22963744

JP isn't literature so why the fuck are you complaining?

>> No.22963759

Huh? "Chud" is not in my vocabulary. What the hell are you trying to say, retard?

>> No.22963764

It's a bot I think, it shows up eventually in every single Peterson thread across this website.

>> No.22963765
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lol, what a tool

>> No.22963767

Based /lit/ fags eternally BTFO

>> No.22963860

There are many ideologues on this board who hate him yet have never read him. It's quite hilarious how stupid they make themselves look.

>> No.22963877
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Why does he seethes and kvetches when called a jew, yet cries and weeps when called a Rabbi?

>> No.22963985
File: 2.57 MB, 954x1172, 1678688133583517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Delusional rationalization/disorganized thinking:
There are facts about the world. For example, that media manipulates people, Jews work in media, and psychologists study the mind. However, what a delusional person does is take such facts and use them to confirm a specific narrative (this is known as being selectively coherent). The elements of the narrative aren't actually proven by the facts but the delusional person (or ideologue) confuses their truth with the truth of their narrative. For example: Peterson is a psychologist (fact), associates with Jews (fact), and works in media (fact); therefore he is a skilled manipulator and part of a conspiracy headed by Jews. (This is the delusional rationalization part). The facts don't prove the narrative yet if you look you'll notice they are what is carrying the weight of the argument being made by people who mentally adhere to the narrative--if you deny the narrative these ideologues will confuse this with denying the facts. (That's the disordered thinking part).

Basically, the dangerous thing about paranoid narratives is that they have the appearance of being logically consistent within themselves and noticing the sleight of hand that takes place between the facts and the narrative isn't always easy to do. However, it's quite easy to see why certain narratives are simply absurd (e.g. looking at the advanced teachings of a cult versus those they use to hook people in).

Peterson isn't the crescendo of a multi-millenia conspiracy headed by a cabal of Jews who want you to not have sex. You haven't figured it all out and you aren't interpreting 5D chess. What you are doing is building a selectively coherent narrative based on truisms and confusing that they necessarily connect to your version of reality. If you find yourselves doing this seek professional help.

>> No.22964037

>lol these peterson haters only have the same few insults
>so im gonna stoop to their level and paste the same few pastas in every peterson thread!
who else do you respect on the same level of peterson? do you at least keep track with any other conservative or libertarian thinkers? at this point i am convinced you only care for peterson for some sense of smug contrarianism.
what does jbp teach that the bible or theology doesn't? if it's philosophy, why not go for actual philosophy?
i do not trust any man whose thought is mainly explored in video and not the written word.

>> No.22964041

And also pissing off legions of woke moralist progressives who think they’re on the right side of history, don’t forget about that.

>> No.22964050
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Peterson will touch a nerve by simply pointing out something that is blatantly ignored in the way an ideological group frames an issue. He exposes ideological blind spots in a simple and straightforward way; this leads to the fellow travelers of whichever idea is being discussed having a breakdown and exposing themselves. He's valuable as a media personality if even for that reason alone.
>Peterson: it would be productive to involve men in the conversation about violence against women in a way that doesn't label masculinity as inherently negative
>Libtard: so you're saying in order to make men care about rape women have to be returned to the status of men's property
>Peterson: the rise of identitarianism is linked to reactionary politics that sublimate personal resentment into collectivistic extremism
>Chud: so you're saying white people don't have group interests and therefore shouldn't exist
>Peterson: transgender ideology specifically targets a group of people likely to be confused and open to mental pathologies via social contagion--we shouldn't give hormones to children let alone surgically mutilate minors
>Tranny: so you're literal nazi saying we're a disease and we should be exterminated like one
>Peterson: anonymity increases the likelihood of pathological behavior so perhaps one way to alleviate the negative repercussions of its overall influence would be to segregate accounts on these specific widely used social media websites--it's definitely better than secret and selective control of the public narrative as it exists now
>/pol/tard: so you're saying you want everyone everywhere to be tied to whatever they say and do at all times...I'm a freedom fighter [goes to another thread to post about AOC's asshole while writing "nig*er" 50 times]

>> No.22965268

>if his work has any real scientific or philosophical merit to it.
It doesn't. He's a typical Jungian that is funded by the American neocons and sponsored by the Catholic Church. That says volumes about him.

>> No.22965288

wayyyyyyyy off the mark
not even close

I am a poetry reading, nature-loving anti-capitalist Jew lover actually

Peterson is a bullshit scholar, go find a real one.

>> No.22965290 [DELETED] 

If I love anything Peterson is that he attended this debate and opened my eyes about the equality of outcome vs equality of opportunity debate. I can defend him on that basis alone. That video has almost fifty million views. You can credit him as the progenitor of almost all the mgtow, redpill movements that exist today on youtube. I think they existed in obcurity but peterson gave them some sort of legitimacy.

>> No.22965296

what self indulgent tripe

>> No.22965318

If I love anything Peterson is that he attended this interview and opened my eyes to the equality of outcome vs equality of opportunity debate. I can defend him on that basis alone. That video has almost fifty million views. You can credit him as the progenitor of almost all the mgtow, redpill movements that exist today on youtube. I think they existed in obscurity but peterson gave them some sort of legitimacy.

>> No.22966830

jungians are natural born grifters because everyone is such a blithering materialist retard that if you reveal to them the function of narrative they’re mad blown away because they never thought to conceptualise it in the first place

>> No.22967058

That's actually backwards. Grifters don't want you to think about any of that because they have a sketchy story to sell you. Likewise, Jungians usually remain obscure and ignored since it's so hard to sell careful symbolic analysis when it makes the average person's eyes glaze over. If Peterson is a grifter then it's because of his skill as one. Consider all the other prominent Jungians who were so piss poor at it.

>> No.22967637

"Grifter" is just a buzzword idiots use when they're upset by someone who is outside of their preferred online echo-chamber.