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File: 98 KB, 866x1390, young-adult-woman-reading-book-with-feet-up-F0ACYB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22963689 No.22963689 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah I'm a bookworm. I love reading!

>Sexy Cowboy
>Ride Dirty
>Savage Love
>Werewolf Heart
>The Ruthless Billionaire
>Unholy Sinners

>> No.22963694

I made those titles up btw. Feel free to use them for yourself.

>> No.22963695


>> No.22963723

it's better than not reading at all

>> No.22963737

Is eating poison better than not eating at all?

>> No.22963740

poison? you're being so dramatic at least this lets you explore creativity instead of being on tiktok

>> No.22963756

has anyone actually kissed or sucked a woman's feet?

>> No.22963763

yeah i suck on my wifes toes before we have sex as foreplay

>> No.22963804

There is nothing creative about any of that kind of literature.

>> No.22963816

really? she doesn't think it's weird?

>> No.22963842

Feet are the ultimate fetish, metaphysically speaking. What attracts men to women - consciously, if they are metaphysically attuned, and unconsciously, if they are metaphysically retarded? The coincidence of the transcendent in the immanent: women are angelic beings, a miraculous manifestation of something from a higher sphere within the "mere" material. Nietzsche;
>When a man stands in the midst of his own noise, in the midst of his own surf of plans and projects, then he is apt also to see quiet, magical beings gliding past him and to long for their happiness and seclusion: women.

You see a woman and you are dimly aware that what you are really seeing is the "mere" material to which you are accustomed, but suddenly organized by a form that transcends it, makes it more interesting than the usual mere material. Your immanent manbrain scrambles for a way to understand this "wholly other," and the best it can come up with is to try to grasp "all" the material in the woman, as a proxy for grasping the holistic form "holding" all the matter, by finding ways to consume or dominate or literally physically grab onto as much material as possible, which is the cause of that thing where you try to grab more and more ass, but you can never grab "enough" ass, because there's always more, so you have to keep grabbing ass for eternity. But this will never take you to the form itself in which the apparent, material ass participates, which is transcendent by definition.

A woman you're attracted to is a living paradox, the presence of the transcendent IN the immanent, which should be impossible because the transcendent is by definition that which is absent and otiose, and yet here she is right in front of you with a great ass and a pair of tits and nice feet, so she is literally a living miracle. And the only way you can think to grasp that miracle with your immanent male matter-brain is to try to effect union with her formal transcendent aspect by means of the symbolically "highest" (oral, the house and source of logos) and "frontmost, most penetrating, further projecting" (penile) parts of yourself, but even these only take you to the limit and never across the threshold into pure transcendence itself except in the moment of orgasm (la petite mort). Concordantly, the only way you can access transcendence is through CONTINUED possession of the woman, which is paradoxical and frustrating because it is part of the necessary definition of this fundamentally unaccountable transcendent being that it is only "deigning" to remain in the material.

>> No.22963844

A woman can always rescind her love and her willingness to be your conduit to her full transcendent nature, which is why rape is (as Norah Vincent said) a pathetic act of vengeance and sour grapes, an attempt to conquer what was not freely given. A woman symbolizes freedom from the immanent, everything that isn't immanent, a conduit back to the creative source that is hidden from created beings, an orthogonal path away from the spherical ontology of the manifest world, in which all paths a man can dream up simply lead further along the sphere indefinitely.

Thus, to conceptualize a woman symbolically is to conceptualize the "setting down" or "alighting" of the lowest part of her fundamentally transcendent being in the merely immanent, on the surface of the "endless" sphere of apparent reality. Logically, by extension, the only part of her that could be present in the material, is the lowest part of her. If the very nature of the immanent sphere of the manifest world is that of a prison and an illusion, then the act of choosing actively to "visit" the prison from beyond it (while transcendent with respect to it) is necessarily an act of deigning, and the very miracle of a woman's presence lies in her unaccountable and ineffable choice to deign to be present in the mundane at all. It only makes sense that, symbolically and hermetically speaking, she would only deign to make contact at the infinitesimal point where the lowest part of her, her metaphorical "foot," must come into contact with or "touch down onto/into" the sphere of immanent reality. As Plato says:
>Her feet are tender, for she sets her steps,
>Not on the ground but on the heads of men

In this symbolic, macro-/micro-cosmic representation, the relation "transcendent / willing to come into contact with the immanent" is concordant with or homologizes with the relation "woman / lowest part of woman." But we can extend this homology fractally, for the actual manifest form of a woman also has, literally, bodily, from the perspective of the conditioned jiva, feet. And just as in the relation transcendent : immanent, the actual real manifest woman from the perspective of manifest reality, that is within the sphere of manifestation, has to deign to touch the ground of the sphere of the earth at the lowest possible point on her physically manifested being: her feet. Thus we establish the hierarchical, emanating concordance:
>free transcendent being / willing to touch the mere "ground" of the sphere of mere conditioned immanence by existing at all
>miraculous beautiful loveable woman / willing to assume a mere material form in mere materiality
>pretty woman / born to be angelic and transcendent, yet forced to walk on "mere" feet on the "mere" ground, like a merely manifest being with its various bodily needs

>> No.22963846

Thus, when you kiss a woman's feet you are actually symbolically ascending the chain of concordances and celebrating the very miraculous principle of her manifestation at all. You are affirming that you appreciate the gift of her deigning to manifest in the sphere of immanent conditioned existence. We can even further extend this homology by remembering that her feet, being subject to the conditions of mere materiality (which are foreign to her, as a pure being, but with which she has chosen to accommodate herself for unaccountable reasons), sometimes get slightly dirty and sweaty, as they must touch the mere material ground, of which men are also made. Thus by letting her step on you with her slightly dirty or sweaty feet, and touching them with your mouth or penis, you are further fractally ritually cognizing the emanated hierarchy of concordant symbols all the way back up to her true transcendent being, forming a "djed" or tiered column or spinal column of symbolic homologies which also embodies the ankh (the cross, symbolizing the miraculous irruption of the transcendent in the immanent).

All other forms of fetishism are inferior attempts at penetrating or possessing the true nature of women, most of which lapse into degenerate attempts merely to banish or sully the transcendent as a way of dispensing the tension of its frustratingly inexplicable presence. ONLY by licking a woman's feet can you truly bring your nature into full accordance with hers and attain true spiritual fulfillment. Only then do you carry out the true rite of the union of the horizontal and the vertical. You can even literally be horizontal (lying flat) as she (standing vertically) steps on you.

>> No.22963854 [DELETED] 


>> No.22963864
File: 626 KB, 2048x1536, 1674591873460426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky man

>> No.22963893

Women genuinely think it's cute if their boyfriend wants to lick their feet. I'm so fucking horny.

>> No.22964025

yes my ex gf found out I was into feet and fulfilled all my fantasies. pretty epic desu

>> No.22964038

>That feet licking scene in Pedro Paramo

>> No.22964042

>L’ emme

>> No.22964047

Only in the sense that you're closer to the moon at its zenith. You're still very far from where you want to be.

>> No.22964065

They can be such good sports. The two I've told would send me pics after they painted their toenails. I didn't tell them the whole pervy nature of it, just that I thought their feet were pretty and hinted that I preferred them to wear revealing heels whenever the occasion arose.

>> No.22964085

bro please lay off the adderall

>> No.22964103

If a woman acted like this before me I would kill her and hang her detached head on my doorknob, facing towards the outside.

>> No.22964108
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>> No.22964112

I used to read romance manga when I was an incel(I still am an incel, just trying to avoid incel things.) I think it probably had a negative effect on my state of mind. I can't see why romance novels would be any different, or any genre lit for that matter.

>> No.22964124

Any erotica for foot fetishists?
Seriously asking.

>> No.22964127
File: 234 KB, 2226x956, 1663814079319044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best is that Indigo, the largest bookstore chain in Canada, sells vibrators that are obviously named after romance novel archetypes (also anal plugs).

>> No.22964129
File: 1.26 MB, 1191x1684, 1678752133073384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would kill to have a bookworm gf order me to worship her feet as she reads every day

>> No.22964139

where's the neet and the shitposter? i guess the french lover sorta covers that but still

>> No.22964148

I used to have something like that but it was online. We would discuss books and she would talk about how she wanted me to suck on her toes. Would not recommend. Not worth the stress. Get a vanilla girl irl if you can.

>> No.22964186

damn that's crazy