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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.10 MB, 1992x2464, kindle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2295779 No.2295779 [Reply] [Original]

I was on the train home today and it was pretty crowded. I was reading Cat's Cradle when this woman sat down beside me.

Fair enough.. full train.

Anyway, she then reaches into her handbag and guess what she pulls out?


I raged so hard at her, I actually snapped, tapped her on the shoulder, stared her in the eyes and said slowly, "You are everything, EVERYTHING, that is wrong with this modern world."

I then got up and moved to the back of the train. I'm still upset about the whole ordeal.

>> No.2295783
File: 307 KB, 374x338, ACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2295784

For fuck's sake.

That is what we call "being a cunt."

The rise of these things is inevitable. All media is being digitized. Yes, this is not a preferable outcome, but nor is it something you can change by bothering women on the train like you're some sort of spastic.

>> No.2295785


I figure if that woman gets home, sells her kindle and goes to a bookshop to buy a book, I will have improved the world.

Tough love is needed sometime and all I did was push her in the right direction. She'll thank me later in life.

>> No.2295786
File: 33 KB, 357x356, NNM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here be samefags.

>> No.2295788


Do you really believe this? Why do you even care? Don't you have real problems? Your attitude is what is wrong with the world.

>> No.2295790


I do, because the written word should be on a page that you can touch and feel, not a fucking screen.

You sound like you're taking her side, and for that reason, I can only assume, you are a massive cunt with no interest in literature or sanctity the written word

>> No.2295791

Wait. I thought this was a troll thread. Why is the OP having an argument with himself?

>> No.2295792


I am not, learn how to detect samefags you fucking retard. For a board that loves to read, you sure would think you could read a guide on how to properly check.

>> No.2295793

>op talked to a woman
haha good1

>> No.2295794

You're either trolling or samefagging it up with an incredibly ridiculous strawman.

Or you're retarded enough to think the physical object you read from matters beyond comfort and logistics, which it doesn't. We're not all reading on stone tablets for this very reason.

But hey, whichever you are you're still an asshole.

>> No.2295795
File: 1.62 MB, 766x1000, eg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a pathetic excuse for a troll thread.

>> No.2295796


Ok. Thats it. At first i thought you are an intelligent human being, because you had a point. Now you just showed that you are a miserable troll.

4/10 made me reply.

>> No.2295797


Says the stupid cunt who doesn't know how to detect if someone is samefagging.

>> No.2295798


Dude, we are past the samefagging shit. We detected you as a troll. Thats what >>2295795 said. Are you really that stupid or is this your first troll-thread?

>> No.2295803


I'm not a troll you fucking moron. You may not care about the direction books are heading, but I live and breath the written word and I will continue this couse of action to anyone I see with an e-reader.

>> No.2295804

Someone sounds mad.

>> No.2295806
File: 53 KB, 640x479, 1324634206286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who think literature means only 'books' are so retarded it makes my arse hurt.

>> No.2295807

op dont worry maybe one day she will be your girlfriend

>> No.2295808

Well, sooner or later you will get punched in the face for that. And while you're in the hospital and someone has to bring you a new book every 5 days or so, some douche you're sharing the room with will just download a new one in a few seconds to his Kindle.

>> No.2295810


I don't need a girlfriend you rude cunt. I have a mother who provides me with love and my books provide me with comfort. Fuck woman, they are over-rated.


I'd like to see a girl try and hit me in the face, I would slap her so hard she wouldn't dare strike a second time.

>> No.2295812

I haven't a clue what's going on here. He's not samefagging, I doubt he's trolling. To clarify, this >>2295784 has been my one and only post.

OP is still special needs, mind.

>> No.2295814


Yeah, now we realize you just really hate women. This isn't about Kindles, this is about you having some serious issues with anger management.

Christ, I haven't had a girl in years, but even I see that you're way out of line.

>> No.2295815

on the off chance that you aren't just a very persistent troll, please seek anger management help, or evaluate your position. why is it so important to you that she reads a physical book? why do you think that reading off a kindle is 'everything wrong with the modern world'?

>> No.2295816
File: 4 KB, 204x204, troll-dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skyrim is literature.

>> No.2295819

The OC? That's literature too.

>> No.2295820
File: 140 KB, 846x770, MANZANASFELIZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cracked. Yes, but whatever.
David Wong [John Dies At The End] does a wonderful job explaining shit.
I wouldn't get too big of a dick just yet considering most of this shit is still a business for somebody.
Forced Artificial Scarcity.

Two whole cents.

>> No.2295817


I don't hate woman, I just deem them unnecessary and I don't see where you get anger problems from as I'm civil unless provoked.

>> No.2295823
File: 36 KB, 425x453, trollcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That poem by your 14 year old sister about how she can't explane the pane?

That's also literature.

>> No.2295824


I dont think so. I'm pretty sure you are damn weak. And ugly. And don't get me wrong. I do not want to sound impolite but I'm pretty sure you are a very sad and lonely person. Are you hugging a book right now? Filling it with your tears?

Also...you mad!

btw: your trolling gets better
5/10 made me reply

>> No.2295831


Personal insults show your lack of intelligence. Perhaps you should fuck off back to "The Great Gatsby" or some other entry level shit and stop talking to me.

>> No.2295833
File: 165 KB, 450x430, trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and the Potato Waffles Song:


This is Lit too. And it'll be stuck in your head all fucking week.

>> No.2295843


Pathetic. You insult people the whole time.


That is your post. Until that point everything was fine. Than you started calling people cunt and everything went out of control.

Why don't you go back to /b/?

Nice troll-post by the why.
Getting better.
5/10 made me reply

>> No.2295844


You're hitting all the right buttons but for some reason its not working.

>> No.2295848


I assumed you were a massive cunt, I didn't imply it. Learn the difference chuckle fuck.

I bet you actually buy your books off amazon or in barnes and noble, I actually hate you.

>> No.2295851


Dude are you crazy? I mosty read comic books. I torrent some lit from time to time and read on my palm.

Why you mad?

>> No.2295858
File: 11 KB, 188x229, 1309890059687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am with OP.

>> No.2295859


>comic books

Just get out, seriously get out. Comics are for uneducated faggots who can't go more than a page without pretty pictures.

My hate for you seethes inside, if there's one thing I hate more than kindle users, it's faggots like you who call themselves readers because they like to flick through what is essentially a children's cartoon on a page.

>> No.2295870


Duuude, are you crazy? I read profound comic books like V for Vendetta. It's really awesome and better than everything you every read.
But i also like chuck Palahniuk. You maybe never heard of him.

>> No.2295873


So that's comics AND books by the stupid cunt who wrote Fight Club.

Just fuck off, seriously, fuck off. I don't want to converse with you any longer for fear of dropping IQ.

>> No.2295876


Duuuudeee, so you too liked the Fight Club-comic by Chuck Palahniuk. I really loved it.
What is your opinion on Ulysses?

>> No.2295889

I fail to see the problem with Kindles... Don't be a cunt, and accept the fact that people have different preferences than you. I'd probably get me a Kindle if I had the money.

>> No.2295892


I heartily agree with this man. Palahniuk is for angsty teenagers with limited intelligence. Hell, I tried to read that shit at 15, and even then I knew it was pseudo-pulp garbage.

Comics for chilluns and neckbeards.

"Watchmen" is not very good.

Deal with it.

>> No.2295896


Oh so you are more like the "Real-Superhero" kind of guy? Have you read the new 52 by DC? It's pretty awesome. I think you will like it.

Btw: Nice samefagging.
5/10 made me reply

>> No.2295911

trolls is trolls...

just got back from 2 weeks at the coast..burnt through 4 books in that time....

GF is sat alongside me on the beach with around 2000 titles in a smaller format than my bill bryson title

>> No.2295914


I like Batman.

Comics are still shit.

>> No.2295916

I have a Kindle. It's great, I can carry my entire vast collection of free books around with me wherever I go. I do miss the tactile sensation of page turning and the smell of freshly bound books, but it's a worthwhile tradeoff.

>> No.2295921


Yeah. I like french fries.

Potatoes are still shit.

>> No.2295933

Switching to digitalized books will only make it that much easier for the government to keep tabs and who's reading what and banning information they don't want people to see. I refuse to buy nooks and kindles if only to keep myself and my interests under the radar so that when some inevitable dictatorship establishes itself I go unnoticed

>> No.2295937

I bought a kindle recently, it's awesome, i'll never have to pay for a book again :)

>> No.2295938


but I'm gonna respond anyway

>hurr durr paper books are superior

talking like a true hipster american, that doesn't have more than a bookshelf in his house

books decay, if you read an old one your fingers will smell musty, it's quite disgusting

get with the times

>> No.2295944


>books decay

so do batteries... you dumb faggot.

>> No.2295948


1/10 that's all i can do.

>> No.2295950


That's because you know I have a valid point. What costs more? To replace a book for a couple of dollars, or to replace a $150 kindle? Huh?


>> No.2295953


But kindle books are cheaper and the battery will probably last for years. So you are wrong.

>> No.2295954



You imply people with e-readers pay for books.

>> No.2295957


Some of them, yes.
And also thanks, because that confirms my statement.

>> No.2295964

I have a kindle. It's awesome. I can read whatever book I fancy out of the hundreds stored in there while you lug around a huge, heavy, clumsy physical book. Also you sound like a huge cunt.

>> No.2295973

not to mention we have minesweeper and that other game when we are bored

just press Shift+Alt+M

or we can load up a ton of comics like I did with an archive of cyanide and happiness

I read 5 books since Xmas but the diversity is great

the build in dictionaries are amazing though, those in paper form are worth more than half the kindle's price

I'd pay that much and the difference for free internet wherever I go for life

next to a guitar this is the best present I've ever received

>> No.2295977

Distractions errywhere

>> No.2295991

Oh, what's the game other than minesweeper?

>> No.2295995

>the build in dictionaries are amazing though, those in paper form are worth more than half the kindle's price
yeah, i'll give you that. there's no paper dictionary which 1) is light enough to be carried around everywhere *and* 2) actually has all those obscure words you want to look up, which is the only reason for carrying it around in the first place

>> No.2295996

I'm with OP

Fuck digital books. Think about the future, think about the fucking ease of censorship our future dictators will have. No one will pay for their 'ebooks', and literature as we know will slowly dwindle.

There's no need to store a book in wires and circuit boards, I mean what was wrong with paper? 100 books at once you say? Well I have to try my darn hardest to focus on just one book as it is, I thank you. Probably read about 10 or so other books whilst relaxing through War & Peace (granted, I am trying to saviour it, but I'm also chill guy)

The only positive is that more people may start reading if they know it makes them seem trendy and sleek. But then that might also lead to a new market of dumbed down trashy readers, once again leading to the dwindling of literature as we know it.

>> No.2296001


>think about the fucking ease of censorship our future dictators will have

I imagine they would find it much more difficult to lock down the internet and destroy every digital transfer device on the planet than to turn off a few physical printing presses.

>> No.2296004

yes, because China n North Korean govts had such a hard time controlling internet content

>> No.2296020

I'm getting a kindle. I live in a tiny apartment and don't want to spend much (any) money on books. So buying physical books isn't an option for me right now. The only incentive that I see to having a large number of books is that it arouses most girls, but if you get a girl back to your place then they're usually DTF anyway.

>> No.2296029
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1312331679513.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come ON. I didn't even read the whole thread but he's a lit nazi misspelling "women"? How is that NOT a troll?

>> No.2296033

>1 year ago every hipster on earth loves ebooks
>This year they all start hating them because everyone else got one for christmas

You fuckers know it's true.
A book's a book. I don't care how I read it, just that I do. It's nice to have a physical copy, but I don't have a lot of money, so I might as well mediafire pdf versions.

>> No.2296036


Sometimes I think a person is trolling, but it turns out they're just socially inept tards. I'm not sure about this one though.

>> No.2296078


The problem is that internet censorship can take place much subtly and discreetly. I'd much rather have a consistent, real thing to absorb, to exist. I think words have an importance in physical form.

People who read kindles look a bit stupid as well. A little bourgeois, a little materialistic, a little bit of a cunt.

>> No.2296082
File: 49 KB, 318x446, cool_story_bro_kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually snapped, tapped her on the shoulder,

No you didn't.

You wouldn't dare talk to a woman if your actual life depended on it.

>> No.2296089


>implying that everyone doesn't back their kindle books up on hard drives and external drives
>being a screaming, paranoid cunt

Puck both and only both

Seriously, do you really think it's easier to censor the internet than it is to kick your door in, beat fuck out of you and burn your seditious literature?

Have you ever tried to hide a tonne of books? Because there's more than that in my house.

How do I stopped gestapo?

All assuming that you wouldn't bitch out and hand all your seditious literature over to the authorities and voluntarily accept re-education, which is assuming you're not a whining little bourgeois cunt. Which is a pretty fucking big assumption

Everyone in this thread makes me fucking sick. Including myself for descending into the fucking mud and joining you.

Fuck all y'all.

>> No.2296093
File: 69 KB, 666x659, laughing_cheerleaders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he gets love from his mother
>because he's a motherfucker

>> No.2296101


>sanctity the written word
>missed out of

disregarded entirely. arsehole.

>> No.2296103


>taking the one non serious comment I made serious and generally being a fuckwit

>> No.2296107

real literature is hand written

>> No.2296113
File: 47 KB, 432x600, your_tears_are_delicious-(n1297127498090).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You so mad!

>> No.2296117


So I probably quoted the wrong post, as a moment's consideration would demonstrate that I was actually agreeing with you.

Stay defensive tho brah, it makes you seem cooler.


babby's first swear?

>> No.2296118


No. real literature is carved in stone. Plebian.

>> No.2296120
File: 267 KB, 450x709, bri_newman_librarian2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope. I just think that everyone in this thread is a cunt. And now I'm going out to buy some stuff for dinner. So fuck you. Seriously, fuck you all. Cunts.

>> No.2296123


>implying that e-books stored on hard drives or in solid-state memory aren't carved on stone

>> No.2296125


I guess we've come full circle ...

>> No.2296134

>implying by reading ebooks we will never meet a girl like that

>> No.2296144

>learn how to detect samefags you fucking retard

Is the "report post" thing really a way of identifying samefaggots?

>> No.2296166


not him, but I think he likes ebooks.

Who's the chick though.

>> No.2296172

I was on the train home today and it was pretty crowded. I was reading Cat's Cradle on my Kindle 3 when this woman sat down beside me.

Fair enough.. full train.

Anyway, she then reaches into her handbag and guess what she pulls out?


I raged so hard at her, I actually snapped, tapped her on the shoulder, stared her in the eyes and said slowly, "You are everything, EVERYTHING, that is wrong with this modern world."

I then got up and moved to the back of the train. I'm still upset about the whole ordeal.

>> No.2296188



You... you... DOUBLE PLEB

>> No.2296204

Only reason I don't use an e-reader is because I usually make a substantial number of annotations on the pages of the book I happen to be reading. Post-it notes go on their too.

>> No.2296205


>Implying I didn't already know you quoted the wrong post

>implying i'm not the guy you were actually trying to respond to

>implying you're not a fuckwit despite above implications

>> No.2296208

The implications in this thread are simply outstanding!

>> No.2296212

So I got a kindle for Christmas. I've downloaded over 200 books already and I've finished reading 3. I honestly never plan on paying money for any books other than text books for the rest of my life.I like it more than actual books. I can lay down in my bed in a comfortable position that I couldn't get in if I was holding a book and just press a button to change the page. You mad bro?

>> No.2296218

Go something

you need to connect 5 Xs or Os horizontaly vertically or diagonally

it's not easy

>> No.2296220

just for this
>I honestly never plan on paying money for any books other than text books for the rest of my life.

>> No.2296221


On this report I might buy one. It's the reading in bed thing...on your side, under the covers, up the arse, in the dingo, on the longo, in the trepisnarch of gooblidunnon

>> No.2296223


>> No.2296251 [DELETED] 

I read prone, on my side, or on my back all tangled up on a pile of pillows. You can really setting into to a nice comfortable spot and then the only thing you have to move is one finger. When I would read books in bed I'd usually lie prone with a pillow under my chest. After doing to too much it would make my back hurt from my spine being constantly bent backwards. I really don't run into that problem anymore.

>> No.2296264

mfw I got a kindle
mfw I can pirate books
mfw Even if I paid they would cost at least three pounds less than a paperback
mfw More Convenient
mfw I have no face

>> No.2296272


Well I think we can already confirm you won the most boring post of 2012

>> No.2296387


>implying you're not a poorfag or a nigger or something and you need to use the public liberary or however the fuck you spell it in assfuck, arkansas

>> No.2296392


Which is all well and good, until you fancy reading in the bath.

>> No.2296398
File: 91 KB, 323x323, rr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


put it in a fucking quart freezer bag you fucking retard

it's better than a book in the bath because it's lighter and you can't get it wet

>> No.2296590
File: 856 KB, 1426x1274, belm_tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mplying i'm going to risk electrical equipment on a fucking freezer bag that will tear easier than your anal membrane when your boyfriend is railing you
>implying I know what a fucking quart is
>implying I don't use the absolutely waterproof bag I use when scuba diving

Seriously, you can't be implying all this. no-one's that fucking brainless.

>> No.2296596


Stop buying cheap ass freezer bags. I've been doing this for ages. I've never had one tear, I've only had them get scuffed enough to where I moved to another one.

>> No.2296602


>implying I don't use the absolutely waterproof bag I use when scuba diving

lrn2read, spunkbubble. I don't need to use fucking freezer bags, because I have a fucking job.

>> No.2296617


people are reading again and thats a good thing

>> No.2296618


Yes, because not buying excessively expensive equipment for the task at hand is because you don't have a job. Maybe if I went scuba diving I would just use those bags, but I don't.

If you're a butterfingers who'd drop the whole thing in the tub, maybe that's why you wouldn't use a freezer bag (and even then, you could fetch it out before it starts leaking), but the real worry reading in the tub is splashing.

>Implying I don't have a job.

>> No.2296625


Everybody stop bitching:


15,99 at amazon. Now STFU.

>> No.2296627


>implying mcdonalds is a job

>> No.2296640
File: 44 KB, 286x294, famous amos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, it is. But I don't work there. Or any other place you'd probably guess. But nice playing with you, ta–ta.

>> No.2296653


>But I don't work there.

lol, sure

>> No.2296658
File: 147 KB, 175x175, carlstanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't hate women, I just deem them unnecessary

Correction, you're everything that's wrong with the world
and you're a really shitty troll, 1/10

>> No.2296667

>I was on the train home
>on the train
>2012 still taking the train

>> No.2296675

>implying trains aren't reliable transportation in populous areas where parking space is scarce to none

>> No.2296676


There's some other cunt on the front page representing he was reading Mein Kampf on the bus.

What is this, New Year of the Public Transport trolls.

It's like the return of that other wanker who was always meeting girls in tesco who were less slutty or whatever his schtick was.

>> No.2296688

I enjoy the feel of books also and I buy them whenever I can but kindles are much more convenient. Your argument is totally invalid and its your opinion. Ereaders dont destroy the written word at all, in a sense it making authors and literature more well known to other, most of the classics are available for free download from amazon.
Saying that the ereader is destroying the written word is like saying that photography destroyed painting, when in fact its just another media outlet.

>> No.2296691


Yeah, have fun with that on your COMPUTER

>> No.2296714

>not hovercrafting with audiobooks

>> No.2296726


>tapped her on the shoulder, stared her in the eyes and said slowly, "You are everything, EVERYTHING, that is wrong with this modern world."


>I figure if that woman gets home, sells her kindle and goes to a bookshop to buy a book, I will have improved the world.

Tough love is needed sometime and all I did was push her in the right direction. She'll thank me later in life.
The problem with that is you never actually explained what made her so terrible, so there really is no reason for her to question her use of electronic devices for reading.

All you did was rant at a random stranger and storm off like an idiot.

>> No.2296746
File: 37 KB, 500x716, 383014_10150403790276073_625281072_8587204_1341636363_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Saying that e–readers are destroying literature is like saying that printing destroyed literature.


True, but irrelevant.

>> No.2296747

You can't hear an audio book in a hovercraft, the fan's too loud.

>> No.2296754

Is that woman Asian or Caucasian, I have to know what file to save that picture under.

>> No.2296763

Writers make chump change on book sales. Some writers only make money on the advances. Publishers take quite a bit off the top before any money gets to an author.

Ebook format gives more back to the writer. Many authors have gone on to offering their books on their own website.

>> No.2296771

Many writers make chump change on book sales. Some writers only make money on the advances. Publishers take quite a bit off the top before any money gets to an author.

Ebook format gives more back to the writer. Many authors have gone on to offering their books on their own website.

Ebooks are making the middleman irrelevant.

>> No.2296790


>> No.2296794

ebooks only make authors more money when people actually pay for them, which I don't. I've never stolen a physical book. It's much harder and the risks are higher. I've stolen hundreds of ebooks. I'm not even going to read them all. I just stole them because it was so easy and I can.

>> No.2296822

Got any sources?

>> No.2296849

Either you're autistic, a troll or a Luddite. Nothing to see here.

>> No.2296867

it's always fascinating to see the different ways in which aspies socially fail on different boards.

>> No.2297216


it's so hard reading a book in bed. woe is me.

>> No.2297225


Fucking Socrates actually said this, I believe.

>> No.2298123


>> No.2298132

either hella aspie/ socially retarted or a dumb troll thread.
Actually its a pointlessly brilliant samefag thread. note the spacing.

>> No.2298163
File: 7 KB, 200x251, 1301227487576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a shit what form it takes? The content is what is important. Stop being a little faggot and grow up.

>> No.2298170
File: 348 KB, 781x750, 1323730759860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fucking asshole, OP. I hate Kindles just as much you do, but I don't scream it out to the world like like you. All you did was look like a asshole by berating a random woman on a train. You don't look intelligent when you do that; you look bat-shit insane. Fuck off, you whiny little bitch.

>> No.2298181

I haven't been on /lit/ since 2010, but I thought /lit/ liked e-readers

>> No.2298193

this is a troll, definitely a troll.
plesae stop paying attention to this cunt, thanks

>> No.2298219
File: 599 KB, 1110x724, 1279581913052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inane comments.

>> No.2298271

> Implying I know what a fucking quart is
Someone needs to go back to science class.
3/10, but I laughed.

>> No.2298272

kindles r green

>> No.2298283


she probably wouldn't have realised the reason you hate her is because of the kindle.

And most likely she went "hmm what a dick, must lead a sad pathetic life, oh well back to reading twighlight."

>> No.2298290

I was on the caravan home today and it was pretty crowded. I was reading Apostasis of the Archons on a roll of papyrus when this wench sat down beside me.

Fair enough.. full caravan.

Anyway, she then reaches into her satchel and guess what she pulls out?


I raged so hard at her, I actually snapped, tapped her on the shoulder, stared her in the eyes and said slowly, "You are everything, EVERYTHING, that is wrong with this modern world."

I then got up and moved to the back of the train. I'm still upset about the whole ordeal.

Fuck you cunts reading books and shit, and not acknowledging that papyrus scrolls are the SUPERIOR fucking form of recording FINE literature.

>> No.2298291
File: 22 KB, 222x500, 1313952003232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2298293

rofl, went from riding a caravan to a train. Fucked that shit up. Oh well.

>> No.2298299

Now this kids is a prime example of a beta male.

>> No.2298310

I was on the shortbus home today and it was pretty crowded. I was reading The Turner Diaries when this woman sat down beside me.

Fair enough.. full shortbus.

Anyway, she then reaches into her "Everyone Loves Bunnies" bookbag and guess what she pulls out?


I raged so hard at her, I actually snapped, tapped her on the shoulder, stared her in the eyes and said slowly, "You are everything, EVERYTHING, that is kitch garbage with this thoughtless world."

I then got up and moved to the back of the shortbus. I'm still urinating slowly about the whole ordeal.

>> No.2298321
File: 252 KB, 400x400, 1314860205072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading book


>> No.2298323
File: 51 KB, 364x469, u-mad-11518-1298062748-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm pretty sure you're everything that's wrong with this modern world, OP. I give it 6-8 months before you shoot up a school over a NOOK.

>> No.2298342

What's the difference between something printed off of a computer, and something displayed on a computer?

Oh wait, nothing. Get over yourself OP.

>> No.2298343

I have a leather case for my Kindle 4. It looks fucking boss, just like an book.

But, obviously, it's much better than an old book.

>> No.2298349

>press a word while reading on a kindle to instantly bring up the definition.

And that's why I bought a Kindle 3 days ago.

Not to mention not having to sit in front of my computer to read all the public domain books, and on top of all that, most books are around ten bucks as opposed to the 30 in most book stores.

The only reason I see fit to personally own any hard-copy books any more is in the event that modern infrastructure collapses, and then you should only have manuals on construction, agriculture, etc. in case of that.