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File: 625 KB, 1814x1558, Wojak-Zodiac2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22954470 No.22954470 [Reply] [Original]

What is the perfect book for every zodiac sign?

>> No.22954504
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>> No.22954513

If Zodiacs are real why do Zack and Cody have such different personalities?

>> No.22954518

Sagittarius is scary accurate wow

>> No.22954526
File: 1.73 MB, 1814x1558, astrology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22954560


>> No.22954565

OP btfo

>> No.22954566

I'm Leo and this is accurate

>> No.22954631

taurus here it's taking everything i've got to stay within the normal BMI range. i know if i slip for just one moment i'll be obese again.

>> No.22955355

I'm pisces and I relate more with your mom

>> No.22955373
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>> No.22955380

I'm a Capricorn, my birthday is tomorrow, I will have to share it with some big-titted black woman who sexually assaulted me some weeks ago; I'd say the caricature is vaguely accurate though.

>> No.22955420

Which would bell hooks fall under.

>> No.22955456

This. Kek

>> No.22955457

Virgo- Mary Shelley, Goethe, Samuel Johnson, DH Lawrence, Dahl, King, GRR Martin, Borges, Wright, Locke, Sassoon, HG Wells

We got something for everyone

>> No.22955461

Tolstoy too

>> No.22955464

Is being born in september really why I am incel? What zodiac is the most incel is there any research on this?

>> No.22955472
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i just cooked and ate a whole hamburger after passing my daily calorie limit. it was so fucking delicious.

>> No.22955482

6 different people who were into astrology have asked me 'are you x zodiac sign' and been correct which one it was. It weirded me out enough that I actually looked into it to see if there was any merit to it, but it appears to be pretty much bullshit meant to stroke people's egos.

>> No.22955489

My friend spends like 4 hours doing people’s charts. She’s right most of the time and it’s weird. There are amateurs and professionals

>> No.22955501


>> No.22955613

Is the idea that capricorns are supposed to be "old souls"? If so I guess it's accurate, He seems like the most normal guy among them, at least

>> No.22956043

It really starts to fall into place with full charts. Reading all my planets and aspects blew my mind. From a metaphysical standpoint it makes sense that celestial bodies would have effects on us.

>> No.22956068
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>Michel Houellebecq
>Anthony Burgess
>Michel de Montaigne
>Gabriel García Márquez
>Sir Richard Francis Burton
>Victor Hugo
>Carson McCullers
>John Steinbeck
>Henrik Ibsen
>Lawrence Durrell
>David Foster Wallace
>Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.22956100

>Am a virgin
Maybe there's something to this horoscope shit after all.

>> No.22956108

It kind of seems like cold-reading to me. It was just spooky that people kept accurately guessing my sign

>> No.22956132

Imagine being so closed-minded that you think the time of year you were developed in and born into could have no impact on your development. Climate, hormones of the mother, (probably not the alignment of the planets, but who knows?) etc. That is without even getting into consequences of modern society, notably: grade cutoffs for children leading to those born in certain times of the year being young or old among their peers in school and how that impacts social development.

Altogether it's much more crazy to think there is no association between month of birth and personality than that there is, yet it's treated as the rational view.

>> No.22956139

Astrology is not about things like climate though anon, it's metaphysical. A lot of people don't believe in that type of metaphysical structure existing these days.

>> No.22956151

They want it to be metaphical, but the truth may be mundane. The conclusions can be correct even if the process is flawed.

>> No.22956157

Astrology literally cannot be mundane. There is no way to explain it using the laws of physics.

>> No.22956159


>> No.22956185

Once again that isn't astrology. People who are born in the winter having certain personality traits on average or whatever is not the same thing as there being intimate connections between the positions of celestial objects and human lives. There is no posited mechanism of cause and effect(any such mechanism for the constellations would also violate the speed of light), it's just a metaphysical structure.

>> No.22956196

astrology is kinda retarded but i do tend to have mood changes quickly as a gemini... not like that, though. that said, red wine is objectively the best alcohol.

>> No.22956209

You have as little proof that it's metaphysical as there is proof that it's some unknown material process or collection of processes that are too complex to quantify for humans outside of noting dates. Yes ofcourse it can be fully material.

>> No.22956211

The results of astrology can be separated from the methodology and rationale, retard. And how would astrology violate the speed of light? Christ you're a dumb nigger.

>> No.22956222

>some unknown material process or collection of processes that are too complex to quantify for humans outside of noting dates.
This is functionally just saying it's magic lol.
The results of astrology are too precise and complex to be attributed to any known laws of physics, that's the point.

>> No.22956231

>The results of astrology are too precise and complex to be attributed to any known laws of physics
99% of the people who discuss or dispute astrology are only concerned with the sun sign (see: OP) which is definitely not too precise for the laws of physics to explain.

>> No.22956241

What causal mechanism could account for it?

>> No.22956245

I'm a virgo male, not sure what it means

>> No.22956255


>> No.22956260

THat post does not contain any causal mechanism that could explain why if you're born 5 days later you have the personality of a Scorpio instead of a Libra

>> No.22956267

Is there any money to be made selling zodiac shit to women?

>> No.22956270

It's approximate, retard.

>> No.22956274

No it's not approximate. There is absolutely nothing in that post that even begins to explain what could cause that to happen.

You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.22956275

You cannot explain anything for which you are not aware of all of the variables, scientists still haven't figured out how ball lightning works, what makes you think they could, with the current scientific understanding, explain something entirely, which involves movements of massive bodies from massive distances away coinciding with certain micro events on earth?
>what you're saying is it's magic
I thought magic was supposed to be metaphysical in nature, at least according to your view. You can try ascribing metaphysical structures to every single thing science hasn't figured out yet, I'm sure you'll come up with very coherent and useful systems.
>The results of astrology are too precise and complex to be attributed to any known laws of physics, that's the point.
How? Do you know all of the variables involved that connnect planetary movements to events on earth?
It's also hilarious you try to bring up speed of light, as if astrology needs to be explained via some kind of direct planet -> earth beam of influence or something. You can literally completely remove planets and stars from astrology and you won't lose anything in terms of it's predictive capability. Ancient people used celestial bodies to keep track of time.

>> No.22956279

>ht, as if astrology needs to be explained via some kind of direct planet -> earth beam of influence or something.
It does need to be explained with some such causal mechanism if you want it to be within the laws of physics. So far you have not suggested how this could work.

>> No.22956280

Holy shit you are actually mentally retarded

>> No.22956289

Not an argument. You are completely incapable of even beginning to explain what laws of physics could explain the Scorpio-Libra example I gave. You haven't even tried, just waffled on about 'uh there could magical laws that explain this, no I have no idea what they are'

>> No.22956293

If you'll concede that the human mind is subject to the laws of physics, and that the human mind interacts with the human body, then every detail, down to the minutest movements of the planet that can be perceived by the bare senses has a direct casual link: planets -> senses -> mind -> body

>> No.22956297

Explain how the laws of electromagnetism, gravity, etc are causing someone who is born 5 days later to have a completely different personality.

You have not even the slightest shred of a framework that could explain this.

>> No.22956300

I just explained the framework. Do you think bird migrations are inexplicable too?

>> No.22956314

A bird having some kind of biological compass in its brain is a perfectly understandable mechanism. There is nothing mystical about a compass pointing you to north.

There is no such mechanism to explain why the personality traits associated with Scorpio or Libra would form

>> No.22956315

I am not female!

>> No.22956317

It's because you insist that astrology needs to be explained through the framework of a planet magically beaming events into existence on earth through pure magic instantly, and that the explanation must be done through one law of physics that would apply to everything that would occur during the event. I tried to reason at first because I didnt think you were actually this dumb.

>> No.22956318

Capricorns are 'business as usual' normscum

>> No.22956324

That's because they're Marxist scum

>> No.22956325

You can't call that explanation dumb when you have utterly failed to even begin to form any explanation yourself.

>> No.22956328

Cancer has Cormac and Kafka. We win

>> No.22956330
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Pluto enters aquarius on the 21st.
soon getting soon frens.


>> No.22956336

Can someone recommend me a book where the character is just like the Leo in OP's image?

I need it so I can self actualize myself since I'm the bottom of a barrel Leo. I desperately need to find out whats holding me back

>> No.22956340

>metaphysics is wishful nonsense without any reason

>> No.22956344

Wishful nonsense is often metaphysical

>> No.22956346

I can call your explanation dumb because it adds unnecesary and unreasonable complexity. You can remove the planets and stars from astrology entirely and still have the same system of timekeeping, predicting the same events with the same accuracy.

>> No.22956350

leos perfectly encapsulates the boomer generation, its about showmanship, individualism, narcissism.

Also the boomers were born during pluto in leo

>> No.22956354

Any good Gemini writers?

>> No.22956363

Leo's are better. We have Melville, H.P. lovecraft, Alexandre Dumas, and Emily Bronte

>> No.22956366

>tfw Capricorn

I'm trying to make it as as writer and a poet, am I going to be able to do it?

>> No.22956367

You still are not even trying to explain which laws of physics would be causing this stuff to happen and how.

Personality could reasonably be assumed to be caused by neural structures, so you have to posit some kind of system wherein the positions of the sun, moon, etc are affecting the brain in a way that causes various structures to form in one month, and then different ones in another month or whatever. You aren't even trying to give any framework like this

>> No.22956391

>gemini is a female
I hate this meme

>> No.22956403

Whitman, Emerson, Yeats, Pushkin, Mann, Hammett, Wagner, Chesterton, Boccaccio.

>> No.22956414
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Imagine trying to explain that Pushkin and Whitman and Chesterton belong to the same personality group, what a tremendous fucking meme

>> No.22956424

Sagittarius seeking Aquarius waifu here

>> No.22956425

>so you have to posit some kind of system wherein the positions of the sun, moon
I already explained twice why you dont need to involve the planets or stars in the explanation at all

>> No.22956429

You aren’t understanding anon’s point, even though it’s been very clearly stated.
Take a step back and rethink what he wrote.

>> No.22956434

OK then explain it without them. Just give some kind of attempt at explaining even a theoretical way it could function
I do understand his point, I just don't agree with it. I do not think it's possible for the laws of physics as we currently understand them to account for the system of astrology.

>> No.22956437
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> Scorpios: Plath, Vonnegut, Voltaire, Pound, Camus, Dostoevsky, Luther, Ishiguro
it never even started for us...

>> No.22956442

You actually do not understand either of them, like at all, let their points stew in your head for a few days.

>> No.22956445

If you had a real point you would be capable of articulating it instead of just saying 'hurr durr you dont understand'

The other guy's entire mode of argument has been to say 'there could be some mysterious way physics accounts for this' without even trying to give any sort of framework whatsoever.

>> No.22956448

Based on what you’ve been replying, I don’t think you did understand what he was saying, honestly. You’re too deep into the bullheaded internet argument mode.
If you let go of “winning the argument” and chill out you might realize it.

>> No.22956453

I don't care what you think considering you also appear to be completely incapable of actually making an argument

>> No.22956459

There's more to astrology, though. The birth card gives you a more accurate read than just the zodiac. You can make your own here: https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php

>> No.22956474

Based. We win again geminibros

>> No.22956487
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Pisces · Voltaire · Victor Hugo · Dr. Seuss · Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jack Kerouac, Henrik Ibsen, Ovid, W. H. Auden

Kurt cobain was a pisces too

>> No.22956528

I wasn’t aware I was in an argument.
I won’t speak for that anon, but I think the idea of seasonal climate / school year timing combined with the timing of a child’s development are perfectly plausible as influences on personality. And that was all he claimed, he was not saying astrology is accurate down to the arbitrary cut-off day between signs or that daily horoscopes are true.
And no anon is off-hand going to be able to explain in minute detail any exact mechanism for this, even if the idea is true, because human biology and psychology is generally very complex and intertwined with many factors.
It would require a large study to figure out, and because it’s not that important, I doubt anyone would bother with that.

As it happens though, there are a few studies.
Here is one about personality:
The hypotheses they discuss involve the timing of pregnancy itself.
Here is another one about the connections to mental problems like schizophrenia:

The effects these studies show are not huge but they are present. And even these researchers cannot determine why exactly they exist.

Anyway, I spent more effort on this post than you deserve, though it satisfied my own curiosity somewhat. If you reply with the typical 4chan “debate” shit I’m not going to bother with you.

>> No.22956531

As a poet, no, as a writer, maybe.

>> No.22956534


>> No.22956543

>the idea of seasonal climate / school year timing combined with the timing of a child’s development are perfectly plausible as influences on personality. And that was all he claimed, he was not saying astrology is accurate down to the arbitrary cut-off day between signs or that daily horoscopes are true.
That was literally the point I was making. The distinction between those two things.

>And no anon is off-hand going to be able to explain in minute detail any exact mechanism for this, even if the idea is true, because human biology and psychology is generally very complex and intertwined with many factors.
No such explanation exists at all.

I dont give a fuck what you think or if you 'bother with me', kill yourself faggot

>> No.22956559

Wow, I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but you were stupider than I thought.
Rethink your life bro.

>> No.22956562

>absolutely no argument
Stick a knife into your ugly face faggot

>> No.22956570

Voltaire was not a pisces. But I made a list here >>22956068

>> No.22956611

>From a metaphysical standpoint it makes sense that celestial bodies would have effects on us.
What does that have to do with metaphysics? Or you mean metalhysics in the incorrect “esoteric/mysticism/occult” way which has nothing to do with actual metaphysics?

>> No.22956619

my man

>> No.22956657

Yeah i mean metaphysical in the actual correct way that some pseud pretentious niggers like toboretend is the incorrect way, because they dont have a clue about real metaphysics. Clear enough, nigger?

>> No.22956701

cancer recs?

>> No.22956751

It's not just a matter of whether the time of year has an effect on your development, its that it has such a strong effect that it defines your personality which I find especially unbelievable. As if the actual events that happen throughout your life have less of an impact on your personality than the time of your birth.

Also: I don't see how one not believing in horoscopes will also mean that they don't believe in the effects that you say the grade cut-offs of the modern schooling system has on child development. If someone is a Leo, it will have nothing to do with whether they end of going to school or not, so why is that relevant?

>> No.22956764

I’m a Scorpio
Yes we are ridiculously vengeful but we can be very loyal. If you don’t cross us.

>> No.22956776


>> No.22956796

I think it's generally believed that the later you are in the zodiac, the older your soul is, so pisces would be the oldest.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which is the "old man" of the planets and the bringer of time/old age. They are generally very serious and hard-working career people.
You need to take the whole chart into account though - one of my best friends is a Capricorn and is very energetic and childlike

>> No.22956810

Post your full chart. Impossible to tell just from the sun sign

>> No.22956828
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>I will have to share it with some big-titted black woman who sexually assaulted me some weeks ago

>> No.22956833

The winning never stops

>> No.22956837

Modern existence is so diminishing

>> No.22956890
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Tarus bros:
>Angela Carter
>Gene Wolfe
>Julius Evola
>David Hume
>Soren Kierkegaard
>Honoré de Balzac
>David Icke

>> No.22956902

My mom is a Capricorn
Fucking loves Werthers Caramels

I got her a bag as a stocking stuffer this past Christmas

>> No.22956908

I love Tauruses.
Is a Taurus woman a good match for a pisces man?

>> No.22956909


>> No.22956949

I'm not too sure. My ex girlfriend was a pisces and we argued all the time. I don't know how it would translate to opposite gender roles. Although spiritually I'm more feminine and she's more masculine. Take that as you will

>> No.22956988

lmao this

>> No.22957316

here to say virgo über alles

>> No.22957418


>> No.22957713

Astrology is 100% bullshit and only useful if you want to hook up with dumb thots who think its meaningful.

>> No.22957729

No fucking way. That described me fairly accurately.

>> No.22957733

Only idiots deny that, but there’s a difference between conceding that there maybe some influence, even cosmological influence and being convinced that some 20-something girl who writes for Cosmo can actually divine your fate and that this is a good thing

>> No.22957737

Someone better give me a reading list for Aries right NOW!!!

>> No.22957740


>> No.22957741


>> No.22957751

why are Geminis so hated?

>> No.22957755

It's called reciprocal teleology, when something works really well as a potential joke (calling geminis "geminiggers") the universe senses this and over time acts upon the subject of the joke to cause it to be accurate

>> No.22957769
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>Flannery O’Connor
>Robert Frost
>Nikolai Gogol
>William Wordsworth
>Hans Christian Andersen
>Samuel Beckett
>Emile Zola
>Tennessee Williams
>Milan Kundera
>Henry James
>Thomas Hobbes
>Charles Baudelaire

>> No.22957772

also Mario Vargas Llosa, Joseph Campbell, Jo Nesbø, and Edward Gibbon.

>> No.22957834

Astrologybros got any good books to start my astrologue journey?

>> No.22957837

Books for this feel?

>> No.22957856
File: 48 KB, 333x500, 51ydmSz8u-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>George Eliot
>Shirley Jackson
>Gustave Flaubert
>André Gide
>William Blake
>C.S. Lewis
>Mark Twain
>Emily Dickinson
>Michael Moorcock
>Philip K. Dick
>John Milton
>Joseph Conrad
>Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
>Rainer Maria Rilke
>Karl Ove Knausgård

>> No.22957897

You are explaining shit to a woman. Good attemp, but futile, she's emotionally invested into this shit and you're trying to rationally change her mind.

>> No.22957939
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What do you say?

>> No.22958013

Huh my friend is a double virgo with Gemini rising. Are you inwardly very neurotic but able to fake confidence well? Do you struggle with addiction? Very neat and tidy?
Also what are your initials?

>> No.22958042

Gemini INTP masterrace reporting in

>> No.22958048

look at my literature board dawg

>> No.22958050

>Are you inwardly very neurotic but able to fake confidence well?
You could say yes, lol. I think I even created a more "social butterfly" persona during college that ended up attracting some girls with that mask, but in the end, it turned into a catastrophe because I couldn't sustain the lie (and also because it, ultimately, was bad for me).

>Do you struggle with addiction?
What kind? Sometimes I think I'm very impulsive with some things, yes, but I don't do drugs nor ever did or will (though I have literary interests for LSD).

>Very neat and tidy?
I think so. I have indeed had people complimenting me for that. For me, it's just the basic thing that everyone should do, although I've met people who were careless and still looked good.

>Also what are your initials?

>> No.22958065

Yes, water (Pisces) and earth (Taurus) is a good relationship pairing. She'll be 'in charge' (pay the bills) but you'll keep her interested, satisfied, etc.

>> No.22958147

Triple Earth but otherwise Fire and Air. Who you think you are is pretty much who you are, which is rare. You're vain 'in love' but have a greater than is common 'capacity for work,' so you're at little loss when it comes to justifying this to yourself. Virgo's not only the 'perfectionist' but also the 'worker bee' of the Zodiac. They do tend to be subject to a virulent species of mid-life crisis so be aware of this (go as easy as you possibly can on yourself) come 36, 37. If you were a Christmas Tree you'd be the one in the front yard, firmly planted, decked in all white lights: a little lonely, not really part of what's going on indoors, but that suits you.

>> No.22958176

Ah you aren't my friend then. I didn't think so, I doubt he browses this place.
You do seem quite like him though. He comes across very confident but it is definitely a mask. He is also very neatly put together and can be quite anal about things being "proper".
The addiction thing I mentioned because he struggles with his weight, drinks and smokes a lot, but strangely doesn't do drugs at all except a little weed occasionally.

I am very much a novice at reading these but for fun I will ask you some more questions based on your chart:
>Are you an attractive person and/or a good lover?
>Have you been lucky with money in your life? Particularly regarding inheritance
>Are you a bit of a pervert with bizarre fetishes?

>> No.22958182
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>> No.22958214
File: 41 KB, 850x400, quote-millionaires-don-t-use-astrology-the-billionaires-do-j-p-morgan-82-24-94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22958277

>You're vain 'in love'
What do you mean?

>Are you an attractive person and/or a good lover?
Idk. I don't consider myself attractive. Well, when I was a child, I was bullied with strangers calling me ugly, which is why I'm on this site. On the other hand, I've had girls calling me hot, whatever that means for a woman when describing a man, right? And I've never been in a relationship, I'm still a kissless virgin.

>Have you been lucky with money in your life? Particularly regarding inheritance
I also don't know. Actually, probably. For a 27 years old unemployed guy I think I'm good.

>Are you a bit of a pervert with bizarre fetishes?
It depends on what people consider "bizarre." Is humiliation and cuckoldry too bizarre? I see myself as someone who can separate fantasy from reality. I would never do those things in real life.

>> No.22958279

I'm an aquarius and I've never seen an aquarius be into this shit

>> No.22958297

Scorpio here. I could only date Pisces women. I don't know why but I get along very fast with them. I could never have a Scorpio woman though. They're all the same too.

>> No.22958322
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>> No.22958346

Pisces drives many other aspects crazy but is ALWAYS Scorpio's b*tch; whereas Cancer, generally an emotional wreck, somehow tends to trump Scorpio (in matters of love)-- the only sign that regularly does, in fact, which is not necessarily a 'bad thing'

>> No.22958353

Particular, quietly both demanding and critical, 'better'

>> No.22958368

Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.22958499

Hey thanks

>> No.22958509

I fail to see how must of these align with Aries stereotypes

>> No.22958518

I just gave up and ate a whole pizza it's not my fault anyways just the stars I was born under

>> No.22958609
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I'm Capricorn; what do I get?

>> No.22958637

true, God is laughing.
t. virgo wizard in 30s

>> No.22958780
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What does this mean? Only thing I "know" is what one ex-gf (bpd rollercoaster) told me, that I have a guardian angel because of Jupiter in XII house(?)

>> No.22958869
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Geminichads rise up. Also seems like a lot of Taurus I guess that's good

>> No.22958898

War and peace, reread it

>> No.22959071
File: 41 KB, 640x550, CY86Bz3WkAMNjx3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luther, Schiller, Keats, Turgenev, Dostoyevsky, R.L. Stevenson, Pound and Dylan Thomas.

'Nuff said.

>> No.22959149

I'm Aquarius but know nothing of this.
Can I get an rundown on Aquarius?
And a list of Aquarius writers?

>> No.22959155

None of you are the signs you think you are. The chart was set over two thousand years ago and is now one month out of step with reality due to the precession of the zodiac. See this chart:

>> No.22959171

>I'm actually a Taurus not a Gemini
This makes so much more sense

>> No.22959244

I should be Ophiuchus then.
>Scorpio is combined here...
pussy shit

>> No.22959247

I’m a Saggyhairyass and I say Blood Meridian. Western - gruesome, grim, ominous, but also dynamic, adventurous, colorful; a clash between philosophical journey and its brutal grotesque stops

>> No.22959335
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>> No.22959346

>/lit/ claims to look down upon astrology and feigns disinterest in it yet lots of astrology threads get over 100 replies

Very curious

>> No.22959364

Checks out

>> No.22959658


>> No.22959668

Actually if that's true I still am the sign I thought I was (Leo)

>> No.22960076

totally off
I feign interest in it and have fun doing so

>> No.22960097

dont listen to this pleb >>22956531
many of the greatest writers and poets have been capricorns (Poe and Mishima for example)

>> No.22960112

>sun taurus moon cancer and Leo ascendant
What mean?

>> No.22960327


>> No.22960374

Hitler was a taurus sun, capricorn moon and libra/aries ascendant.

>> No.22960382

>tfw virgo sun, aries moon and aquarius asc
how do I turn my weaponised military grade autism into creativity?

>> No.22960414

there's no way this is right i'm such a virgo and not a leo at all.

>> No.22960417

What's your point? Those are completely different

>> No.22960422

Personally I don't think the actual stars matter at all. I think it's down to the positions in the cycle

>> No.22960429

i'm an astrological noob but this makes sense.

>> No.22961032

*fart noise*
predict that horoscopies, LOL

>> No.22961037

my man

>> No.22961041

1/(12^6) probability friendo

>> No.22961047

>I'm still the same sign
what a fucking let down

>> No.22961093

Industrial Society and It's future by Theodore J. Kaczynsky

>> No.22961103
File: 80 KB, 720x479, magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your bday? These are the constellations as defined by modern astronomy, which is a whole section of the sky rather than the astersim of stars. So you might actually be a cusp sign -- in between constellations.

If you want to see for yourself, download stellarium or some similar program. Then rewind the clock to your birthday to check where the sun was actually sitting in the sky.

>> No.22961129

As a libra I am obsessed with reading the entire literary canon whether I enjoy it or not, I need to know the names of every celebrity, watch every popular and cult classic movie, listen to every classic song, play every popular video game, know popular science. If there is something people talk about I need to be in on it.

>> No.22961352

its a scorpio book since libras are naturally charming and don't want to manipulate others

>> No.22961365

>don't want to manipulate others
They do. They just don't need a book cause they know how to do it intuitively

>> No.22961442
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This is a non-issue for anyone using trued astrology programs instead of retarded websites that are barely accurate.

Also, read Hellenistic Astrology by Brennan

>> No.22963123

>still a fuckin pisces
sick of this shit man

>> No.22963310

Less than 1 in a million, however I wonder if he neglected to mention if any others were wrong. Probably still impressive odds, regardless.

>> No.22963432

Even this is idealized. The months are divided into twelve equal segments. But in reality, the constellations are different sizes. So the system has been fudged from the very beginning.

>> No.22963589

I am 100000x more Capricorn than Sagittarius though

>> No.22963880
File: 84 KB, 726x366, astrograph world map 1-18-2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are accurate tables beyond the graphical display.

>> No.22963884

The song of the wild, of course

>> No.22963947

Pisces chads, we doing good

>> No.22963975

None of them are good. Or even good examples of scorps.

>> No.22964642
File: 94 KB, 800x450, i-hate-x-turns-into-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Leos so much this cannot be happening

>> No.22964867

Racine, Moliere, Deleuze, Henry Miller, JD Salinger are the first 5 that come to mind

>> No.22965145
File: 1 KB, 266x130, 1682662562087440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an INFP 4w5 Capricorn I don't enjoy bragging or being mean to people but I have more potential to become a great writer than all of you combined

>> No.22965162

What's this one?

>> No.22965176

As an ENTP 8w7 Capricorn, I think you're a gigantic prancing lala boy molesting fruit.

>> No.22965299

infp rluai supremacy
your kind is despicable

>> No.22965339

ENTPs are either based or irritating fedora tippers. There is no in between

>> No.22965821

make a weedpen/dyed hair edition and the whole thing's covered lol

>> No.22965955

when did /lit/ get taken over by girls?

>> No.22966256

I welcome our new femdom masters

>> No.22966852


>> No.22966868

sit on my face

>> No.22966908
File: 504 KB, 446x594, literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a fagittarius after all, I'm a Scorpion
let's fucking GOOOOO