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/lit/ - Literature

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22958290 No.22958290 [Reply] [Original]

what's the appeal of this book? because teenage angst doesnt sound too appealing to me, if that's what it is about

>> No.22958296

You had to be there.

>> No.22958315

It's a rare and excellent book that puts the reality of its characters before all other considerations. Unfortunately, many readers come to it with preconceptions that prevent them from experiencing what's actually in the book. My advice is to read "Nine Stories" first. That'll prime you for "Catcher."

>> No.22958320

>what's the appeal of this book?
he rapes his sister, Phoebe

>> No.22958327

If you actually read the book, I found it incredibly funny.
Holden's ironic disdain for everything quickly becomes a staple that guides the whole read.
I found it funny.
Maybe I'm wrong to interpret it this way, but that was my experience.

>> No.22958406
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The prose

>> No.22958414

He is literally us lol

>> No.22958418


>> No.22958446
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something along the lines of
>teenage angst
>he doesnt rape his sister only niggers think that
>kill john lennon

>> No.22958456

its pretty good but i read it when i was a teen so maybe thats why i liked it so much. i remember that everybody in my class was camplaining about how annoying holden is but i liked him and i remember thinking
>its literally le me
so yeah

>> No.22958487


>> No.22958566

Fucking read it, it's not even long.

It isnt even "teenage angst", he makes a lot of good points.

He just still has his childhood innocence/wonder and hasnt turned into an adult NPC yet.

>> No.22958594

stylistically it is excellent. it does things as a book that no other medium can capture. the actual story isn't that exciting.