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File: 304 KB, 1306x1600, Thomas-Hobbes-detail-oil-painting-John-Michael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22957168 No.22957168 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any conservative philosophers other than Hobbes who weren't Christcucks and were materialists through and through but developed a right wing outlook on life?

>> No.22957175

You mean totalitarian communists?

>> No.22957176

Proudhon was conservative socially.

>> No.22957198

Without Christianity, there is literally no reason not to make acquiring personal power your primary goal in life. There's nothing conservative about that.

Even Nietzsche was clever enough to figure that out.

>> No.22957341

Carl Schmitt?

>> No.22957375

Let them have their delusions of atheistic morality. It's a good learning exercise

>> No.22957396

Funny how there have been so many christians clawing for personal powers

>> No.22957420

Funny how some people are not the perfect image of Christ, right? And how people in some groups are only pretending? Isn't that funny? I guess we should disband all human societies because some people don't uphold their values. Christbros... did we just lose?

>> No.22957433

People are born with morals. But that's because God gave them to us. Taking Christianity out of the equation would be akin to dumbing humans down to the level of animals. It just doesn't work. Humans being on top the way we are is evidence itself of God.

>> No.22957436

Yeah. You did lose. The whole structure of the cult and state lost.
Though "society", the state is still using a pseudo-cult, it too fails us.

>> No.22957443

I don't want to be within a 100-mile radius of you when you find out that humans are animals.

>> No.22957446

yes... and?
my point is that without Christianity, that so-called heroic ambition (for in the eyes of the world, all such power-laden figures are heroes, be they saints or devils) would be all the greater amplified, much to the chagrin of every living thing

>> No.22957451

You have misread me anon. I am in agreement with you

>> No.22957453

It was actually amplified in the past when divine right was a thing.

>> No.22957468

Divine right is a protestant invention

>> No.22957475

Everyone knows he was a Catholic and really wanted Catholic monarchy.

>> No.22957485

I would’ve given you a sincere answer that you wouldn’t get from anyone else if you didn’t give away that you’re a midwit or a slime ball by saying “christcucks”.

>> No.22957494

>humans act like humans
Shocker. You probably thought you said something profound here kek

>> No.22957495


>> No.22957502

Refuted by Charlemagne and his Paladins versus Napoleon and the partisans of the Second Republic

>> No.22957503

You could count the Greeks and Romans, obviously they didn't see themselves as "right wing", but for the most part, their outlook on life today would be considered as such. Thucydides is probably the most blatant here (and he influenced Hobbes of course).
Tons of modern authors like Spengler, de Benoist, Evola, Paul Gottfried, Burnham and Samuel Francis etc. etc.. Basically all the right wing authors talked about on here sans de Maistre.
And I personally wouldn't use the term "conservative" since it's associated with neocons and the like.

>> No.22957511

Refuted by Socrates

>> No.22957517

Is your argument seriously that because Christians (or humans in general, really) aren't perfect that a moralistic spiritual religion is a failure? You do realize the whole point of Christianity is that humans are inherently flawed and through the grace of God we are redeemed, right? You're not making the checkmate you think you are

>> No.22957523

You're telling me that we lose because our societies are secular nowadays? Seriously? Do you really think that's what we strived for all along, and that's what it amounts to? Come on man

>> No.22957528

I suspect, dear anon, that the other anon there is well aware, and still, his claim stands.

>> No.22957534

Yukio Mishima if you even consider him conservative. He wasn't a cuck though, but he was a butt pirate.

>> No.22957544

>Da time eryting wen start, had one Guy. “God, He Talk,” dass who him. God an dat Guy, dey stick togedda, an da Guy stay God fo real kine.
>Dass da Guy, da time eryting start, him an God stay tight wit each odda. God wen make eryting, but da way he do um, he tell dis Guy fo do um. No mo notting dis Guy neva make.
>He da Guy, if you like come alive fo real kine, you gotta come by him. >Dass da kine life come from him. Wen peopo come alive lidat, jalike dey stay inside one place dat get plenny light. Den dey can see an undastan stuff.
>No matta stay dark, da dark no can pio da light. Erytime get light.
Reminder this is how the Bible in Greek would sound to Plato or Sophocles.

>> No.22957557

OP said conservatives not right wing

>> No.22957568

Remember, Tradcaths, that you only like Christianity because of its Europeanization, its Paganization that occurred due to the Church realizing it would be more effective to Christianize Pagan culture than ban it outright.
The modern Catholic Church and retarded Evangelical Protestants - their hatred of art and beauty, their Jew worship, their strip mall churches, uplifting of trans voices, and nearly everything else they do - are closer to real Christianity than the 14th century Christianity you love.
But please, tell me how Jesus said that it's essential that priests speak in Latin and pray in gothic cathedrals.

>> No.22957572

He said "developed a right wing outlook on life" at the end

>> No.22957573

OP said both.

>> No.22957596

Socrates was refuted by Alexander

>> No.22957602

Please kill yourself already christer pajeet

>> No.22957616

>Ay yo dis consurvative tradishun be straight FIRE frfr nocap onG
>Christianity be givin tha 'ick do.
>Skibiddy dat wacky ah sheeit back tf to Ohio

This is what you would sound like to anyone who was born more than 200 years ago

>> No.22957636

Alexander refuted himself

>> No.22957642

Returning to this, Sorel as well (he was a Proudhon fanboy).

>> No.22957660

Based Alexander doing what no other man could ever do

>> No.22957679

>The modern Catholic Church and retarded Evangelical Protestants - their hatred of art and beauty, their Jew worship, their strip mall churches, uplifting of trans voices, and nearly everything else they do
Ah yes, because socially conservative Evangelicals are just like Jesuit pseudo-Marxists. You have no fucking idea what you're spewing lmao.

>> No.22957698

are the Christians inside your walls, anon?

>> No.22957702

no it literally isn't

>> No.22957705
File: 196 KB, 383x429, 1705264939820427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, there are messianic Jews in the walls

>> No.22957719

Polytheistic conservatism, of course. Probably Greco-Roman conservatism

>> No.22957728

Rome was in general a conservative society but understanding the people you would turn to in Rome for this as specifically non-Christian let alone anti-Christian thinkers is a massive error. Virgil is the example par excellence.

>> No.22957745

The Greeks and Romans weren't materialists.

>> No.22957771

Materialism is quite literally derived from Greek philosophy

>> No.22957774

not correlated, schizo

>> No.22957790

Materialism was marginalized thanks to Plato's efforts.

>> No.22957808

thank God

>> No.22957846


Although if you want a strict materialist, Han Feizi is probably more up your alley

>> No.22957854

And look how great the world is thanks to that!

>> No.22957858

they believe they have a covenant with the same volcano as you and that their leader is the undead prophecized messiah, and like early christers they shun outsiders and live in subterranean caverns

>> No.22957861

Are you implying that today's issues are the result of a scarcity of materialism as opposed to its direct consequences lmao?

>> No.22957887
File: 83 KB, 533x700, 1702080366979558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le volcano
>le christer

>> No.22957912


>> No.22958210

ong bruh it do be bussin

>> No.22958229

Epicurus was a materialist and believed in gods

What do you even mean by "materialism"? Because marxian "materialism" is almost it's own thing. Do you just mean, like Hobbes, a worldview that reduces everything to mechanistic processes?

>> No.22958234

Do you think Platonism has immense influence on the world's powers? Do you think half the people in power care about philosophy and aren't just basic surface level materialist by default?

>> No.22958370


>> No.22958498

what means this?

>> No.22958622

About what? Your getting BTFOd constantly?

>> No.22959000

zoomers mad at their parents for attending church service.

>> No.22959131

>i copypasted bible verses that means i win
ok retard