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22951510 No.22951510 [Reply] [Original]

Books on why zoomers are almost illiterate?

>> No.22951517

Heavy use of smartphone

>> No.22951519

Walter Ong, Orality and Literacy
Marshall McLuhan

>> No.22951526

Just means less job competition right
>an entire foundational element of society collapses
>while at least ill find work easier!
dumb millennial

>> No.22951562

I only have one Walter Ong book and it’s “Language As Hermeneutic”, I read McLuhan “Understanding Media” and enjoyed it quite a bit, especially the stuff on “hot” and “cold” media.

>> No.22951567

these are orks not 10 year olds

>> No.22951574

With mcluhan you can also read amusing ourselves to death by postman which is more angry boomer than the schizo philospher that mcluhan is

>> No.22951588

You don't even need a book. Here:

>> No.22951589

Hey king, I think you dropped this

>> No.22951592

the decline in IQ is worldwide and doesn't respect race or income which can only mean it's radiation from the phones

>> No.22951598

It might be that, but it suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure is also niggers.

>> No.22951612

it could also be the ever-expanding childhood vaccine schedule

>> No.22951614

Yeah France will call it "biological factors" but studies across race and families show a universal decline. You have a point but the poison is in the whitest of communities. It's people handing their little babies an EMF slate with endless movies on it and calling it parenting. Wi-Fi will be the new asbestos, give it a decade or three.

>> No.22951620

I'm divided on vaccines. Some of the bog-standard MMR vaccines are so tried and true without any issue, but the new corona scam is obviously a cash grab with mysterious heart-related side effects.

>> No.22951629

Just a total failure to transmit generational knowledge imo

>> No.22951642

The minimal "conspiracy" theory is just that they used media and government influence/corruption to bypass the normal testing processes. Some genius in the marketing department said, everybody is a shrill internet busybody now, and we have these strategic points of control in gov/media, so let's create a whole ephemeral religion out of "GET THE VACCINE" and see how long we can milk it.

Then the other depts said "but it's basically just a new influenza, also how do you bypass normal testing procedure like we had to go through for every other recent vaccine?" and marketing said "leave it to us."

Basically they rode the backs of millennial busybodies looking for something to make an ersatz religion out of, to fill the voids in their pathetic childless lives like some cat whose litterbox they never clean and some show they watch 45 episodes of in a row. Why? Global captive audience + mandatory vaccines = money. They just sold everyone snake oil they didn't even have to try.

Why the deaths and heart issues? Just an untested piece of shit vaccine. They did their best "within reason" probably but anything is going to have side effects and half their plan hinged on getting it out fast while the "moment" was hot and the proles were hungry for their temporary thing to be up in arms about. More nefarious actors were probably behind the scenes using the whole thing to test out biopolitical control mechanisms do mass psychology studies, to see how easy it will be to enslave people in 10 years using a modified pandemic script or some similar emergency.

>> No.22951664

Generational knowledge isn't pattern recognition. Something mechanical is causing brain damage.
I would agree with most of what you said but WHO Event 201 was basically a marketing conference. Yeah, they only tested the vaccine on a couple mice. The real damage was with the shut-down shuttering countless local businesses only to favor the largest department stores and the tech giants. Just a cool few trillion trickling up.
With healthcare companies it's just profit motive and enough compartmentalization with hyperspecialized departments so that nobody checks each other's work but everyone wants to cash in.
Nobody should be surprised. Academia is rife with fraud, at least half of medical articles are likely fraud. Every bit of health research should be assumed fraudulent. The universities are encouraging fraud and training defrauders. Health and technology is just downstream from university so they're going to apply what they've learned: commit fraud to get paid.

>> No.22951670

Man nothing about COVID is explicable, I spent 18+ years of my life being told the world is an absolute meat grinder and that as soon as I graduated it would be insane, then covid happens and I've been getting paid to sit at home and do almost nothing for 7 years now. Make it make sense to me

>> No.22951671

Race mixing could be a factor.

>> No.22951679

>complain about illiteracy
>doesn't read
Your race is only determines upper and lower bounds of a possible spread of intelligence. You're likely closer to a literal gorilla in terms of IQ than you are to me.

>> No.22951681

10 year olds are gen alpha you dumb nig

>> No.22951691
File: 111 KB, 908x753, ook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Dutch to me

>> No.22951719

hehe ladebuge

>> No.22951744


>> No.22951752

Millenials find adulting stressful so they just toss an ipad at their kid and let pregnant Elsa teach them

>> No.22951758

I genuinely cannot figure out what words they're trying to spell. I only got helicopter and unicorn because of that one poster calling them orks.

>> No.22951769

I got rocketship, flies, raven and bluejay but my handwriting still looks like that so that helped

>> No.22951772

I think the bottom are seagulls and butterfly. But I'm just baffled. These have to be 5 year olds.

>> No.22951774

A 10 year old would be gen alpha dumbass

>> No.22951784

Just shows how people are getting trapped in the 2010s, the idea that it won't just perpetually be the zoomer, boomer, millennial dynamic is genuinely not even considered

>> No.22951811

Worldwide or global? Most first world (ie white) countries are not growing. Which, if the global IQ is dropping, can only mean one thing...

>> No.22951813

the oldest zoomers are in their late 20s

>> No.22951822


>> No.22951831

That bitch who convinced the government to abandon teaching phonics ruined a generation

>> No.22951832

writing is an obsolete technology

>> No.22951833

>MMR vaccines are so tried and true without any issue
apart from autism, you mean?
because of the vaccine injury act, pharmaceutical companies don't have any incentive to make ANY of their vaccines any safer or more effective than is absolutely necessary to get FDA approval. the coof vaccine is just the most egregious example because the already lax approval process was further expedited. i'm not an ideologue, if i cut myself on rusty metal i'm gonna go get a tetanus shot. but the entire vaccine industry is fucked and pretty much always has been.

>> No.22951840

kwenante => quantity
teranudans => ?
deraginbats => ?
helukopter => Helicopter
kerdunl => Cardinal? Colonel? Kernel?
yoonikorn => unicorn
ietkerose = ???????
(Erokit shit) ==> Rocket ship
Plane => Plane (CORRECT)
bloejaye ==> Bluejay
ladebuge => Ladybug
Hok => Hawk (honestly a cool way to spell it)
deraglinflite = dragonfly
flise => flies
eravine =??
seglsebuder fliy => ???

>> No.22951849

But this is one picture. How do I know it's not just one retarded 10yo like there have always been in every generation, or simply a younger child who's just learning to write?

>> No.22951853

Might be "the raging bats"

>> No.22951852

stop trying to make us better than facebook boomers

>> No.22951858

eravine is probably raven, from rocketship you can see that he thinks that words stating with r have an e sound at the front

>> No.22951859

Sorry, err, what I meant to say was:
I'm not going to form an opinion until I see the race of the child

>> No.22951867

Dragon and bats are separate
>seglsebuder fliy
Seglse is separate from the rest, which I think is butterfly

>> No.22951871

The youngest zoomers are 12, tjose are gen alpha.

>> No.22951880

Much more difficult than the others but it's the closest one

>> No.22951893

Jet kerosene?

>> No.22951904
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>> No.22951908

Sharp thinking.
I considered that dragon and bats were separate after I looked it over again.
Yes buder fly looks like butterfly.
Yeah I don't have any theories for teranudans . It bothers me more than it should.

>> No.22951910

Yeah I think that's it

>> No.22951911

Maybe trends, maybe tarantulas.

>> No.22951916

>Age: 100
Uhhhhhhh The Silent Generatoomers? Care to explain?

>> No.22951920

Maybe tyrants.

>> No.22951926

In what context would someone who writes like this ever encounter the word 'kerosene' much less encounter it and then be able to assimilate it into their vocabulary?

>> No.22951952

I presume that this is some assignment (at school or just someone asking them to spell some words), and not a list of words that the kid knows.
Also, I don't have a better alternative so for now it's all we've got.

>> No.22951960

Tarantulas has the benefit of being one of few words in English that starts with those phonemes. But to get any farther here I'd have to systematically reconstruct this kid's misunderstanding of grammar and I'm not sure I want to go down that rabbit hole.

>> No.22951967

>this kid's misunderstanding of grammar
It doesn't necessarily have to be self-consistent

>> No.22951989

The Raynaud's

>> No.22952609

Based, Tiktok is peak. It won't get better than that.

>> No.22952705

What's the race of these 10 year old kids?

>> No.22952889

new schizo theory just dropped

>> No.22952895


>> No.22952913

Funny how this only happens with English-speaking children

>> No.22953003


>> No.22953005

fucking genius

>> No.22953016

They aren’t illiterate

>> No.22953018

Is this really zoomers? Must be a black or something

>> No.22953021

They are either fans of Pynchon, or trying to filter as many ESLs as possible.

>> No.22953023

Maybe the age is in base 2?

>> No.22953030

>Race mixing
>The govt

None of you got it because you're forbidden by a court order to be within 50 yards of a child so I'll tell it to you straight. These are 3 year olds writing this shit and it's 100% normal at that age.

>> No.22953036

I'm honestly convinced it's wifi.

There's not a lot of studies about the safety of long term exposure to high-energy wifi bands. The reason for this is because there is no funding for such research as the big networking firms are not really interested in finding out

>> No.22953058


>> No.22953061

chatgpt thread summary

>> No.22953071

>These are 3 year olds writing this shit
kek, actually clueless

>> No.22953114

I think this is “Everything” in Ebonics.

>> No.22953219

>in which anon proves pseudoscience with pseudoscience

>> No.22953325

This just reads like Dutch

>> No.22953386

Sorry hoor maar dat zou: Kwantiteit tornado's draak vleermuizen helikopter kardinaal eenhorn 'n raket vliegtuig blauwe gaai lieveheersbeestje havik libel vliegen 'n raaf meeuwen vlinder, zijn.

>> No.22953408

Agreed this is what happens when retarded boomer parents cant stop watching fox news. This is about 80% of Fox News' vocabulary.

>> No.22953599


>> No.22953657

/x/ here, I just read that and summoned a succubus

>> No.22953683
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Eenhoorn niet horn

>> No.22953900
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This looks like stuff I'd write when I was 3-4. If this kid isn't African American then gen A are so fucked.

>> No.22953915

please kill us god

>> No.22953976

*on god

>> No.22953988

ah kut!

>> No.22953997

Wait it's a list of things that can fly. Then deragin is dragon, so maybe teranudans is actually pteranodons.

>> No.22953999

Wait wait ietkerose is actually "jet" and "crows" separately

>> No.22954009

Debatably literacy is already on topic enough.
I wish you niggers would quit it with shit like
>hurr durr uhhhh books for this?

>> No.22954011

Maybe the first one is queen ant. He doesn't understand how final e gets used. That's my best guess anyway

>> No.22954013

Oh shit you totally cracked it

>> No.22954022

since 'er' = r it would be tra… (train-?)

>> No.22954041

I think it must be pteranodon like >>22953997 said. r=er, but er=er as well, like in their spelling of helicopter.

>> No.22954068

Who the fuck cares about this? It was probably some 4 year old who wrote that.

>> No.22954071


>> No.22954076

Only one I can’t figure out now is seglse

>> No.22954078


>> No.22954081

Why do you care so much about this? I’m guessing you trust everything you see on the internet also?

>> No.22954086

Ahhh very good. I should have thinking birds since they had a bunch of those.

>> No.22954113

This seems like 16 year old mocking a 6 year old.

>> No.22954133

Do ten year olds text? One would think that autocorrect would passively teach them how to spell.

>> No.22954140

Autocorrect is the problem. Kids don't bother learning the spelling anymore because everything is autocorrected.

>> No.22954225

it's microplastics, this generation's leaded gas and asbestos. you have enough microplastics in your body right now to create a credit card. they found microplastics at the highest peaks of mountains and the deepest pits of the oceans. it's in the air that you breathe, the food you eat, the clothes you wear. scientists couldn't find a control group to fully study the effects of it because there isn't a single organism on earth that isn't chocked full of microplastics. global plastic production almost doubled between 2005 and 2019.
it's why the average 20 year old male has the same testosterone level as a 67 year old in the year 2000. why average testosterone levels have dropped over 50% in just two decades. why birth rates in the US have dropped 23% from 2007 to 2022. and no one cares about it and there is nothing you can do to stop it! :)

>> No.22954232

They have more in common than you would think

>> No.22954253

perhaps we should bring back bloodletting

>> No.22954267

In addition to everything people have said so far it’s also geo engineering, pufa, and estrogen abortion pills women take

>> No.22954318

This is a niglets handwriting

>> No.22954325

Is there any doubt what race this 10 year old is from?

>> No.22954336

1. You stole that quote from house m.d.
2. Go back
3. Race mixing with niggers and/or jews is literally the worst thing you can do for your genes

>> No.22954344

No it's English speaking you dumbass, the English are basically high functioning downies

>> No.22954352

Your political joke sucks dick

>> No.22954677


>> No.22954690


>> No.22954706

Give it a few more years, and everyone's just gonna start labeling them as alphies.

>> No.22954707

>I eat carrots?

>> No.22954720

No wait Icarus

>> No.22954730
File: 39 KB, 602x363, 1688013400774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that this image is predicated on some monolingual American's faulty understanding of basic pan-continental European orthographic practices is hilarious to me. "oo" is almost the same sound as the "o" in "ok", not the /u/ in English "book". Your orthographic standards, or lack of them, is unique to your language and a result of the great vowel shift several hundred years ago. Your ancestors pronounced vowels almost exactly like the Dutch do now. Go figure.

>> No.22954734

>Queen ant

>> No.22954757

are you saying we have to retvrn to metals, ceramics and glass?

>> No.22954784

Here's a (you)

>> No.22954805

Not him but it would be ideal, if it were even remotely feasible at a scale even remotely close to meaningful.
But even if it's not realistic as a society-wide change, you can still take measures to avoid plastics as much as possible in your personal life, so at least you and your children/family aren't as affected.

>> No.22954839

Just a kid being silly and putting down the biggest number they can think of.

>> No.22954863

Yes, it should be made illegal to use plastic for literally anything. I don’t care how expensive or inconvenient the alternatives are.

>> No.22956013
File: 360 KB, 1600x655, rongorongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have potential, anon. Please try this:

>> No.22956029


>> No.22956122

t. repressed homosexual

>> No.22956137

Waltuh on God pfffffft

>> No.22956147


>> No.22956149
File: 17 KB, 600x600, 1694186777328768.jpegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 year old

>> No.22956665

Sosig. Simple as.

>> No.22957110

Anyone got the "I don't appreciate you" screencap of a thirteen yo that could barely spell but was already antisemitic?

>> No.22957126

Watch Adam Curtis Hypernormalization

The real relations underlying things are just a dying Soviet command economy from the '80s, everything on top of that is a potemkin village version of what people thought capitalism was in the 1970s when there was still residual dynamism in western society, with its 1990s paint job update, prolonged unnaturally into the 2020s.

Nothing will happen until the elites decide it needs to happen. It's like war, nobody actually goes to war until someone's like YEAH FUCK IT LET'S GO TO WAR. Until then, there's just this constant edging of "oh shit oh shit oh shit someone hit a US ship in the red sea ACCORDING TO THE NEWS THIS MEANS W-oh nothing happened, oh shit oh shit a proxy war between russia and the US in ukraine it's finally happening isn't it this is going to be the big o-oh nothing happened" forever

I honestly think someone could nuke someone at this point and everybody in the room would still give eachother the "knowing side glances" of "ehhhhh I don't really want to break the status quo, do you guys? you? alright let's do nothing then." Something as big as a nuke could be "carpeted over" still.

It's the same with the economy. They'll just keep adding corporate welfare on corporate welfare and making up phony debt and printing money forever. At the end of the day everybody's fake economy is intertwined with everybody else's, so it's like a bunch of emperors wearing no clothes and not saying anything. China is literally building "ghost cities" where no one lives, and massively overproduing cheap goods like it's still 2000. America massively oversubsidizes production of corn nobody wants. All that seems to matter is that megacompanies (who apparently don't mind operating at a loss often??) keep producing bare minimum food for welfare schwoogs to eat in big cities, the whole farce can continue even when technically every economy is losing money and producing nothing. It's like the most twisted subsistence mode imaginable, we're slave rice farmers but we make it into unhealthy cheetos before we eat it instead, and 80% of the population somehow can produce a net loss of rice and be welfare sponges (for a while at least).

But then as soon as some elite consensus does form in whatever vampire cabals exist, that the existing corporate welfare fake economy needs to die, they'll pull the load-bearing jenga block out and the entire thing will collapse so fast you'll think 200 years of history happened in 5, and four billion people will die overnight.

>> No.22957130

Is it the healthy peace, or the ominous unhealthy, that rests on France, for these next Ten Years? Over which the Historian can pass lightly, without call to linger: for as yet events are not, much less performances. Time of sunniest stillness;—shall we call it, what all men thought it, the new Age of Gold? Call it at least, of Paper; which in many ways is the succedaneum of Gold. Bank-paper, wherewith you can still buy when there is no gold left; Book-paper, splendent with Theories, Philosophies, Sensibilities,—beautiful art, not only of revealing Thought, but also of so beautifully hiding from us the want of Thought! Paper is made from the rags of things that did once exist; there are endless excellences in Paper.—What wisest Philosophe, in this halcyon uneventful period, could prophesy that there was approaching, big with darkness and confusion, the event of events? Hope ushers in a Revolution,—as earthquakes are preceded by bright weather.
- Carlyle


>> No.22957237
File: 159 KB, 630x1200, MV5BMWQ4MzI2ZDQtYjk3MS00ODdjLTkwN2QtOTBjYzIwM2RmNzgyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_UY1200_CR90,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish I was 10 years younger. I would be considered genius among all these illiterate retards. Even my autism is nowhere near as bad as zoomer social retardation.

>> No.22957263
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>doesn't respect race

>> No.22957323

Wouldn't that be gen alpha?

>> No.22957336

Don’t even need a book to know that it’s the cause of lazy parenting, heavy phone/iPad use for non-educational purposes, as well as the lack of accountability and consequence.
Zoomers are allergic to discipline and being proven wrong/or losing because their lazy parents handed them everything they wanted because they can’t be arsed.
People want to scream at boomers all day but at least they did shit worthwhile.

>> No.22957345

Maybe they didn't go to school.

>> No.22957354

>10 years old
This is Gen Alpha, anon.
But yes, zoomers are illiterate, too.

>> No.22957484


>> No.22957555

Why would they be next gen, when is the delineation?

>> No.22957558

I don't know. I guess gen beta from 2025 onwards?

>> No.22957587

Fuck IQ and everyone who uses that concept, of quantitative indication of mind, I am so tired of common humanity's depraved insistence on its own mediocrity. Commons are the grounds of kings and can be lush gardens or sparse dead lands depending on how much meat and wine the king consumes. It has nothing to do with the wilting flower if the King sent nobody to water it.

I want to slap you fuckers in the face and straighten you out. You are a HUMAN BEING. The Flame of the Gods is in your Breast, Man, get up and act like it. If your teachers told you that you were smart you would think so this very moment.

>> No.22957800

Sone humans are born with brains that are innately better at certain tasks than others. This is well established and undeniable.
IQ is a decent way of quantifying someone's ability to perform certain intellectual tasks, and said ability is, according to pretty much all modern research, about 80% inherited and 20% attributable to external factors.
IQ is the metric that most closely correlates with "G" (general intelligence), and it's the most useful tool we have of measuring someone's cognitive ability.
If you don't care about it, that's your choice, but it is useful for many applications, and is a fundamental tool for research and understanding our brains better. Especially in cases like this where we can see a decrease between measurements of different periods and can extrapolate that something serious is happening and we need to find a solution.

>> No.22957813

that doesn't make any sense. smartphones require more literacy than television, dirt mongering, or whatever boomers did when they were children

>> No.22957838

Toddlers who can't read are perfectly able to use smartphones for entertainment purely by tapping on icons and thumbnails, and what they're exposed to is far less intellectually stimulating than what they used to show on television, or even just playing irl (the problems that recent generations are facing due to significantly diminished socialization from spending more time indoors are a whole can of worms as well).

>> No.22957857


>> No.22957896

Is it trance? By my god I think I've had a breakthrough. Or perhaps transcendence???

>> No.22957910

the neuropsychology of human development and language acquisition is a deep area of research with many epistemological and methodological viewpoints. one of the leading ideas is the critical period hypothesis which claims that there is an ideal time window of brain development to acquire language. if language is not developed in this window it will have an irreparable effect on both future language acquisition and general neuropsychology. this has been understood since rousseau and expanded upon in the 20th century by piaget. modern research is looking into the physiological differences of children who suffer from neglect in the critical language areas of the brain.
the critical period for language development is thought to be between 3-10 years old. when the covid lockdowns happened many children were taken out of schools and placed into non stimulating, neglectful environments. it would be nice to say that the lockdowns put them 2-3 years behind in their academics but the reality is far worse than that. many of these children have had 20-30 points taken of their iqs and have no hope of recovering.
images like ops which try to demean these children for the trauma they faced are disgusting. none of these children decided to stop going to school and socially isolate for 2 years. it is also not the fault of the parents. the guilt of this tragedy lays squarely on the politicians and companies who decided to put the safety of the old and rich over the well being of the young and vulnerable.

>> No.22957931

see >>22953003

>> No.22957960

obviously the global elites knew all this. the outcome wasn't unforeseeable. this must be a part of the global white supremacist states goals to silently disenfranchise minorities and the poor. they are afraid of competition from within the us from the children of the working class so as a means to secure their dynasties they sabotaged families who can't afford private educations and homeschooling. all this while pushing dangerous gender ideology which reduces the population through suicide and mass sterilization. very sad but very typical. the is tuskegee on a national scale.

>> No.22958029


>> No.22958047

You're not wrong, but in the specific case of OP's picture we don't know if the caption is true, as it can simply be a 5yo or a regular old special needs child.
It might also be pre-pandemic.

>> No.22958090

gen alpha*
nigger get your generetions right

>> No.22958099

Everyone younger than me = zoomer
Everyone older than me = boomer

>> No.22958110

millennial spotted
or should i say yoomer

>> No.22958191

That's xoomer to you, actually

>> No.22958198

xoomer sounds like one of those fake gender-neutral pronouns millennials came up with (xe/xhe/etc.)

>> No.22958218

Gen cuX

>> No.22958295

>it's why the average 20 year old male
kek get a load of this cope
i mog you you fucking faggot, im ripped - you arent. end of story.

>> No.22958331
File: 9 KB, 474x266, 'ddsdfdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I click 4chan

>but I get tiktok??

>> No.22958379

Kerdunl = Cardinal

>> No.22958394

This reads like little jacob dialogue.

>> No.22958510

Back to your containment board, retards

>> No.22959250

You NEED to go back to TikTok and R*ddit.

>> No.22959302

Icarus? He didn't fly so good

>> No.22960035

I'm sick of all of these Finnigan's Wake threads.

>> No.22960067

>Me being right
>(You) "nooooo you get"

>> No.22960251

this. the fact whites stand to lose the most just shows you how sneaky whites are they literally shoot themselves in the head to spite Black kangs and queens

brb its my turn to dig tunnel

>> No.22960699

>erokit shit

>> No.22960711

high quality bait. it's been a while since i've seen a real effort, thank you.

>> No.22960714


The Anglo war on Language has concluded with Twitterish, i.e. bap bitch shit dap dat be do piss tits nah blap prap d00d.

>> No.22960936

Worthy of Websters uhyuk yuk