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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.58 MB, 1820x4348, truelits-2023-top-100-favorite-books-v0-13c6a4l7docc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22950805 No.22950805 [Reply] [Original]

lit looks down on reddit and reddit looks down on lit but their top 100 are almost identical how come?

>> No.22950811

>all those nigger books higher than the Iliad

>> No.22950814

The bottom 50 books in these list are always more interesting because the top half is usually set in stone for literary books no matter the website

Their list looks more interesting

>> No.22950821

To add on, you can tell this is where a lot of /lit/ refugees migrated to

>> No.22950822

>Beloved, Pride and Prejudice, Lispector, LeGuin
It's shit
Fuck you tranny

>> No.22950830

Top 100 charts are so fucking retarded, nothing ever changes, it's always the same fucking books. Why make a new one every year?

>> No.22950834

>Tartt, Plath, Rushdie, Harper Lee
Their list is weaker than ours.

>> No.22950835

This list is almost the same as ours, just replace the more right leaning books on ours with the left leaning shit on theirs.

>> No.22950853

What didn’t you like about those books or you’ve never read them?

>> No.22950864

Not enough Greeks
Way too many women

>> No.22950869

Too many token negroes and mid women

>> No.22950873

I read them, and they don't deserve to be in a top 100 of the best books.

>> No.22950880

I like that they didn’t include non-literary non-fiction (philosophy, politics, biography, etc,). They keep it just about fiction and poetry (aka literature)

I didn’t like >>22950864

>> No.22950886

really makes a chud seethe

>> No.22950891

there's nothing "left leaning" about that list, get your directionbrain checked

>> No.22950893

They already posted this thread there?

>> No.22950902

Anything by a black person being on there means it's left wing. Plus the increased amount of female authors.

>> No.22950903

>ignoring The Bible, the most important book in the West
>including way too many token negroes and feminist choices
>the Iliad cover is the Emily Wilson edition that just came out recently

>> No.22950932

Not a single user has read all 7 volumes but they insist on putting the entire series instead of Swann’s Way (which is all they read).

>> No.22950940

Sounds convincing

>> No.22950948

>Mahfouz, Gaddis, The Melancholy of Resistance, The Third Policeman, Abe, Svevo, Bernhard, McCullers, Lonesome Dove…

I’m thinking it’s based

>> No.22950949

The Gita, Gilgamesh, Rabelais and Montaigne are worth every unique pick on the reddit list 10 times over.

>> No.22950955

>woah these entry-level litfic books and writers is le based

>> No.22950965

As opposed to the non entry tier list of /lit/ that most of /lit/ was complaining about anyway? Doesn’t really matter to me one way or another, one book I’ve mine made both lists combined

>> No.22950967

Tell us your votes

>> No.22951057

it's ridiculous to include scripture on a list like this. if it's the most important book like you say, it's also pointless
since there's only one book per author it's difficult to determine if this list favors a particular translation or if the chart maker just picked the covers he liked (or at random). fwiw wilson's iliad is the first result i get when i search the iliad on google images. if it's intentional then i agree that it's foolish to use such a fresh translation

>> No.22951130

Shut up and read the bible, retard.

>> No.22951170
File: 11 KB, 448x207, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm i wonder why this list is retarded

>> No.22951243

>gravity's rainbow
larp subreddit

>> No.22951278

>le epic racism
i spit on edgelords

>> No.22951323

This is super gay.. to partake in and care about this. just read what you want

>> No.22951366

>black people are dumb
Woah so edgy

>> No.22951413

unironically yes

>> No.22951727

New people turn 16 and find out about literature

>> No.22951749

Their list is nowhere as good as 4chan's this year.

>> No.22951773

Our top 100 list is better

>> No.22951799

they have anna karenina but no war and peace?? or am i just blind and retarded

>> No.22951804

I think they don’t have any author twice. Probably a rule of “one book per author” or something

>> No.22951806

They did one book per author

>> No.22951961

truelit is infinitely more based than /lit/. at least they actually like reading and talking about literature

>> No.22951978

Harsh but true. What this shithole needs is tougher mods. Lots of off topic garbage disguised as literary discussion (politics, science, movies, music, games, etc)

>> No.22952011
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you mean?

>> No.22952019

I thought I was pretty clear. /lit/ needs tougher moderation. What seems to be the problem?

>> No.22952022

This. A conservative estimate is that at least 50% of threads are utter garbage. Threads should at least stay up for a couple days, not get bumped by books for why women/liberals are bad threads, and the infinite blogposts and /qa/ tier I had a deep thought philosophy threads

>> No.22952030
File: 45 KB, 686x386, hq720 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you elaborate?

>> No.22952040
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>> No.22952043


>> No.22952062

Reddit complains there are very few women kek

>> No.22952278
File: 8 KB, 240x210, bibble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Muh ancient Hebrew myths!"

>> No.22952282


>> No.22952484

True lit is more elitarian than r/lit. 4chan had always better charts and recommendations because of its more elitarian nature. The basic boards for pop cultural interests on reddit eventually got swarmed with consumerist retards, so eventually all their conversations and rankings got swarmes with YA trash. 4 chan becme super stale the last 5 years. Like r/truefilm is now better than /tv and you get netter recommendations there. Ironically 4chad made some mlre obscure books and films wider known and then declared the same content to be reddit when eventually reddit started talking about the same books/films. So true lit is basically just mlre elitarian readers returning to reddit for discourse, since you find basically no real discussions on literature here anymore and even the memes are stale and uncreative. So the only discourse that remains here is about very niche controverse books.

>> No.22952500

No. Our chart is better. We don’t have shit like>>22950834

>> No.22952517

Truelit is where a lot of /lit/ went once it fell off a cliff. It’s a partial /lit/ colony

>> No.22952533

Yep, some personal 4channers I know over there include Soup_Commie, thewickerstan,
Harleen_Ysley_34, TheGreatZiegfeld, and pregnantchihuahua3.

>> No.22952557

I’ve tried to make the switch a few times but I’m just too used to the image board format. I would probably be fine if Reddit had a more sociable aspect where a quick back and forth is possible but I do like it encourages more focus and effort. I see it as a halfway point between /lit/ and goodreads. All have their pros and cons: gr you can actually take time to give a thorough review and don’t have to worry about threads dying or being derailed, but it doesn’t have a great social aspect, Reddit is a halfway point, and /lit/ is slop and basically twitter at this point but it has more interaction, for better or worse. I wish their was a place to go

>> No.22952586

There is no chance that mexican, commie and stacy are 4channers. They'd be perpetually seething over here.

>> No.22952587

I’ve been banned like 5 times. I stopped caring about leddit. There’s no freedom of speech.

>> No.22952589

Plenty of Mexicans on 4chan lol

>> No.22952590

They definitely post here. Ask me how I know ;)

>> No.22952608

you can not name a single great author, or even a second-rate reddit approved author, that can not have a straight line drawn from them to the bible in terms of influence. do yourself a favor and go back.

>> No.22952611

>who is cumgenius

>> No.22952612

On Truelit? How? What books were you commenting on and what did you say?

>> No.22952618

There used to be a decent amount of women on /lit/. I don’t think there are many now for obvious reasons

>> No.22952654

> for obvious reasons

>> No.22952666


>> No.22952667
File: 74 KB, 750x593, 1634403330879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because religious fanatics used printing presses to mass produce a collection of Hebrew myths. Aesop's Fables have more merit than anything in The Bible

>> No.22952671

sanctuary is unironically better than the sound and the fury

>> No.22952718

You can't even spit out your own name, nigger.

>> No.22952731

Bait used to be believable

>> No.22952764

>gormenghast novels makes their first appearance on 2022 /lit/ chart
>like clockwork they makes it into next year reddit chart
Kek! Never change r/truelit
I look forward to see balzac, gilgamesh, and xenophon on your list next year alongside the token minorities
Don't forget to come here and complain about how the board is shit too, that's always fresh

>> No.22952775

All their taste, except the obvious reddit/liberal choices, is stolen from us.

>> No.22952809

Yeah the only outlier seems to be knausgard
Probably jumped on the hype train early and ended up following along with the publication of the subsequent volumes. When you spend that much time reading a single author you are bound to include it among your favorites, even if he turns out to be mediocre in the end
It may very well be a good series, but he strikes me as an absolute normie I wouldn't want to listen to recounting his life for six fucking books

>> No.22952838

I don't see anything particularly "left leaning" about that list; you're just obsessed with politics.

>> No.22952866

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.22952977

Take Genesis for example. Adam and Eve are punished for eating the fruit of The Knowledge of Good and Evil. But hang on, if they didn't have The Knowledge of Good and Evil when they chose to eat the fruit, so how could they have moral responsibility? How could a punishment be just when they didn't have mens rea? The first book of The Bible and it's already a mess, and it doesn't get any better thereafter!

>> No.22952993

why does it feel all the wymen and black writers were forced in just to fill the quota

>> No.22953033

Some more interesting additions, but also some very poor choices – the top of /lit/'s is always the same and rather tiring, and this is pretty similar but with some embarrassing high-ranking entry-level and pleb shit (the /lit/ charts have kinda moved away from that over the years); the same can be said of the higher presence of female and ‘diverse' authors: some picks, the more literary ones, are not bad at all, but others are just embarrassing.

>> No.22953373

>Homer's Illiad and Virgil's Aeneid at the bottom, and not at the top
>Dante at 56
>barely any poetry
>barely any of The Greeks
>too Anglocentric
>literally most of the novels are from the 20th century
And I thought /lit/ was bad.

>> No.22953472

I said THAT Mexican. Read his posts.

>> No.22953476

I know who you're talking about, and he definitely posts here. Want me to say "hi" to him for you :)

>> No.22953566

Every /lit/ top 100 has spiritual texts on it like the Bible or the Quran or the Eddas but Reddit ones never do. I think that may be a big difference that no one really talks about.

>> No.22953570

Because it's the same people making these lists. Also, they're terrible lists. No book published since the 19th century should be on these lists.

>> No.22953586

Because the western canon is the only thing that matters

>> No.22953638

you can't come up with a single interpretation to explain this or are you honest to god retarded?

>> No.22953795


>> No.22953815

what a load of rubbish. These books are NEVER discussed here and most anons have NEVER read any of them. /nu/lit is ajoke

>> No.22953840

That's because this is the chart for a subreddit.

>> No.22954483

I see that you can't. The whole point is that the fruit is of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This categorically means that Adam and Eve were in a state of total infantile ignorance of morality, yet God punishes them for wickedness. It's unjust and immoral. This is very basic stuff, anon.

>> No.22954586


>> No.22954597

Please keep in mind pregnantchihuahua3 only allowed us one book per author, so you may see a lot more variety in our list. It’s so funny, Soup_Commie is so indecisive he couldn’t even vote, but jasmineperil kept trying to get him too. Even thewickerstan was in on it, but he just couldn’t do it lol

>> No.22955016

Try actually reading it. God told Adam not to eat from that specific tree and Adam disobeyed him.

>> No.22955271

Adam did not know that disobeying was Evil. Again, you can't get away from the fact that Adam and Eve were not even capable of mens rea at the time of the "crime". How much more clear can I be? They were INCAPABLE of making a moral decision since they did not yet have the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is right in the text of the story and it totally undermines any kind of justice or integrity in the "God" figure.

>> No.22955454

me and many others have read all 7 volumes
keep coping, pseud

>> No.22955500

I dislike it intensely. I think the main reason holding our 100 back is probably the reddit influence in the voting too now.

>> No.22956672

only if you're a science denying chud