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22947951 No.22947951[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In math and science there is progress and answers.

In philosophy there is 2500 years of intellectual masturbation and nothing more.

>> No.22947966

are ethics committees mostly scientific or philosophical?

>> No.22947978

Did a philosochad steal your girl or something?

>> No.22948008

No math or science without epistemology

>> No.22948030

And do you like the society your math and science answers have given you? Maybe they need better ethical foundations and a discipline of getting there.

>> No.22948033

Philosophy is the root of science and has given enormous influence on the world you live in.

>> No.22948046

Read Burtt, The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science

>> No.22948134

He was a pretentious fag for not taking the money

>> No.22948153

He discovered that the universe is the surface of a 3 sphere. What have you done with your life?

>> No.22948162

we have found ourselves so far speculating on things, attempting to convince others of our ability to convince. There are a few things that I would like to discuss regarding this current state of affairs in the sphere of debate, firstly the enormous waste of energy that is being spent in the pursuit of arguments for the sake of arguments. Why have we not yet taken it upon ourselves to move towards a goal? A task of mine is to move beyond speculation for the sake of speculation, research for the sake of research. Our knowledge needs a point towards which we can apply our knowledge towards, and we have yet to find this goal and found ourselves lost.

>> No.22948164

….did you post in the wrong thread?

>> No.22948168

the irony

>> No.22948169

I discovered that the universe is the surface of a 4 sphere

>> No.22948171

Being richer than him at half his age.

>> No.22948175

Boomer cope

>> No.22948182

Poorfag cope

>> No.22948196
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>> No.22948275

nobody will remember your name fifty years after you are dead. He has achieved immortality in a way that you could never imagine.

>> No.22948284

No one will remember you either despite cocksucking him. And he’s only known in autist communities. The public at large will forget his name faster than some retarded whore like Kim Kardashian.

>> No.22948289

philosophy was already solved by Christ

>> No.22948322

I don't need to be remembered retard, we were talking about him vs you.

>> No.22948331

You only brought up the me vs him thing because you were offended I called your /sci/ meme a pretentious fag.

>> No.22948343

You can call him whatever you want, that won't change his legacy. Do you have article written about you and your supposed wealth or are you just coping that a russian hermit had more impact on the world than what you could have if you lived to be 100?

>> No.22948357


>> No.22948359

His “legacy” is only relevant to autists in the math community. The actual world barely even knows his name. Also, he’s a Jew, not a Russian. And why would I post personal info on 4chan? lol fucken retard

>> No.22948366

His legacy is more than yours lmao. Why is this hard to accept? More people know him than they know you. More people want to interview him than they do you. More has been written about him than about you. We are comparing him with you lmao. Where are the newspaper articles about your great achievements chud? Where are the scientific papers cited with your name on them? How many people have you inspired by being an incel edgelord?

>> No.22948369

Who dis neanderthal looking nibba?

>> No.22948371
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>In math and science there is progress and answers

okay try solving P versus NP nerd lmao
yeah we got him philosochads

>> No.22948373

Low IQ take.

>> No.22948378

An autistic Jew who worked in niche things without relevance and has a massive tranny following apparently

>> No.22948388

Grigori Perelman. A math genius who solved a problem that had stumped mathematicians for 100 yrs. Read about him, he has an interesting story.

>> No.22948446

The topic was being remembered after death, though. Not how many autists jerk off to him today. I’m sure you and a few other faggots do. You place your bets on him, I place my bets on myself. Let’s see how it goes.

>> No.22948462

The articles written today will be remembered. Its funny how desperate you are, grasping at straws to save yourself. Will you then argue that god will not accept him in heaven or some other faggy shit? The mathematicians who confirmed his proof spent a year studying it. People are still trying to understand his theorems today and they will not stop trying one hundred years later like they do with kant or hegel or any other difficult to understand theorist. You on the other hand will be forgotten by your immediate family for being an incel edgelord who had no impact on his family or the world.

>> No.22948532

> mathematicians
A limited circle of autists who jerk off to niche developments. My work has unironically wider appeal. Like I said, I place my bets on myself. Unsure why you math freaks think normal people actually care about your work. I blame the lack of bullying.

>> No.22948579

What work you faggot. I asked you to post evidence all you do is cope that a math autist is more well known than you could ever hope for? Have they given you a prize yet for staying in your mom's basement? Is the work in the room with you right now?

>> No.22948586
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Philosophy laid the basis for governments that allow society to run and therefore allow the study of science to exist.

>> No.22948632
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A mathematician could probably read most important philosophical work with little trouble. It doesn't go the other way around. Speaking from personal (and very cringe-inducing) experiences talking to those guys.
You can shit out quotes from geniuses and great men of history who have nothing to do with us but in the end, that reason alone is why /lit/ seethes over mathGODS

>> No.22948669

> A mathematician could probably read most important philosophical work with little trouble
In other words, that’s your fantasy.

>> No.22948701

Kill yourself, waste of space.

>> No.22948785

How does epistemology help? It's not like scientists all have similar views on epistemology anyways and yet they produce results.

>> No.22948788

True. Philosocuck gender studies losers belong in McDonalds.

>> No.22948793

>Philosophy laid the basis for governments

>> No.22948800

Karl popper, an epistemologist popularized falsification in science which means coming up with hypothesis (null and alternative) and trying to falsify them. This is how science from physics to psychology is done to this day. Philosophers like frege and russell came up with theories of logic on how to do math without contradicting yourself. Predicate logic as used today owes this to them. Epistemology is a guide on how to acquire knowledge without getting yourself in a bind, its extremely important. It tells you what you can know and what is unknowable.

>> No.22948801

You literally wouldn't have math or science without a philosophy of knowledge.

>> No.22948815

Holy. Based.

>> No.22949025
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Why do teenagers always sound so sure of themselves?

>hypothesis (null and alternative)
That's statistical hypothesis testing, an entirely different thing from falsificationism, and not even how it's been done anywhere good (genomics, HEP, Amazon-scale economic or customer data, &c) the last two decades; while even statistically illiterate areas (any non-I/O psychology, &c) are finally abandoning p-values as we speak.

>frege, russell [...] how to do math without contradicting yourself
This is nonsense. People had done mathematics without contradicting themselves for centuries Frege. They didn't start writing flawed proofs less because of Gödelian developments. (In fact an estimated ⅓ of all published math contains errors — https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/proof-statistics.html — it just doesn't matter because mathematicians have intuition for what they work with, and the proofs can trivially be fixed because the results are correct anyway. By intuition.) Working mathematicians don't care about the symbol-pushing esoterics of mathematical logic, it's entirely irrelevant except to logicians.

>Epistemology is a guide
Unlike in a teenager's imagination, there's no checklist or guide for the mystical Scientific Method that a person can follow and arrive at the truth reliably. People are either interested in truth or not. Read Feyerabend if you insist on reading pseuds rather than science. Feyerabend argued that you can always come up with an example of making scientific progress while by necessity breaking the rules of any given "scientific method." Word to Lee Smolin:

>What Feyerabend's book said to me was: Look, kid, stop dreaming! Science is not philosophers sitting in clouds. It is a human activity, as complex and problematic as any other. There is no single method to science and no single criterion for who is a good scientist. Good science is whatever works at a particular moment of history to advance our knowledge.

Worse yet, imposing a "scientific method" on researchers, one which doesn't reflect the reality of what people who are interested in truth actually do, is a political tool to be used by non-scientists as a weapon against science. You aren't even useless when you push philosophical pseudistry, you're actively harmful.

>> No.22949059

Falsification is embodied in hypothesis testing retard. You come up with two hypothesis one null and the other alternative, the null is giving the current unchanged model and the alternative is the opposite position. That is basic falsification, you want to falsify the null using the alternative.

Frege invented predicate logic and russel showed the flaws in set theory (set can't be a member of itself) whose corrections (peano) are used today by mathematicians. I don't understand how you can refute this unless you are an ignorant zoomer.

>> No.22949067
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Mo money mo (non-math)problems

>> No.22949073

Your family will forget you once you are gone

>> No.22949074

*zfc not peano

>> No.22949080

>falsification in science which means coming up with hypothesis (null and alternative)
No, falsification is obtaining an experimental result that contradicts a hypothesis. There is no "alternative" involved. "Null" and "alternative" hypotheses are mathematical devices to make the mathematics of p-value testing work. You're mixing up two entirely unrelated domains.

>Frege invented predicate logic and russel showed the flaws in set theory (set can't be a member of itself) whose corrections (peano)
I mean it should be pretty obvious that I have a math degree, why are you recapitulating the work of Frege and others at me?
>are used today by mathematicians
No. Working mathematicians don't rely on these results in any way. The "foundations" are interchangeable, they can be anything from various flavors of category theory to set theory (axiomatized in different ways) to HoTT, &c. The results of Frege, Russell, Gödel and others and others are irrelevant to working mathematicians. They just are not used and not ever remembered and don't affect the actual theorems in any meaningful way.

Anyway, I want to slap your parents for raising such a frightful little maggot.

>> No.22949085

definitively philosophical, and they get in the way of the progress of science.

>> No.22949091 [DELETED] 

You obtain those results by mathematically framing them in the alternative hypothesis, then accepting it or failing to accept it. That is the spirit or philosophy of the experiment retard, what is so hard to understand here? And mathematicians rely on predicate logic, not transcendental or para-consistent logic or any other type of logic. You are grasping at straws here little maggot.

>> No.22949097

You obtain those results by mathematically framing them in the alternative-null hypothesis, then accepting it or failing to accept it. That is the spirit or philosophy of the experiment retard, what is so hard to understand here? And mathematicians rely on predicate logic, not transcendental or para-consistent logic or any other type of logic. You are grasping at straws here little maggot.

>> No.22949157
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can i borrow £30?

>> No.22949161

science without ethics would end up poisoning the planet or destroying the human genome, completely by accident.
There really is no limit to how much could go wrong.
Science without ethics scares me shitless lads

>> No.22949163

Gay Black Wxmyn are the #1 most intelligent visionaries our society can produce in 2024. Listen to them, white man. Take a seat.

>> No.22949171

philosophical debate have been settled. life is a mistake and human's only recourse is sitting in silent unhappiness waiting for death. what you read as philosophy is the part that rejects this simple truth.

>> No.22949184

Read Dummett, The Logical Foundations of Metaphysics

>> No.22949187

i'm working on it (unironically)

>> No.22949189

You are just confused.
It's like you're trying to compare a tool and a principle or an attitude of trying to come up with principles and make sense of things.
"A saw is better than the faculty of making sense of things because you can cut a tree with a saw and you can't cut a tree with the faculty of making sense of things".

>> No.22949212

So it means that OP is too retarded to understand that he's not comparing science and philosophy, he's claiming that one branch of philosophy is better than other, he just doesn't know what it's called and doesn't even know about its existence.

It's called logical positivism, or more informally, scientism, or "whatever science says" branch. It's a mix really of bits and pieces from various philosophical positions. Like, naive realism, materialism, physicalism, with the attitude of reductionism.

>> No.22949277

Imagine some ricecel math undergrad trying to read and understand Kant

>> No.22949315

i don't think anti-white or fat acceptance seminars will improve our situation

>> No.22949321

Ethics committees are mostly corrupt, incompetent and politically dependent. I.e. unethical.

>> No.22949325

Can't write epiSTEMology without STEM.

>> No.22949334

Can't write STEM without ME.

"Cause it feels so empty without me" said some great philosopher.

>> No.22949340

>and nothing more
That's not quite true, snappy turns of phrase are more than just intellectual masturbation.
A few philosophers get it right, even, then a bunch of fag mystics go apopleptic and churn out oceans of garbage so they don't have to overturn ontological notions they made up as children.

>> No.22949346

>governments that allow society to run
Why has this never been implemented?

>> No.22949586


>> No.22949621
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>human progress isn't actually real leftist cuck, it was refuted by women not going out with me

>> No.22949628
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Progress means video games, drugs, and cheap fast food available for the masses!

>> No.22949630

>It's called logical positivism, or more informally, scientism, or "whatever science says" branch
bait, or do you actually conceive philosophy in such a reductive and childish way?

>> No.22949643

Progress means human acquisition of knowledge, and therefore understanding the natural order.
If a man denies the progress of human understanding and reasoning, the lay themselves target for just suspicion. So i'm pretty sure all the things you mentioned are not only childish representations of modern life, they're also ills that plague your life, which you believe stem from an invisible "modernity", which you understand to be "technology" and you also understand relate back to "science". This is the origin of all tradLARPing.