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22945490 No.22945490 [Reply] [Original]

What did the fascist leaders of 20th century learn to master public speaking and the art of propaganda? Recommend me some books after which I'll rehearse my skills in front of a camera, I suck at public speaking but want to become better for job interviews, presentations at uni/job etc.

>> No.22945536

What does Kolchak have to do with fascism?

>> No.22945538

Absolutely nothing that's such a nice pic and I find him fascinating. I'm sure he gave decent speeches as well.

>> No.22945603
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>I'm sure he gave decent speeches as well
I don't think they were any special. His only outstandingly impressive performance I know of is saying fuck you to mutinying sailors and throwing his sabre overboard; and iirc he suffered from migraines and depression when he became supreme leader of Russia so it probably greatly inhibited his oratorical abilities, his manifesto is pretty uninspiring "pls fight Bolsheviks, I pinkie promise we will have parliament democracy afterwards". White propaganda in general wasn't any good due to lack of clear unified goals.

>> No.22945631

They didnt. Hitler had some good speeches, but he was a socialist and not a fascist. The rest is all garbage. Its less about the content/substance of the propaganda and more about coercion. No one ever believes the propaganda, they just need to feel like they cant speak out against it.

>> No.22945683

>No one ever believes the propaganda
The most retarded post I've read in a long time.

>> No.22945687
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>Hitler had some good speeches
He was widely regarded as the greatest public speaker of his age, with an unmatched ability to invoke powerful imagery and emotions through speech.

>He was a socialist and not a fascist
Oh, you're a retard. My apologies. Not all socialism is Marxist.

>> No.22945720
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Cope. You really think north korean peasants who have been eating grain gruel for the past decade look at propaganda films with stocked granaries and are like YEEEEEEEEEE NIGGER THATS ME! HES LITERALLY ME!
No, nigger. They know it's bullshit but they dont gain anything from denying it except forced labor.
>He was widely regarded as the greatest public speaker of his age, with an unmatched ability to invoke powerful imagery and emotions through speech.
And i denied this, where? You just repeated my post, mongrel.
>Oh, you're a retard. My apologies. Not all socialism is Marxist.
You appear to be the retard here, sister. Yes not all socialist is marxist. Which is why i said Hitler was a socialist. Because he was one. Imbecile.

>> No.22945727

The first person to bring up North Korea as their example in an argument has already lost lol. You have no idea what North Koreans think or how they live

>> No.22945742
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>Hitler had some good speeches, but he was a socialist and not a fascist. The rest is all garbage.
Right here, the implication is that he was not good.

>Hitler was a socialist. Because he was one.
And he was also a Fascist. They are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.22945799

That's a lot of words just to say you have nothing to say. I accept your concession, though.
No, you are just retard with bad reading comprehension. I said HITLER had good speeches, and no other "fascists" did.

>> No.22946043

Goebbels studied and wrote a Dissertation about German romanticism, but He also toured a Lot, doing multiple Events per day During 20s. Praxis Beats theory.

>> No.22946053

Anti-communist = fascist.

>> No.22946066

How was Mussolini Not a good orator? Even Hitler thought He was better than himself.

>> No.22946218
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It isnt something you can just turn on and off, the fascist movement was a fiery reactionary force to liberalism and marxism. They had deeply held beliefs and they all had, what they felt to be, a righteous anger.

>> No.22946229

Mosley had incredible speeches, youre nuts

>> No.22946479

Since when did everyone start declaring victory in these threads? This board has become infested with twitter reply guys

>> No.22946531
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>newest of fags is shocked to see iaycposting
lurk for 10 thousand more years

>> No.22946556

Marxism was just a reaction to liberalism though.

>> No.22946558

To learn to speak one must be shrewd and consider oneself an artist and be willing to succumb for their truth, and shameless exploit their experiences. You must undergo trials unimaginable and make that an image with language. Nietzsche helps, read Nietzsche as an assembly of raw material from which you can pick apart what you see and articulate that. Vedic literature is good, watch good films too. If your taste sucks your language will be flavorless!

>> No.22946561

Probably Macchiavelli but 48 laws is what you want today.

>> No.22946566

also if you want to get over any fear of public speaking, check into jail for a month and start yelling. They'll check you into to block for screamers and then you can practice all you want

>> No.22946567

>calling others newfag

>> No.22946579
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>be newfag
>get called out on your newfaggotry
>double down on it
Many such cases.

>> No.22946677

Op here, is that book worth reading or is it too schizoid tier? Would be nice to read a more neutral hitler book after all the more common ones, I heard Toland's hitler biography is okay as well

>> No.22946690

But you are talking alone then?

Sometiems I film me reading my own writings and historicaal speeches I find touching to improve my expression. I believe I'll be more comfortable in front of a crowd when I first know that I am capable of speaking well. Easier to fix smaller details this way and facial expressions, hand movements etc
But would be nice to have some material to back me, at the moment I am going totally on my own

>> No.22946697
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The book is a reasonable explanation as to why Hitler was popular without resorting to he was a liar, he was a demagogue, he tricked, he manipulated, etc. It outlines policy decisions and the reasons they worked so well and dismisses the armament myth by placing it in the correct context of European wide re- and continual- armament.

>> No.22946996

Nah everyone in jail will hear you and it if sucks they'll want to beat your ass but they almost never will because that's a felony.
Also my advice for nervous speakers is to 1 - know the material very well and 2 - pretend you're drunk.

>> No.22947057


>> No.22947071
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>> No.22947092

ITT meek, uncharismatic, poor social skill anons who are bitter at the world dream of becoming a far right leader who rallies the people with their oratory skills and charisma