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/lit/ - Literature

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22945674 No.22945674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you use 4chan of all places to discuss literature

>> No.22945676

discuss literature?

>> No.22945704

Where else am I supposed to discuss it. No nigga is going to talk to me about Latin, ancient Classics or history with me irl

>> No.22945707

Better than plebbit

>> No.22945712


>> No.22945713

There are some diverse and genuine people who engage in discussion about topics I like.

That out weighs the low effort / spam / racism to me.

>> No.22945731

I was always on 4chan

>> No.22945756
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One can voice truthful opinions without reputation destruction and have meaningful conversations with people that would be impossible anywhere else.

>> No.22945762

I hate accounts. I just want to post about books. Even though /lit/ can't shut up about Stoicism and women. Why can't you fucks get over them?

>> No.22945770

You can't write nigger anywhere else, even if the book has the word in it. 4chan is probably the only place that's redpilled on the publishing industry as well

>> No.22945779
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This is actually a better discussion place than Reddit believe it or not.

>hurr durr I read two pages of Plato and he says justice is this but in this different dialogue with different interlocutors he says this bla bla

>> No.22945844

It's less gamified than other social media. No one here makes posts for the reason of obtaining upvotes. (You)s sure. But the anonymity negates the desire to obtain a reputation within the community. This means that the primary motivation of engagement is to actually discuss and occasionally shitpost about the things you're into. Which is how it should be. Upvotes, likes, ect, lead to people being dishonest about their taste in order fit in. In this regard, Reddit is more similar to Yahoo Answers than it is to 4chan.

>> No.22945848

>But the anonymity negates the desire to obtain a reputation within the community
How little you know

>> No.22945850

4chan is the equivalent of French salons of the 18th century or Viennese cafes later on.

>> No.22945861

>How little you know
I am well aware that if autistic enough, one can pull off becoming a regular face here. It's just much much harder, and requires persistence.

>> No.22945939

Ding ding... try commenting in /r/books or /r/writing, basically complete faggot zones where you're censored if you say anything the mods don't approve of.

>> No.22945979


>> No.22945983

>This means that the primary motivation of engagement is to actually discuss

>> No.22945985

Because all other places where literature is discussed are pozzed. 4chan is also pozzed just less.

>> No.22945988
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I come here to get recommendations for forgotten classic books tied to my interests. It seems like all I have to do is name a topic and you guys can recommend me a library of books related to it. As much as this place bugs me, the help you frens have given me is one of the reasons I keep coming back

>> No.22945991

Started coming here like 14 years ago, I’ve discussed everything here at this point.

>> No.22946004

Freedom of expression, you stupid fucking cunt. Also, people are a lot more honest about their thoughts.

>> No.22946007

Try to discuss literature literally anywhere else
>"actually the themes in this book are useless because it was written by a straight white man in the 1800s and it doesn't apply at all to our more diverse modern world"
>Russian literature? Isn't that kinda boring? All those people were religious anyways so how smart could they be?
>haha why are you reading Moby Dick I heard he just describes whaling equipment for 500 pages
>The Bible? You mean a collection of fairytales from 3000 years ago?

>> No.22946013

>t. tourists

>> No.22946045

>and occasionally shitpost
you forgot that part.

>> No.22946051

>ackshually /lit/ is about muh le mein kampf
an hero

>> No.22946065
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Kill yourself nazi scum

>> No.22946087

Because the rest of interactive internet is full of w*men - unusuable.

>> No.22946088

where else?

>> No.22946522

subtle religious and conservative propaganda I see in your post.
>The Bible? You mean a collection of fairytales from 3000 years ago?
That's what people say here on 4chan too. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.22946540
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please go back

>> No.22946573

Oh, so it's either believe whatever is written in this book or fedora?
gtfo with your stupid propaganda.

>> No.22946852
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>does not partake in effort posting

nailed it

>> No.22946857

Anonymity and mods can't ban me for being mean

>> No.22946859


>> No.22946867

There are more shitposts than actual discussions. Factor in posts and threads that belong spiritually on other boards and the output of this here board is minimal

>> No.22946869

>Why do you use 4chan of all places to discuss literature
I don't, I come here to insult people.

>> No.22946876

Because I'm a sissy bitch boy who loves anonymity

>> No.22946941

It's one of the few places where I can call Hegel a nigger

>> No.22946951

I have no friends who are interested in books.

>> No.22946981

"Trolling outside of /b/" is a reportable offense on /lit/

>> No.22947350

Because like it or not this place is a hotbed of unique opinions and underground knowledge

>> No.22947410

I honor lit/4chan/stormfront occasionally, merely to see organisms like this. Infinite giggles

>> No.22947418

i like the frogs

>> No.22947457

They make this hellish website funny. The literature board. Filled with them like the rest of this shithole

>> No.22947522

because you can say the fuck word here.

>> No.22947572
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You prove the need for these kinds of places, nothing typed was objectionable. You got bent out of shape by a spicy image. Had this been any other site anon anon would be banned and no discussion could be had about the Far Right of the political spectrum.

>> No.22947968

Hardly, you get banned for everything here these days. Better start learning a new language and move to another chan-style imageboard with a literature board

>> No.22948053

>he doesn’t know

>> No.22948163

yeah. where the fuck else? reddit?
I found Northrop Frye here. that's a pretty good score.

>> No.22948176

Something something echo chamber where I can say nigger and call out the tribe boys

>> No.22948213

I think a better question is is this place good if you don’t care about /pol/ shit one way or the other?

>> No.22948220

yeah to a degree, there are some super well read people on here, just comparing it to /sci/ you can see how much higher the standard is here

>> No.22948276

it seems fucking absurd and I ask myself stuff like this all the time, yet somehow there ust isnt anywhere else to go

you would think with the internet more widespread than every that there would be tonnes of thriving communities, but it seems everyone just concentrates in a few more active ones

>> No.22948295

rip the pastoral internet where we all had our little patches to cultivate

>> No.22948304

It’s sucks. Seems like there has been break away splinter groups on discord and such. I have no issue saying that certain subs are better for literature than /lit/ now, but it is hard to make the jump if you’ve been here any amount of time. There used to be a good mix of effortposts, quick answers, and fun shitposting here but the focus has moved away from “the canon” to disgruntled young men. Reddit just doesn’t have that quick post back and forth that /lit/ has, and it’s less laid back. /lit/ has gotten too laid back and off track though. I don’t really care about anonymity one way or another. I come here for books. The internet becoming ubiquitous is unironically probably the reason there is less quality forums. All those tight knit niche communities are found by those who don’t really belong or have ulterior motives. It’s a bummer because I have a hard time seeing /lit/ ever improving

>> No.22948315
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4chan is the only place based bros are allowed to be themselves.

If you talk shit anywhere else online... you're just fucking banned.

>> No.22948316

>You got bent out of shape by a spicy image
its just funny to watch someone shit their pants over and over again, and it's even funnier when they act like shitting their pants isn't inherently funny. you guys are the pants-shitters of the internet.
>you MUST take us seriously!!!!!!
no you shat your pants lmao

>> No.22948317
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Seven posts until some /pol/tard escaped his containment board and started screeching about DA JOOOOOOOS. Not even double digits. You used to be able to discuss literature here.

>> No.22948318

This is unironically one of the last places on the internet to discuss Buddhism in any depth

>> No.22948319
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There is no place left on the internet for people who just impulsively self-express... if you just say and post what you're thinking in the moment, you're just fucking banned and erased as a person. That's just how society operates post about.... 2006?

>> No.22948323
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Jason Bryan dated a very wealthy jewish woman in Vancouver who is connected to Seth Rogan, the shit that came out of this woman's mouth... she openly talked about goyim cattle and how people are so easily manipulated. I dare you to date a rich jewess and listen to the shit they talk, they know their "MOT" has the power, they openly brag about it!

>> No.22948326

>if you just say and post what you're thinking in the moment, you're just fucking banned and erased as a person
if what you're thinking about in the moment is a slur, or how much you'd like to hurt or kill the object of those slurs, then this is no surprise.
>I shouted HANG DARKIES in the park knitting circle for an hour and now I've been trespassed from the park!!! im being BANNED and ERASED AS A PERSON!!!!
no, people got tired of you disturbing the peace and made it so you couldn't bother them anymore lmao

>> No.22948330

This is unironically one of the last places on the internet to discuss Buddhism in any depth

>> No.22948341
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I have never openly called for violence or incited hatred, I have made "off colour" jokes that wouldn't be so far-fetched from anything Eddy Murphy would say in the 80's.

If I'm so bad, why have I never been charged? Why is it if you google "Jason Bryan" there aren't any crimes or hate crime associated with my name?

Because if you think different, if you are outside of the "librul vs conservitard" direction brain, you're nobody, you're nothing. The only way you can gain a following is if you adopt one of the fake and gay "wings" of political thought that are totally fucking controlled. This is why society is so fake and gay, all of the thinkers that are "outside-the-box" are just silenced and removed from the discussion. This is why everything on Reddit is an echo chamber. Nobody pragmatic with any fresh ideas is allowed to rise up, everyone "new" in the system is just some astroturfed faggot like Andrew Tate.

>> No.22948346

Andrew Tate was definitely when I realized how recycled shit was getting, I was like damn were doing the red pill again

>> No.22948352

Probably because you read or pretend to read /pol/slop, or your a /pol/ caricature and can’t help yourself. Overwhelming majority of books you can give your opinion on without saying something vile. You won’t get it though because you literally can’t. If you have to blurt out offensive shit about The Pickwick Papers, Ulysses, The Tartar Steppe, Iliad, on and on, that is a you problem. But you won’t be able to understand that though

>> No.22948356

I use 4chan in general, because it's so easy to just have a conversation, without having to step on eggshells, and without people's egos getting in the way.
You don't think the site is just about saying naughty words, do you?

>> No.22948370

>can converse ans talk shit openly without fear of consequences
>broader discussions of various literature than the few irl friends I have who actually read
>find a bunch of new reading recommendations
>occasional reading groups, one that made me read and enjoy Ulysses
These wouldn't be possible IRL. Also its natural I'm here since I've been on 4chan more than 10 years. It's a second home for me, or rather an escape from home,

>> No.22948392
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You do realize the only people who win awards for writing are people who are anti-straight white male, right?

>> No.22948395

Yes, Andrew Tate is 100% astroturfed garbage to keep young men thinking that consoooooming is the ultimate masculine flex.

>> No.22948404

>awards are a grift
who couldve known

>> No.22948460
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Those in power have total control over art and culture

>> No.22948738

Fat ass red head gf in my future please

>> No.22948767


>> No.22948774
File: 122 KB, 1000x563, 1000_F_504197227_zn8WMV436YhqUB9Z4q7nlXS82uLAraJf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Now on your way.

>> No.22948778

What? What does that even mean?
I'm telling you to get the fuck out.
Doesn't even preach openly, sneaky little snake.

>> No.22948783

I will always be grateful to /lit/ for making me interested in literature to begin with

>> No.22948824
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>> No.22948835

Yes, that's what power means.

>> No.22948924
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>far right political /lit/ is /pol/shit i want to see removed and will actively disrupt their discussion
>far left and other political /lit/ is fine and i will actively contribute to these threads

Every. Fucking. Time.
Im here for talk about books and related issues one can not discuss in public.

>> No.22948926

That ass has total control over me

>> No.22948932

>I'm a /pol/tard.
Yeah, we got it the first time around, champ.

>> No.22948996

>no discussion could be had about the Far Right political spectrum
I thought we were talking about books here

>> No.22949003
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Can you think of no authors or books about this subject?

>> No.22949016

you know people can still be stupid and still are in public right? full of places for you to voice your shits. recently i even heard my dad talking to his friends about how inferior arabs were so if you can't talk about that shit irl then it's your own problem. also saying "niggers niggers niggers" doesn't make a comment worth looking at, saying something that's not repetition of the same previous thing 1352th time does. i have never seen you and your ilks say anything more than worshipping the jews under the veneer of hating them, the race of people that i could care less about since they're as fascinating as the niggers that you love so much

>> No.22949116
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Nice dream

>> No.22949129

What are you talking about?

>> No.22949227

Usernames are for queers

>> No.22949293

Yeah Tate is the exact same shit as the redpill manosphere PUA videos on YouTube from the 2000s just repackaged for a younger new audience. It's so insanely frustrating seeing the new generation fall for the same grifts every time and there being nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.22949322

>>The Bible? You mean a collection of fairytales from 3000 years ago?
This one is correct though.

>> No.22949341
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Tate and related people are purposefully encouraged and supported as they preach the lone-wolf mentality and preclude any sort of collective movement which is the only thing that can affect change.

>> No.22949355

He simply preaches pure undiluted capitalism and social Darwinism, two cancerous beliefs born out of the irreligious 19th century.

>> No.22949368
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That is incidental, his message regardless of if he is aware of it, is the atomization of the West in to smaller and smaller parts which can then be easily subsumed by the prevailing culture.

>> No.22949525

Because it's not reddit. Daily reminder that stormfags are tourists and need to be eradicated.

>> No.22949557

Redpill me on the publishing industry.

>> No.22949979
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This thread.

>> No.22950184
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Kill yourself

>> No.22950210

I can call out nazis and demoralize them by creating psyops posts

>> No.22950212

Racism is not allowed on 4chan outside of /b/. Read the rules before posting

>> No.22950373

Why is he wearing a tiny sombrero?

>> No.22950387

>saying nigger is is more important than the quality of posts or threads
>cares about the modern day publishing industry
>uses the term redpill unironically


>> No.22950422

Because I'm not dedicated enough to make it my job, and normies basically never read anything besides text messages, so I'm stuck with online. And while 4chan is a sewer of racism and retardation of every description and beyond, I am willing to swim through this sewer to pull out the occasional insight. The other options are various normie-friendly platforms where jr volunteer Stasi admins squeeze the life out of everything by banning people who don't know the accepted number of valid genders this week, etc.

Because schizo Nazis >> normies for lit discussions, basically. The West has, indeed, fallen.

>> No.22950431

He's Shepardic.

>> No.22950438
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Shalom Mohel.

>> No.22950440

little implied or explicit thought policing
you still get few chromosomally enhanced bioleninists here and there like ITT crying about popular american social memes like racism and antisemitism but you can also dunk on them and put a mirror in their face so it evens out

>> No.22950464

Nope, not Jewish :)

>> No.22950497

Just a coincidence if you have any wealth or power and you mention that jews have huge amounts of power, suddenly you're finding yourself losing money, under attack, or losing contracts.


>> No.22950517
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Wild how Hollywood, quick to support the underdog or the victim in any conflict, has been completely and utterly silent on the killings Israeli-Jews have enacted. Or on the whole conflict. Silence.

>> No.22950521

They won't publish Anon because he's a straight white male

>> No.22950523

My posts dont get deleted for wrong think here.

>> No.22950566

Compare the reaction of your average white girl to BLM, which was the most staged bullshit of all time, to their knowledge and reaction about Israel. The average white woman, if she's in University, will be totally anti-Israel, while your average white woman doesn't give a flying fuck about either side.

Again, when you compare to BLM, the average white woman acted like blacks were being executed by the 100's daily by police, when, in reality, police killings of blacks are so extremely rare, especially compared to black on black murders.

Everything is a psy-op, on a psy-op, with a sprinkle of psy-op on top... all controlled by you-know-who!

>> No.22950601

Hello rabbi

>> No.22950613

Because the last time I tried to discuss literature with people in real life, they all started arguing about which Harry Potter house the members of the fellowship of the ring would be in

>> No.22950624

Similar with me, just not the 'who are interesred in books' bit

>> No.22950626

/lit/ is unironically my safe space from women who want to talk about social issues. Reddit is filled with that shit. /lit/ has this issue too but it's much easier to ignore it here.

>> No.22950631

There is literally nowhere else.

Twitter/X has had some decent discussions but it's not really the same as here. Everywhere else is scorched earth.

>> No.22950640

lower, though sadly not extinct, population of reddit fags polluting the discourse

>> No.22950648

4chan is the last bastion of free speech on the internet. Granted, some fasho libtards still report you to the tranny janny for saying no-no words once in a while, but it's the best thing we've got.

>> No.22950660

Everyone needs to visit their local book club, and any "writer's fest" type events in their town. Your jaw will drop to the floor as you will meet the biggest fucking loser white chicks and faggots. You will be the only masculine man in the room. Everyone who publicly discusses books is some form of gigantic progressive female. Men's brains have been conditioned to believe that watching sportsball, strippers, and vidya are the highest and most manly pursuits while completely ignoring the idea of developing their minds. Society is so much worse off because men's minds are just full of globohomo, bread and circuses. MUH SPORTSBALL!!! MUH MORTGAGE INTEREST RATE!!!

>> No.22950691

I belong to that set of young people, mostly men, who in their teenage years burnt out their synapses with highly addictive junk media so hard that it stopped being appealing, sought instead what seemed truer and older than all that, and came back around to literature and religion. Like probably a lot of others here I have held an unjustified superiority complex over petty things, been a chronically low achiever, and developed a sense of being thwarted through all of this. I hang out here because it's full of people who have gone through similar enough things and have similar enough outlooks and approaches as a result, not because I believe it to be the last bastion of literary discussion. There are obviously serious people out there, and I missed the boat on being a serious person a long time ago.
Given how addictive and fatiguing social media is, and given that the always-on lifestyle is still fairly new to much of the population, I predict that more people will follow us this way in about a decade.

>> No.22950696

There's a ruined-life pipeline from /v/-tard to /r9k/-tard to some kind of awakening into becoming a /lit/-tard. That's all. Nothing deeper than that.

>> No.22950795

The website as a whole is probably more sought out by those types in the last few years