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22940348 No.22940348 [Reply] [Original]

Would it ever be possible for a prose writer to match the brilliance of Shakespeare?

>> No.22940360

I surpass him.

>> No.22940372

Perchance to dream

>> No.22940375

Cervantes but that's kinda scummy of me because cervantes and shakespeare were the same guy, or at least belonged to the same group.

>> No.22940400

James Joyce could have done it. He had the ability to write the most beautiful English prose of anyone in history, which you occasionally see in his novels and stories. He chose to write what he wrote instead

>> No.22940403

Señor Francisco Tocino

>> No.22940413
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Matched him, surpassed him, and then some.

>> No.22940418

Lmao, not joking though. Shakespeare took excerpts from Don quixote and turned it into a play.
>The History of Cardenio, often referred to as simply Cardenio, is a lost play, known to have been performed by the King's Men
Both had extensive knowledge about the Mediterranean, had similar facial hair and hairlines and they even died the same year one day apart. Not too mention Shakespeare's supposed swarthy features.

>> No.22940438

>implying Shakesphere wasn't a better dramatist than writer

>> No.22940487

According to the common definition of prose? No. But there was Cervantes, whose vision was coequal with the very greatest of poets, and in modernist literature there has been an effort to 'aestheticize' prose into something perhaps resembling poetry, with techniques such as stream of consciousness, and in writers like Proust and Joyce. But I don't think any of these authors, as great as they are, even one as divine as Cervantes, equal Shakespeare with their prose.

>> No.22940490

So how would he be in both countries at once, and speak two languages at mastery?

>> No.22940491

Shakespeare was mid

>> No.22940500

Cervantes used to be a sailor and the fishermen of northern spain frequently stayed in france england ireland or wales if the storms were bad enough. Vice versa as well. It would also explain Shakespeare's knowledge of Italy despite never having left England. I'm not saying they were necessarily the same guy but the same group perhaps. It's not as if a Shakespeare or Cervantes would constantly need to be at a court or at their theatre. Even if they had to, Cervantes works could have been written anywhere so he could be at the theatre anyways.
I'm trying hard ofcourse but the Don Cardenio play being a straight up excerpt from Don Quixote, written during a time of war between the two, is one of many spooky coincidences I already mentioned.

>> No.22940525

There's an enormous amount of mystery surrounding both authors, especially Shakespeare. And I know that we're missing some essential knowledge from the period. But I don't think it's enough to claim they were the same person, belonged to the same group or personally knew each other.

>> No.22940532 [SPOILER] 

Maybe. I think modern man may be too abstracted from himself to match Shakespeare.

>> No.22940623

I have made it my headcanon already and am pushing this idea onto others. It's fun!
Some talk about spies and double spies and triple spies during that time period however. Like James Blake who knew multiple languages and was everywhere at all times.

>> No.22940751

Proust has shitty prose

>> No.22940887
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>> No.22940900


>> No.22940922

>If, in the further reaches of some or another remote corridor in an immense house of two or, perhaps, three storeys, and behind some or another door that remains mostly closed but in sight of a window overlooking some or another tract of far-reaching landscape of mostly level grassy countryside with low hills or a line of trees in the distance, a certain man at his desk, on some or another day of sunshine with scattered clouds, were to spurn the predictable words and phrases of the many writers of fiction who have reported of this or that male character that he once fell in love with this or that female character, and if that same man, after striving as neither I, the author of this sentence, nor even the most discerning reader of the sentence, have or has striven nor will ever strive, in late afternoon, and at about the time when the rays of the declining sun might have caused the pane in the window of his room to seem to a traveller on a distant road like a spot of golden oil, had found in his heart, or wherever such things are to be found, the words best fitted to suggest what he seemed to have felt long before, on a certain hot afternoon, in a distant inland city, and whether he had simply kept those words in mind or whether he had actually written them, either as notes for a work of fiction that he might one day write or as part of an actual work of fiction, then I do not doubt that the words would have been to the effect that a certain boy, a mere child, while he watched unobserved a certain girl, a mere child, whose name he did not know and who had almost certainly never had sight of him, wished for the means to inform her that he was worthy of trust.

>> No.22941302


>> No.22941321


>> No.22941582

Where does the King James Bible fit into this
same person or same group hypothesis?

>> No.22941600

Geneva Bible, Tyndale, Secret College, John Dee, Illuminism, Bonesmen. It's believed Dee set the whole thing off for his own reasons while he was doing court spy shit.

>> No.22941603

Thomas Browne, possibly

>> No.22941612


>> No.22941666

>I have made it my headcanon already
It's a pretty convincing headcanon if I'm being honest. I ask myself: why should I not believe they are the same person? I find no reason.

>> No.22941897
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He is coming.

>> No.22941981

Shakespeare's mother, father, and daughter were all Catholic.

>> No.22942012

Melville consciously attempts Shakespearean prose and imo does a good job

>> No.22942056

Is that the same guy that posted his own sonnet and tried to convince people it was on par with Shakespeare?

>> No.22942238

He’s an American so evidently not.