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22931014 No.22931014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can we promote book reading within the black community? What strategies would be effective in spreading the love for literature and uplifting our Black stories and voices?

>> No.22931018


>> No.22931023

Tell them that it's actually heckin gangsta n shieet

>> No.22931024

blacks can't sit down for 1h. Quietly. By themselves.

>> No.22931025

Make a rap song about how it's cool to read books and it makes you have rizz with the hoes. Call it "wize ass niggaZ" or something.

>> No.22931037

Organize reading camps, put all the blacks in there. For every book from the Western canon that they read they get one bowl of hot rice. Their daily schedule will be something like:
>4 hours of sleep
>12 hours of labour
>6 hours of mandatory reading
>2 hours of free time

>> No.22931097

You try being normal after growing the way Tyrone does. The norm for poor blacks is massive childhood trauma followed by a lifetime of adversity. It is a slow torture, the same way a brilliant woman prior to the 19th century was slowly tortured in a corset, unable to breathe or even dream.

Expand your soul and love your neighbor. This will also make you loveable, which you are not .

>> No.22931108

Racial differences are permanent.

>> No.22931109

I cant do that either fool and i iz white n sheet. Maybe 30 minutes or so.

>> No.22931110

I grew up worse than Tyrone and am not a loud mass murdering retard.

>> No.22931121

You just handily dismissed the suffering of millions in order to continue residing in your box, with a preposterously self serving claim divorced of all modesty. You have the soul of an infant and the brain of a child.

>> No.22931132

Huh? Sure.

>> No.22931168

Pay a bunch of japs to create anime and manga based on them.

>> No.22931207

>Expand your soul and love your neighbor.
honestly I tried to but niggers make it really hard

>> No.22931221

Parents need to read to their kids from a very early age
You need to convince their parents that they need to read to their children and they need to be able to find the time to do it
Personally I am very passionate about it

>> No.22931251

>Parents need to read to their kids from a very early age
>You need to convince their parents that they need to read to their children and they need to be able to find the time to do it
>Personally I am very passionate about it
That's good advice. Although most of the black community struggle with even having present parents.

>> No.22931256
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The real question is, how can we promote book reading in the male community? I think it's pretty weird how men are so much more illiterate and violent than women.

>> No.22931264

>read to their kids from a very early age
OK, but how does that help when the kid won't read? You know the effect of parenting on the kid's intelligence is zero by the age of 17–18, right?
>A new paper by Robert Plomin, the leading figure in behavioral genetics, repeats the counter-intuitive but widely-accepted finding that the effect of the family environment on cognitive ability drops to virtually zero by early adulthood.

>A study finds that the impact of a parent's education on their children's educational attainment is negligible once genetics is accounted for. In other words, educational attainment is almost wholly explained by genetic transmission.

>> No.22931272

Your studies don't say what you think they are saying. Intelligence and behaviour are linked but two different subjects anon.

>> No.22931285

They say exactly what I meant to say, anon. The effect of reading to a kid on the kid's intelligence is zero. An unintelligent person won't meaningfully read. Are you really advocating for books as fashion accessories that the "readers" wouldn't get anything out of? That's your "behavior" without the intelligence.

>> No.22931286

Yeah I agree
I also think parents in general don't see it as being important
I have found there is a real attitude of 'well I gave birth to the child, I feed and cloth that child and so who are you to tell me I have any obligation to do anything else for my child' among parents these days
Why do you think the kid won't read?

>> No.22931290

Single moms go rampant. And you're at the wrong for seeing it as a problem.
If you don't want children raised by the State, their surrogate father, you're sudddenly a chud.
They don't know anything about their greatest artistic achievement. A people so oblivious to itself can't begin to have a future.

>> No.22931294

>On a kid's intelligence
Yes which does not matter for this thread that much if anything.
Who do you think buys those cheap schlocky books? Unless you mean to imply black people will never reach average iq anyway.
This is what you replied to btw,>>22931221
Just about behaviour. We aren't talking about making mongs into geniuses.

>> No.22931303

>mean to imply black people will never reach average iq anyway.
No, not never, just not until the technology in >>22931018 is widely affordable.

>> No.22931306
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By getting stories from black people outside of America, like Alexandre Dumas or some shit.

>> No.22931308

I think adults scrolling Twitter on their phones might send the message that it's normal to be glued to an iPad all day. That's why I've decided to pick out a book and read it whenever nephews and nieces visit.
It's fucking hard to read when someone is blaring Peppa Pig at full volume right next to you.

>> No.22931311

Okay so never. Anyway for the non mongs who don't need their cognitive capacity raised before they even CAN read, parents setting an example will help tremendously.

>> No.22931317

>who don't need their cognitive capacity raised before they even CAN read, parents setting an example will help tremendously.
That's fair, but I bet they already read even without parental input. I'm sure Thomas Sowell didn't need an extra push.

>> No.22931322

I am sure even most white people who don't read aren't blabbering mongoloids, it's a behaviour thing.

>> No.22931324

Also, book deserts (whichever of the two definitions you use) are a thing in those communities. If kids don't even get the opportunity to read it won't matter if they are geniuses or not.

>> No.22931325

anon, the average IQ of African Americans is 85. Do you realize how much of a disadvantage that is? The vast majority of classics are completely out of reach for them to understand, let alone enjoy.

>> No.22931815


1. They are oppressing themselves.
2. You yourself are implying that all blacks are lowest class subhumans.
3. Every effort White people have ever made to help blacks bites them in the ass at the end of the day. So let them live in squalor and sort their own shit out, that's what they want anyway. Send them back to Africa to start, or give them land in the US. See how quickly they fall apart lmao

>> No.22931826

You dismiss the suffering of millions when you downplay black crime. Idiots like you have existed since colonialism, you're low IQ and make things worse. These people don't belong in Western society. Our biggest error was bringing them to the West thinking they were equal. As a consequence black people hate us and want us dead or enslaved and want all of our stuff, because our superiority is inate, they literally cannot compete

>> No.22931835

>bringing them to the West thinking they were equal
I don't think that's what happened

>> No.22931836

Alexander Dumas was like 1/4 black at most lmao

Obama is half white

All successful blacks are only successful because of White admixture. They should be thanking White people, but they won't, because they're overwhelmingly ignorant stupid subhumans.

>> No.22931934

Ya, that's what happened after. They should have been kept as slaves or sent back. It is totally absurd that we brought these hominids into our society pretending they were equal. It's cruel too.

>> No.22932286
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I agree but the vast majority of europeans weren't the ones bringing them. They should have never set foot in the new world, what a continent would it be if that were the case.

>> No.22932292
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this nigga ahh reading a book

>> No.22932525

The flame of the human soul is sacred, whatever eyes and face it burneth beyond
Thou seest no light but only darkness
thou seest no soul but only flesh
thou art blind and lost, having mistaken the garment for the man, thou stand'st a rack of rotting flesh, thinking the body to be the soul, thy self-contenance would be a horror best shielded by the piercing eye that smarts your brother in the street, saying look not on me who am wretched

>> No.22932792

There are richer dollar billionaires in nigeria than black billionaires in the us lmao. What does that say about black americans? There's a reason why even africans don't like them.

>> No.22932801

It is well known that the most racist whites were always the poorest and dumbest. The reason for this is simple:

man beats wife, wife beats child, child beats dog

You are a child taking out your childhood on torturing animals for relief from adult abuse. Sympathy will save all, and only sympathy.

>> No.22932847

I am not white lmao. I don't have to be to point out that the most successful blacks are usually not mixed or even american. Is it any wonder that Obama had to be of african descent? There's a sickness in your culture that repels everyone including your african kin. Fix it and you will start getting results.

>> No.22932878

If you are not white then I can only conclude you have a racial inferiority complex and are taking it out on "niggers kek". It is not unlike the masculine homosexual who bashes the feminine homosexual's head.

It does not have to be this way. You made a mistake when you determined intelligence is measurable by a single numeral. This is a lie which assists the billionaires and their computer scientist employees, who wish to pretend wealth rightly accrues to those worthy few of IQ.

They are doubly wrong, because very little of reality is phenomenologically mathematical, and what little of reality is mathematical is by no means theirs. It is Faraday's, Boole's, Fourier's and Gauss'.

Why should Gaussian intellect be preferable in any absolute sense to intellect of character, body, expression, economy, originality, refinement, vocabulary, vision, auditory sensitivity, social intution ETC. ?

Is it possible that variation of gifts among races were not confined to the in-vogue Gauss-Zuckerberg IQ metric?

By the way I am ferociously good at mathematics.

>> No.22932879

The real question is of course How can [we] promote reading (?). But this begs the question, Does anyone who really loves reading care if anyone else does? Speaking for myself only, the answer is no. Per capita, there's probably as many black readers as their are white readers anyway-- i.e. few. And that's ok.

>> No.22932894

>Alexander Dumas was like 1/4 black at most lmao
1 drop rule, coalburner.

>> No.22932902

Hey anon, I see your humanism and admire it. There are not many of us walking the earth-- the ones who long for all of humanity to thrive in art and life.

Keep your flame hot as hell and keep lighting the dark and deep. God bless you (I don't like God but apparently he blesses some).

>> No.22932905

I did not determine anything about intelligence retard. Nowhere have I even mentioned it. I talked about success. The entire post after that retarded assumption is useless and I did not bother to read it. You seem to have a penchant for making retarded assumptions in every one of your replies.

>> No.22932932

As a matter of fact, I am an Intelligence Retard. Intelligence Retards are those who slowly incline to light. Perhaps you and I may both be Intelligent Retards (also called "humans.") and discuss among one another. Then a portion of your Retardedness can become my Intellect, and a portion of my Retardness may be illuminated by yours.

In order for this to happen, we must both admit to ourselves and each other that we are both Intelligent Retards. Should one of us determine the other a Stupid Retard, we will only go our seperate ways being both More Stupid and More Retarded.

However, if we acknowledge that a Human Soul resides in each other's breast, then we might both become Less Retarded and gather More Intellect.

That is a metaphor for interracial community. Take it or leave it, you Intelligent Retard, from a man who is also an Intelligent Retard.

>> No.22932985

Rather than pushing low quality content from "authentic" queer black womyn, can we just retcon all good authors to be of color?
I feel like I lose nothing in that scenario but apparently it matters a lot to black racists.

>> No.22932990

I'm sorry you don't love God, anon. Perhaps this ability rests ultimately upon one's achieving some 'interpretation' conducive to the increase of one's own vitality-- maybe this is what 'blessing' is. Regardless, thanks. You're generous

>> No.22932999

>Perhaps this ability rests ultimately upon one's achieving some 'interpretation' conducive to the increase of one's own vitality

This is one of the wisest sentences on the subject of God which I have ever read on this godforsaken website. God bless you again.

>> No.22933235

This is probably the most disgusting post I've seen on this site to this day

>> No.22933245

We need to embrace a hip-hop element in literature.

>> No.22933340

Introduce them to Thomas Sowell
>lefties run from the thread screaming

>> No.22933345

They hate sowell for being a conservative. For betraying them.

>> No.22934337

im black and i read books, started last summer with some short stories by kafka and dostoevsky, currently reading camus and kierkegaard, idk whats the answer to your question honestly, maybe give out books in majority black neighborhoods and hold reading sessions for children, hopefully the habit sticks later through life

>> No.22935625
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my understanding is that blacks like reading about their history culture etc
>see the negro reports
these are actually for sale at amazon

>> No.22936516

Have them read books that aren't western and that depict people that are poor or from abusive backgrounds. Most western classics are either about aristocrats or require you to already know books in the canon (because they heavily reference each other).
By western I mean mostly european classics though.
I feel like black youths would like chronicle of a death foretold.

>> No.22936558
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Already been done

>> No.22936590

It blows my mind that some people actually think these things are true.

No "communities" read. I know more black readers than I know white readers right now, and that is not a joke--and I know more white people by sheer numbers.

I think that people who are inclined to read will always read; all it takes is for someone smart to ignite their interest by talking about cool books.

Also this, unironically. The reason being that rap enters (and destroys) the lives of black men at a young age. If there were rap with healthy ideas, those ideas would take hold in the psyches of young men. It's like the Bible says, "without vision the people cast off restraint," in other words, people need aspirational ideas to strive after, but the archetypes presented to black youth are largely toxic, so most grow up affected to one degree or another by these toxic visions.

Sidenote: more and more this is becoming true for all races in the first world, as mainstream culture is losing its roots in that which gave it moral ground to begin with.

You're a sorry excuse for a human being. It's people like you that justify the unjustifiable reverse racism which is catching on.

Nonsense, races are no more static than societies--especially considering they constantly intermix.

Neither is every Tyrone, and yet there are hundreds of whites who have been precisely mass murdering retards, so don't play this as though while you're an exception there are no black exceptions.

So much this. My parents and grandparents were and are a great blessing to me.

A good question. I'm not sure whether the prevailing literature of our day is to blame, the advent of video games and internet pornography, or something else. I don't know how we can fix it. On the other hand, most women I know who read binge-read, but they are reading highly derivative slop which would be classified as YA if not for the smut inserted.

>> No.22936603

I am always proud to stand out among a crowd. Thank you.

>> No.22936606

Go back to discord you fag

>> No.22936607
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I like it.

>> No.22936610

I'm a boomer. I don't reddit, tok, discord, or even vidya--and I certainly don't fag. In my day you could call someone gay as an insult and everyone laughed with you.

>> No.22936629

Ok then go there for the first time. You'll fit right in.

>> No.22936634

Who the fuck posts like this. You should lurk more, genuinely.

>> No.22936641

give a bottle of crown for every non picture books read

>> No.22936680

What's so bad about it?

>> No.22936798

I'm not those anons criticising you but I've been on 4chan since 2007 and I have no idea what's wrong with your post. It's lucid, presents a positive perspective and contributes to the discussion. I think it's probably the formatting they didn't like - quoting and replying to multiple people in a single post. This means the post is only readable to people who have read the whole thread, and doesn't make the thread very attractive on the board's main page while your post is visible there. I don't see too much wrong with it, though. Plenty of people post like this. Don't develop a complex about it just because a couple of anons are being snide. At least it wasn't a shitpost.

>> No.22936822

>Nonsense, races are no more static than societies--especially considering they constantly intermix.
Oh what a wonder that genetic testing predicts self-reported race with near 100% accuracy then. No, if you had in mind that sophistry about an admixture rate of one person per year or however high that number was, it hides the absurdly unrealistic Hardy–Weinberg assumption of random mating. Or whatever other kind of sophistry you had in mind, since that is all you have to support that claim. Try not to deny obvious truths for the sake of argument, mhm?

>> No.22936824

Sophistry, ironic word choice.

>> No.22937793

Remove the toxic filthy policies and institutions that created many hardships in urban black neighbourhoods (CIA ND other alphabet soups) stop welfare, encourage strong nuclear families, remove toxic shit like kool-aid and other shit. Reprogram better role models for kids, emphasize the culture on education, art, history etc. Basically itz cool to read n shiet

Sad part though many communities tried from the seventies till now with each attempt being less successful due to aforementioned parasitical institutions like CIA ND others

But I doubt, most kids like their iPad n shiet.
We live in the age of Kali Yuga, shit about to get real stupid for everyone soon
T. African.

>> No.22937917

Through thousands of years or eugenics.

>> No.22937922

Funny that this board doesn't have racism bait threads like /sci/ or /tv/ or the worst of them /his/. Very curious why this doesn't happen.

>> No.22938006

this board has devolved into something I won't even bother comment on. I used to post here daily a few years ago. lol. just leave this place

>> No.22938050

>embryo selection for intelligence
So sterilize black people until they no longer exist?

>> No.22938055

hide KFC coupons between random pages

>> No.22938066

Sometimes people just wanna be gangsters bro. That shit is in every country.

>> No.22938068

write books with black protagonists that aren't boring race relations bullshit. I mean, it's culturally important and all that, but nobody "gets into reading" by reading that shit. Write a couple grade school novels where a black protagonist has to save the world and boom, a lot more black kids will start reading young.

>> No.22938075

Has to come from within. For instance when black elders stress the importance to the youth, but especially the ones they admire. There’s no shortage of good books so that’s not the issue. But who wants to read when you’re poor anyways? Only the strongest of wills is going to read and study in such a situation but maybe that’s even wrong.

>> No.22938089

>The norm for poor blacks is massive childhood trauma
This is correct.
>followed by a lifetime of adversity
This is incorrect. Their adversity is almost entirely self made, the amount of resources at their disposal is more than enough to help them reach a life of normalcy/stability, but instead they choose to continue being victims in a never ending self-made cycle of torture so they can continue getting handouts rather than actually improving as people.

>> No.22938099

good advice.

I am a brown man who learnt to read growing up. I dropped the hobby to listen to rap and play videogames all day.

Eventually I returned to reading again and I can't believe I wasted soooo many fucking hours.

>> No.22938480

When Dave Chappelle did his SNL opening monologue after the election in 2020 I remember him saying "White people, you need us. Come get your nigga lessons!"

I realize what he means. Shit is about to get crazy and white people have been living in a disneyworld fantasy land for a long time. They cannot face adversity and their heads will explode.

When reality becomes The Road, it will be white people roaming around in bands of cannibals armed to the teeth with guns and itching to shoot.

>> No.22938624

I think a ghetto slice of life would actually be quite endearing for black youths also. Some shit like La Haine but made by Jim Jarmusch but book.

>> No.22938714

That ain gon help me rizz up dem bitches u kno wham sayin? Ion care about none of that book shit

>> No.22940069


>> No.22940097

niggers in africa can get away with committing endless crime, corruption and savage acts of brutality, etc., that's how they become wealthy and/or powerful. actually no, that's assuming they aren't Western/CIA puppets, who sold out their people/countries, which 99% of the time is what happens. so that is such an idiotic argument. the idea that blacks in africa are somehow not inferior retards is fucking hilarious. the only difference is in africa, africans are still usually christian or religious and retain some values/culture put in place by colonialism, whereas in the US they have rap "culture" or whatever.

>It is well known that the most racist whites were always the poorest and dumbest
no it isn't, that's just a jewish hollywood trope, and of course a dumb nigger like you would believe in it, because you have no mind of your own

lmfao at this hilarious shitskin cope

>noooooo he was black even though genetically he is mostly white!
i don't care either way, just making a statement of fact, he was a mutt abomination if you want my opinion. but the fact that you niggas have to find a 1/4 black person to feel special about yourselves is hilarious, that's how much africans have accomplished. they are in reality civilization destroyers (i mean the genetic subsaharans).

>> No.22940098

>I don't like God
huge surprise

>> No.22940107
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>im black and i read books
wow we should give you an award

actually i guarantee there are fat hog dykes and mutt creatures at universities who probably would give you an award

the black people i've known to read always seem to be compensating or trying too hard, wearing sweaters and artsy glasses, drinking tea and going out of their way to appear like le educated and enlightened college student, pretending they enjoy or understand shakespeare

this is obviously a biased western White perspective, since i haven't seen niggas in non-Western countries reading and going to college, nawm zayn?

>> No.22940122

>blacks like reading about their history culture etc
not the actual history, the make-believe stuff about how they secretly were the kings of Europe and created ancient Egypt and Sumeria, Greece, etc.

blacks are the most narcissistic, stupid and psychopathic race, btw. i'm not talking about africans in america, just actual subsaharans.

fuck off nigger redditor

>> No.22940132

So stupid. But you're correct about the way to fix it, which is really just common sense. Good luck trying to force a bunch of africans to behave themselves, Whites have been trying for hundreds of years, history shows it's a waste of time and they will hate you for it.

>> No.22940150

>They cannot face adversity and their heads will explode.
They faced far more adversity than your shitskinned nothing ancestors. Just because the average White person doesn't live in squalor, doesn't mean Whites can't face adversity. You shitskinned simian. You live in a city, far more comfortable than the majority of Whites living outside of metropolitan areas. When shit hits the fan the Whites and shitskins in the cities are completely doomed, the suburbs will probably be fine because it's mostly competent White people, but outside of the big cities the people will basically keep living the same way they always have. Idiot, go watch Dave Chappelle or some other stupid show.

>> No.22940153

I am sure you know all about it, you arrogant son of a bitch.

Need to be 18 brother I am sorry you have to leave.

>> No.22940154

>fuck off nigger redditor
this is why I like 4chan
straight to the point

>> No.22940158

fuck you
under 18 b&

>> No.22940160
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>But who wants to read when you’re poor anyways?
kek are you really saying all black people are poor? what a fucking stupid comment. what do poor people do? work alot? LMAO! they sit in front of the tv, like most people do. being poor or rich has nothing to do with it, if you have time you can read.

>> No.22940165

little little brain
little little pee pee
makes a big big problem
in the white man's thinking

>> No.22940166
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>it's culturally important and all that,

>> No.22940169

You need to teach them how to read first.

>> No.22940175

How dare you call me your brother, nigger. You can't refute anything I wrote, I guess your brainpower is already maxed out trying hard to come up with such epic comebacks right?

See above you chimp African.

>> No.22940180

I have a seven inch white penis and I will gladly post it just to fuck with you, it would be well worth the ban. Just say the word.

>> No.22940185
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It is amazing that we have an actual african nigga right here itt, and all he can do to contribute to the dialogue is post shitty meaningless rhymes that my friends in kindergarten would have done as a joke.

>> No.22940190

oh so you're White and simping for niggers? that might even be worse than being a BIPOC lmao

>> No.22940198

My penis is larger than yours and I have sex. I have sex with a squishy Jewish patootie that likes nuzzling my face. She has blue eyes. I would not have to humiliate your sexuality if only you would not be such an insecure jackass. You are making me act like a fucking woman, so assinine is your manhood, and I surely do not mean in *that* sense, Little Boy.

>> No.22940224
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>My penis is larger than yours

>> No.22940228
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>nigger gets BTFO
>starts talking about some fat jewish whale that he fucked
Do you know what a fucking loser you are? telling people about how cool you are on 4chan then claiming others are insecure. I have sex too except the women are attractive and not fat, but I don't feel the need to brag like you, since I'm not an insecure SHITSKIN hahahaha. I don't have to do anything, they just come to me.
Learn how to spell and don't use words you don't understand, jamal.
>You are making me act like a fucking woman
It comes naturally to you, you are my subordinate little monkey boy! Now dance, monkey, dance!

>> No.22940232
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Mine's actually bigger, plus it's White so ya, just sayin'

>> No.22940238

How can we promote reading in any community? Niggas don't read.

>> No.22940263

Introduce books to tyrone n friendz from early age instead of gangsta culture or rap music. I remember a thread in either /wsg/ or /gif/ about black culture and the thread is filled with abuse, exposing kids to violence, smoking shietz, and stuff like that. No wonder niggers are self destructive to each other.
To be fair, between go out with friends and reading book, I prefer go out with my friends.

>> No.22940270
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My wife and her sister promote their asses to the black community.

>> No.22940272

So you want White people to try teaching blacks how to be civilized/White again? that doesn't work, it's just a massive waste of time and comes back to bite White people in the ass, as we've seen. Let em rot in squalor now, we tried in the past and they hate us for it now, so fuck em.

>> No.22940275

you don't pass, tranny

>> No.22940278

>being proud of 7 inches
Hahahhaha, what is it with borderline small people and being proud of being big

>> No.22940291
File: 3.14 MB, 2116x3376, worthit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


eat it up boyz

>> No.22940295

Cute dick :3

>> No.22940298

The girl on the left is a notorious lesbian who married a female to male transgender as you can see. The guy she turned down (Jordan Creager) now posts his illicit cuck fantasies about her because he is angry she turned him down for a literal mangina. It’s all very juvenile and silly.

>> No.22940311
File: 155 KB, 999x932, 1681893042799108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"if you criticize black people you must just hate them!"
>randomly posting dick to 4chan
>with a boner for some reason
these are the kinds of subhumans who simp for niggers

go watch tv you fucking retard

>> No.22940316

Why are you lookin bro, you like it? It's okay, I'm not judgemental.

>> No.22940317

This is pathetic lmao your dick is small and hideous

>> No.22940319
File: 2.83 MB, 280x186, 1683166055320789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally has a boner while simping and white-knighting for niggers on the internet

>> No.22940320

She likes it, and I like it, and all is well. God damn she likes it. Seriously I didn't think I was going to discover blowjobs at 34 but redefinitions redefine. Her butt keeps jiggling when I smack it, and she asked me why I smack it, and I said baby because I want to.

>> No.22940322

he's just a libtard cuck whiteknighting for niggers while they destroy his society and rape his women and children, he's a subhuman who doesn't know any better

>> No.22940326

post yours :>)

>> No.22940328

>whiteknights for niggers on 4chan posting a picture of his boner
you're so fucking pathetic, no wonder you simp for niggers while they ruin your civilization

>> No.22940339

It doesnt have to be civilized, just increasing their literacy rate.
Think about it, niggers are easily entertained by tranime that they could be found imitating tranime character behavior and action, by the same logic, you can give niggers a grimdark/dark fantasy book to read, those books are edgy, filled with violence, blood, mercenaries gang, basically barbaric culture that is in line with niggers gangsta culture.
Obviously it wont make niggers smarter in building their civilization, but it will make them fantasizing about stuff like that and applying those principles irl. Imagine a nigger replacing their gangsta with some mercenaries name, or them mauling each other with a melee weapon instead of just shooting gun and run. It will make the situation more funny instead of actually elevating their intellectual level

>> No.22940340

Don't you love when her ass is a fucking plump pudding springboard? Don't you love how her ass fits right into your groin? Don't you love to spank her with your front? Don't you love to hold both her hands, bite her ear, lick her neck and fuck her as hard as you can? until the little oh-ohs suish out of her with your thrusts?

>> No.22940345
File: 1.04 MB, 849x1489, mirror selfie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working out literally rn. i would rip your fucking head off if you tried your little faggot shit nigger simping with me, you little leftist gremlin.

not posting a picture of my guy cuz i'm not a faggot like you who worships black monkeys who destroy his country

>> No.22940347
File: 8 KB, 136x136, IMG_0772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad would suck your penis. He is Homosexual.

>> No.22940350

That’s good for you and all but your dick is small.
And you are demoralized.

>> No.22940365

I licked her asshole. I never did that before. I don't know what got into me. Her ass is so fucking plump, I always want to kiss it. She is the first with an ass I want to kiss more than her face. She could tell I wanted her ass and she said "I haven't even pooped in two days" but I know better, little butt princess virgin, little plump fat fucking pudding ball, little plump belly bending over fat plump pussy lips I could lick until she kicks a leg, kicks and says fuuuuuucckkkkk a word she never says at dinner, like I am beguiling the whore out of her, so badly restrained by Papi, she is definitely a daddy's girl

Her smell is incredible, it is vaguely masculine and profoundly human, it lingers in my mouth, it is unashamed and horny and I love its salt

>> No.22940371

explain how i'm demoralized. you're the one looking at people's cocks on 4chan and rating them.

>> No.22940510
File: 263 KB, 688x320, 260F3342-9D99-4DFE-B7FE-81FD3DE908BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black single mothers raising their kids:

>> No.22940608

That's pretty racist

>> No.22940611

the idea of racism is a social construct

>> No.22940625

How so? Got any books that prove your hypothesis?

>> No.22940732

I grew up very poor and I can stare straight forward on a 6 hour flight without a problem. This bigotry that being born to a poor family makes you a violent retard needs to stop.

>> No.22940918
File: 18 KB, 493x576, nigger chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't exist, which is why it was invented and adopted by society as a word very recently in history. perceptions of race and different racial groups are what would drive someone towards "racism," or what society (or at the very least different social groups) have decided to label (i.e., perceived) as racism. so really it is a social collective labeling a perceived phenomenon which may or may not have any concrete existence (in the case of subjective experience/perceptions of race, it fluctuates and exists on a spectrum). you may talk of "prejudice", but that is simply an internal decision/calculation based off of perceived external factors, which is usually just guided by subconscious impulses that you have little to no control over, and which dominates your waking life, whether or not perceptions of race has anything to do with it doesn't really change anything.

coming up with all these little labels is just a way for would-be totalitarians to exert control over your mind. hence we see the creation and varying definition of ex-nihilo words like "racism". the concept of homosexuality also does not exist, that is another made-up word. there is just sexuality and different expressions of it, which are more normal or abnormal, most often depending on the "mental health" of the subject.

i can't really be bothered to list of all the different philosophers i've read, or studies in psychology, the natural world, or whatever else. it's not like any of you niggers read.

>> No.22940923

also, black people should normalize the word nigger and accept it and not let it influence them, it's empowering to throw off restraints such as these pitiful words. some smart blacks will but i know the overwhelming majority of them will never understand.

if race is so unimportant (it's what's on the inside, right?), then why do you people get so upset when people use mean words or make jokes about it?

>> No.22940949

>calling someone else an arrogant son of a bitch when you assume literally nobody else can suffer except the heckin niggerinos
Hope yellowstone explodes soon so we can be rid of the american menace.

>> No.22940958 [DELETED] 
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x1400, 1667070903828232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers can't read

>> No.22940959

There's nothing more blackpilling than being a negro with above average intelligence.

>> No.22940969
File: 143 KB, 599x600, 1516381234153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit moment. Go back, retard.

>> No.22940974

>a negro with above average intelligence.
If I was in that position I would do any possible plastic operation and skin whitening

>> No.22940999

It didn't work for Michael.

>> No.22941002

Most readers in the "black community" are rejected and wind up having to intermingle with whites depending on caste. This is not always necessarily the case but usually the case with autodidactic blacks who are oriented towards "higher level" stuff. There are a lot of blacks who read but typically not the classics or whatnot. Technical readers usually find a place in the lower caste blacks due to utility, especially if their knowledge is oriented towards criminal tendencies. This can also be said about many other groups of peoples and is usually determined by geographic location, climate, culture and familial ties.

>> No.22941022

promote something else and stop having everything be cated to them

>> No.22941030

But you're not creating black nationalist propaganda, you are claiming Ebonics is improper English rather than it actually being improper Yoruba and you aren't spreading propaganda to encourage gang members to get vasectomies as part of their initiation.

The reason why there is a problem with black Americans not reading enough is because, the intelligent Africans are probably part of an Abrabamic religion and they think it's evil to indoctrinate the African American youth with yoruba nationalism, enticing them with power for being educated, which actually was seen as one of the traditional virtues.

Probably, the reason why there is low IQ in African countries and African American Communities is likely similar to the reason a clean person could get ill and die.

>> No.22941049

Some black readers recognize their "prestige" and gamble for power using mob tactics towards whatever reason, usually these types invest in nostalgic symbols and pose as a messianic type figure. The Priestly ideal is usually embodied by this type and ressentiment becomes a weapon employed to destroy alleged oppressors.

>> No.22941060

Black nationalism can only ever be successful in Africa. The American blacks need to either move or get bred out of existence. They're finished as a sub-race.

>> No.22941085

why wouldn't they just join White nationalism? all of them have a high degree of White admixture, they should serve and be rewarded, give em their own lands somewhere in America, teach them the best fried chicken recipes, etc.

>> No.22941092

Actually, they do need to move back to the yoruba or igbo area of Nigeria, get a proper traditional Yoruba education with some foreign math education (arabic numeral and greek math) and physics based science, then either them or their descendants should be able to decide whether to stay in a revived Nigeria, or to return to America to take revenge or make peace, but this time from a position of power.

Erradication lacks immagination. When white nations had a problem with violent men within their gene pools, they decided to conquer the world. The problem with the American black community is that instead of an Aristocracy, what they have is the moral authorities which at best are able to engage in the soft power of making powerful white people feel shame.

>> No.22941096

>to take revenge
for what? Whites bought them as slaves from other Africans then freed them in their own country and gave billions of dollars in tax money to house and feed them and treat them as equals (dangerously misguided) lol

>> No.22941109

Reconciliation between blacks and whites will come when they join hands I'm tackling the Jewish question. That time is very close.

>> No.22941124

>>22941096 Or to make peace from a position of power. I wouldn't condone someone going to America to take petty revenge on America, and the list of things you mentioned was actually a way to create codependancy, since there is a possibility that the pathology of many white people around that time period was similar to that of the mother of Gypsy Rose Blanchard.

Otherwise it's more important to create a strong military industrial complex, so that no revenge need to occur.

Countries like China are not thanking the British for giving them some nice opium and freeing them of the responsibility of running Hong Kong.

>> No.22941126

I think it’s the Reddit-esque writing style and sentiments, like acting shocked people are being racist on 4chan out of all places that people are hating on. Now personally I don’t see any issue with the post, in fact I quite enjoy the how >>22936590 seems genuine amongst a sea of edgy /pol/tards

>> No.22941133

The Jews have not done much wrong other than brazen social engineering.
They probably don't even want other people to worship their diety (Yahweh) which would be a good thing for every non Jew.

>> No.22941136

>and boom,

This entire reply might as well be something I would’ve found on the Reddit front page. Not just the sentiment but the writing style too. Bet you’re gonna write something like ”Hell, …” or use the words “folks” soon as well you faggot

>> No.22941156

They gotta face the wall sorry bro

>> No.22941176


>> No.22941252

If this didn't work all hope is lost.

>> No.22941325

>make blacks hate books even more

>> No.22941329

It takes the holy man to do what is hard, and the weak man to resume his vice

>> No.22941335

Brotherhood and community is one of the biggest resources; confirmity is a shackle affecting both black men in 1st world shitholes and white men in baskwet weaving forums. It takes powerful men to change that. It takes weak men to brush it off

>> No.22941342

Black women are as much pawns to societal stupidity as white women, and children raised by single white women would probably be as likely to be badly raised.

>> No.22941371

>Let me explain how this concept doesn't exist using other concepts that don't exist, using a language (a made up body) of random scribbles with no meaning
Love thy neighbor, atheist

>> No.22941473 [DELETED] 


nice cope nigga

ah yes, the pathology of trying to make niggers something more than feral tribesmen, how horrible. you good for nothing, ungrateful shitskin, like all 3rd worlders. we should have left you to live in squalor or enslaved you, not pretend you're equal and worthy of any higher dignity, look at all the good it's done us. you don't deserve electric power, motor vehicles, sanitation, modern medicine, etc., ungrateful swine

Whites don't need niggers, in fact heir a scourge on every civilized society

>> No.22941483

The entire anglosphere is getting humiliated by Jews so your best bet is allying with Muslims and darkies, if only temporarily

>> No.22941485 [DELETED] 

>Black women are as much pawns to societal stupidity as white women
Black women are 50x more retarded and obnoxious, and are disgusting and look like the men.

>> No.22941487

ok i'll call my boss and tell him some nigger on 4chan has a gameplan to save the world!

>> No.22941491

I'll be in touch

>> No.22941538

Hello, I am a real living and breathing negro, thank you all for inviting me to your riveting discussions here! I have a higher IQ than 90% of this board, and I would consider myself more read than you all in the subject of philosophy by the same percentage. As far as OP’s actual question is concerned, I am planing on fixing this myself. Most of you have correctly pointed out, it is due to low intelligence. I see black people in the USA as an artificial race, one born of the eugenic policies of slavery. Since the African American was created through eugenics, it is necessary that eugenics is used for the opposite effect. It will require a rigorous eugenics program, where I will impregnate every worthy black woman in the USA. I will also need to take some of the white and Asian women in order to ensure that we have more copies of intelligent and docile genes within the black passing population. My only fear is that I will not be able to produce enough semen to carry out this noble task to its conclusion. My political plan will be released to the media in a few years, please remember this post and consider donating all of your money to the cause when it is time for you to do your part.

>> No.22941542


>> No.22941593

end the Prime Directive and have catgirls teach college

>> No.22941928

Time is of the essence so far as this interesting proposal is concerned, I fear, unless of course the plan consists primarily of the artificial insemination of the necessary plenum of sexy waitresses and/or baristas, 'color' be damned. The reference to 'semen' lends me to believe that this may be according to plan, but the 'I will impregnate' gives credence to the strong counter belief that the enterprise would most likely prove impracticable. Time is of the essence because once you hit 40 or so (you) will be too engaged in your magnum philosophico-literary opus to have time to cater to the needs of myriads upon myriads of needy, screaming b*tches.
Just an opinion, but based merely on the scanty information currently at hand.

>> No.22941937

I agree, but ultimately voluntarily self-segregation is the only real outcome. I honestly like niggers and think the problem with them is mostly cultural and I'd like to be friends with them etc., but I think there needs to be a quarantine period where the black community basically in on in itself, gets annoyed at its own misbehavers, and then systematically gasses them. When blacks are forced to respond to a black dude shooting a child in the face in McDonald's at 2PM on a Saturday, they will suddenly become very "white" in wanting that nigger strung up and his retardation purged from the community forever.

Ten years of having to internally self-police will fix 95% of "stereotypical" black problems.

>> No.22941941

>voluntary self-segregation*
>basically turns in on itself*

>> No.22941968 [DELETED] 

Niggers need nigger books. They aren't going to comprehend classic European literature. Reading about some crakkka hunting whales n shiet doesn't make any sense for a nigger. They need books about pimping, selling crack and going to popeyes.

>> No.22941969

Corsets don't make it hard to breathe you fucking retard. Stop getting all your ideas from Hollywood.

>> No.22941979

This is correct

Another bible idiot. I in fact know some nigs who are heavily into bible and god, read bible, they reject rap and go to chuch on sundays, they are just as dumb as hood niggas except less violent and somewhat more civilized. This also does not extend to their kids who have grown up with mobile phones and the black variety of zoomer culture, they don't care about a that god nonsense and are almost as bad as the hood niggas.
Intelligence is genetic, there is no way around it, not every white is intelligent but intelligence in whites is about a hundred times more prevalent than in blacks.

>> No.22941983

Corsets were not uncomfortable

>> No.22942004

You sound like a faggot and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.22942029
File: 21 KB, 600x600, 608c6d1ef22c6b00185db14f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book deserts don't exist for anyone who has the internet, anon. If they have an iPad they can get books on Libby (or libgen if they feel gangsta enough to be pirates)

>> No.22942061

One of the other reasons, yes genes play a role. Ask yourself this. If genes is the biggest influence, why did the institutions spend literal millions on military grade propaganda techniques and shit policies for decades? Why did they first start by dismantling the nuclear family , btw they are targeting many white Americans these past few decades which also sucks.

Any common sense or wisdom (self proximity) is lacking in this world hence much suffering.

>> No.22942095

You sound like a thoughful individual with exciting and interesting perspectives to share with the world and a general openness to other minds.

>> No.22942120

>I fear, unless of course the plan consists primarily of the artificial insemination of the necessary plenum of sexy waitresses and/or baristas, 'color' be damned.
There will be two tiers to this. The first and most common tier will be artificial insemination. This will be the best option for the women who do not meet my exacting needs in terms of beauty/appearance, but otherwise meet the qualifications. The second tier of women will be impregnated manually. As Weininger noted, the best offspring are usually produced where orgasm is present. So mutual pleasure will be required for this second tier, and the offspring of these women will form the Guardians of our new Ethnostate in Alabama.
I believe that I will have enough stamina to continue the great work until I am about 50. I will serve as a statesman at that point, leaving the responsibility of creating a philosophical tract to the best of my sons who have been instructed since childhood.

>> No.22942336

Good prose, direct and to the point. Btfoed the faggot.
You should consider writing.

>> No.22942341

Black people do read books. They’re usually about gangs and full of sex scenes

>> No.22942357

>newfags don't know the meme

>> No.22942370

A Hollywood move reference is not a fucking meme holy fucking neverending summer

>> No.22942522

Though I'm sorry to learn that (you) will not yourself be directly involved in the great literary work, I must say that I rather envy the sacrifices you are willing to make on behalf of American humanity, if not the (literal) brotherhood of ma-- 'people' in general.
I do have a few logistical ideas that may be of interest to you, so far as housing, provisioning, education and the like are concerned, but my guess is that you have probably already given these matters deep consideration.
..One of which concerns the re-instituting, i.e. the FULL recognition, of the 12 Days of Christmas as official, sacred holidays. By this means you'll be able to visit ALL your children over the holidays, campus by campus, compound by compound, perhaps even dressed as Black Santa, bringing love and good cheer as well as the proud knowledge that Santa Claus IS, in fact, every kid's daddy! Surely, this would bring all the Christians on board, as well as the wage slaves (I mean, the more time off, the better, right?) maybe even the Mormons!
Again, just a thought. In fact, I have surprisingly many!

>> No.22942885

Exquisite bait. Notice how the troll subtly redirects the plight of the black man to the plight of rich white women, and implies the plight of rich white woman is the same as the black man's, if not worse. Very good bait. Not surprised retards fell for it in a /pol/ thread though.

>> No.22942985

I genuinely have no idea what you are trying to say and suspect you are totally insane.

>> No.22942994

I'm not surprised. You've got to have a low IQ to be sincerely participating in this /pol/ thread.

>> No.22943043

IQ is pure ideology of the zeitgeist, it is literally an attempt to measure the human soul with a number, the way scientists measure force. There are people who are simultaneously gifted and handicapped. There are mathemeticians who cannot comprehend literature and writers who cannot do arithmetic. IQ exists so that the overlords can explain why full half of us are struggling to pay rent while a small minority flys around the world in jets fundraising for their fake companies like Elizabeth Holmes (whom I am sure, impressed upon everyone estimates of 150 IQ, though her remarkably dumb law-of-attraction worldview suggests other facts).

You fell for it anon. The overlords told you they have a cool standard-of-living placement test and you believed then and accepted the results they handed you.

Might as well get a lobotomy on the Good Dr.'s orders. They say it can help you think morr clearly.

>> No.22943059

>human soul with a number
>half of us are struggling to pay rent
Found the low iq handicapped individual

>> No.22943086

The only thought demonstrated in this post is literally "nah ah I cuz ur stupid."

>> No.22943093
File: 24 KB, 338x338, 1690326899992815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it would take the apocalypse for whites to behave like niggers do now

>> No.22943115

White people are far worse behaved than blacks and their chief manner of bad behavior is living on the backs of others. White people love doing that, they are very lazy and selfish people. White people have been morally infeebled ever since slavery, like spoiled children. This is why white people squeeze their anuses tight all day long scared of their own farts, and why white men are sexually neurotic weirdos who like roleplay fetishes about power relations. In truth everyone on earth would like to know what the fuck is the problem with white people.

White people were uninvited from the banquet of humanity but then surrounded the house of feasting with tanks, regular infantry and local merceneries, bribed the local officials, locked up the respected elders, taken the dinner, raped the women and now stand about wondering why nobody says thanks.

>> No.22943122

I was reading Being and Time in the subway once, a nigger glanced at me, half impressed, half jealous.

That's all. That's the end of my anecdote. Hope you enjoyed it.

>> No.22943130

are you an intellectual?

>> No.22943134

More like a prophet. Failed/silent of course.

>> No.22943135

You are just another coomer trash.

>> No.22943140

Anon it is absolutely transparent to me that you cannot think.

>> No.22943143

Then you should be the first person to sign a document declaring that whites should never have to be around nonwhites ever again. Let Europe be for Europeans especially. Let all the nonwhites stay in their own countries.

>> No.22943144

That’s why you read Heidegger :)

>> No.22943145

that's a lotta words to say "i hate myself", but i accept your concession my nigga

>> No.22943152

My prophecies are in the process of realization though. In some papers, I'm even expected.

>> No.22943159

>cuck bashes dumb cuck for being dumb
>i-its a pol thread anyway!!
how do you get any more embarrassing?

>> No.22943178
File: 416 KB, 2166x996, 40f289d96bc0df4949d18dbab75a5c6d79d8dcf23a20b9b44465e1a19c7ebc10_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numbers must always be interpreted and can't speak for themselves but some are mighty useful for pointing to interesting facts

>> No.22943348

Neither can you

>> No.22943360

This post is the aftermatch of being chronically online. How many /pol/ tabs do you have open right now?

>> No.22943385

How the fuck is wearing a sweater tryharding or being a pseud? Is this an American thing? (I’m English btw)

>> No.22943410

>on board
By this I meant 'legislatively speaking,' because selling this 'siblinghood of humankind' project won't work unless those 'left out' can rest assured that in due course of time they too will benefit from this program, i.e. in terms of certain future coordinates of their respective female progenies (this is a woman friendly program after all...you must appoint a successor from among your sons btw) as well as receive immediate boons such as extra days off and whatever else (we) can come up with not too economically damaging, perhaps even economically beneficial like the extension of Christmas!
But I begin to wonder, instead of a politically funded program, might this whole enterprise work better as a tax-exempt 'religion'? Would you say, for instance, that you are in direct touch with certain higher powers? ..Wait. No. This would take far too much time; what we need is tax-payer dollars NOW.
Aar, this notion of an 'ethno-state' should be deep-sixed immediately because if (our) aim *isn't* ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL SIBLINGHOOD then all we'll accomplish in the end is to inspire the murderous envy of the vast majority of interminably ugly people out there who'd have nothing to lose by removing us except a certain irreplaceable beauty which they'll only begin to contemplate AFTER we're gone. So this, I feel, would be a mistake. We want these ugly people with us (consider the Hollywood model) not against us....

>> No.22943445

>half impressed, half jealous

>> No.22943448

>How many /pol/ tabs do you have open right now?
i literally don't use pol

sounds like you're coping with the fact that youre nonwhite but everything about your life is oriented around White society. you have a puerile, cartoonish view of people who you view as your oppressors (lol). it's like jews that say hitler had a poop fetish and a tiny dick.

>> No.22943453
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1665691161986473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you work at popeyes, nigga

>> No.22943474

>How the fuck is wearing a sweater tryharding or being a pseud?
idk it's something about their style, wearing gay sweaters, always drinking tea, pseud glasses, crossing their legs when sitting down, trying to use words they don't understanding to sound intelligent, pretending they care about shakespeare, it's so cringe

this isn't true. look in the UK, where most blacks that arrive are from wealthy families in the last 40 years. violent crime rates are nearly identical. or look at crime rates of natives in North America, still much lower, even though i'd argue these people often have it harder. or poor rural white communities, crime rates are nowhere near as high or as violent as blacks...

you are ignoring biology, assuming every racial collective is identical, which is idiotic. every 15 year old on pol knows this.

>> No.22943567

Let the Turks and the Nigerians in by the million for all I care. Europe is a human wasteland just like America, a stupid and childish society obsessed with status and wealth, where perversion runs wild and the elderly hate life. The Ottoman Empire was gutted and wrecked by Britain just as easily as Algeria was gutted and wrecked by France, and now these ruined, hellish countries are horrible places to be born, where a vacuum of poverty and corruption have replaced the colonial rule that eradicated the traditional order of the society.

Imagine being born in Nigera, for god's sake, do you have ANY humanity at all?

>> No.22943571

I'm white you jackass, I literally posted a picture of my white dick in this thread.

>> No.22943581

oh the guy that whiteknights for blacks who hate him as they destroy his civilization and prey on his people, posting pictures of his boner on 4chan? good job

>> No.22943591

>you are ignoring biology, assuming every racial collective is identical, which is idiotic.

I don't give a fuck about biology, or whatever half-baked Bell Curve Theory shitcake you are trying to feed me. I am human and I know what human life is worth.

Damn you and damn every human that ever lived who failed to empathize with the suffering poor of this evil world. You are all cannibals. You draw your sustenance from the death and misery of your kind. Every one of the objects you own and the house you live in were made by the hands of others. You are an unselfcritical loser.

>> No.22943605

I would sooner trust a black man than a white man. I would sooner call a Mexican my friend than a Texan. These people know what life actually is. They face loss and hardship from day one. Their silent burdens would break your soul like a twig, were they yours to carry. I don't like people who live in make-believe worlds built out of human suffering.

>> No.22943616

So because one empire defeated a more brutal empire, that means the winning empire deserves to fall too? because Europe is overly materialistic, that means they should turn in to another 3rd world toilet and all 3rd worlders should come and pillage with impunity? you are fucking stupid and mentally ill. you're a product of what you are railing against, your mindset is as stupid and childish as the civilization you're complaining about (WAAAHHHHH THEY WERE MEAN TO BROWN PEOPLE THAT WERE AT WAR WITH THEM AND ENSLAVED THEM AND WANTED TO CONQUER THEM)

You fucking stupid child. Every civilization ever is constantly at war. You're upset that Europeans defeated Muslim empires when the Muslims empires were even more savage and brutal and oppressive. That is the nature of history, people competing with each other or out-competing and winning. If the Ottomans conquered you they would take you as ac child and force you to become a slave fighter for them. Maybe castrate you, rape all your women and take all of your shit. You're so fucking stupid and pathetic, you should just kill yourself, Europe would be better off without "men" like you. Absolutely disgraceful.

>> No.22943642

>I am human and I know what human life is worth.
That isn't the topic at hand. You are an overly-emotional child. We are talking about differences in racial collectives, not about whether a race needs to be genocided or not. Seems like you have some unconscious biases to discover for yourself, retarded faggot child.

I don't care about your idiot cuck opinion.
>They face loss and hardship from day one.
1. That's a stereotype. Are you seriously implying that all non-Whites are poor retards with no money? you total retard. At least half of the non-Whites coming to the West have more money than you.
2. The reason they ran to a White country is because they can't face hardship or at least don't want to. If they were truly able to overcome adversity, they'd stay in their own countries instead of coming to a comfortable White country to collect welfare after it was built up by the toils of White people.
3. Your ancestors faced more hardships than these spics coming in for handouts or to pick berries, and how do you thank them? you don't, you're an overly emotional faggot child.
>Their silent burdens would break your soul like a twig, were they yours to carry
proof? sounds more like you're projecting your very obvious mental weakness on to other people. In my field of work, the foreigners don't last a week, despite the high pay. They'd rather go live in the big city with mommy and daddy and work indoors. I've also worked in areas full of shitskinned immigrants, and they said I was the hardest worker they'd ever seen. You are absolutely delusional.

>> No.22943651

It is not a question of who is guilty, fool, although if I had to guess, I would say the giant empire armed to teeth with guns arrived by naval landing for the purpose of utter conquest is probably the guilty party.

It is a question of suffering. Do you see how these people live in the slums of the world? Do you understand slums did not exist in India before the modern period? They turned huts into slums. Hut life is infinitely happier and more prosperous, if brief.

These slums are hell realms created by humans. As much slum exists as our conscience permits, there is easily enough food, land, water and shelter for everyone on earth, but instead the USA needs to buy one trillion dollars in weapons every year (so it can invade Iraq and Afghanistan and do a little colonizing of its own).

The military is what enables the borders and the hordes of first world wealth. That wealth is stolen from around the world. It is plain as day but if you acknowledge it, it means you have to face up to being raised by monsters, which we have been.

This world is so evil I am almost glad it is drawing to a close. All because whitey needed a beach house, and a garden boy, and barrels of oil, and the finest food, the best clothing, all to tickle his stupid white ego and secure the fancy of some stupid white woman who will then produce more white monster children (thank God Karen hates the work of motherhood and is now opting to not reproduce).

>> No.22943666

The manner of your language is adolescent. I don't argue with teenagers as I a grown man. If you want advice about life I will share, but if you will not listen to someone significantly wiser than yourseld then you are beyond help.

>> No.22943671

You're racist

>> No.22943682

"How am I racist?"


>> No.22943691

>"How am I racist?"
>white white white white white white white
> *begs*
> white white white white
> *threatens*
> white white white white

Diabolos = accuser
Sheitan = accuser

That's all your doing. Go back and build.

>> No.22943700

"Wiser" is a weasel word. You are neither smarter than him, nor less ignorant than him. In fact, your snide "half-baked Bell Curve Theory shitcake" remark suggests a staggering ignorance of the real state of affairs in the genetics of behavior. You should listen to him or . . . read a book, perhaps you might learn something yet.

>> No.22943707

huh? Just because I said all white people are fucked up and evil and that they are therefore an essentially demonic race that hopefully dies out does NOT make me a racist

I have several close white friends and listen to soft rock, I don't have a racist bone in my body.

>> No.22943729

Read some René Girard

>> No.22943733

>I would say the giant empire armed to teeth with guns arrived by naval landing for the purpose of utter conquest is probably the guilty party.
The ottomans and other muslim empires had been invading Europe for a thousand years. Other races invaded and enslaved people all the time, the only difference is that Whites were the best at it. They were also a lot more humane about it, for example the British abolished slavery. You're clearly just motivated by anti-White hatred, whether consciously or subconsciously.
>It is a question of suffering. Do you see how these people live in the slums of the world? Do you understand slums did not exist in India before the modern period? They turned huts into slums. Hut life is infinitely happier and more prosperous, if brief.
One of the first things the Brits did in India was abolish widow burning. It was common practice to burn widows at the funerals of their husbands before the Brits arrived.

Are you against materialism then? that's really the only way I can see your opinion holding any water. One of the reasons there are so many slums is because White people brought first world standards to medicine and food, which caused the 3rd world populations to multiply faster. I don't really see how it's White people's fault, were they supposed to give everyone as house that could house 25 people? and pay for the upkeep? how about remove the trash from the streets that 3rd worlders dump? have some agency, you make it sound like brown people are retarded children who can't take out the trash. Is it White people's fault you shit in the streets and the beaches are covered in feces and garbage? come on...
>That wealth is stolen from around the world
It wasn't stolen, there are agreements made. You could argue that Whites got a good deal by taking advantage of your ignorance, or more often than not it is your leaders who covet wealth (the same as Western leaders) and who sold your countries out.
> All because whitey needed a beach house, and a garden boy, and barrels of oil, and the finest food, the best clothing, all to tickle his stupid white ego and secure the fancy of some stupid white woman
This is inaccurate, since 3rd worlders/nonwhites frantically covet or adopt the same lifestyles, often even more materialistic. See how they all want to move to a White country, or covet wealth and prestige represented by material things. Go to a big city in a first world country, you will find 3rd worlders adopting this cancerous materialistic mindset far more fervently than White people. You talk of slums, well nearly all of the homeless people in big Western cities are White, at least where I'm from, while the foreigners come with huge money from corrupt shitholes like China or India or Africa, after having sold out their own, the revel in this materialism. These people envy the White bourgeoisie and want to be them, even if they won't openly admit it.

>> No.22943746

>The manner of your language is adolescent
you're posting on 4chan, that is the point, pseud. Learn how to write and spell before posting. Nobody is looking advice from you, nigger. I can tell you're black because you are totally mediocre and average yet think you're amazing and should be venerated. You don't know anything.

You're racist against White people. I don't care though, it's a mark of your inner inferiority, of course you would be jealous of your perceived superiors, and White people don't care about your envious, simian opinions.

>> No.22943751

>These people envy the White bourgeoisie and want to be them, even if they won't openly admit it.

René Girard, as I said.

>> No.22943772

>Just because I said all white people are fucked up and evil and that they are therefore an essentially demonic race that hopefully dies out does NOT make me a racist
Ya it does, because this was refuted

>> No.22943784

>Ottomans conquered you they would take you as ac child and force you to become a slave fighter for them. Maybe castrate you, rape all your women and take all of your shit.
They wouldn't do any of those things but yeah, the guy you're talking to is retarded.

>> No.22943800

Violence isn't necessarily a bad thing. All niggers and kikes should die. Violently.

>> No.22943821

>They wouldn't do any of those things
they did do that to people, maybe not later on, but earlier they definitely did

>> No.22943824

> blood tax

>> No.22943846

I hit the fuckin (you) jackpot, keep it coming boys. I can tell by your increasingly invective diatribes and hysterics that nerves are being touched. This is good.

White people are beyond saving and are utterly doomed, I have no illusions of making converts, I only desire to watch you dance and squirm and shout like the bunch of animals you are.

>> No.22943859
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Yeah the Ottomans were an empire too bud, they were just less empire than the Euros.

Of course I am joking by hyperbolically calling white people demonic. All humans are human, all of us are full of shit, all of us easily fall for ideological bullshit if it means we get a bigger slice.

Something truly weird happend in America in 1609 though, and we are not likely to ever recover from the profound arrogance of chattel slavery, which probably caused capitalism and the rest of this shit show in one way or another.

It's like they succeeded in achieving a critical mass of evil that is now just unstoppable and squeezing the life and joy out of all the world's people.

American """prosperity""" is definitely made by sticking Chinese, Arab, Latino , Vietnamese, Afghani, African etc. lives in a blender.

>> No.22943876


>> No.22943884

>American """prosperity""" is definitely made by sticking Chinese, Arab, Latino , Vietnamese, Afghani, African etc. lives in a blender.
they did that with their own people as well. or at least the Brits did. take a look at how commoners worked in the industrial revolution in the UK. china exploits it's own people more than the West exploits them. the idea that browns would be any nicer to other people had they taken over most of the world is ludicrous, they would have been far more brutal and callous.

>> No.22943896

nobody cares you stupid nigger. "animals" conquered and dominated you, civilized your entire society to the point where you have to learn English and virtually everyone from your country sees the bourgeois White lifestyle as the ideal and frenetically adopts it. all you can do is cry like a bitch on the internet, you're below the animals.

>> No.22943918
File: 44 KB, 561x680, soy nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hit the fuckin (you) jackpot, keep it coming boys. I can tell by your increasingly invective diatribes and hysterics that nerves are being touched. This is good.
>White people are beyond saving and are utterly doomed, I have no illusions of making converts, I only desire to watch you dance and squirm and shout like the bunch of animals you are.

>> No.22943929

This is EXACTLY the same argument as
>the Taliban mistreat women
>we have a right to overthrow them

It is one of the oldest tricks in the Colonial Handbook. Since colonial exploitation is nothing more than violent pillaging (no guns, no colonialism), every colonial power has to cook up some kind of ideological bullshit to help the citizens at home sleep at night in their blood-soaked silk pajamas. Every. Single. Time.

Your version is the modern variant which was NEVER considered by ANYONE during actual history (NO English writer chartered African slavery by arguing the need to rescue them from whatever slavery was occurring among whatever tribes in Africa in 1609).

Slaves show up on the continent, literally at the exact moment a labor need for them came into being on the tobacco farms of Jamestown, because god knows Englishmen were'nt about to leave England by the million to come to the new world and do a lifetime of backbreaking work for jack diddly.

For fuck's sake every puff of tobacco smoke inhaled in the colonial period was a blood transaction. They might as well have pricked the nearest negro and inhaled his blood. So this stupid, cheap, teeny tiny luxury of the pipe, a lousy, stinky vice, was the occasion for the upending of nations, the enslavement of millions, and unspeakable horrors and calamaties which could not be endured in 1,000 lifetimes.

Destroy your ego, your need to be oh so good. Examine with critical eye. Listen close for the sound of human suffering. Imagine the smartest negros, full of ability and gifts, confined to the work of a beast, and forced by the scaffold to stand idly while his master rapes his wife in front of his children.

>> No.22943946

you will notice a photograph of my rather large white penis above. Somehow I never got banned, which is unfortunate, because I am still sitting here suffering a bunch of white monkeys.

>> No.22943987

Ah ok, so it's White people's fault that Africans enslaved each other and sold them to Whites? Why did Britain spend so much time and effort trying to abolish slavery? why was one of the first things they did to abolish widow burning in india? why is slavery still existent in nearly all non-White nations? all you care about is White people enslaving non-Whites, when it comes to non-Whites enslaving other people, you don't even know about it or care.

I'm also not justifying the colonial empires, (although i could, since people competing with each other for dominance is the norm throughout history, Whites were just better at it in the end) i'm just presenting the other side, some more balance and nuance than your one-sided anti-White interpretation, which is incorrect and puerile.
> Imagine the smartest negros, full of ability and gifts, confined to the work of a beast, and forced by the scaffold to stand idly while his master rapes his wife in front of his children.
Cool, I saw a video the other day of subsaharan muslims standing in a circle with guns beating a subsaharan women as she held on to her baby, throwing her around as her village burns, laughing, presumably before they raped and killed her. or another one where they chopped a mans leg off and started eating it. My ancestors worked hard to build our civilization. They crossed the ocean in their late teens, travelled across thousands of miles, and started building farms in -30. They fought wars and died for our civilization, your modern interpretation of history is just simpleminded and motivated in the final analysis by anti-White hatred.

>> No.22943990
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>White monkeys
You really don't want to go there, retard.

>> No.22944037

Go look at child molestation rates across net worths. I will wait.

>> No.22944052

>anti-White hatred
again I am white, and I assure you I do not have a bit of white guilt.

I came into this world a baby and bore no responsibility for its state. I am only interested in how I leave it. God almighty what has been done to blacks is an infinite horror, I must never add to it. If have a pathology there it is.

There is no "if" with you. Your pathology is tribalism, and tribalists do not belong to the banquet of humanity, which I assure you is a feast for the soul.

My soul is full of love and joy for human life in and of itself, my heart is sustained by the desire to reduce suffering, I look at myself in the mirror and see a friend.

>> No.22944055
File: 144 KB, 1280x772, black crimes matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called White people monkeys but it's simply observable reality (i.e., science) that they are less primal and impulsive than non-Whites. Whether or not that is a result of material wealth (pure speculation on your part) is beside the point.

We can also look at crime rates.

>> No.22944068

Poverty creates circumstances of desperation that lead to violence. If you had any familiarity with poverty that would be obvious. However you are a spoiled white brat stewing in your spoils, and therefore have nothing to say about anything, except


>> No.22944073

>again I am white
>I came into this world a baby
You still are, just not physically.

You can't even address any of the claims. Again, you clearly are anti-White and motivated by anti-White bias, since you only blame White people for what happened to blacks, you don't even seem to care that they were living in squalor, being brutally enslaved before White people came to africa, and by muslims before White people, or that slavery still exists today, all outside of White countries, and you say nothing about it, instead whining about White people and assuring us how non-Whites are so much more stronger and able to overcome adversity (which is obviously incorrect, since they were utterly dominated, and run to White countries to be more comfortable, rather than fix their own).
>which I assure you is a feast for the soul.
Ya I bet you're a really spiritual person, totally controlled by emotional impulses, hating your own race, posting pictures of your cock online while simping for blacks as they brutally assault innocent White people each day while you remain utterly clueless, like a stupid baby.

>> No.22944082
File: 49 KB, 800x800, stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interestingly, we can look at crime rates across the pond and see that they are nearly identical, despite the blacks moving to the UK (virtually all in the last 40 years) being of a much higher economic status than the blacks in the US.

We can also look at crime rates in other poverty-stricken communities, which are not remotely comparable to the black crime rates. Poor Whites and poor natives don't commit crime anywhere near as high as african americans, nor is the crime as savage or brutal. Your worldview is delusional and naive. Africans in France went in to a meeting and said "we are hear to kill White people" before killing innocent White people. These crimes happen constantly in Europe too. You think that's a poverty issue? hahahahaha. These people live off of government welfare checks, you fucking idiot! They arrive on boats in nicer clothes than the average European, are given cellphones and pre-loaded credit cards, housed in 4 or 5-star hotels, but that doesn't stop them from going around molesting little girls.

>> No.22944093
File: 299 KB, 1850x2048, GBq2nAhW0AAbfOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty crazy that you'd say something like this is the result of poverty (even if we play make-believe and pretend all the homeless people in European cities are black and brown - they aren't, they're White). You are a stupid little faggot, with no understanding of the world. This is an entry-level redpill that any computer-literate teenager can tell you.

Go watch your superhero tv shows, shameful fool.

>> No.22944099

>You are a stupid little faggot
O! I am assailed, My heart is overthrown!
You adjust my beliefs and principles by... zero.

>> No.22944105

Hey, you can stick that pie chart right up yours. I know a human when I see one and will not be subjected to malarkies on account of your myopia.

>> No.22944108

I've already refuted your delusion that blacks and browns commit crimes at higher rates because of poverty. Did you think that these things haven't been studied or something? lol

Black crime in London occurs in the same proportions in the US despite black immigrants in the UK (at least before the last 4 years or so) being of high economic status. Native americans, Mexicans and poor Whites don't commit crime at nearly the same rates as Africans.

>> No.22944112
File: 1.11 MB, 360x640, aznh8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*gets beaten to death by a pack of blacks*

>> No.22944114

>I've already refuted your delusion that blacks and browns commit crimes at higher rates because of poverty.

I am unaware of this refutation. Let us not be snide or cute. Does poverty, in your estimation, cause evil, or no?

>> No.22944117

Wow look at those nice clothes, I thought they wuz poor and dindu nuffin!??

>> No.22944119

>white people are science
oh jeezy the zeitgeist just keeps getting weirder, and here combines obsession for material with obsession for self

>> No.22944127
File: 203 KB, 1052x1253, denmark crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't aware of anything, which is why you're an anti-White leftist who simps for blacks as they beat old people to death for fun and you blame it on poverty.

I don't know how many times this needs to be said to get it through your thick skull: poor blacks commit crime at higher rates than poor Whites, poor mexicans, poor natives, etc. You can look in Europe, where everything is done to integrate these people, and they still choose crime and violence against their hosts. Or in the UK, where the average black immigrant would have had more money coming in than the average working class UK citizen, and their offspring still join gangs and stab people.

>> No.22944129

Kids fight for fairly obvious reasons. It id a quick way to fame and respect. Fame and respect are in short supply among the brutalized poor. They live in a zoo, whereas they are human (not hymen, in case there is confusion). Of course humans in cages lash out. You are like the Idiot Judge that penalizes erratic behavior for the prisoner in solitary confinement.

>> No.22944131

NTA; genetics causes evil much more than poverty does.

>The Columbia study revealed the startling news that nearly one-quarter (23 percent) of New York City’s Asian population was impoverished, a proportion exceeding that of the city’s black population (19 percent).
>Premodern elite violence has substantial contemporary relevance: the fact that for large swathes of history the most privileged members of society were disproportionately responsible for violence (in all its varieties—petty, familial, and martial) suggests that criminality is not a product of deprivation.
>Among brothers within the same family, the one with lower IQ ability is more likely to be convicted of a violent crime. The persistence of the effect suggests something other than socioeconomic factors — probably genetics — is in play.
>The two theories can be distinguished by an experiment that randomly allocates money. In a remarkable paper, Cesarini, Lindqvist, Ostling and Schroder report on the results of just such an experiment in Sweden.

There are heaps and heaps of actual well-designed research that doesn't just compute a correlation and conclude that poverty must cause crime, rather than both having a common cause. As I said to you or another anon just like you, your ignorance is staggering.

>> No.22944132
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, islam stats sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm posting hard data, the scientific method is empirical-inductive, it has nothing to do with race.

>> No.22944135

Your attempt to humiliate a fake racial allegience to a fake notion of race is absurd. I am ummoved, not by a milimeter. Blacks are my brothers and sisters, and Whites

>> No.22944139

Hilarious cope. I can show you videos of adult blacks brutally assaulting old people on the subway for no reason, or pushing random people onto the subway tracks, etc., surrounding a White kid and beating him to death or causing permanent brain damage. New videos like this come out every day, if the races were reversed, the news would report on it for a month and passive idiots like you would gobble it up. Try learning how to use the internet, you boomer retard.

>> No.22944145
File: 92 KB, 602x458, F_7Mj46WgAAiwjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not attempting to humiliate anyone except for you, because you're a stupid manbaby totally unaware of the realities of race.

>> No.22944151
File: 83 KB, 720x984, statsengland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a case in the UK where a jobless afghan beat a 90-something year old ww2 veteran to death on the street for no reason, he barely got any prison time, i think it was like 2 years or something. Stuff like this happens all the time and the news ignores it. You see videos on social media quite often, but the mainstream media ignores it so you're only gonna know about it if you follow things on twitter. It redpills a lot of people. Ireland is fighting back, there are countless incidents of these 3rd worlders moving in and raping or feeling up underaged girls, stabbing innocent people, etc.

The media can ignore it but the people know increasingly what is going on.

It's crazy that you can literally see the rape rates go up as soon as the masse importation of 3rd worlders started happening, not just in the UK but other countries too.

>> No.22944153

I have observed your strange schizo-infographic assembled in MS Paint and remain unmoved, at all. If you intend to make negro hater out of me you will have to try MUCH harder. I will allow you as much time as you need, or in other words a lifetime, to present evidence that moves me to loathe people who suffer more than myself.