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22932199 No.22932199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

According to official Canadian historiography, sending Indians to read and write English like everybody else was tantamount to literal genocide

>> No.22932207

holy fuck nu4chan is terrible. Let me delete this fucking post and put it on the right board you losers

>> No.22932210

heard a story from an rcmp officer. apparently child molestation and incest is quite common in native communities. they got called to a party on a reserve, an uncle got drunk and started fucking his 12 year old niece, they only called the cops once he flipped her over and anally penetrated her...

>> No.22932220
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well, anyways I'm reading pic related and it's what prompted this topic. Really too much of a scholarly work for what it's covering but the bottom line is state sponsored history involving this is a bunch of lies as usual.

The "rez" is almost unbelievably bad. There are people over there who will actually abduct dogs and try to ransom them.This is a community of less than 500 people

>> No.22932223

Yeah, it's because alcohol ruined their communities. It's taboo to admit it but every type of crime is rampant on reservations. Inuits have the highest suicide rate in the world for a reason.

>> No.22932230

Indians never developed the ability to handle their liquor, and the white man never developed the ability to moderate weed smoking.

>> No.22932235

The Rez is an inhospitable shithole with no jobs and no resources, alcohol is a symptom of the problem. Besides, everyone moved on to meth and opioids like 30 years ago just like my hillbilly cousins a few hollers over. Another inhospitable shithole with no jobs and no resources now that the mines are dry.

>> No.22932251
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Now imagine having to do that except it's literally impossible to teach the natives to read and write without breeding at least half the native out of them.

>> No.22932255

Even without alcohol Indians have problems. You'll notice most of them are obese because they've never adapted to a western diet. Almost none are purebred indian either, being admixed metis of a sort. But this doesn't excuse the "race reality" of their over-representation in crime and disorderly conduct which we can document all the way back to colonial times

>> No.22932263

You Baizous should actually try living with the people you are so willing to discuss. Alcohol is a huge issue for Canadian Indians, it was so notably bad Canada actually enacted prohibition for Indians all the way back in the 1800's. Susceptibility to drug/alcohol abuse is a cause and an effect

>> No.22932270

Canadian natives are like American niggers or European gyppos, they are a permanently dysfunctional community. Only vanishingly rare individuals manage to achieve escape velocity and become normal average people, the rest are literal paint-huffing since they were 10 years old retards with sub-gorilla IQs, like literally 50-70 IQs. You cannot fix that, that person is a permanent burden on themselves and others. A person with actual down syndrome is often more functional than many natives, niggers, and gyppos are. At least the down syndrome person can work some jobs and integrate with their family and such. This is before even factoring in cultural stuff, like the fact that all three groups aggressively internally police themselves to mentally destroy anyone who doesn't want to commit crimes and be a total disgusting degenerate.

Also remember low IQ means almost a dream-like awareness of the surrounding world. You think black people kill eachother over McDonald's sandwiches because they are "shitty people"? Well, sort of. But 95% of it is simply that they have as much control over their actions as you do in your dreams. They are running on near-autopilot in terms of agency. They just go with the flow.

>> No.22932272

alcoholic white trash communities aren't nearly this bad tho, you're also denying these people agency. why would alcohol make you want to assrape your pre-pubescent niece and make everyone not care when you start fucking her in front of the fire? this is just cope, the fact is these people have different cultures that from a Western perspective seem unhealthy

>> No.22932281

sad but true

you're applying Western standards to non-Western communities. the natives should be left to their own devices, we shouldn't meddle with them. if they want to get drunk all day and chew duct tape and rape their kids, leave them to it. we tried to help them and all it did was make them hate us.

>> No.22932282

the elders are not as fucked up as their children and are basically responsible. I would put most of the coastal Indians I've dealt with in the 90's, although certainly many fall below that line

>> No.22932284

I'm more personally acquainted with the southwestern ones, alcohol is a serious issue but most everyone who gets as far from the rez life as possible fares much better because it's a symptom of the problem.

>alcoholic white trash communities aren't nearly this bad tho
You could not be any more wrong.

>> No.22932288

In their "state of nature" they never had intoxicants. Anyone who interacts with them for a period will recognize how harmful these are on their development and life-cycle.

>> No.22932297
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>alcoholic white trash communities aren't nearly this bad tho
Whites have a genetic advantage. West Virginia's avg IQ is 4-5 points higher than Mississippi, simply because Mississippi has a 37% black population. 37% is enough to drag it down under West Virginia of all places. No matter what modifier you want to apply, a _____ white or Asian will generally outperform a _____ black or native.

My personal theory is that native African IQs may have been or may be as high as European or Asian IQs, at had the potential to be, but African-Americans are deeply dysgenic from centuries of inbreeding and negative selection pressures.

>> No.22932306

Jesus christ, of course they don't have the same IQ as whites and Asians. If they did they'd have achieved a much higher level of technology and development. Dysgenics is significant but I doubt it'd mean more than 5 points on average

>> No.22932316

You're assuming all of West Virginia is what put the depths of Appalachian poverty and depravity on the map in the 20s and again in the 80s when the mines started to close down. It's bad. They're worse than all your boogeymen because they're white and better at it.

>> No.22932325

I differ in that I don't think scientistic/technological advancement are natural concomitants of high IQ, and I think IQ manifests differently in different contexts. For example having read Ong's Orality & Literacy I think that "traditional" (oral) societies basically can't be tested using modern methods. They can't even discretely categorize objects because of their agonal, holistic way of perceiving the world. But if we could somehow holistically measure something like "general neural fitness" or "cognitive elasticity," we'd probably find that the bushman is just as cognitively healthy as the well-fed medieval European. I also agree with Evola that biological/material factors are downstream of spiritual factors, and while a preponderance of biological/material "deficits" (like dysgenics or outright brain trauma) can obviously smother spiritual potential, over time spiritual potential is what matters, especially in aggregate.

Also I think you could probably soft-eugenically breed most currently retarded populations back to normalcy pretty quickly if you stamped out bad practices like cousin-fucking and cultural degeneracy.

>> No.22932334

According to official 4chan historiography this is a literature board.

>> No.22932336

I don't think niecefucking was acceptable in those communities before whitey arrived. It's a symptom of drugs and alcohol, not culture.

>> No.22932376
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>tantamount to literal genocide
>Indians are now invading Canada
Canadians were truly ahead of their time.

>native African IQs may have been or may be as high as European or Asian IQs, at had the potential to be
Where is their civilization, where is their scientific achievement? There is no evidence to support your theory. They do not even have the same brain size as the Europeans or the Asians. Races are not equal, therefore you cannot have equal outcomes.

>> No.22932383

>You could not be any more wrong.
how? you can look at the stats, even in low trash trailer parks there isn't this level of subhumanity and depravity

>it's White people's fault natives fuck their kids and can't help but be complete degenerate addicts

>> No.22932387

I mean, it is, if chinese rounded up white people and forced them to speak and write chinese that would be genocide too

>> No.22932409

You could leave your house for once and go tour the countryside. You won't, but it's the one time Natives don't mind getting in line behind you when it comes to having issues with the government. The only difference is they chose no government oversight and internal governance over insufficient and underfunded government oversight.

>> No.22932426

>You could leave your house for once and go tour the countryside.
i have, that's another reason why i know you're wrong. i could reference various redneck communities that are basically outside of "government oversite", it's nowhere near as bad as the natives. actually, it's the natives who target these communities, to rob them or attack them.

you also bring up another good point, natives are given everything for free and don't have to work. surely that contributes to them doing fuck all except fucking their kids and chewing tape and drinking mouthwash to get drunk?

also, are you saying there is something biological as to why natives can't handle their alcohol? that would be interesting. there are native legends (actually the origins of the wendigo) that talk about cannibals. those (natives) who eat human flesh once, become addicted and have to eat it again and again and can't control themselves, maybe there is something biological here, low impulse control. but that is also applying Western (and Asian) standards to them, which i believe is an error to some extent.

>> No.22932464

Im sure they were all gentle hippies before the evil white man came!

>> No.22932495

>chewing tape
I'm unfamiliar with this, does that actually get you high?

>> No.22932500

idk but i heard stores need to lock it up behind the counter because natives will steal it to chew on it for a buzz

>> No.22932503

It is hard to believe there are still people left on this site who aren't race realists

>> No.22932504

I think it's better to say that most aren't hyperfixated on it because they keep their autism in check.

>> No.22932519

>I think it's better to say that most aren't hyperfixated on it
lol, but most people are fixated on it, try lurking for 5 minutes? also, you enter a thread about a race of people, why are you surprised when people are talking about the race of people? also, this criticism would apply better to leftist "thought". where were you people crying about the "hyperfixation on race" when leftists incessantly attacked all White people on the basis of race?? you aren't principled, you just want to feel good about yourself by reinforcing the morality that has been instilled in you since birth (i.e., White supremacy is the apex of evil), this is subconscious in your brain.

>> No.22932545

>you just want to feel good about yourself by reinforcing the morality that has been instilled in you since birth (i.e., White supremacy is the apex of evil), this is subconscious in your brain.

Lol brutal but true. People are programmed to think you automatically receive good boy points for pretending race doesn’t exist or shaming whites for noticing things.They are flabbergasted if this approach doesn’t work

>> No.22932559

>Addictions are a cause
Every day this awful board gets a bit worse, all because you niggers refuse to read. But I guess your next retort is going to be something like psychology is a jewish scam.

>> No.22932568

So those chud indians were so butthurt about immigrants that they got addicted to alcohol?

>> No.22932583

>Addictions are a cause
Do you believe this? I give 0 fucking shits about whichever colour of shitskin is making problems for you, not do I sympathise with them, do you believe addictions are a cause?

>> No.22932607

Yes I think part of their massive crime problem is causes by rampant substance addiction. These violent tendencies didn’t arise out of nowhere, but they are amplified by widespread alcohol addiction. Is that really a controversial idea?

>> No.22932616

Cultural destruction/forced assimilation is a part of genocide

>> No.22932628

Yes, it's a widely accepted fact that addictions are a symptom, so your views literally don't correspond to reality.
While addictions can and do create further issues, both for the individual and for communities, they are a but a symptom of an underlying cause, which differs situation to situation. Appalachians have ruined mine towns with no prospects, some colonized fucks have open air prisons with no prospects. While differences exist, you have went beyond race realism into delusion because you can't sit down and read, you just want your dogshit opinions confirmed.

>> No.22932638

So why don’t those racist chud indians just cheer up and get along with their new immigrant friends instead of drinking so much?

>> No.22932643

Why can't you stop acting like a retarded fuck? Probably because your parents either beat you or severely ignored you, but the damage was already done and now you have to live with it.

>> No.22932653

>Retardation is a cause
Do you believe this? It’s widely accepted that retardation is a symptom, not a cause. Try reading the literature

>> No.22932661

It's pretty funny that he went from "ebin race realist" to "alcohol is le devil" and can't stick the landing.

>> No.22932674

What does this even have to do with race realism? You people are sperging out at the idea that alcohol addiction increased the level of violence in Indian communities. That is something many natives themselves talk about. I don’t understand what’s so controversial if you aren’t a malcontent agitator.

>> No.22932675

If you are trying to explain why Indians under-perform whites in education and employment, and overperform in felonies and misdemeanor... it's race differences.

I think it makes the behavior worse

>> No.22932682

This is such an awful shitpost I have to chastise you for it. Even when trolling, you have to be consistent or you prove to yourself to be a 80iq nigger, much like when you attempt to write a "serious" post.
You could have said "parental abuse/neglect is a symptom, not a cause" to get back at me, sort of, but your literal nigger brain doesn't have the capacity for that.

>> No.22932688

Ok retard. Take a tip from the injuns and have a stiff drink. Maybe it would get the bug out of your butt.

>> No.22932690

assuming we're both talking >>22932223 >>22932263
which we may not be, the issue was labeling alcohol as THE cause and not A symptom and then not backing down. It kinda undermines his whole point.

>> No.22932699
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What compels hop-brains to instinctively defend the liquid satan as if it doesn't turn white men into retards?

>> No.22932705

The world went to shit when we switched to tea and coffee.

>> No.22932706

You aren’t talking to the same people.
Alcohol is certainly a cause, not the only one but undeniably a contributing factor to violence in indian communities.

From wikipedia which cites some book by an academic:
>By the early 1700s the effects of alcohol use disorder were damaging Native American communities


So even while they had plenty of free land and were not subject to the white mans oppression, alcohol was causing social issues. You are simply uneducated on the topic. I just did a cursory search and found contrary research. I am sure there is plenty more info available.

>> No.22932707

I'd find it more funny if I didn't see a surprising amount of dogshit t
Clearly offtopic threads today that just stay up for hours even if you can tell from the very OP they were intended or belonged to other boards. Feels like this place is dying because other, bigger boards died to bots.

>> No.22932726

Humans just aren't supposed to live that far north. If I were living in some remote frozen wasteland that only sees 5 hours of sun a day I'd turn to the bottle too.

>> No.22932890

You argue like a spastic hysterical woman.

>> No.22932895

>Only vanishingly rare individuals manage to achieve escape velocity and become normal average people
And being a "normal person" is leaving your ethnically homogenous community behind to go do stupid shit like get an education and support this cancerous industrial society? Kys

>> No.22932904

>alcoholic white trash communities aren't nearly this bad tho
Because whites have socialized with alcohol for thousands of years beforehand, idiot. Alcohol is literally in our GENETIC MEMORY.

>> No.22932939

>the only two options are to live in the ghetto as a hoodrat or go join industrial society and become the most bluepilled NPC in existence
your brain is fried by accessing all information and culture through eceleb soundbites on a smartphone, you have been trained like pavlov's dogs to respond negatively to X stimuli and positively to Y stimuli with no grey areas or complexity in between

if someone took you to the art museum and showed you an original renaissance painting of judith and holofernes in chiaroscuro, you would short circuit thinking "Is this BASED because it's SOUL (TRADITION) or CRINGE because it's a WOMAN overpowering a MAN like in MARVEL MOVIE?"

>> No.22932949

>or CRINGE because it's a WOMAN overpowering a MAN like in MARVEL MOVIE?"
Whites are all gynocentric cucks so yeah I would think that.

>> No.22932983

not that much of a stretch. /pol/tards think the government allowing people to have sex with someone of a different race is genocide

>> No.22932989

Why are you types obsessed with normalizing miscegenation, and with normal people not liking it? Aversion to miscegenation and loss of stable phenotypes is just the historical and cultural norm.

>> No.22933000

So... Not interested in the schools being run by the Catholic church? Interesting. Wonder why that would be and why you saved pictures of communion aged children

>> No.22933042

anon im not obsessed with, you are

>> No.22933047

It was cultural annihilation you fucking retard

>> No.22933055

Every civilization in history has reacted negatively to the sudden loss of a people's distinctiveness, even that of a people other than its own. By default, people self-sort into ethnic enclaves:

>> No.22933066

no, the actual genocide was genocide, you evil piece of shit

>> No.22933091

I can see the emaciated, atrophied skinnyobese frame typing this out on the keyboard with blue hair already

Given the time period Canada treated the Indians very well and it's incontrovertible

>> No.22933100

Ok but I support genocide

>> No.22934169

The Europeans stripped a people of their past and future. Now the descendants of those Europeans do the same to themselves.

This fact offers little comfort to the Injun, who is dying of first and second hand alcoholism is the rez

>> No.22934179

>Ethiopians/nubians are not african

>> No.22934212

Genetic memory fucking lol. Sounds so real!

>> No.22934223

Dont you understand, you are supposed to send them to reserves and let then fuck their own crap up. its the only humane thing to do.

>> No.22935087

This is how they're gonna talk about white Canadians when we're living in reservations

>> No.22935179

It amazes me how some biological determinist types even have values at all, being A: determinists and B: materialists (often in denial). Reductionists in general are weird. Everything has to be either nature or nurture and there can be no middle. And why? Well, because they say so, of course.

>> No.22935186

Honestly, who gives a fuck about causes? Even if something has one absolute determinant cause, you'll never know what it is with any certainty

>> No.22935316

>Now the descendants of those Europeans do the same to themselves.
The true legacy of christcuckoldry. What was the point of brainwashing all those natives if we were just going to bring in millions of brown people and convert to either islam or jewish secularism?

>> No.22935534

Nobody is saying that, retard. They did plenty of heinous stuff before whitey arrived, it was just a different flavor of heinous stuff.

>See, whites are better! They never did heinous shit!

Whites enslaved each other and slaughtered each other over dumb stuff like small religious differences, heinous shit knows no racial boundaries.

There is something biological about why natives can't handle alcohol, yes. Not sure why you find that surprising since some people biologically can't handle milk or peanuts or penicillin. Not everyone's body processes things the same way

>> No.22935555
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This could actually be a good thread if it was full of normal people discussing books about natives instead of special ed students circlejerking about their favorite skin tone. Can't you autists find some book that talks about indigenous cannibalism or something like that?

>> No.22935585

So I finished >>22932220 today, and have to say the essay by Ian Gentles, "Were the Residential Schools Agents of Genocide?", is the best. He covers a bit of the topics he covers here https://www.westernstandard.news/opinion/gentles-residential-schools-were-not-instruments-of-genocide/article_b203b716-a669-11ed-bb51-8399182849f7.html

These facilities really were just a standard boarding school, but for Indians. They are associated with positive outcomes and probably preserved dey cultua more than they even took it away. The campaign against these schools is entirely hearsay and bad historiography using selective citations and condemning history in retrospect. These things probably shouldn't have even been shut down