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22929711 No.22929711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

books about embracing evil and coping with guilt? im a balkanoid who is about to get married to a western roastie only for the passport. she is deeply in love with me, but she is absolutely not my type. on one side im thinking im just gonna have great sex for 3 years and then get my EU passport and thats gonna be it. on the other side im filled with guilt because im already thinking about the moment ill have to break up with her and ruin her life and betray her family. ive never done anything wrong or evil in my life. my only hope is that she will fuck things up by herself, her life is full of bad decisions, she has daddy issues, her body count is 20+, she used to date drug dealers, egyptians, do tinder hookups etc.

>> No.22929723

She will probably be done with you in 3 years anyway, women are serial monogamists

>> No.22929725


idk anon sounds like you could write a book

>> No.22929727

The point of life is to do the right thing.

>> No.22929732

she disgusts me (i want to fuck her) but the dude has done a very good job feeding her, congratulations are in order

>> No.22929749

i basically have two options, fully commit and marry her and be a full EU citizen in 3 years (then think of an exit plan) or the 'non evil' alternative which is to do a civil union and get a 5 year residency card, i can then dump her whenever i want there is no assurance for a passport and ill be stuck in Spain for 5 years.

i dont think so bro, she is one of those regretfull whores turned religious, she think she can just forget about her past and live a conservative life, she keeps talking about marriage in church and i also believe she will frame me with a child

>> No.22929751

Nothing you can say about her will make this morally justified. Have you no shame?

>> No.22929754

Kill yourself, parasite. You're the reason why the EU is so fucked at the moment. I don't care what our ethnic background is, spiritually you're still a nigger

>> No.22929755

i know, thats why i need a book rec so i can get influenced and fully embrace my new character

>> No.22929759

What do you think serial monogamy means? Women fall head over heels for their paramour and then, they get tired of you and want a new one. You will unironically probably be in the clear in 3 years.

>> No.22929760

Or you can become a man and stop pretending to be le evil

>> No.22929762

fuck you, you have no right to talk to me that way, the only privilege that you have is being born in a western country and you automacally will have more money and power than me, no matter how much more talented than you i am. i dont want to live this way anymore. if it makes you feel any worse, i also have a Swiss girlfriend which im only choosing not to marry because i dont want to learn German

>> No.22929767

Why though? The point of life is to do good.
Your course of action is like voluntarily making bad art.

>> No.22929771

>wah wah wah
Keep coping, faggot. Why don't you just jump on a boat and join those diseased somalians? Then you'll get a free apartment courtesy of the French/English/Greek/Itallian citizen's tax money. Boo hoo, life didn't give you the best upbringing so that somehow justifies you to become a parasite for the rest of your life? Also the Balkans isn't half as impoverished as Somlia. So at least these Somallians have a better excuse than you, you pathetic excuse for a man. So, like I said, kill yourself

>> No.22929775

quite the opposite, i will have a job lined up and pay taxes, get an education even. you know what happens next? i make more money than you and get your woman (oops, im already doing that)

>> No.22929782

Calm down, your nigger soul is shining through. It's not something to be proud of.

>> No.22929787

His country is going to join the EU in less than 10 years anyway.

>> No.22929790

Also, if that was the case and you do have a job lined up it must be working in McDonald's or something retarded because it's piss easy to get an EU working visa if you have a professional job or even a relevant degree.
Have fun making my countryman's burgers, parasite

>> No.22929792

>thinking the west is even going to be relevant in 10 years
If OP knew what was good for him he would have a chinese girlfriend

>> No.22929794

youre mad? its not my fault youre a cuck, its too easy for me to take advantage of your women

>> No.22929795

Fuck off, interracial faggot

>> No.22929797


>> No.22929874

>how much more talented than you i am

If you had any talents you'd make it Balkans desu.
Before you start coping, I'm from the Balkans myself.

>> No.22929876

im already making 40% above median wage. its not enough. im not a genius but im no bum either

>> No.22929907
File: 99 KB, 1710x900, wolfeasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You playing the game on easy mode that's why.
If you think anyone should be impressed you make above average wage in west then lmao

>> No.22929910

I've known plenty of people who hate their wives but love their children. There is always a third option open to you which doesn't contravene your moral sensibilities.

>> No.22929953

>im a balkanoid who is about to get married to a western roastie only for the passport
>i make more money than you and get your woman (oops, im already doing that)
I'm pro-immigration and from Latin America, so I couldn't care less about this discussion, but you are acting like a fucking subhuman. I hope you get stabbed by African refugees when you get there. At the bare minimum, try to respect the culture and people from where you are going to immigrate to.

>> No.22929971

so balkan of you to blame everything that happens in your life on somebody else

>> No.22929977

The right choice would be not to delude another person to escape your shithole of a country, anon. You should at the very least not lie to yourself when doing heinous shit.

>> No.22929990

such a great game, need to replay that one

>> No.22930013

He's right, you know.

>> No.22930016

respect is reciprocal. i dont owe anything to anyone

im literally trying to escape that feeling, dont make it worse

>> No.22930019

I want a wife with a body like that.

>> No.22930028

If you did feel bad about this is because you know what you are doing is wrong. Tell her about your intentions and maybe you can work something out together. Otherwise go and find an old man to fuck you for a couple of years and then adopt you for citizenship, it’s basically what you’re doing to her.

>> No.22930040

i know that its wrong anon, im not a hypocrite. but millions of people do it, how? how do people commit evil everyday for ther personal gains, and why cant I? i need to know

>> No.22930041
File: 75 KB, 793x991, isabelle-féebrile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>respect is reciprocal. i dont owe anything to anyone
You are just trying to find reasons to be a douche, faggot.
>"oh, it's okay to fuck mentally with this girl who thought i was in love with her, she used to be promiscuous, lol"
At least man up and assume that you are a ghoul, a fiend that will put anyone down to get what you want. Stop trying to find reasons for acting like that, it's already in your soul.

>> No.22930045

>At least man up and assume that you are a ghoul, a fiend that will put anyone down to get what you want. Stop trying to find reasons for acting like that, it's already in your soul.
books about this feeling?

>> No.22930048

Don't listen to this guy. Why would anyone marry a faggot? Just follow your plans. Maybe you even learn to love your wife. Arranged marriages were a thing back in the day.

>> No.22930061
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You're not funny. Do something useful with your miserable existence and tie a rope around your neck and hang yourself from a high place.

>> No.22930077

I'd hump that ass like a dog

>> No.22930114

She's fat, look at that gross belly she's sucking in, still can see it hanging over.

>> No.22930186

>my only hope is that she will fuck things up by herself, her life is full of bad decisions, she has daddy issues, her body count is 20+, she used to date drug dealers, egyptians, do tinder hookups etc.
she's gonna dump you over some bullshit before you get your pass bro

>> No.22930194

>how do people commit evil everyday for ther personal gains, and why cant I? i need to know
read crime and punishment

>> No.22930197

What a shitty thread, everybody in here should suffocate himself with a cactus, including me.

>> No.22930199

name of the woman in the video?

>> No.22930216

couple hundred years ago you would be trying to pimp out your daughters to the ottoman empire lmao

>> No.22930226

Gilles by Pierre Drieu la.Rochelle basically involves this (marries a rich jewish girl for her wealth).
Also go for it. This woman sounds like a whore, why should she expect a traditional marriage? If a (male) serial whoremonger married a Thai girl because "shes so trad" nobody would fault her for doing it for the passport.

>> No.22930249

TSMT. The purpose of life is to live with virtue and become a virtuous, sociable, strong, intelligent man who is at peace with himself while also being able to defend what he loves and think intelligently. While they can captivate, creative and recreational exercises are just a distraction, albeit one that can help recharge us in our mission to become better.

>> No.22930252

Describe the roastie. Does she have nice tits and ass at least?

>> No.22930258

Fucking pathetic. “I know what I’m doing is immoral, but I want to be in my Villain Phase™ and be Le Heckin' Evil Archetyperoonie! Give me heckin' books to make me feel good about being evil to a repentful woman!”
Reflect. Repent. Act.

Become a better man, rather than staying a bottomfeeding parasite on another.

Make the right choice.

>> No.22930451

>If a (male) serial whoremonger married a Thai girl because "shes so trad" nobody would fault her for doing it for the passport.
Obviously would, it's not okay, or "based and redpilled", to fuck with someones feelings for 3 fucking years. If it was for one week, it would be ok, she would quickly forget about it; but 3 years will not be easily forgettable, even with therapy. Who cares if she's a whore, no one deserves this.

>> No.22930464

>i dont want to live this way anymore
like what? a pussy who can't fix or build his own country if he's dissatisfied?

>> No.22930467

did you fix or build your own country or did you received it already developed?

>> No.22930469
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>she used to date egyptians
disgusting race mixer

you are also disgusting and likely brown.

>> No.22930470

i cant change the world around me, plus the west is already moving towards globalization so who cares?

>> No.22930481

WHO? I must know

>> No.22930484

>i make more money than you and get your woman
you sound like a fucking worthless nigger who doesnt make money and gets no women

>> No.22930494

>read crime and punishment

>> No.22930498

PuppyGirlJenna im pretty sure coombros

>> No.22930520

Only worthwhile post here. What a retarded blogpost thread lmao.
Why are faggots like this? Books for this phenomenon?

>> No.22930521

thank you kindly

>> No.22930525 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 600x755, 9292930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>books about embracing evil and coping with guilt? im a balkanoid who is about to get married to a western roastie only for the passport. she is deeply in love with me, but she is absolutely not my type. on one side im thinking im just gonna have great sex for 3 years and then get my EU passport and thats gonna be it. on the other side im filled with guilt because im already thinking about the moment ill have to break up with her and ruin her life and betray her family. ive never done anything wrong or evil in my life. my only hope is that she will fuck things up by herself, her life is full of bad decisions, she has daddy issues, her body count is 20+, she used to date drug dealers, egyptians, do tinder hookups etc.

>> No.22930536
File: 2.11 MB, 1180x1244, pup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks that's all I needed

>> No.22930539

You can't add "books on this feel" and expect to be /lit/ related, faggot. But whatever, it's not like jannies will bother cleaning... Either way, go to >>>/adv/

>> No.22930581

It literally happens all the time in reverse and is, at worst, considered the butt of a joke. Again, of a male whoremonger goes to the third world to find a "trad wife" nobody is going to feel bad about them inevitably getting burned by a woman looking for a better passport. If anything they draw a lot ire for abusing their relative privilage to fuck a girl out of their league.

Treating OP like he's suddenly a monster because the genders are reversed is silly. Most of Greek mythology involves this exact scenario, where the hero uses charm and sexual prowess to seduce some princess in order to escape from a bind, nobody but the most rabid feminists and puritanical moralizers considers Jason to be an evil person. Stop putting the pussy on a pedestal

>> No.22930613

Anon, I don’t know what your circumstances are but I don’t think you’d improve your life if you destroyed another person’s like this. Even if your circumstances did improve, until you die you’d be plagued remembering this awful thing you put another person through. I don’t think you should do it.

>> No.22930616

>other person do this so it okay now
Epic awesomesauce

>> No.22930624

it's moving towards being the same kind of shithole you have to escape from yes. all the stuff of about wellfare and material standards are all in the past and just gets swallowed up by rent, if you have running water, electricity and canned food you are most likely even better off.

>> No.22930625

How will he destroy her life? lol

>> No.22930626

>It literally happens all the time in reverse and is, at worst, considered the butt of a joke.
Yes, on Twitter. It's as I screenshot OP's comment and post it on incel.is, everyone will be on his side.
>Treating OP like he's suddenly a monster because the genders are reversed is silly
I would literally say the same thing if it was a woman. Did you even read what I wrote? This is not a gender war discussion, but a moral one.
>Greek mythology
Greek mythology is far away from being a good moral compass.

>> No.22930630

You’re right, that other anon shouldn’t talk to you that way man, but what you’re doing is horrible. It’s not just horrible to her, it’s horrible to you because you are destroying the goodness in you. Please don’t go through with it.

>> No.22930634

>marry a woman
>divorce her in 3 years
>"this is worse than the holocaust, bro!"

>> No.22930636

>Billions must lose half

>> No.22930658
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What makes you think she isn't planning on manipulating you right back, you idiot.

>> No.22930665

Problem is the propaganda trying to convine people to either not have personal living space at all or live in pods. And to the average western person anything not first world is Biafra with vultures circling around potbellied children while in reality starvation only actually happens during wars and deliberate blockades intentionally trying to cause it while the "international community" the elite runs does nothing because it would be colonialism.

>> No.22930685

he is literally from the balkans, the only problem it has ever had was a war in the 90s OP and his family did nothing to stop because they have been surviving through the ages only by offering their daughters as concubines to the ottoman empire.

>> No.22930718

Don't do it OP. Go read Plato, start with the Apology and Crito if you've never read any philosophy before, or go right to the Republic. The Gorgias and Protagoras are good too, but most of all you need the Phaedrus and the Symposium on love. I would also highly recommend Wallace's Philosophical Mysticism in Plato and Hegel to help, even if you just LibGen it an read the first few chapters.

Then read Saint Augustine's On the Free Choice of the Will (and Confessions too if you like).

You only do harm to yourself by acting badly (although you obviously harm others as well). We have duties to ourselves and duties to one another and if you allow yourself to degenerate you will never be truly free. You will be a beast, led by your desires rather than knowledge and love.

Saint Aquinas is instructive here too but he is quite dry. The point is that what is truly good, what truly makes life worth living, is the Good, the Beautiful, and the True. If you take this path, you will obstruct your chance to achieve this beatific vision, let alone self knowledge, self determination, freedom, and ultimately self love and theosis.

Better to deny the body and enter the cloisters of the Carthusians or Cistercians than corrupt the soul. Oh how I wish I had known these truths earlier in life. Beware! Had I to do it all over again I would have entered the cloisters and become and anchorite as a young man.

>> No.22930734

You do need help anon. But not from /lit/. Try a social worker.

>> No.22930735
File: 9 KB, 186x266, pierre-drieu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books for this feel?
^relevant book and chapter
>“Kid, I don't know you, I don't know her, and I don't know your era. So if you want me to talk nonsense...”
>“I’m not asking if I have a right to marry for money...”
>“There’s no question that you are marrying for money.”
>“Neither you nor she are oblivious.”
>“Yes, she is.”
>“Much less so than you think. Her money is one of her charms; a woman in love is not inclined to neglect any of her charms.”
>“If it’s her only charm?”
>“No. Your words say otherwise.”
>“Yes, but then, if I value her, will I have the strength to sacrifice her life for my life?”
>“Of course. And good for her. She'll suffer, but she'll have her adventure. It's up to her to fight back. You're not a wet nurse.”
>“I don't think she's right for a man like me.”
>“Go tell her that, she won't believe you. When you play with fire, you get burned.”
>“I'm more aware than she is: I can save her from a mistake that will ruin her life.”
>“Does this sea take care of safeguarding this cliff?”
>“I’m too Christian to make such an easy assimilation of man to nature”
>“If you hesitate with this woman, you won't hesitate with the next. There are many people who must suffer for you.”
>“You're having fun right now. But let her pretend to escape, and you'll throw yourself back at her.”
>“It’s true.”
>“I'm all for you having that kind of marriage. It will save you from the mediocrity of upstarts. If you can, you should put some distance between yourself and men. You're like me, a bit of an ascetic in spirit, but not in life. You have to take the wolf's share. I did it my way, you do yours. I've done some pretty nasty things in my time to earn a living.”
>“Well then?”
>“Marry her! that'll teach you. Here's a swift and profound opportunity to fiTears came to Gilles' eyes.
>“My dear old father. And you, don't you doubt me?”
>“Hell no. I didn't want to sire a little saint.”
>“But I am going to sully myself.”
>“You will clean up afterwards.”
>“Aren't some actions irreparable?”
>“It’s a question of strength. You will see which is stronger, you or the world?” Find out your real relationship with the modern world. Go right ahead... After all, you may not be my son, my brother or my friend at all, and you may do just fine.”
>The old man looked at Gilles, shaking his head.
>“Scruples are ugly. It's what disfigures the criminal.”

>> No.22930740

>Scruples are ugly. It's what disfigures the criminal.
All that needs to be said.

>> No.22930745

This is so fucking hot, look at her eyes
I want to do her bobs and vegana, if you know what I mean

>> No.22930748

kys pajeet

>> No.22930864

As a Balkanoid myself, fuck you for running away and good riddance you coward.
But more on the topic of your post, a lot can happen in 3 years, you may grow to understand and even maybe love her. You're from the Balkans, you are aware that most of our grandparents' marriages started similarly right? Love is something you can grow into, something you nurture like a garden and get to enjoy after putting in the work. However it's likely that if you WERE to truly start caring for her, she'd get bored and cheat on you, because she's just another case of BPD, and you don't seem emotionally mature enough to deal with that(>90% of men aren't, relationships with these people are notoriously difficult). The only thing you SHOULD NOT do is judge her because
a) you're literally as damaged as her and it's funny how oblivious to it you are
b) judgment is for the Lord and not for you to hand out.

>> No.22930880

>that webm
I couldn't hate the West more if I tried.

>> No.22930890

No, but his generation is actively ruining his own country and he's utterly powerless to stop it, so he's seething at people lower than him on the global hierarchy to cope.

>> No.22930915

Zajebava nas troll...