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/lit/ - Literature

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22929531 No.22929531[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No security cameras
No cellphones
Ultima on your Apple ][+ or Atari
Could say whatever you wanted and not be sanctioned/cancelled
Compliment a girl on her tits and she would blush and say thank you!
Guaranteed jobs straight out of high-school
Faggots beaten regularly
Secret porn stashes in the woods
Male teachers as role models
Cities not overrun by minorities
No helmets or any protective gear
Zero fear of germs
Real language with little euphemism
Exchanged letters with girls at school. Girls would even mail you letters.
Pictures actually meant something because you had to pay to get them processed
Friends were actual friends and had your back
Moms still knew how to cook
Smoking at school
Almost everyone got in fights at school. Right of passage.
Girls dressed up and did their hair even to goto 7-11
Porn was the Sears Catalog
All night skating at the rink. Dropped off at 6 pm on Friday. Picked up at 3 pm on Saturday.

>> No.22929539


>> No.22929549

I live in the 3rd world and in the 90s it was pretty much this. If you got bored you either watched tv or forced yourself to read some old newspaper or book. That world is over anon, but there are some remote villages in my country where a sense of this lifestyle is still alive, although everyone now has smartphones and the roads are paved well enough to facilitate easy transportation and trade.

>> No.22929550

Kill doomers. Behead doomers. Roundhouse kick a doomer into the concrete. Slam dunk a zoomerdoomer into the trashcan. Crucify filthy doomers. Defecate in a doomer's food. Launch doomers into the sun. Stir fry doomers in a wok. Toss doomers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a doomer's gas tank. Judo throw doomers into a wood chipper, etc, etc.

>> No.22929562

Nobody who's ever posted a doomer wojak has any recollection of the 80s, let alone any time prior. You are 22 years old tops

>> No.22929581

>No security cameras
>No cellphones
>Could say whatever you wanted and not be sanctioned/cancelled
True, I guess.

>Compliment a girl on her tits and she would blush and say thank you!
They might not thank you, but at least you would not go to jail for this.

>Guaranteed jobs straight out of high-school
The money of young people was worth something. The youth had purchasing power.

>Exchanged letters with girls at school. Girls would even mail you letters.
We don't have love letters because love is not possible anymore.

>Pictures actually meant something because you had to pay to get them processed
That's the thing. And many of our digital pics are even often lost.

>> No.22929583


>> No.22929584

OP was asking books about this. Right, OP?

>> No.22929598

I think these things are happening across all boards more or less because /pol/ became utterly unusable due to bots and now even 80iq drones that remained there post 2016 are spilling over. Fuck you niggers, how fucking dumb can you get, you're literally destroying what few spaces remain you could use for your development with your rampant offtopic shitposting.
All fields

>> No.22929607

I came from /r9k/ actually. If you could just contain your whores we wouldn’t have to interact with each other.

>> No.22929611

>All fields
>It is not, in fact, in all fields

>> No.22929618

If you jump off a building like in MIB 3 you will go back in time to those decades. You have to pick a tall enough building though.

>> No.22929620

I suppose it's terminal then. You cretins are a lower lifeform than fucking women you hate.

>> No.22929635
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