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/lit/ - Literature

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22923668 No.22923668 [Reply] [Original]

>most mysterious man of 21st century
>greatest living author
>deeply connected with cia and ruling aristocracy (not le rothschilds, actual aristocracy like vatican and old money european families)
>fucked his best friend’s wife after being a best man at their wedding
>started writing V. when he was just 21
How can us ordinary humans cope with this? I've always had a dream to become a writer but theres no point to it now, I can never compete with a genius like him.

>> No.22923675

>nooo the joooz aren't real aristocracy
>be-because.. they just aren't okay!!

>> No.22923678

>started writing V. when he was just 21
This is a garbage shitpost but this actually makes me feel like shit, like a failure.

>> No.22923704

That's the least accomplished thing outta the list. It's not the masterpiece first novel some think. Many writers have written works at a young age (and many others started late), and this one is far from the best.

>> No.22923715

>fucked his best friend’s wife after being a best man at their wedding
le being a piece of shit is cool and edgy

If I was that man I would have crippled Pynchon for life

>> No.22923720

At the risk of sounding like a bitter envious sourpuss, V. isn't much of an achievement. It's just another spawn of Moby Dick, and not a particularly noteworthy one
GR was a much greater achievement even if I don't like it

>> No.22923745

The way to compete with him is not to play his game. Prodigies are always going to exist, there’s always going to be someone smarter than you. But literature and life is never purely just a competition of “who’s smartest”. It definitely helps but it’s not all there is. So maybe don’t try to write dense genius wacky postmodern tomes and write something that you can write.
That being said, noting the wording of your “dream”, I would also maybe heed Gaddis’ advice about “wanting to be a writer” vs. “wanting to write”. The former is a lot more common than the latter. Writing in my eyes should always be a last resort.

>> No.22923764

Crafting your persona as “le mystery man” is the greatest marketing move you could pull with the advent of the internet.

>> No.22924112

McCarthy started at like 30 something and mogs Pynchon on all accounts
Take it easy anon, time is aplenty

>> No.22924154


Retards like yourself who don't understand IQ testing need to have their internet switched to read-only

>> No.22924315

>McCarthy mogs Pynchon
Lol what? This cannot be a real opinion

>> No.22924382

luv u Tom !

>> No.22924385

>I've always had a dream to become a writer


See, this is the main problem with 99% of writers.

You just want to be a "writer". You like the look of it, the mystique of it.

You're putting the cart before the horse.

Instead it should be the other way around. There's this story you want to tell, inside your mind. You've been thinking about it for a long long time. Years, even. It's the thing you daydream about, whether it be an epic fantasy whose world you've been building in your head since you were a kid, or maybe a new philosophical framework that you've been adding onto bit by bit over time, or maybe just that thing you think about in the shower every morning.

And it needs to come out.

Books are just the medium through which you can let this idea out, but it could very well be a podcast or a video game or an anime or a movie. Maybe you chose the written word since that's what you think would be convey this story.

Do you think a good inventor/businessman became successful because they just wanted it really badly? Or do you think it's because they looked a problem and thought "I think I can come up with a better solution to this problem".

I write because there's a stories I want to tell, you write because you want to be a storyteller. And this is why my work will always be better, authentic, and soulful than yours.

>> No.22924390

>Maybe you chose the written word since that's what you think would be convey this story.
*would be best to convey this story

>> No.22924396

Kill yourself lol

>> No.22924417

Her husband was already dead when Pynchon fucked her

>> No.22924421

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.22924422


>> No.22924424

McCarthy is literally the Dogstoevsky of American literature. you'll be laughed out of any literary circle if you admit that McSharty is your favorite American novelist

>> No.22924446

I agree that Pynchon is clearly the superior writer between the two but please don't ever compare McCarthy to that whiny, preachy christcuck. Nabokov was 100% right about him and I don't even like Nabokov apart from Lolita.

>> No.22924469 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22924498
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>literary circles
who cares what those fart sniffers think.

>> No.22924597
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>>literary circles
>>fart sniffers
You best start believing in glass houses, anon.

>> No.22924727

Not true, baby. He literally wrote an article in Playboy titled "Who Is Thomas Pynchon… And Why Did He Take Off With My Wife?", which remains one of the best sources of biographical information about the Pynchster

>> No.22924791

The Rothschilds ARE and ennobled, aristocratic family. Honestly antisemitic if you for figuring jews just can’t be nobles.

>> No.22924864

Yeah I'm gonna take the playboy philanderer at face value kek

>> No.22924917

If you read even half a pynchon novel you would know he doesn't think highly of fidelity

>> No.22924927

Oedipal competition helps to guide most men in life. Rob them of the adversary and they feel lost

>> No.22925058

Very true but it's wise to know which is the right father to kill. Also the son is rarely outright stronger than the father and may have to succeed by subterfuge, by changing the parameters of the fight.

>> No.22925197

You would only have to take that he were alive at face value to concede that the poster I replied to was wrong
>Her husband was already dead when Pynchon fucked her

>> No.22925232

Americans don't read, who gives a shit what they think about novelists

>> No.22925338

You're right and you're wrong. I've met people exactly like you describe, that want to be writers way more than they actually want to write, but I don't think pure/authentic obsession is a prerequisite for becoming good at something. Self-discipline can make up the difference, there're people who can force themselves to do something they hate, getting really good at it in the process, and only once they're good at it do they begin to enjoy it. I don't see how that wouldn't apply to writing.
>t. zero interest in becoming a writer

>> No.22925771

Why? And how do you know? Who is this postmodern faggot and why does everyone act like he’s the second coming of Herman Melville?

>> No.22925784

You'll be laughed out of any literary circle for bringing up Pynchud too.

>> No.22925789

Yeah not like the playboy philanderer

>> No.22925797

>you'll be laughed out of any literary circle if you admit that McSharty is your favorite American novelist
>You'll be laughed out of any literary circle for bringing up Pynchud too.

No you won't

>> No.22925810

why he look like spongebob doe

>> No.22925821

Being associated with the aristocracy these days is embarrassing. They're anti-humanist dorks who larp as spiritual leaders. I respect Pynchon for his writing, but I don't give a single damn about his personal life.

>> No.22925830

No one in serious literary circles reads white male pseudo intellectual authors anymore. Now go back to complaining about women on /pol/.

>> No.22926499
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He is sadly underrated

>> No.22926512

They are bourgeoisie at best, but definitely more powerful than any nobles so I am not sure OPs point

>> No.22926527

Kill yourself commie cuck

>> No.22926869

He's right, the Rothschilds obtained their power in the historical era where the bourgeois overtook the nobility as the predominant class in society (you can google it if you like, it was called the enlightenment). Don't have to be a commie, just possess basic historic literacy

>> No.22927073

This. I do it for myself. I don't care if others like it, I'm the showrunner and the audience. I literally cannot help it, anons. I daydream all these cool plots, characters, how they connect and interact, it's too addictive. It helps with me coping with the world and makes me see the beauty of it. I am young and want to try my shot at a career out of it but won't be too sad if it doesn't pan out. I do it for myself, I like the characters in my head more than I like real people. Not too say I think they're real, obviously not, because that's the appeal. No strings, you summon them forth and then put them away. I have this action thriller book series all mapped out but only put some of it on paper because my brain feels like a better safeguard.

I don't know what to do, at some point I'll have to shed this from my psyche but I don't know. I like it too much, it feels like an unbeatable compulsion. I don't know what to do with it.

>> No.22927262

>sleeping with some roastie and cheating your best friend is a bigger achievement than writing a bestseller at 21

>> No.22927266

>tfw not smart enough to read Pynchon yet

how would you guys advise working up to it, which authors need tackling first?

>> No.22927342

Just force yourself to read it, you'll slowly begin to understand. Start with Lot 49, then V. and from there you can move on to some of the big guys: GR, M&D, AtD

>> No.22927358

>And it needs to come out.
art as bodily discharge

>> No.22927534
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>He's right because he uses commie terms, but YOU'RE the communist!!