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/lit/ - Literature

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22924350 No.22924350 [Reply] [Original]

Is this ever going to be a part of western canon?

>> No.22924383


>> No.22924391

is any fantasy books part of the Western Canon?

>> No.22924399

it's already a part of the incel canon
all books are fantasy books

>> No.22924408

Bloom considered Gormenghast

>> No.22924507

You could make an argument for LotR of course.

>> No.22924515
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*1001 Nights
*Boccaccio and Chaucer both

I know those aren’t exactly the same but they are in essence the forerunners to modern fantasy books.

>> No.22924527

Wagner's The Ring of the Nibelung

>> No.22924614

keep it up

>> No.22924701

Arabian nights is a mix of mythological tales. Why would you consider it fantasy?

>> No.22924711

Folk tales, not mythological tales. And folk tales where fantastic things happen, thus, fantasy.

>> No.22924722

LotR, definitely is getting there.
And, to a lesser extent, A Canticle for Leibowitz.

>> No.22924728

What actually is this shit about? I'm about to start in a few days after I'm done with book I'm currently reading. It's constantly shilled here, is it meme or is it something good?

>> No.22924731

Fantastic elements don't make a work fantasy

>> No.22924741
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This thread is reminding me that how we define a "great" work of literature is not always clear.

Length isn't the defining factor, since we consider Borges' short stories to be great works of literature too.

It's not literary vs genre, because Blood Meridian is a Western yet it's considered a great work of literature.

How do you define "great literature," /lit/? What does a work of literature have to do to pass that criteria for you?

>> No.22924793

It already is part of the canon of people with taste.

>> No.22924798

>And, to a lesser extent, A Canticle for Leibowitz.
Really, in what way? I don't hear much about it outside from here.

>> No.22924809
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it's good. the gooder it is the more literature it is.

>> No.22924924

it's a pretty fantastic story from beginning to end. my advice, take your time with it; there is a lot of subtext going on and some things that might seem weird will make sense in the future.

>> No.22925157

The Iliad

>> No.22925305

"Autistic creep wanders around a dying Earth and rambles to himself about spiritual/mythical themes"
Most of the fun is that it genuinely feels like it's being told by someone from a different world. He'll casually mention aliens, pederasty, bizarre cults, all through a fairly unrecognizable moral lens, and instead of elaborating whatsoever you're expected to hang on for the ride.

People tend to love it or hate it.
Since you strike me as ESL (no offense) you'll probably have trouble with the obscure language. I'd recommend The Fifth Head or Cerberus or The Wizard Knight first if you want to get into Wolfe.

>> No.22925866

It's part of the /lit/ canon which is more important.

>> No.22925936

First four books are amazing. The fifth is kind of trash, but you can skip it. Wolfe didn't even want to write it.

>> No.22925963


>> No.22927285

I think it eventually will. Some retarded streamer or Youtuber is gonna make a video about it, and the domino effect will commence. It also seems to be pretty polarizing, so that helps.

Also, I'm really enjoying The Wizard Knight (I'm just on the Knight part) so far. It's damn good, and I think it deserves an equal amount of attention.

>> No.22927300

The Bible, obviously.

>> No.22927307

that's a history text book

>> No.22927445

>I think it deserves an equal amount of attention.
It really doesn't

>> No.22928443
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no, it is angry teenager slop if whores are legal in your country you should just see one now otherwise buy a tickcet to a country where they are desu

>> No.22928445

the odyssey, but no one actually reads it