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22924101 No.22924101[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Describe her with your best prose.

>> No.22924105


>> No.22924108


>> No.22924117

The woman had ginger hair and wore an extremely wrinkled dress. But in a way that looked manufactured as though the designer had intended it to carry excessive wrinkles while being worn. Which is odd because while you're not exactly a fashion expert, having worn the same sweatpants and button down blouse for the last three years, it seems people usually try to avoid having their clothes look wrinkly. Maybe she just didn't iron it.

>> No.22924136

is your character an alien?

>> No.22924141

You genuinely don't need more

>> No.22924156

And she looked on, her eyes soulless. For she had sold her soul, not for money, not for fame, nay, but for endless fast food. For you see, this "she" was once a "he", but let us leave that for later. Where was I? Oh yes, she looked on, as the 300-pound overweight jew masturbated while using every fiber of his being not to cum. “Ju-Julia, please twerk for me” The jew groaned as he started stroking his 2-inch cock faster. “Yes, master David” Julia started shaking her fat hips, trying her best to hide the massive 1-foot-long monster in her pants.

>> No.22924162
File: 63 KB, 320x333, Pepe Marlowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd always thought of grey as a conservative colour. Well, this dame wore grey all right, but it looked about as conservative as a grey coat of paint on a stick of dynamite.

Something didn't add up. A girl like that could get all the help she needed for nothing, in any city in the world, just by walking down a street with men in it.

So why had she climbed up six flights of stairs to see me?

>> No.22924165


>> No.22924166

Based PIanon

>> No.22924180

A soft Redhead. Robust, yet petite and toned build; no doubt the result of some obscure sport she's played her entire life, far secluded from public education. Piercing facial features that, in tandem with her body, have certainly made her the object of many ecletic men's desires. The type of women that can truly be described as an 'ethreal beauty', she was definitely not the vapid cosmopolitan beauty that had been previously dumped on society. Because of her ephemeral nature, I had no preconceived notions or stereotypes to go off of when talking with her. I'm always surprised when I'm reminded that girls like this exist. I was terrified.

>> No.22924210

This started off shit then the twist made it great

>> No.22924223


>> No.22924224

The young whore’s red hair and perky tits were as fake as the State of Israel but her image still made my blood flow to all the right places. I don’t quite know what it was about her. Her face? Her body? The fact she reminded me of a long lost love? I was staring at the screen looking for an answer when I realized beauty is best kept as a mystery.

>> No.22924284
File: 139 KB, 1080x1111, 1702981055716596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small but shapely teardrops intimated their escape through thin grey. Yet tonight he would not be removing his Honeywell blue light blocking goggles. So close to bedtime and at great risk to his pineal gland, there could be no pursuit.

>> No.22924285

She's natural, go to see her nude.

>> No.22924300

Her face was sullen, as if she had suffered the loss of a loved one, her rose colored hair barely concealing the pain written into her features, a somewhat stark contrast to her dull exterior painted with vary shades of grey, right down to the dress which barely covers the posterior wrecked by years of malnutrition.

>> No.22924326
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I expected that would be a see-through dress, but alas upon clicking the photo I witnessed my delusion with scorn and disappointment.

>> No.22924332

that color grading is horrific

>> No.22924349
File: 1.08 MB, 1853x2725, imgonline-com-ua-domino-mosaic-6v41aryZS65W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dice, dice, baby.

>> No.22924468
File: 3.82 MB, 4482x6557, Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Apollo & Daphne, c. 1622 - 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her chest thrust forward with an aggression which may have gone unnoticed without the forceful grip her dress had upon her. It was a cheap gray gown, but designed with an asymmetrical cut alluding to the wrap of a Grecian robe. On another woman, perhaps, it may have fallen short of its maker's aspirations, but the form beneath those violently taut wrinkles was shaped so perfectly as to make the Venus de Milo self-conscious. Her eyes, brown like an amber in the light, looked upon me tauntingly from atop the white spire of her cocked neck, but like the amber whose color they bore, their gaze was bright, but congealed. They were the look of eyes which had seen the unfolding already, and while the challenge they bore was genuine, their expectation was as a goddess who knew Love's ways in all its permutations and had grown weary and desperate. Yes, her eyes cried loudly that hers was a body burning with desire and fear that Cupid's fearsome arrow would pierce without surprise or relief. I would not let that happen.

>> No.22924482

I like it.
>it looked about as conservative as a grey coat of paint on a stick of dynamite
Very nice.

>> No.22924486

That bitch's skin looks green

>> No.22924581


>> No.22924602

What I want to know is, does she have as much makeup on her pussy as she does on her face? What is it like to stick your penis in a gallon of skin cream?

>> No.22924626
File: 15 KB, 200x159, 1650194542047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more of this!
I need to know why she went to see Anon!

>> No.22925051


Nice one, Punchy!

>> No.22925074


>> No.22925366

but why?

>> No.22925731


>> No.22925786

>Everything below the jawline belonged to a Neanderthal with a full body Brazilian wax job. There's mid, and then there's atavistic mid.

>> No.22925840
File: 146 KB, 1200x804, 55982685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"TITTIES could be here" he thought, "I've never been with a woman before. There could be TITTIES anywhere." The warm pussy felt good against his bare cock. "I HATE TRANNIES" he thought. Messy in Heaven reverberated inside the nightclub bathroom, making him pulsate even as the $5 condom wrapped around his powerful thick cock and washed away his (merited) fear of HPV from slags. "With American Express, you can get anyone you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.22925890
File: 231 KB, 833x601, 1704766879208769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rap whistle was nowhere to be found so i began to rap her unrelentingly

>> No.22925893


>> No.22925900
File: 427 KB, 1000x661, 1637090231362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread hair and simial face. Eyes panic diarrhea cannot get near to clean, tell someone else to do ick hurck I'm going to urchulp I'm okay I just can't get near it. Thinnish lips and biting-style teeth just seeable. Eyebrows cute and mysterious. Bone shoulder. Trash clothing and what goes into trash containments? Trash. Weird hands, dirty claws. Thighs fat. Skin like sewn.

>> No.22925916

While true, this is bad prose.

4 stars

terrible writing

3 stars

4 and a half stars

terrible writing

two stars


one star

4 stars

5 stars

garbage writing nice pic

so true

>> No.22925921


>> No.22925943

The beauty of a woman is a mirage to the uninitiated, and an insult to the learned. The boy, his days wandered through like deserts, grits his teeth and struggles forward. Then the love sick fool sees on the horizon his salvation. He runs, and he stumbles, then he runs all the faster, never reaching the the lies his eyes and heart have told him. Germination exists only in the womb.
The man sees the mirage just the same, and is enticed, though only for a moment. His tanned skin hardened, he spits where he stands and can’t help but laugh at the insult. The gall of the heart to attempt his tricks on the mind after all the empty handed capers of youth.

>> No.22925955

Bad writing

>> No.22925974

but i was congested

>> No.22926067

Will come and go while wrapped in a taupe tissue. Modestly immodest.

>> No.22926074
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She makes me feel funny bros...

>> No.22926095
