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22921462 No.22921462 [Reply] [Original]

The trans phenomenon is the extinction of women. Hitherto, the sexual difference was basically one between the Political and the Biological. Women were defined as menstruation, lactation, gestation, crying, etc., Biological processes that were excluded from the male Political edifice, whose foundation is the this very exclusion. The feminist thesis sought to somehow close this gap, either by inscribing the Biological into the Political, or destroying the Political by bringing it down to the Biological. The trans phenomenon is a kind of "revolution of Power" whereby the Biological (transitional bodies are the locus of permanent processes not dissimilar to the traditionally female ones) as such was granted Political power. A short circuit that has destroyed all feminist effort: not only has the Political remained intact, it now simultaneously inscribes itself into the Biological and degrades the Biological by, indeed, raising it up to its level and demonstrating that it has been powerless all along. All transitional bodies are necessarily male and everyone knows it: the elementary part of male to female transition is what one transitions from and the elementary part of female to male transition is what one transitions to. Women have been permanently barred from a Political running the Biological through from both ends, literally barring them from womanhood itself.

>> No.22921469

That's a lot of words to say sissies (not transwomen, I mean submissive crossdressers) are hotter than real women

>> No.22921485

Zizek looks like he’s suicidal.

>> No.22921522

MtF means that the person is still male, and will always be better than females at everything, even pretending to be a woman. FtM is still a female, and thus can never actually be a male and will always be worse than men at everything, but will now also suffer ostracizement from fellow females. MtF can also take advantage of the largesse of plastic surgery options available to them to also end up looking like porn stars and better than most females if they do the transition right. Feminism was always a losing proposition.

>> No.22921829 [DELETED] 

Zizek really is a genius. It isn't even so much that his logic is exceptional; where he excels is in his ability to reframe things and organize the apparent logic of the everyday within a rational paradigm no on yet has.

This was a shoddy attempt at paraphrasing, mate.

>> No.22921834

Zizek really is a genius. It isn't even so much that his logic is exceptional; where he excels is in his ability to reframe things and organize the apparent logic of the everyday within a rational paradigm no one yet has. What's the source of the quote?

This was a shoddy attempt at paraphrasing, mate.

>> No.22921837

"As wisdom increases, so does sorrow."

>> No.22922183

"Life protracted, is protracted woe."
-Dr. Johnson, presumably on a good day

>> No.22922526

Why did you faggots allow a trans board on this site? We should be able to deny these faggots any forum.

>> No.22923152

Denying your opponents a platform is exactly what you pretend to condemn when you shit on "wokeism". Why so scared of a little discourse?

>> No.22923402

It's a containment board, dumb nigger.

>> No.22923414


>> No.22923551

If trannies are better why do they keep owning themselves lol

>> No.22923575
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>> No.22923611
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Sex is a dyadic object comprised of the subjects male and female, just like size is comprised of larger or smaller, or height of taller and shorter. The two halves of a spiral, the left and right half of the body, are also dyadic. A universe cannot said to be possible wherein only one of the halves of these dyads is materially initiated and yet the other is not.

The harder men try to become women, and women try to become men, the further they move from reality into the absurdist notions of fantastical philosophical speculation of the most anti-factual kind. One can only be said to contain elements of masculine or feminine appearance in relation to male or female appearance.

Transsexualism is a metaphysical absurdist proposition of an impossible nature.

>> No.22924636

This "man" is r3ddit incarnate.

>> No.22924654

Top kek, these people are psychotic animals who literally want to destroy you, why the hell would you treat them as you would treat normal people of goodwill? They don't return the favour, they only see power. They started it too.

I would agree with you if we were dealing with people of good character, but it's the opposite in this case.