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/lit/ - Literature

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22920153 No.22920153 [Reply] [Original]

Saying your favorite author is Cormac McCarthy is the lit equivalent of saying your favorite director is Tarantino. Corny, juvenile, and will get you laughed out of any serious circles.

>> No.22920166

And Pynchon is the equally, if not more, embarrasing David Lynch equivalent btw.

>> No.22920187

Doesteyevsky is the literary equivalent of your favorite band being Joy Division or New Order.

You all need to grow up.

>> No.22920189

>You shouldn't enjoy something because it's popular.

>> No.22920237

I like Tarantino and you can't stop me.

>> No.22920249

>be popular and one of the greatest American writers
>some skinnyfat demolishes you on a dying imageboard website

>> No.22920262

Dying? Traffic on /lit/ increases every single year, compared to 2022 its been like a 30% increase and I reckon, its going to keep going up.

>> No.22920343

Tarantino would be a sensible choice for personal favorite film director (distinct from a more objective best) for somebody who was introduced to serious film through him and still regards some of his stronger aspects such as character building through minor dialogue, flexible act structure, and musical implementation as a helpful guide for contemporary film work. Would be that is if not for the weird racial masochism and other perversions which mark his work and which are absent from a more talented artist like McCarthy.

>> No.22920360

New Order is the greatest band of all time

>> No.22920371

Wow, you do sound just like the Doestevskyfags. OP might be onto something here.

>> No.22920375

Lynch is much more respectable than Tarantino

>> No.22920385


>> No.22920387

>and musical implementation
His use of music is corny and basic

>> No.22920388

They are both equally respectable with similar flaws.

>> No.22920389

The blackbyrds are better, and immortal, and boris

>> No.22920412

Kurosawa shits all over him in every respect, I'll forever die on this hill shouting that Kurosawa is the greatest director I simply stopped caring about film after watching him, wim wenders is a closer comparison who shits all over Tarantino

>> No.22920419

tarantino should be regarded as a favorite considering how he was able to make his way into the industry and become arguably the top name

>> No.22920431

Both are juvenile but not without merit.

>> No.22920447

You guys sound like you simply don't enjoy life or have fun
I bet you got mad reading Don Quixote and thought it was a waste of your time

>> No.22920456

post stick arms

>> No.22920489

Go have another silly thread where you and your loser internet friends pretend Blood Meridian is high literature.

>> No.22920496

You're here too anon

>> No.22920511

nah I'm on this retarded thread

>> No.22920551
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>Popular thing is .... LE BAD

>> No.22920560

I like Bernard Cornwell the best and he's pure popcorn entertainment tier.

>> No.22920595

Stop being butthurt

>> No.22920602

Am I the only leftist on /lit/ who lowkey likes David Lynch Thomas Pynchon James Joyce Don DeLillo Cormac McCarthy and David Foster Wallace?

>> No.22920606

> the tranime poster is a pseud

>> No.22920608

nope - congrats on being a bigbrain non-schizo

>> No.22920617
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oh no not the literary circles!

>> No.22920620

Congratulations your on the same wavelength as the academia of the last 100 years

>> No.22920627

Saying that your favorite director is Tarantino will not get you laughed at in serious circles. Since you were wrong about that I'll presume you are wrong about McCarthy too.

>> No.22920644

Most people like them. Some just really love them or else get annoyed at the fanboys that really love them. Among these, the only one that’s special to me is McCarthy and only Blood Meridian, which is just factually a unique and special novel imo. The rest of his catalogue is not great imo and nothing about the others is all that incredible to me. Even though I can appreciate the remarkable nature of Blood Meridian, I don’t like it when people pretend McCarthy was the is incredible novelist. He wasn’t. This isn’t a Melville situation where Moby Dick is great and the rest are just pretty good but not great. The rest of McCarthy is pretty much bad imo and I think he’s a pseud per his essays and interviews, which is not an impression I get from Melville.

>> No.22920660

You are stupid.

>> No.22920663

I hate a lot of authors and I hate a lot of /lit/ posters. But the author I hate the most is Delillo, and the same for Delillo-posters. It's not even close. I've never felt like somebody pulled a prank on me for recommending a book before White Noise.

>> No.22920665

Clearly a /fa/ meetup

>> No.22920668
File: 86 KB, 640x591, IMG_1553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sátántangó (1994, Tarr)
牯嶺街少年殺人事件 (1991, Yang)
As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (2000, Mekas)
Offret (1986, Tarkovsky)
Onions Cuba (1964, Kalatozov)
Heimat: Eine Deutsche Chronik (1984, Reitz)
Céline et Julie vont em bateau (1974, Rivette)
Out1 (1971, Rivette)
他人の顔 (1966, Teshigahara)
Un Homme qui Dort (1974, Queysanne)
Vredens dag (1943, Dreyer)
書を捨てよ町へ出よう (1971, Terayama)
Portrait d'une jeune fille de la fin des années 60 à Bruxelles (1994, Akerman)
Le fond de l’air est rouge (1977, Marker)
Le feu Follet (1963, Malle)
No Quarto de Vanda (2000, Costa)
Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie (1965, Has)
Baron Prášil (1962, Zeman)
Amator (1979, Kieslowski)
Mamma Roma (1962, Pasolini)
The Beaver Trilogy (2000, Harris)
Der siebente Kontinent (1989, Haneke)
El verdugo (1963, Berlanga)
La classe operaia va in paradiso (1971, Petri)
Lost, Lost, Lost (1976, Mekas)
The Lost Weekend (1946, Wilder)
Little Fugitive (1953, Ashley)
豚と軍艦 (1961, Imamura)
The Steel Helmet (1951, Fuller)
Szegénylegények (1966, Jancso)
აშიკ-ქერიბი (1988, Parajanov)
Touha zvaná (1969, Kàdar)
Ավետիք (1992, Askarian)
പിന്തുണ (1967)
Ménilmontant (1926, Kirsanoff)
Nostos - Il ritorno (1989, Piavoli)
Ordet (1955, Dreyer)
Oдинoкий гoлoc чeлoвeкa (1987, Sokurov)
Mūsų nedaug (1996, Bartas)
Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975, Akerman)
Stroszek (1977, Herzog)
砂の女 (1964, Teshigahara)
À nous la liberté (1931, Clair)
Francesco, giullare di Dio (1950, Rossellini)
I bambini ci guardano (1944, De Sica)
I Was Born, But... (1932, Ozu)
La Jetée (1962, Marker)
Les Enfants du paradis (1945, Carné)
Sciuscià (1946, De Sica)
The Crowd (1928, Vidor)
The Human Condition II: Road to Eternity (1959, Kobayashi)
Umberto D. (1952, De Sica)
Partie de Campagne (1936, Renoir)
Macbeth (1971, Polanski)
Cкaзкa cкaзoк (1979, Hopштéйн)
浮草 (1959, 小津)
Le Trou (1960, Becker)
El Sol del Membrillo (1992, Erice)
Yearning (1964, Naruse)
Simón del Desierto (1965, Buñuel)
Harlan County, USA (1976, Kopple)
Lola Montès (1955, Ophüls)
Cidade de Deus (2002, Meirelles)
Il Posto (1961, Olmi)
Bocхoждeниe (1977, Шeпiтькo)
Gun Crazy (1950, Lewis)
Гaмлeт (1964, Кóзинцeв)
I Married a Witch (1942, Clair)
Memorias del Subdesarrollo (1968, Gutiérrez Alea)
Muerte de un Ciclista (1955, Bardem)
Лeтят жypaвли (1957, Кaлaтóзoв)
Orfeu Negro (1959, Camus)
Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988, Davies)
近松物語 (1954, 溝口)
El Sur (1983, Erice)
জলসাঘর (1958, রায়)
KIller of Sheep (1978, Burnett)
Orlac’s Hände (1925, Wiene)
The Cameraman (Sedgwick, 1928)
乱 (1985, Kurosawa)
Que Viva México! (1932, Eisenstein)
Elephant (2003, Van Sant)
哀しみのベラドンナ (1973, Yamamoto)
Der Student von Prag (1913, Ewers)
Sleeping Beauty (2011, Leigh)
Le Genou de Claire (1970, Rohmer)

>> No.22920673

Very articulate and well-thought out reply, McCarthy fanboy.

>> No.22920675
File: 596 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_1552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L'Atalante (Vigo, 1934)
Tokyo Story (Ozu, 1953)
They Live by Night (N Ray, 1949)
Bob le flambeur (Melville, 1955)
Mouchette (Bresson, 1967)
Broken Blossoms (Griffith, 1919)
Il Posto (1961, Olmi)
Rome, Open City (Rossellini, 1945)
Sunrise (Murnau, 1927)
霸王別姬 (1993, Kaige)
Csak egy kislány van a világon (1930, Bela)
Die Mörder sind unter uns (1946, Staudte)
Dedictví aneb Kurvahosigutntag (1992, Chytilová)
Perličky na dně (1966, Menzel)
日本の夜と霧 (1960, Oshima)
Black Narcissus (1947, Powell/Pressburger)
Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (1964, Rocha)
Il Deserto Rosso (1964, Antonioni)
Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959, Resnais)
El Espíritu de la Colmena (1973, Erice)
Un lugar en el mundo (1992, Aristarain)
Hukkunud Alpinisti' hotell (1979, Kromanov)
Popiół i Diament (1958, Wajda)
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm (1968, Greaves)
Le Révélateur (1968, Garrel)
東京流れ者 (1966, 清順)
Love Streams (1984, Cassavetes)
La Battaglia di Algeri (1966, Pontecorvo)
Sanatorium pod klepsydrą (1973, Has)
Na srebrnym globie (1988, Żuławski)
Sedmikrásky (1966, Chytilová)
Faces (1968, Cassavetes)
A idade da Terra (1980, Rocha)
이어도 (1977, Ki-young)
裸の島 (1960, Shindo)
Пиcьмa мёpтвoгo чeлoвeкa (1986, Lopushansky)
Quatre nuits d'un rêveur (1971, Bresson)
Werckmeister harmóniák (2000, Tarr)
愛の亡霊 (1978, Oshima)
Touki Bouki (1973, Mambéty)
Possession (1981, Żuławski)
Vtáčkovia, siroty a blázni (1969, Jakubisko)
Sans Soleil (Marker, 1983)
Greed (Stroheim, 1924)
悲情城市 (侯孝賢, 1989)
Daybreak Express (Pennebaker, 1953)
Чeлoвeк c кинoaппapaтoм (Bepтoв, 1929)
Napoléon (Gance, 1927)
Limite (Peixoto, 1931)
おとし穴 (勅使河原宏, 1962)
La Promesse (Dardenne, 1996)
Anna (1951, Lattuada)
Faust (1926, Murnau)
田園に死す (1974, Terayama)
Žvėris, kylantis iš jūros (1992, Žalakevičius)
Paris, Texas (1984, Wenders)
Meek's Cutoff (2010, Reichardt)
Black Moon (1975, Malle)
News From Home (1977, Akerman)
The Man Without a Map (1968)
Vale Abraão (1993, Oliveira)
Aэлитa (1924, Protazanov)
Great Green Valley (1967, Kokochashvili)
Katzelmacher (1969, Fassbinder)
L'Age d'Or (1930, Buñuel)
Große Freiheit Nr. 7 (1944, Käutner)
Turksib (1929, Turin)
Berg-Ejvind och hans hustru (1918, Sjöström)
Shamans of the Blind Country (1980, Oppitz)
Kaïrat (1992, Omirbajev)
Antigone (1992, Huillet & Straub)
A Georgian Chronicle of the 19th Century (1979, Rekhviashvili)
Tri (1965, Petrović)
Lyana (1955, Barnet)
Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas (1977, Moctezuma)
Կոմիտաս (Ասկարյան, 1988)
ボクサ(寺山修司, 1977)
Al primo soffio di vento (Piavoli, 2002)
వాల్మీకి (దుంగన్, 1945)
Игpoк (Бaтaлoв, 1972)
Galini (Markopoulos, 1958)
香雪海 (費, 1934)
O Desafio (Saraceni, 1966)
ምርት ሦስት ሺህ ዓመት (ገሪማ, 1976)
Ko puca otvorice mu se (Babac, 1965)

>> No.22920683

What other McCarthy have you read? McCarthy's overall body of work is far more consistent and generally better than Melville's who was very hit or miss outside his short stories and Moby Dick.

>> No.22920687

You are just stupid.

>> No.22920712

is that dylan on the far right?

>> No.22921051

What are these "serious circles"?

>> No.22921055
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*Jizzes knowing you are a rape victim*

>> No.22921253
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who's the equivalent of Terrence Malick??
thinking Kierkegaard.
k good.
>wtf my favourite author is Kierkgaard now

>> No.22921673

Based, movies are for women and manchildren.

>> No.22921709
File: 190 KB, 1024x1496, 1024px-Suttree_-_Cormac_McCarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suttree is really good. Not my favorite author by any means but if some one told me he was theirs, I would just be happy they read and enjoy literature.

>> No.22921767

What's a "serious circle", a bunch of fags?
I haven't read McCarthy
I've never heard of either of those.

>> No.22921797

Joy Division is awesome gayboy

>> No.22921805

>how to say you hate an author without saying it.

>> No.22921914

>you like a good author who has gained popularity?? Hahaha what a pleb
>me i only like this guy you never heard of
>hes so much better
>give an example of his work? No bro im not gonna spoon feed you

OP is a fag and hipster

>> No.22921951

Simply saying you hate an author provides no real foundation for conversation, although I will do it when there is nothing else to say:

>> No.22922317

That's not fair; he's Aubrey/Maturin novels tier. I'm thinking of the Sharpe's series exclusively, however-- from Rifles to Waterloo.

>> No.22922328

The Road, Suttre, All the Pretty Horses for sure. I think one or two other things that I really can’t even recall. I also read that famous Kukele essay. Nothing he ever wrote was even as good as Bartleby and that Kukele essay was such pseud bullshit I actually said “what the fuck” out loud after I finished reading it.

>> No.22923494

no arrow, ergo you say that and look like that

>> No.22923546

That's really only your subjective opinion. As easily you label anyone who likes these books to be a fanboys, so could we label you singularly retarded for believing them to be bad. At the end of the day, books like Suttree, The Crossing, even the late duology are acclaimed but not popular just as Bartelby, Pierre, Confidence man and Clarel are (Mccarthy's are probably better liked, if anything). He still has The Road, Atph and Ncfom which are future classics (or pretty much a classic already in The Road's case) and have mainstream appeal. So Your estimation is really just your opinion as both serious and casual readers have taken a liking to his work outside of Blood meridian (which isn't even his most popular work), and I deem it retarded, by any objective metric that can be possibly applied. Melville isn't remembered for anything else but one book and even in his lifetime he was only remembered for two different ones (the only bad ones in his oeuvre, or atleast the least literary ones). It's not the same and statistically you being a singular fanboy for Melville is probably closer to the truth.

I won't even get into The Kekule problem. I doubt you understood shit about it and blurb tier understanding of essays is the last thing that I need today.

>> No.22923553

Blood meridian is way better than Moby Dick so what the fuck are you even talking about, butthurt melvillecuck.

>> No.22923565
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My favorite authors are McCarthy, Pynchon, and Dostoevsky.
My favorite directors are Tarantino and Lynch
And my favorite band is Joy Division.

What does this mean?

>> No.22923633

Maybe some things are popular because they're good?

>> No.22923635
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It means youre the chosen one.

Never take the pills and never lose faith!

>> No.22923646
File: 30 KB, 490x736, gug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id say pynchon feels more Tarantino than McCarthy is

>> No.22923647

Every other board is slow as tits now even r9k I unironically blame the racebaiters
Also as for thread topic what’s hilarious is now that we’ve given up mostly collectively on the idea of popular = bad, where honestly prefacing your assertion with an acknowledgement of the assumed likely circumstances of one who picks such a well known director as their favorite, will actually be a novel claim and would actually interest the listeners far more than listing some nyc fag no one will ever hear of. I get it makes people think that you haven’t watched enough but that’s their problem they need to deal with. Shouldn’t affect the person making the claim whatsoever

>> No.22923654

It's not about the fact that they're popular. There are great art which is popular, and great artists who are popular. These in particular happen to be popular, but are also and more pertinently fairly childish- a phase many have, meant to be grown out of in late adolescence.

>> No.22924351

Iffy. Pynchud and noparentino are trash.

>> No.22925615


>> No.22925798

>That's really only your subjective opinion
Wow, that's really enlightening.

>> No.22925809

My favorite authors are Willa Cather, Flannery O'Connor, Kazuo Ishiguro, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, William Faulkner, and Robert Penn Warren. what does that say about me?

>> No.22926908

You behave like you know better than others when you know jackshit.