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File: 113 KB, 220x279, WikipediaBaudrillard20040612-cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22917635 No.22917635 [Reply] [Original]

who is the 2020's version of this goober

>> No.22917703

Nobody, and it's insulting to Baudrillard that you think the race of mongrelized faggots that now exists is capable of producing an intellect of his caliber.

>> No.22917719

The coronavirus never happened. The powers known collectively as American Hegemony learned their lesson from "The Gulf War" that never happened. The charade of the simulation needed to be more visceral, it needed meaning, the suppression of information about the virus created meaning. The viscerality of telling people to wear masks that could not prevent airborne transmission, the suppression of information about the origin, the targeted focus of claiming extraneous deaths to be the result of coronavirus with a single minded determination to only provide information with the express intent to create meaning. Imagine the hyper reality machine of vaccines on demand, never before in history has a vaccine been created for a new virus with such speed, a total immersion and fusion of hypermarket manipulation and hypercommand economic 'stipulation' all under the guise of a nuclear fusion relationship of corporate government in the single greatest epochal showing of the hyper real the world has ever seen baby. 24/7 media coverage creating observation events in the minds of millions only focusing on the same respirator assisted patients, the same supply chain shortages on the same commodities, the same coverage on the mechanistic feeding of the social welfare program monstrosity dualistically telling people to stay home and stop working but to keep consuming and purchasing products at levels never seen before to compensate for the most money printed out of thin air in the history of the world. The fucking hyper real baby. Feudal kings, warlords, and autocrats the world over envy the fiat largesse of the collective know as American Hegemony. But how do we know it was real? The American Hegemony, the ultimate cartographers of the craft drew a map of the real and used their arcane knowledge to simulate a ratio of information and meaning to ensure the agenda would be followed. But was it real? It was too real, it was hyper real, the desensitized masses of the world weren't ready for that level of real. Some might call this nihilism, and if so, then I am a nihilist. The society was already in a state decay, the money was already worthless, humanities collective genetic makeup had already been exposed to too many minor respiratory viruses, and the perfect simulation fell on deaf ears. A fucking hyper tragedy. A total information overload and meaningless panic would have been preferable. A truly visceral life or death struggle with a legitimate humankind killing virus would have been preferable. Those would have been real. We were given the hyper real, and it fell on the deaf and deadened ears of people already deserted by the cartographers of American Hegemony staring at their beloved map of their own creation. Nihilism is a bitch baby, and she's the best fuck of your life.

>> No.22917836

Nihilism is promoted to destroy hope by the jew
There is always potential, but we are deliberately dumbed down, also many concurrent psyops going

Age of distraction essentially

Now we have actual wars and a genocide happening with full social media coverage

>> No.22917855

It was an attempt to parody some of his humorous quips about nihilism. I was debating including graphic language about photographing disfigured genitalia instead but decided the nihilism quips were more tangential.

>> No.22917992

The parallel with the current genocide and the jew disfiguring his own genitalia (surprise) could work, directly

Nothing humorous about genocide, though

>> No.22918023

Why does there need to be a 2020's version? Read Baudrillard and synthesize it to the contemporary.

>> No.22918030
File: 32 KB, 720x450, ch_multimediale4_baudrillard-107299238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do jews even exist or are they a byproduct of oriental carpet salesmen?

>> No.22918139

Some combination of Agamben & Bongchu Han or whatever his name is.

>> No.22918893 [DELETED] 

The carpet is a filter rendering 'the right gestalt to reign'. Same as a circumcision: traumatic pain locking a particular identity/disposition.
>Nothing humorous about genocide, though
Correct. That is the final wake up call. Irony was ever a tool to lull into ease, and then to dissolve into the womb.

>> No.22919408
File: 9 KB, 250x238, 1602588507066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
