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22912331 No.22912331 [Reply] [Original]

how does one interpret a synchronicity? do they mean anything?

>> No.22912340

me, I trooned out

>> No.22912494

You should follow it and open your mind and soul to what it might represent, without trying to schizophrenically see it as a mere "token" of some singular message from above. It is subtle elective affinities speaking to you at multiple different metaphysical levels, and you're only aware on one or two of them, so it manifests as a thing that makes you go ".....huh." But we don't know how time and causality work at the higher levels, so it may be a perfectly "determinate," sensible intervention from your guardian angel trying to show you something, or simply a potential connection you ought to cultivate and tease into existence more.

For example my default instinct is to be in a hurry, and as I was walking to work once I had the dimmest notion that I had seen an interesting squirrel out of the corner of my eye. I thought, well, no time for the squirrel, I'm in a hurry. But then I had this small feeling inside me that I'm always in a hurry, and this could be a once in a lifetime squirrel event. But as I was having these thoughts, I was already 10 feet further away, and the "voice of reason" once again kicked in and said "well, too late now anyway, we're too far, now it would be really unreasonable to go all the way back and frankly wouldn't you look and feel a bit foolish for doing so?" But then I resisted this "regression to the mean" of reasonableness and broke from its merely mechanical force and deliberately willed myself to turn around and go look at the squirrel. And in fact it wasn't just a squirrel but several squirrels doing several things I've never seen before and I had a wonderful moment with the squirrels that I'll never forget. Now that experience is woven into me forever and I have had several more close metaphysical calls with squirrels and nature.

Just entertain the thought and experiment with using a Gurdjieffian "burst" of will to "follow" it where it leads, without being overly schizophrenic and assuming that every squirrel is there to tell you you're the messiah. Imagine smooth curves and gradients leading and guiding you to good things, as opposed to singular lightning-bolt revelations.

>> No.22912604

nice story anon but I fail to see how it was an unexplained coincidence that you saw a squirrel

>> No.22912683

W-what were the squirrels doing anon?

>> No.22912696

the conflict and eventual change in his mentality and thought process that happened, and its latter affirmation by the gang of squirrels never seen before are the coincidences.

>> No.22912728

november 1 is the day of the dead here, we visit family & graveyards. i have driven these roads many times and on a few trips saw a single animal a from afar but that's it.

now when i was driving home, a deer rushed through in front of the car, i was like wow beautiful, then a second one came that i was sure i was gonna hit. i just pushed my whole body weight on the break but had to close my eyes. then saw it cross the road again. my dad watched and said he jumped back in the last second.

anyhow later on i saw an entire herd of wild boars on the side of the road like 1 meter away from the car.

then a fox ran through the road.

any idea what these could mean?

>> No.22912736

I think you're reading too much into it, he was curious about a squirrel. when I think of the phenomenon of synchronicity it's something very rare like you randomly see a pink parrot on your phone and a pink parrot lands in front of you at that exact moment sort of thing.

>> No.22912741

the more you're willing to notice, the more you will receive.

>> No.22912775
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>do they mean anything?
It means that mind and matter are connected in ways besides causality. If you bump into a cute girl at the store by chance and sparks fly you don't start questioning the meaning of a relationship with her. A date with a cute girl in this way means more than reaching for the same can of beets, yet that's the causal reality of it, but being reductive like that is obviously silly. If you treat the world as more than just material causality, you'll get much more from the world as a whole.

>> No.22912829

I was wondering if there is a way to interpret a specific occurrence or it's just a blind phenomenon that you could never comprehend. bumping into a girl is a relative common thing but let's say it's a thing you can't explain so linearly "bumping into a girl while you have a DVD in your hand of a movie where there is a scene where something extremely similar happens in the same way when you watch it later" would you say this has something to do with archetypes?