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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 525x512, yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2290540 No.2290540 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2290541

Al Koran

>> No.2290542
File: 11 KB, 300x275, bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible, by God himself.

>> No.2290543

The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

>> No.2290545
File: 77 KB, 800x600, Dawkins studying an ape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The God Delusion by Professor and my personal guru Richard Dawkins

pic related, it's Him

>> No.2290547

If Dawkins is so smart, how come Hitchens is dead?

>> No.2291119


>Le me, debating with Dawikins

>> No.2291124
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>> No.2291128
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Conan the Barbarian

>> No.2291129
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Don Quixote?

>> No.2291133

A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov

Very beautifully written. I have no knowledge of Arabic, but I've had friends read parts of it to me. It's truly beautiful and sounds - to me - more musical than the King James Bible. I just want to point out that I think that Ahmed Ali's translation (published in a bilingual edition by Princeton University Press) is truly excellent.

I wouldn't recommend this for actually learning about evolution. I tried to read it once when I was a sophomore in high school. I found it really boring. Once my biology teacher he himself found the thing too impenetrable and never actually read it the whole way through, I just stopped. After reading more about evolution, about Darwin's life, and some of his autobiographies, I returned to it. When I read it as more of an account of a great man's discoveries and analytical thought processes, I found it much more interesting.

>> No.2291137

Monotonous garbage, it's all the same shit.

Disgusting scenes, riddled with fantasy clichés (durr the chosen one) and gaping plotholes

Pointlessly offensive garbage with ridiculous arguments deprived of any credibility

Overrated piece of shit, bad prose, unfunny humour

>> No.2291142
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The Diary of a Young Girl

>> No.2291146
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come at me bro

>> No.2291147

The Count of Monte Cristo

WAY too long. Only good for the first few chapters and the windmill scene. Fucking outdated spanish.

Oh god, I'm sorry Don Quijote

>> No.2291156
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>> No.2291158
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>taking it seriously

>> No.2291159


see my post in the Murakami thread.

>> No.2291164


>> No.2291168
File: 831 KB, 271x169, letmejustshootmyself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fucking mess. What special sort of retard would choose to live inside his own head before living in the real world?

>mfw this describes all 4chan posters
>even myself

>> No.2291179

David Copperfield

>> No.2291182

Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

Love the book. Wish it was a standalone. Hate the rest of the series. Don't want to watch the TV series.

>> No.2291185

>implying reality is good

>> No.2291190

>Implying you don't have assburgers.

>> No.2291202

>implying not being an aspie is good

>> No.2291572


How can that book be fun to read? You always know things are inevitably going to get worse.

>> No.2291590
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Why is bad?

>> No.2291613

The Count Of Monte Cristo.

>> No.2291617

Lord Of the Flies

>> No.2291620

Annoying pathetic melodrama. Still not as gay as Twilight.

>> No.2291623

Fabricated kike propaganda.

>> No.2291632
File: 50 KB, 620x456, roberto-bola%C3%B1o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Savage Detectives.

I dare you, I fucking dare you.

>> No.2291643
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>> No.2291665

Self-indulgent tripe. Bolano is a period piece.

>> No.2291676

I suspect that book has a serious case of unreliable narrator.

Plus it's shit.
And Denna is a slut.
And Bast buries his dick in Kvothe's ass every night.

>> No.2291683

> name of the wind

It's called the fucking "wind." Worst title ever.

>> No.2291687

Wrong it's aerlevsedi
Don't say it out loud

>> No.2291689

>ITT no defending answers
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

>> No.2291690
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>> No.2291707
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I thoroughly enjoyed the whole series when I was younger.
The backstory alone is phenomenal and character development was excellent.

>> No.2291709

What the fuck is this neckbeard language? Gimli son of Gloin and all that bullshit. Fucking retarded.

>> No.2291712

Less Than Zero by Brett Easton Ellis

>> No.2291713

>Denna is a slut

Yeah, that bitch.

>> No.2291715

I'm currently reading The Third Policeman, and enjoying it. Come at me.

>> No.2291719
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Captcha ate my pic.

>> No.2291723

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

>> No.2291728
File: 40 KB, 400x400, Suppertime for Frieda Fuzzypaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2291738

Stupid name for a cat.

>> No.2291756

...I have no defense.

>> No.2291757
File: 26 KB, 184x167, Hunger Games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was really hoping this wouldn't become a religion thread...
...and it didn't. /lit/, I am pride.

So, uh, pic related. I've heard a fair bit of hate from this board about the series, but I found the first book to be amazing, the second to be thrilling, and the third to be adequate.

>> No.2291760
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It's almost written like a novel.

>> No.2291763

I've never read them, but judging by the covers, I'm going to say they're stupid.

Perhaps if they redesigned the cover art I would consider reading them.

>> No.2291766
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On the Road

Jack Kerouac

>> No.2291770

ugh, read the first few chapters of the first one and the main character is uninteresting, the plot is stupid (the tesserae bullshit makes no sense whatsoever) and the prose is goddamn shit-tier. It has no depth and if you like it you are stupid.

No one with taste likes this series.

>> No.2291774

"On the Road" is the same chapter 20+ times in a row.

>> No.2291779
File: 51 KB, 400x579, SICP cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through this book you understand all things are recursive; everything is made from the same few blocks, and patterns are made from patterns which are made from patterns. The structure of everything is itself.

>> No.2291791

neal cassady is a douche.

>> No.2291803

HA! so true.
more people that he comes across, more places he passes through, etc

>> No.2291805

The defense has prepared their statements.
This thread is more fun than I expected.
>>2291763 That seems a bit silly to, you know, LITERALLY judge a book by its cover. If the premise is interesting, I usually read the first 5 pages at least, unless the cover is an actual image of goatse guy vomiting or some such.

I can see how people think Katniss is bland, so I'll concede that point. For me, it's just not enough to ruin the series, especially with the loads of 3-D main or supporting characters on the sidelines. The plot's a pretty classic template (Battle Royale, anyone?) with an original twist, and I simply disagree on the matter of bad wording.

>> No.2291814

MIT switched to teaching python.

>> No.2291820
File: 24 KB, 300x457, The-Third-Policeman1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No one?

>> No.2291828

okay, now defend the Tesserae system, specifically why it exists. Gale says it's to create divide between the merchant class and the poor, but that obviously isn't working if every 16 year old douchebag's figured it out.

>> No.2291846

It's... well, it's not literature. It's just a young effing girl bawwing about segregation and TEENAGE LOVE and stuff.

I don't remember this book terrifically well, but Ender's character seemed too unpredictable. Some pages he's the astute boy genius, some pages he's an immature whiner who hits bullies back on the pwaygwound.

>> No.2291851

I know. This must be a personal shortcoming of mine. The cover just seems to subconsciously repel me from the book. It makes it seem like juvenile literature... perhaps on par with the works of Philip Pullman.

>> No.2291871

>hates on the Bible
>doesn't hate on the Koran
hurrdurr I hate chirstians cuz my mommy made me go to Sunday school

>> No.2291887

Weebo shit, hurr durr

(just kidding, that's the only Murakami I haven't read, along with Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman)

Actually, for a first novel written at 19, there's almost nothing bad you can say about it unless you're sensitive or a plotfag.

>> No.2291892


>>2291137 here, the
>Monotonous garbage, it's all the same shit
was aimed at the Koran

>> No.2291914

>All things are recursive.

>Everything is made from the same few blocks.

>Patterns are made from patterns which are made from patterns. The structure of everything is itself.

>> No.2293525
File: 2 KB, 127x80, 1297987375126s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2293541

This Way For The Gas Ladies and Gentleman by Tadeusz Borowski

>> No.2294127
File: 61 KB, 377x475, Landmark_Thucydides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Peloponnesian War

>> No.2294139


>> No.2294157
File: 9 KB, 175x288, Orphanage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me

>> No.2294165

The Lorax

>> No.2294183

Leftist propaganda used to hypnotize children.

>> No.2294197
File: 88 KB, 451x437, lookwhatIfoundintheattic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me, blasphemous scum. I read in the Emprah's name.

>> No.2294203

We conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells

>> No.2294211

here we go :


>> No.2294739

Reactionary Zionist babble.

>> No.2294776
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>> No.2294803

While it does have a voice to start conservation efforts. I don't think it really any sort of political leaning. Also Its masterpiece of rhyme and rhythm much like Dr. Seuss other books.

>> No.2294820

catcher in the rye, I think it's a solid, humorous book.

please be gentle, anon~

>> No.2294823
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>> No.2294824
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Let the hate commence

>> No.2294826

Am I the only one amazed that there are more posts listing books than there are ones panning them?

>> No.2294827
File: 294 KB, 1118x1600, ZZN0507_083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat SICP

>> No.2294828

The only frightening thing about that book is the pre-pubescent circle jerk.

>> No.2294829
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>> No.2294830

Yes. Most people on this board have read fewer than ten books in their lifetime so nobody's qualified to make criticisms.

>> No.2294833

everybody posts nobody reads

personally i just dont want to yell at people. its not nice.

>> No.2294835


>> No.2294842


you're so fucking bad at fucking posting

>> No.2294844

In my fucking country we fucking say 'fucking' quite a fucking lot.

>> No.2294848

All Quiet on the Western Front

>> No.2294858
File: 19 KB, 300x300, ralph-fiennes-0309-lg-53164827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Geez, he swears a lot, doesn't he?

>> No.2294899

There are two stoned people in that pic, one I'm assuming is stoned off of prejudice, the other I'm assuming is stoned because they're black.

>> No.2294918

John Dies at The End by David Wong

No. Fuck this. Its a Twilight type book (albeit with better writing I'll give you that) catering to fantasy/sci-fi girls who like to self-insert. Its a great read! But you know they only made a movie for the money not the actual plot value.

>> No.2294944

Notes From Underground

>> No.2294953

I enjoyed them as well.

Decent plots, interesting main character, and a lot better than the cesspool of vampire and warewolf romances flooding the Young Adult market.

That being said these could have been much better books. The concepts, setting, and plots could have been really fleshed out in actual full-length novels if these were written as science fiction instead of Young Adult novels.

>> No.2295378
File: 118 KB, 640x480, 1303529641185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, /lit/ hates this book? Why? It's my favorite Murakami book and one of my favorite pieces of literature.

Also my personal favorite Bret, because I can relate to it personally. American Psycho is a "better" book though.

>> No.2295383
File: 99 KB, 304x475, scum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this book.

Come at me niggers.

>> No.2295390

Snow Crash

>> No.2295403


You should feel bad for liking "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins because it contains nothing except the rambling ill argued prejudices of an ignorant pseudo-intellectual who lacks anything beyond the most basic understand of his subject matter, is proud of this lack of understanding, and who, consciously or unconsiously, is using his influence to spread discord, obfuscation and intellectual stultifaction through the world.

The sort of people who like "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins are frightened half-brights, arrogant middlebrow losers who profess to value rationality above all else when in fact they take it for a god to be workshipped blindly and with a closed heart, the size of their petty bigotry being outstripped only by their spiritual cowardice.

>> No.2295407

lol I read that book when I was like 12. Action packed!

>> No.2295411


It's the poorly realised wish fulfilment wank fantasy of an emotionally retarded nerd. The rare good bits are nicked from better authors and the movies, and the dross reveals Stephenson to be liberal paedophile ennervated by the life sapping white guilt plague. He has that shit goatee beard becuase it acts as a symbolic figleaf for his dirty, whining muckled mouth.

>> No.2295415

plus it was super cheesy.
I just loved the bit about the Sumerian linguistic virus! plus it didn't take itself too seriously which was relaxing.
fun and dumb for me.

>> No.2295420

it's always nice when people include keywords to let you know you don't have to listen to their opinions

>> No.2295429

that sounds more like Tom Robbins.
I hate him and he is the definition of the phrase pseudo-intellectual. Also he makes counterculture seem gross and dumb.

>> No.2295430


>> No.2295431


It's always nice when people wave their hands vaguely when dismissing you.

it shows they've got no comeback to your points and that they are quite possibly mad too

>> No.2295434

The Truth About Death and Dying - Rui Umezawa

>> No.2295448

lol good post. I really hate that cryptic "heady" shit too. If you can't express an idea simply, or at least comprehensively, you can't express an idea imo.

>> No.2295458

that wasn't a circle jerk......................................

>> No.2295464

>expecting /lit/ to have read obscure, shitty books

>> No.2295470

>immortal villain
>every Stephen King novel

>> No.2295471


Not God's best. Lacks the coherence and power of his early work. Also, sandniggers.

>> No.2295479


Riddled with factual errors. Prose so dull the author couldn't be arsed to finish writing it. 4/10. wouldn't re-read.

>> No.2295525

The Big Sleep.
Come on, where are Chandler haters?

>> No.2295545

The Stranger.

Also, anyone have opinions on John Jakes' Homeland? Picked it up and wondering if it'd be a waste of time to read.

>> No.2295739

I genuinely liked reading the Twilight novels and i will happily defend them from any thought out arguments that aren't just "Hurr durr you must be gay"

>> No.2295740

Also I'm not OP, forgot to change my name from a previous thread that I created.

>> No.2295965
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> judges a book by its cover and not the synopsis on the back

>> No.2295970
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Melmoth the Wanderer

>> No.2295971

Death in the Afternoon - Ernest Hemingway

>> No.2295983

>not judging book by it's cover in the age when design standard is set so high

In reality I don't give a fuck, but some covers are so atrocious it is hard to generate interest in content.

>> No.2295985
File: 23 KB, 200x305, 200px-The_Wise_Man's_Fear_UK_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A Wise Man's Fear

Go, /lit/, shoot me.

>> No.2295986


Herp derp, I meant of course "The" instead of "A"

>> No.2296160

100% agreed, wonderful series, a true delight. Anyone that *hates* this series only hates themselves, and they cruise this board for opportunities to bash it. Go fuck yourselves, cunts of /lit/, you goddamn tossers.

>> No.2296165

Wanky Gary Sue bullshit that's supremely overrated for appealing hugely to the palate of fantasy nerds and teenagers. for real though hugely overrated

I will grudgingly admit that Ender's Game is a good book but the rest of the series blows - Ender's Shadow storyline is even worse than the far-future-Ender sequels - and OSC is terrible.

>> No.2296239
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>> No.2296241

I fucking love that book, bro-fist

>> No.2296243


Fucking yes. Great book.

>> No.2296353


See, there was one thing that confused me about this book. The university terms are said to last around two months, IIRC, and the book spans like three terms, e.g. about half a year. It is autumn all throughout the book, though. Did I miss something here? I'm thinking either I got the term lengths wrong, or a year is longer in the books than IRL.

Help me /lit/

>> No.2296414

The holy Bible.

>> No.2296436

>children's book
I bet it's better than the crappy fantasy and political novels that /lit/ recommends.

>> No.2296479

Large sections of it are incredibly boring, and the New Testament is full of retcons.

Can't deny its influence on society though.

>> No.2296838

perdido street station by china mieville

>> No.2296863
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Come at me fggts.