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22909757 No.22909757 [Reply] [Original]

>A powerful memoir about one woman who resurrects her life and career in the glamorous but sexist wine industry.

Do we have books from men that describe rising above a bad divorce or a struggle in an industry dominated by women? Is there a male equivalent?

>men in nursing
>men in caregiving
>men in childcare
>men in modern publishing

Is there a comparable book that speaks about men and their struggles in a predominantly female-orientated career? Or is that just something that doesn't happen?

After my last trip to the bookstore, I had noticed there are so many female empowerment books out there, even when touring wineries there is a ton of feminist literature and progressive type books for sale at these locations.

At strip clubs, construction sites, gyms, your local ripper dealer, and at the nearby tool store, there are no real actual books for men to read. I can't think of a time where I entered a space and found books catering towards men and their struggles, and to go a step further, I cannot recall a time where I felt as though I was in a particularly "male" space at all. Definitely when you're in a winery, bookstore, or art gallery, everything seems very feminine and soft, from the lighting, to the music, to the decor, the products sold, even the materials they put into the menus and such all has a "too refined" feel to it. I want some sharp edges, some burrs. The last MMA/jiu-jitsu gym I was at, where I did a couple of private lessons to refresh some of my knowledge on brawling, I noticed they had some t-shirts and apparel, but absolutely no books or any other information for men. I only did 3 private lessons at that location and I respect the teachers there, but after conversation with them it was apparent that they had zero interest in knowledge or information. I went to another gym and did 2 private lessons in striking and take-downs and also inquired about products they sold, but they only focused on supplements and hinted that I could get PEDs, but it was pretty obvious that books or knowledge was far outside of their purview. I know it was only two MMA gyms, but from these experiences, I feel like there is a big disconnect from martial arts and men's spaces and information beneficial to men, while if you go into other neutral or more feminine spaces (read: everywhere else) you can find books and products that lean more towards women/progressives.

If tomorrow, you wanted to travel to a physical location that is NOT a bookstore and find books that cater to men, where would you go?
(gun store? sports arena? divorce court?)

>> No.22909762

>Do we have books from men that describe rising above a bad divorce or a struggle in an industry dominated by women? Is there a male equivalent?


>> No.22909765

Anon there are two kinds of books:
>Woman "books"
There are no "man books." That's just a book. Just read about Julius Caesar or something.

>> No.22909781

>There are no "man books."
Perhaps men did not need lessons to be men previously, but what I'm suggesting is that in 2024 and beyond, there will need to be a genre aimed towards men as, in my opinion, the lessons and rights of passage that men gained naturally through struggle, family responsibility, parenting from their fathers, and pressure from society is completely absent or lacking in our current time. I don't think I'm alone in noticing this.

>> No.22909857

>Rap music

>> No.22909893

Rap music is all cope, I did a gig job last week involving driving around strippers and my last drop off put on Eminem's "Rap God" and attempted to rap along with it before she started crying about leaving her kid with her shitty upstairs neighbour for $25 an hour, puked out the window, and then did a bump off the dashboard before re-starting the song and trying to rap to me again. Eminem is a fucking faggot and 95% of rap is pure cancer.

>> No.22909938

Yeah it's a shit, lowest common denominator genre. Stuff from the 90s could be decent at times, but ito lost whatever charm it might have had when it became both a way to signal pure degeneracy and violence and went international. Niggers in London rapping sounds like shit, and don't get me started on Arabs, Germans, French and those other gimps getting on board. Traitors to their own culture jumping on board the least impressive genre because it's easy

>> No.22909969

Probably my favourite rap track of all time:
