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/lit/ - Literature

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22909403 No.22909403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any tips for how to approach girls at the library/book store? I want to make 2024 the year I get a /lit/ gf

>> No.22909407

I've done it a few times. It usually helps if you're browsing the same section. An easy way to strike up conversation is to pick a book from that section you might actually want to read (or just lie and pick one you think she might be familiar with) and ask them if she's read it before. It's probably not gonna work with a chick this hot, though.

>> No.22909412

I literally do not fucking understand where all these attractive women you guy post online exist
i never see them irl

>> No.22909420

Same. There’s attractive girls irl but I have never seen a girl who is like a tiktoker level of hot. It’s all some sort of conspiracy.

>> No.22909426

I think tiktokers/influencers are only in bookstores to pose for shit like this. I doubt they actually go to check out books especially when they can just order them online

>> No.22909430
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1, cut a hole in a box
2, put your junk in that box
3, make her open the box
And that's the way you do it

>> No.22909431

Probably easier to approach girls in English class.
>"But anon I already graduated."
See if your local CC has a weekend literature or writing class.

>> No.22909450

>exposed midsection
>garish cross necklace
>all black
this girl is probably a once in a lifetime fuck

>> No.22909453

Imagine being a thirty-year old woman who dresses like that. She's a single cat lady for sure.

>> No.22909471

you really thought that girl was 30? she's 26
and the pic was from at least a year ago so 25 at worst

>> No.22909487
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>> No.22909493

Live in the west coast and you shit this shit all the time. As long as you go to a populated ("hip") place in a big city. You'll see at least a couple 8-9/10 all the time

>> No.22909500

No way she’s single

>> No.22909504

She's brazilian, btw

>> No.22909506

Don't. Life is a blizzard of mediocre dicks for most women, you're just another fly buzzing around her head. She will not be flattered. She will want you to leave her alone unless you're exceptionally attractive and charismatic.

Talk to women at places where it's expected that talking will happen, like at after-mass coffee.

>> No.22909535

>Talk to women at places where it's expected that talking will happen, like at after-mass coffee.
hot girls like these dont go to those cause every guy like you will be annoying her the same way

>> No.22909549

Most of girls only read fantasy shitty novels or feminist books. There's no way you can approach them in a bookstore and start a conversation.

>> No.22909556

i'm balding and ugly and a virgin and poor and it's over for me

>> No.22909582

i dont think cold approaching a girl in public actually works most of the time, if at all. no one wants to be talked to in public, and most women are likely too scared of being raped or murdered by a strange man to actually want to give you their numbers or follow you to a coffee shop.

maybe try setting your interests on tinder to 'reading' or joining some kind of social reading group. ik this advice sucks but i genuinely think you'd have more chance doing this than cold approaching someone in a book store.

>> No.22909585

Her insta is full of slutty pics but she does have plenty of books in the background of her bedroom selfies. Maybe hot girls read after all

>> No.22909590

just poke her tummy and say you are so soft

>> No.22909601

Unfortunately most girls that would date a 4chan user tend to pirate books online lol (guilty)

>> No.22909616

Approach as a friend. Make women a part of your life. They will set you up with their friends once you've been vetted but if you go into just trying to be a fuckboy youre going to have the door slammed in your face.

>> No.22909623

start in kids section

>> No.22909634

I really wish I knew what churches you guys went to. 99% of the women I see at churches are over 50 years old.

>> No.22909644

they don't, they larp as christians on pol 15 hours a day while consuming copious amounts of junk food

>> No.22909646

i went to a church for around a year, there were some soul shatteringly beautiful girls but they were all married of course

>> No.22909652

>They will set you up with their friends once you've been vetted but if you go into just trying to be a fuckboy youre going to have the door slammed in your face.

I fucked so many women because I was open about being a fuckboy, women loved that shit.

>> No.22909653

this would work on me

>> No.22909730
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I work as a bartender in a major city and I see dozens of them a day, especially at happy hour. Hot chicks flock to upscale bar happy hours like moths to a flame.

>> No.22909733

>See if your local CC has a weekend literature or writing class.
This, almost every community college has some sort of continuing education program where you can take classes over the course of a semester for no credit, but to enhance some sort of skill. I'll be taking a painting course at my CC's continuing education program this spring, for example, and it was only like $600 for the entire 4 month long course, very affordable.

>> No.22909735

In what kind of shithole do you live?

>> No.22909736

lumpy booba

>> No.22909738

american women outside cities are literally all cows

>> No.22909744

I live by a college campus and it's basically just a 4-year whore camp for retarded whores to dress up like whores and walk around being whores and talk about being whores

It's actually so unbearable that it kinds of loops around and makes it bearable because it makes you realize that every instagram/streamer qt girl is just a regular 6-7/10, and apparently 90% of the battle of being cute as a girl is not being old + not being fat

>> No.22909759

Yes, 100%, basically if she's 18-25 she's a walking talking fuck hole who attracts a hurricane of dick.

>> No.22909792

>just molest her/instigate unwated physical contact
great idea, anon

>> No.22909800

imagine doing sex with a woman bros

>> No.22909806

Sex is boring, all I fantasize about these days is foreplay and how quiet she becomes when I'm bored with her (it's a fantasy)

>> No.22909820

It works if she's touched you first

>> No.22909841

Those are whores who love their makeup more than they'll ever love you, anon.

>> No.22909849

They only get to be like that for a few years, then they have to be frumpy moms. Let them enjoy it.

>> No.22909890

>crop top with nearly her entire stomach showing
>wearing a crucifix
you hate to see it, Christian bros

>> No.22909892

why do you believe women wish to be harassed at the book store

>> No.22909903

>The happiness of man is, "I will." The happiness of woman is, "He wills."
>"Lo! Now has the world become perfect!" Thus thinks every woman when she obeys with all her love. Woman must obey, and find a depth for her surface. Woman's soul is all surface, a mobile, stormy film on shallow water.

>> No.22909929

>Any tips for how to approach girls at the library/book store?
Like you would approach anyone at a library or bookstore. With courtesy.

>> No.22909932
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If you smell good, aren't pushy, and have a relevant comment on something, women like being approached by men in public. Especially if you chat with them and then just walk away and return to shopping or doing whatever you're supposed to be doing at a bookstore. If they're interested, they'll go look for you and talk to you again. I picked up a girl once at Banyan Books in Vancouver using this technique, but she was a Mormon and if you know what Mormon women are like, you'd understand why you need to run away from them unless you're Mormon yourself.

>> No.22910005

>most guys can easily get girls and even ugly dudes rarely end up alone
>girls see guys below 8/10 as little more than insects flying around them
Which is it?

>> No.22910009

Do you have money?

>> No.22910022

approach and ask her if Lolita is in that section

>> No.22910062


>> No.22910092

i have tried this method myself and it works 70 percent of the time try to start up a conversation about the section your in and grad a book and ram it into the skull

>> No.22910101


>> No.22910121

There is nothing wrong in approaching a girl at a bookstore, or anywhere for that matter, and striking up a conversation if you see something you two may have in common, or something about then you find interesting. So if it's from a place of genuine interest, no one will ever be offended by it. However, if it's from a place of desperation, it's over before it even begin: All people, men and women, can sense desperation a mile away, and it is always unattractive and especially unbecoming in a young man. So keep that in mind when considering approaching a girl at a bookstore, "is it genuine interest or desperation?" I'm sorry to say anons, but for many of you, it'a probably from a place of desperation and lust to end your lonliness, and no woman will ever go for that.

>> No.22910147
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This chick blew me kneeling under my desk while I surfed /b/

>> No.22910176
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>All people, men and women, can sense desperation a mile away, and it is always unattractive and especially unbecoming in a young man.
You know you've reached a new level when you go to take a photo of women and they look like this for you

>> No.22910191

not sure what this has to do with my post but okay.

>> No.22910195
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Once you master women, you no longer even THINK about looking for them, they find you

>> No.22910196

I once fainted because I saw a pretty girl irl. I went into a verizon store and she worked there and came up to help me. She had blonde hair in those wavy curls they use a curling iron for, a light tan, insanely bright green eyes, I think she was like 5’10 or something and in heels that made her taller than me. I tried to stammer what I wanted (can’t even remember what) and then all the blood started rushing to my head and I got dizzy and it was like I died, just nothingness, next thing I know she and some guy were helping me off the ground, I said I was fine and practically ran out the door. I think she was flattered.

>> No.22910212 [DELETED] 
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>I once fainted because I saw a pretty girl irl.
In Vancouver the other day, I must have passed like 1000+ people while travelling and did not see a SINGLE good looking woman. Just mystery meats, browns, asians, and like a few old fatty white women like pic related. Even at the B15 gate, I walked around and hit the wine bar and did not see a single woman who looked above your average Plenty Of Fish 5/10. What the FUCK happened?

>> No.22910217

Fuck, how many times do you think she has nearly dazzled a man to death?

>> No.22910218
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>I once fainted because I saw a pretty girl irl.
In Vancouver the other day, I must have passed like 1000+ people while travelling and did not see a SINGLE good looking woman. Just mystery meats, browns, asians, and like a few old fatty white women like pic related. Even at the B15 gate, I walked around and hit the wine bar and did not see a single woman who looked above your average Plenty Of Fish 5/10. What the FUCK happened?

>> No.22910225
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Two words: MUSK DICK. Just let that sink in...

>> No.22910228

Honestly I don’t think she was even my personal 10. I think maybe it was more about me than her, me being an incel and her being the furthest thing from it, she just surprised me.

>> No.22910250

vancouver women are drug addicted leftist bozos and mostly nonwhite like you say

>> No.22910264

Guys with "day game" are unbelievably naive. I have heard many stories from various girl friends about how they were approached by some dork in public while they were out shopping and they had to politely decline their advances. Most women are nice enough that they just feel a little pity for the guys approaching them, otherwise they are just uncomfortable with being interrupted while they are buying stuff.
Getting women to sleep with you or date you shouldn't involve any trickery, and any woman that falls for your bullshit has definitely fallen for it before. Just live your life and only indicate that you are romantically interested if you are actually romantically interested. Otherwise just pay a prostitute and then you can have the sexual experience you want. I'm sure if you pay them enough they will even pretend to be interested in whatever take you have on literature.

>> No.22910270
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Throw a baby into a woman's cunt and watch her turn "right wing" real fast

>> No.22910276

It was an eye opening experience visting a nice strip club. A place concentrated with sexy women you never see IRL.

>> No.22910279

How do I go to nice strip clubs? All the ones around here are ratchet

>> No.22910286

go to Vegas

>> No.22910289
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A certain /lit/ tard had to make a hasty exit from Liquid Zoo in Kelowna when the stripper realized he had been throwing turkey bucks on the stage during her entire show

>> No.22910294

ID the nearest one.

>> No.22910300

I'm thinking based

>> No.22910337

I made it rain

>> No.22910396

OP pic is honest to God about average in Italy or France (among the humans).
Must be grim in America

>> No.22910397

Not really, I have been to europe, your hot women are weird looking with bad bodies

>> No.22910401

who is this?

>> No.22910403

Fucking kek, are you the based anon who was just trying to enjoy his water whilst a puckered anus attempted to seduce you? Godspeed to you.

>> No.22910428
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We're all out here on the 4channel tryna live our best lives, big respect to the Ryans and Gardners that keep us coming back here for the camaraderie among fuck ups

>> No.22910440

go to any decent-sized city and hang out in the expensive parts of town
or go to a bar on a saturday in a college town
hot women are everywhere

>> No.22910444

>OP pic is honest to God about average in Italy or France (among the humans).
No it's not lol

>> No.22910446

Have a hotel room with booze and drugs on stand-by. Easy peasy to get laid.