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22903640 No.22903640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are the left better at producing serious philosophy than the right?

>> No.22903643

Stop posting this stupid fucking thread. You're worse than I am.

>> No.22903647

The right's philosophy is largely based on emotions and feelings. While rhetorically it can be powerful, intellectually it's as vapid as the tired-out meme:
>Because ... i-it just is this way, okay??

>> No.22903648

Because the political right originates in the psychic pressure to uphold the father's name and prestige. Right wingers are stuck in childhood crushing their own souls to get gold stars. They have no creativity because their intellectual energies are totally exhuasted in such stupidities as self hatred over homosexuality, as St. Paul's was undoubtedly.

>> No.22903691

Because all philosophy is an attempt to use logic to bamboozle someone into accepting your emotionally based views. Left wing views, being contrary to human nature, require a higher standard of bamboozling to make people adopt those views. That's also why they target children.

>> No.22903698

Go starve in the jungle if you wanna be close to "human nature".
>Verification not required.

>> No.22903709

I would guess that an over emphasis on tradition in terms of philosophy and thinking is very limiting. Also a left right divide is pretty boring and just product of our times.

>> No.22903715

Holy Churches Fathers nullify all your social democratic progressive godless filth

>> No.22903726

Human nature is the only thing that matters, if you define "good" as anything but: "that which accords with human nature" you are mentally ill. To act contrary to it is to go against millions of years of evolution. For example, cutting your penis off to become a tranny is bad, because it is against human nature. Killing and eating people from a different tribe (or race) is objectively good, because many of us have acquired an immunity to prion diseases from doing this. It is in our nature. Human brains are the biggest brains commonly available, and all brains are full of fat, and are very nutrient dense. There is a minimum of 2000 Kcal in a human brain, so eating them is of great benefit.

>> No.22903741
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OP is a faggot

>> No.22903768

Because chuds are too having their testosterone drained watching BBC porn all day.

>> No.22903772

>noooooo stop posting this thread
>proceeds to make 30 Kant threads

>> No.22903800

This is very anti-intellectual. Stop being a baby and do your fucking reading, or stop trying to think about ideas, you are just going to hurt yourself.

>> No.22903807
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>btfos literally everyone in your path

>> No.22903821

Prove me wrong. You can't. Look at the OP. They're all dysgenic freaks desperately trying to convince normal people of their hidden virtue or value so that they aren't devoured.

>> No.22903824

>Prove me wrong. You can't.

The mind which will not accept a challenge defeats itself. You are a stupid ape that smashes things when you discover you are incorrect.

>> No.22903829

Says the commie lmao

>> No.22903833

You are stupid and lazy and not cut out for the activity of thought. Shoo.

>> No.22903835

Says the commie lmao

>> No.22903850

You're fucking dumb, sorry. I don't want to hate you because it's probably not your fault, but Christ.

>> No.22903866

probably because most of philosophy is just made up bullshit

>> No.22903872

>t. philistine

>> No.22903906

>following le logic
The left has gaslight themself that their beliefs are relevant and(even worse)true.

>> No.22903942

There goes your intellectual vitality lol

>> No.22903958

Why are you arguing with him on a anti-intellectual basis?

>> No.22903973

I always wonder why the left thinks that right-wing ideology is mostly emotional. When in reality it's just simple: "I want the best for my team", "my family before yours", "get off my lawn", "social stratification is required for complex societies" and "people aren't equal".

Right-wing ideology strikes me as mostly down-to-earth and coldblooded. Left-wing ideology is more about empathy (at least it purports it - history has shown that leftists are rather cruel).

>> No.22903974

Don't even know who that is lmao

>> No.22903977

The irony of this fucking statement lmao

>> No.22903984

They see humanism as obviously rational. That's their major error IMO.

>> No.22903995

Greatest man who ever lived tbdesu

>> No.22904007

academia is dominated leftists because leftism equips government with more power. with leftist propaganda what you learn is that you need public schools, public hospitals, welfare systems, more regulations, all fields government can find new veins to flourish in. an anarchist who denounces the state for its bloodthirsty, thieving, destructive nature will never find it easy to be employed by the academia, which is one of many mouths of the state.

for this reason if you are anti-government you cannot get your voice heard in the academia. only outsiders, people who look for different ideas can hear those. case in point, people >>22903974 don't even know who Rothbard is.

>> No.22904084

>will never find it easy to be employed by the academia, which is one of many mouths of the state.
That's why you hide it until you have tenure. Moldbug's strategy of vanguardism/entryism is the best one we have IMO. Get into the institutions, get into the elite circles and start pushing your views subtly. The bureaucracies especially are basically made for this, they pretty much can't fire you.

>> No.22904095

Yep the aedipos and elektras

Always caught in the most textbook superego the orwellian big other

>> No.22904118

Someone typed this unironically.

>> No.22904124

Is okish

They need to learn that power self replicates, read any book

>> No.22904338


>> No.22904352

all thise guys are considered far right today

>> No.22904398

>serious philosophy
None of these produced anything that is actually implementable in real life. It's pop-philosophy for young adult activists.

>> No.22904432

>academia is dominated leftists because leftism equips government with more power
This is the right's fault btw
>muh small government
>reject academia, get into the trades/STEM
>noooo we can't punish our enemies, don't stoop to their level!

>> No.22905036


>> No.22905039

Where are the pol whiners in this thread

>> No.22905049

I don’t even recognize most of these. I wouldn’t recognize most right wing ones either. Most people only care and recognize about philosophers from before the 1900s.

>> No.22905239

> rejecting demonstrable categories is being "le nuanced"

>> No.22905262

Almost every philosopher before about 1950 would be considered right wing today. Look up the views of any great philosopher on women, race, class, Jews etc...also, if you consider those "philosophers" serious, you are beyond help

>> No.22905267

>nothing gets any replies unless it's political bait
shut down the internet

>> No.22905294

Philosophy is for faggots so of course they excel at faggotry

>> No.22905445
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It is almost impossible to be a genius and not be a leftist.

This is why the vast majority of geniuses are leftists and the few ones which are not are wacky people with wacky political beliefs rather than committed right wingers.

>> No.22905464

Human evolution made you able to run miles and miles to chase your prey, how many hours a day do you run, fattie?

>> No.22905469


>> No.22905471

These are all modern pop-philosophers. The Malcolm Gladwell’s of their field

>> No.22905473
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anyone who splits the human condition into a left/right dichotomy is a sub-nigger IQ brainlet and has no right to an opinion on anything

>> No.22905475

because the right wont let go of religion

>> No.22905495

You aren’t smart for rejecting categories.

>> No.22905509

Literal toddler tier mentality

>> No.22905537

No one ever said that but please continue huffing your own farts because you refuse to understand basic concepts.

I think the refusal to accept generalizations / categories must be a sign of aspergers, or something like that. It seems to be a trait shared by anti-social freaks of all political leanings

>> No.22905556
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>No one ever said that
Literally everyone who identifies themselves on some political spectrum says that

>> No.22905562

The legitimacy of right-wing thinking took a serious hit after WW2.

>> No.22905563

This dude is creating fake men in his head to argue with lmao! Show me somewhere in this thread when anyone labeled someone for disagreeing with them.

>> No.22905567

They aren't. There are tons of right wing philosophers who were just as great like Schmitt, Strauss, Bloom, MacIntyre, Levinas, Dumezil and Martin fucking Heidegger. The reason they aren't well known is because the average right winger nowadays is some kind of pseudo libertarian turned paleoconservative or mindless /pol/ zombie who can't read more than a paragraph. These people don't read Heidegger or Strauss, they don't read at all or mindlessly worship fad intellectuals and online grifters instead. Average leftists like to come off as pretentious and literate, so they at least read their canon or pretend to, while the average right winger is basically anti-intellectual and proud of it. There are simply more eyeballs on leftist philosophy because rightists prefer to focus their gaze on jak memes and cuck porn.

>> No.22905571
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>Show me somewhere in this thread when anyone labeled someone for disagreeing with them.
>Why are the left better at producing serious philosophy than the right?

>> No.22905594

Where did he justify this labeling based on disagreement ?

Nigga, you do have aspergers

>> No.22905602
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>> No.22905612

and feed

>> No.22905640
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>Where did he justify this labeling based on disagreement ?
That's the entire basis of the left/right dichotomy, you fucking imbecile, you're the exact same turd but only separate yourselves in an attempt to feel superiority over one another because you're an insecure beta bitch

>> No.22905650


>> No.22905657

Do you seethe when anyone compares themselves to anything then? Or categorizes something?

>Did you just call that fruit an apple because of its distinct characteristics and differences from other fruit? You must be retarded!

>> No.22905668
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>politics is fruits

>> No.22905684

Wait, are you distinguishing politics from fruit? Based on what exactly? Pretty retarded to seperate things based in their differences lmao

>> No.22905703
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There is no difference in left/right wing you absolute troglodyte

>> No.22905710


Also, did you just label me something based on a disagreement you had?
I thought you were above that, anon?

>> No.22905712

Prove me wrong then, I'll wait

>> No.22905737

De Maiste mogs everyone in OP

>> No.22905740

Its too retarded of a point to “prove wrong”. The categories of left/right can change across time/space, that doesn’t mean they aren’t useful. Most of authors define themselves as left wing, and share a number of common viewpoints (universal equality, abolition of private property, etc.). You can disagree on what makes someone right/left just like I could disagree with the accepted definition of a fruit if I wanted. Either way, the broader world knows what I mean when I say fruit which is why it is useful.
Anyone who can’t agree to work with these concepts is retarded and should be ignored in political discussions just as a biologist who refuses to work within the animal classification system

>> No.22905742


>> No.22905750

>Persistence hunting
Kek. Absolute nonsense never done by anyone.

>> No.22905754
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>The categories of left/right can change across time/space
And that's why it's illogical and imbecilic, there are n^inf opinions that any person can have, there is no distinct boundary, am I right wing because I like guolash more than pea soup? Does eating oranges instead of apples make me a nazi? This whole political shit is fucking retarded and you're a retard if you follow it, you should only treat your opinions as your own and independent of anyone or anything else, otherwise you're just a sheep in the flock.

>> No.22905763

>leftist thread
>every unironic leftist in the thread is a smug elitist dilettante
every time

>> No.22905766

>Asperger guy advocates being a hyper-individualist and ignoring your context in a broader community

Pretty typical stuff lol. Maybe the “whole political shit” really is retarded and you should just shut your yap when it comes up to save yourself the time

>> No.22905767

The left defends equality and the right defends hierarchy. The two are obviously diametrically opposed.

>> No.22905792

If all geniuses are left wing, why so many great masters from past ages in the arts and sciences are now being cancelled by leftists for their views on women, race, religion and social issues?

>> No.22905833

Hierarchy may produce suffering but equality produces ugliness in pure form. Equality produces a society of tattooed drug addicted single mothers of hideous mixed race children who have low cognitive capacity and live only for cheap physical gratification and hate effort of any kind and despise any other type of pursuit. But this is the result of trying equality in the post industrial world. If humans remained in a state of pre-neolithic empire, humanity would be just a bunch of useless walking monkeys like those uncontacted tribes deep in some jungle you hear today. All the capacity of human brain would be wasted. Hierarchy as a model of society generates material suffering in the form of lacking essential or leisure goods and services wich will certainly make some people's lives hell. However, this kind of society spawned human civilization and all intellectual pursuits leftists enjoy.

>> No.22905853


>> No.22905859

rw philosophy is largely natural, it's known, common sense you don't need to write down. lw "philosophy" is all about how giving all your shit to niggers who want to kill you is good actually

>> No.22905873

This is so true. I have noticed that the new crusade of the modern left is to get unmonitored access to everyone’s kids.

>> No.22905891

Being left used to be transgressive. It's still "trans" but in the sense of squaring the circle that is "her penis."

>> No.22905896

the right doesn't read enough

>> No.22905901

pre-neolithic equality *

>> No.22906821
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>pictured: ugly jews who want to rape children telling me with words I don't understand that I'm bad and they're good, but in an abstract sort of way, because normal good and bad doesn't exist

Nietzsche was right, having to intellectualize your stance is pathetic and weak, just be a grug and take shit because you want it, because you can.

>> No.22906943

The best answer