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/lit/ - Literature

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22901295 No.22901295 [Reply] [Original]

>American finally had a chance for an epic fantasy classic but this fat fuck gave up
How will they ever recover?

>> No.22901302

>Jews finally had a chance for an epic fantasy classic but this fat fuck gave up

>> No.22901316

Same thing

>> No.22901319

>could've been great, but gave up before truly getting there
Nothing more american than this.

>> No.22901362

literally the mcdonalds of fantasy to the point he lost a nebula award to j.k. rowling even way before they went woke

>> No.22901369

tbf he was robbed. doesn't change the fact he's a lazy fat fuck taking a steaming shit all over his own legacy.

>> No.22901382

I don't think he did, I just think he genuinely cannot close the story out. It wouldn't surprise me if he has rewrote Winds 3 times at this point

>> No.22901407

>I just think he genuinely cannot close the story out
If this is true then he needs to ask for help. More eyes on the manuscript can only be a good thing. Who knows what solutions he hasn't even thought of that other people might find? Of course the fat fuck is probably too proud for that and would rather just watch it burn.

>> No.22901441

Is this shit even good? I perused the wiki and found the lore lame. Isn’t it just like full of sex?

>> No.22901448

>Is this shit even good?
Yes, it's still worth reading even though it'll never have an ending.

>> No.22901465

If you haven't watched the series, yes it's good.
Not saying it's bad if you have, it's just that the book doesn't get much better than the show.

>> No.22901471

I'm on book 3 now, and I think it's fantastic. It's not the kind of lore that would sound very good if you're just reading an outline, but within the context of the story it's great. And there's really not as much sex as people make it out to be.

>> No.22901567

no, 80% is descriptions of the food and clothing

>> No.22901575 [DELETED] 
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>Today i shall write about a vicious civil war and the essential nature of violence in humanity
>Today i shall flee my home to dodge the draft
>Also jew
>Somehow people are surprised

>> No.22901588

No, it's pretty mediocre.
Women are just drawn to it because of the melodrama and politics.
The worldbuilding is outright boring.

>> No.22901614

He's 1/4th Jewish and didn't find out until he was 70.

But it's funny because he looks and acts very Jewish, it really is proof that Jewishness is inherited through the blood and isn't just a culture.

>> No.22901629
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It's perfect, the best fiction in my life. Nothing is better, nothing.

>> No.22901638

we watched the ending live on tv. everybody hated it. he will rewrite it and everybody will hate it. the fact that it's a story that just can end one way or the other just proves how fucking random the writing was. Amerifats never had the chance for a fantasy epic. The U.S.A. is sci-fi nation.

>> No.22901654
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>he will rewrite it and everybody will hate it.
Bullshit. I just want atmospheric horror in the North, dark castles and dark vibes.

>> No.22901712
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like it all you want. like away. rub your eyes on the pages. that's fine. however that may be, A Song of Ice and Fire will never be a classic, but one title among many beloved genre fiction shlock series from the end of the last century.

>> No.22901753

I found the writing poor and the majority of the story arcs shit.

>> No.22901760

It's great and his worldbuilding actually impressed me. It's very tastefully done.

>> No.22901768
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He will not finish it. His beloved novels have been raped and disfigured and discarded. He no longer has any connection or sense of ownership with it. Its like the jew who thinks it would be hot to watch another man with his wife, only for him realize too late.

>> No.22901781

The way he handled Bran's attempted assassination in the books is an early warning sign. He can't competently close off his story arcs.

>> No.22901785

I don't dislike Martin or his work, but it bothers me that ended up popularizing notions about the Middle Ages regarding nobility, governance, war and even religion that are either exaggerated or plainly untrue.

His words about writing a realistic or more historical world were taken more seriously than what they should have by many.

>> No.22901792

As soon as I saw the phrase 'fire arrows' I knew his reputation for realism was vastly exaggerated.

>> No.22901801

Yes it actually is pretty good
>muh descriptions
>muh world-building
Cringe and kys if you think these are valid criticisms

>> No.22901810
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It wasnt the opening scene of snow-zombies attacking a patrol behind a 700 foot man, made wall composed entirely of ice?

>> No.22901815

This is a silly argument. Every instance of 'unrealism' is different. You wouldn't fucking expect a Toyota to make an appearance just because there's a hueg wall, would you?

>> No.22901872 [SPOILER] 

Serious question, but what is the thematically appropriate ending for ASOIF anyways? Does the throne get destroyed? Do the white walkers kill everybody? All of those seem unsatisfying. It seems like the only satisfying ending would be one that is morally ambiguous.

>> No.22901877
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No, yours is the silly argument when you got to the battle of blackwater and still had an expectation of realism. Nobidy would expect a novel that begins with the supernatural to conform to real historical reality. I would expect that in Cornwell novel, not a GRRM novel.

>> No.22901882

Growing disinterest for the fanbase, massive heart attack by the author and the set up for a new open-ended media experience with multiple canon endings because of Brans time-travel worging abilities.

>> No.22901887

Thematically satisfying would be the heroes surviving and completing their arcs - such as the Starks being restored to their throne, Jon and Dany playing a major role in the War for the Dawn, etc. One might argue that this is not a realistic expectation, but in fact GRRM's writing so far has followed all the typical fantasy beats to the point of being contrived.

>> No.22901890

Again, these are different kinds of unrealism.

>> No.22901901

It's not just about knowing the ending (I personally think it's going to be way different in the books), it's more about all the endless different storylines he has going on at once and how to get to the endpoint. he keeps sending more and more characters fucking east instead of west.

>> No.22901909

The East has been retarded since Storm. Dany's arc in that book is literal filler.

>> No.22901996
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The ending of the TV series was bad because it was badly consctructed, not because it was bad in itself. It felt rushed, and the showrunners had already dismissed or outright ruined too many important plotlines (Aegon and Jon Connington, Stannis in the North, Dorne, Mance Rayder, the Ironborn, etc). I hope GRRM does it better, but while I do think he will finish WoW, he will die before finishing the last book.

>> No.22902016

They also completely ruined Littlefinger and Jaime.

>> No.22902172

Reading this thread has made me remember that literally every storyline in Dragons was left on a crazy cliffhanger. George you fat piece of shit, I am seething like it's 2011 all over again

>> No.22902198

America is the only country thats achieved greatness since WW1

>> No.22902339

the book and show were totally different things by season 6. nothing in the book will be as it was in season 8.

>> No.22902433
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In terms of Cultural and Ethnic destruction the US has done more damage than the Soviets, Nazis and British combined. You, the golem of the kikes, have made a few pretty baubles and coins while the rulers have raped a profit from everything you love and are the downfall of the Western World.

>> No.22902438

We discovered a whole other planet called the moon. Wtf has your shithole country ever done?

>> No.22902466
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Are you genuinely claiming America discovered the moon?

>> No.22902752

He's American?

>> No.22903901

Being unfinished only makes it more legendary.

>> No.22903930

Can we talk about the books instead of arguing who discovered the fucking moon please?

>> No.22904048

The british literally thought it was made of cheese before we proved them wrong

>> No.22904651

Imagine if the moon really was made of cheese. How fucking wild would that be lol

>> No.22904924

can we force him to live longer with science? or get an AI programme to write like he does :3

>> No.22904935

Mooncheese would be a highly prized, exorbitantly expensive delicacy.

>> No.22904999

Despite him being overweight, he's actually doing really really well for 75 years old. It wouldn't surprise me to see him live another 10-15 years.

>> No.22905007

I don't disagreee

The problem is that it will take +15 years for him to finish asoiaf

>> No.22905021

He’s just a retarded version of Thomas Harris. Talk to or read him if you want ranchy writing.

>> No.22905026

What’s this excuse? How and in what way?

>> No.22905116

It means we wont stop thinking about what it potentially could have been.

That is not legendary at all.

>> No.22905137

Yeah. This isn’t even a unique thing. People still talk about Charles Dickens unfinished book he died while writing. But that was only cause it was a mystery, so it fit the genre. And he was actively writing it before he died. Fat fuck is clearly not advocately writing and the wait along with the show turning shit made him and work no longer a star in the eyes of the media.

>> No.22905163

he pisses me off

If he wants to solidify his legacy he needs to finish it

>> No.22905204

America will never have her Beowulf, her Nibelungliad, her Eddas and sagas, her Chanson de Jests like The Song of Roland and The Death of King Arthur. No Tolkien, no Toqueville, no Dante, no Homer, no Virgil, no Wagner. Only Hollywood will craft your fantasies

>> No.22905231

Congrats on making up your own mind and recognizing quality. Song of Ice and Fire is a masterpiece, book 4 and 5 are just as good people are just legitimately too stupid to understand how story works and see what's building.
And GRRM hasn't given up, 12 years to write the capstone to a masterpiece is a fine amount of time, especially when that time span already saw the release of a 900 page supplemental volume of fantastic quality.
He's said it's already the longest volume and still needs 300 or so more pages. The dudes been working, and that was a year ago. He met with his publishers recently, probably to start the editing process. It'll come sometime in the next 5 years.

>> No.22905256

>Rezd lce Wight Jon Snow leads his army of Wildlings against Ramsay
>Joined by Rickons unicorn (rhino) calvary from Skagos
>Sansa is kidnapped by the mountain clans and leads them to overthrowing the Vale, joins with Jon and Rickon
>The Lord's of Winter are fucking back and take Westeros

>Danny wins back Mereen with her dothraki horde led from Dragon back
>Arya allies Faceless Men with Danny
>Danny curbstomps rest of Essos in short order
>Jon and Danny wed to ally their forces and fight back the Others
>Climactic final battle finishes Winds

>Dawn is Jon and Dany trying to rule, end up in a civil war and killing each other in a dragon duel
>Bran the Broken becomes king as the Kings oldest brother

>> No.22905265

/lit/ truly is dead. People are now allowed to praise GRRM with no admonishment whatsoever and terms like “worldbuilding” are used unironically. It’s true, nobody actually reads on this board, and the only stimulating posts are thinly-veiled /his/ threads

>> No.22905285
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GRRM made some blog posts shitting on Trump and making some vague gestures about being a liberal and now all the schizoid Christcucks are fuming at him. Everyone needs to know that all these people shitting their pants over GRMM being a demonic subversive atheist jew trying to poison the white man's spirit with degenerate text or whatever are /pol/brained retards seething about some milktoast political statements (if you can even call them that) he made a few years ago.

>> No.22905629

Soon as he intended for the tv crew to end it for him he failed. He gave up control over his story and now can't finish without redoing everything.

>> No.22905631

oh shut the fuck up you elitist pretentious asswipe. they're good books

>> No.22905636

>just want atmospheric horror in the North, dark castles and dark vibes.
Based. But pretty sure grrm ditched that along the way. You won't get that. He should honestly just write another stand alone novel of the watch people walking around beyond the wall just doing stuff. Would be a good atmospheric horror book.

>> No.22905652

I made no judgment on the quality of the books (as I have never read them). Read more carefully next time.

>> No.22905662

Fantastical elements existing does not preclude a novel from being realist

>> No.22906144

and *cough* varys

>> No.22907456

So are we back to forgetting that BOTNS exists or what?

>> No.22907620

pseud series that nobody actually likes

>> No.22907799

Has this obese shit stain actually done anything productive recently? He might pass to the next realm by 2025 from an obligatiry heart related issue and we never havehis work done.

>> No.22907803

He wrote 1000 something pages this year, at least from what I heard.

>> No.22907838

He also never discussed tax policy in the books, which he accuses Tolkien of not doing.

>> No.22907845

That's 1000 pages in total since 2012, about 300-400 of which were leftovers from dance

>> No.22907862

That's 1000 finished pages, not just what's he wrote in total. the reality is he's rewritten large portions of the book multiple times

>> No.22907892

By allowing Brandon Sanderson to finish his works

>> No.22907972
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>> No.22908059

the worldbuilding meme always gets called out, anon

>> No.22908067

>But actually the white walkers are just like humans

>> No.22908092

>"While we are speaking of amusement, I heard a curious tale from Lord Buckler's steward. He claimed that you had put a tax on women's privy purses."
>"It is a tax on whoring," said Tyrion, irritated all over again. And it was my bloody father's notion. "Only a penny for each, ah . . . act. The King's Hand felt it might help improve the morals of the city." And pay for Joffrey's wedding besides. Needless to say, as master of coin, Tyrion had gotten all the blame for it. Bronn said they were calling it the dwarf's penny in the streets. "Spread your legs for the Halfman, now," they were shouting in the brothels and wine sinks, if the sellsword could be believed.

ASOS, Tyrion V