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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 220x220, RedScarePodcastLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22899409 No.22899409 [Reply] [Original]

what do leftist girls who hates niggers and trannies read?

>> No.22899417
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>> No.22899419

lolcow threads

>> No.22899420
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I know so many people who listen to this shit. What's the appeal?

>> No.22899424

"edgy" + commie + cervix

>> No.22899429

Red Scare's sole reason for existing is that it allows women to be the girlfriend of a 4chan guy, and thus feel slightly cooler than a basic bitch twitter girl, when there is currently no actual 4chan guy present. It's like a break glass in case of emergency 4chan boyfriend. Note it's not actually 4chan itself, it's actually still very twitter in essence, but it provides just the right amount of "adjacency" to edgy content to enable women to feel less guilty for being twitter basic bitches

The "men" who listen to it are just garden variety homosexual bottoms

>> No.22899435

I thought Dasha was a chud? That's what someone I know was saying, who is a commie BTW.

>> No.22899437

I checked out their subreddit a few years back and it's kind of funny
they're like a mixmash of 4chan and Reddit. Most of them probably post here or at least copy what 4chan users say but can't outright say the shit we say here since they're "leftist" and they're also on Reddit. They need to make innuendo like "i don't mind trans people but most of them are freaks". they need to walk on eggshells in their place

>> No.22899441

Male brained women are rare.

>> No.22899446


>> No.22899447

I checked their reddit board once and it was 80% "I used to use /lit/ all the time but ugh it's gotten so lame... reddit is actually better yall folx know what I mean" faggotry

>> No.22899459

This video makes her seem like a vapid whore though

>> No.22899463

well she is

>> No.22899471

Kek, fair enough. I just had higher expectations because of the people who constantly simp over her

>> No.22899477

Same reason people enjoy shit like Cumtown, internet-brained 4chan people who grew up, read a few books but still enjoy nigger and faggot jokes.

>> No.22899489

why would anyone want that?

>> No.22899494


>> No.22899496

woman can't rape boys

>> No.22899505

guys, regardless of politics, just want a woman to lie down on top of. so especially if you're a male feminist with low T I would think a vapid whore would be your first and maybe only option.

>> No.22899522

I want them. They are the best.

>> No.22899536

I often get a few laughs from them with the help of some alcohol and weed. I can't listen to them straight though. And a fair few of their guest eps suck. They should keep them for the paypigs

>> No.22899618

i just post on the sub

>> No.22899656

They smart enough not to fall for Murican propaganda the liberals spread, good old European leftism is the true leftism.

>> No.22899680

they interview /lit/ meme celebs like houellebecq and tao lin. their podcast is an absolutely retarded guilty pleasure though, i have just accepted my fate as a willing brainlet whose information diet is the equivalent of high fructose corn syrup popsicles.

>> No.22899683

i didn't listen to the houellebecq episode (or any episode), but i thought he didn't speak english? did he have a translator or does he speak it? i refuse to believe either of them speak french

>> No.22899684

imagine how that pussy hits

>> No.22899696

iirc they had a translator

>> No.22899707

Bro where are all these women in my country? What the hell do they put in american air and water supply?

>> No.22899768
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i love /ss/ so much

>> No.22899904

What the fuck

>> No.22900999

source or I hunt you down

hurry before mods kill this garbage thread

>> No.22901353

baby sitter 1995
just search for the text in the subs

>> No.22901615
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>PeD Ckep

>> No.22901692

is someone going to answer OP's question?, I'm also interested.

>> No.22901747

if you haven't done the reading yourself, these two girls sound smart and above-it-all. a few women i've dated emulate them.

>> No.22901821


>> No.22901931

I like Dasha because she is a horrifically fucked up turbowhore but she has a certain sort of soulfulness and sincerity. You can tell she would be worse than worthless in any real relationship but the cocktail of feelings of pity, fellowship, disgust, lust, playfulness and affection that she invokes in me can sometimes be potent. It's just because I'm a fucked up weak loser but also narcissistic so I can't help but be attracted to the female equivalents of my own flaws.
All that being said I probably have listened to <10 episodes of the podcast despite having known about it from the beginning, mostly just as background noise while playing games. It's really not all that compelling as an actual product.

>> No.22901941

she's completely changed her mind since then. She's literally a sedevacantist and probably more right wing than Anna

>> No.22901945
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I want Anna to step on me ngl

>> No.22901963

>all that vocal fry
it's hard to watch

>> No.22902000

I can’t get into femdom from nonwhite women, I try not to be racist but it’s true

>> No.22902188
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>> No.22902225

I know of a case like that. An English teacher who lived nearby married a friend of a friend, they were doing fine as a couple for a while, but out of nowhere, she started being really fucking horny, to the point that her husband couldn't satisfy her since she wanted to have sex over 5 times a day. There were times where she couldn't resist and started hooking up with random people and cheating, he forgave her.

So, she went on a school trip once where she slept in a hotel with other students, and apparently she was walking half naked into their rooms to "check" if they're sleeping and was doing some pretty suggestive stuff with them, maybe her nip "accidentally" slipped or something. The day after the incident one of the students snitched. What a faggot. Even if she wasn't too pretty, I'd fuck my teacher without hesitation, that's a rare and once in a lifetime event that you'll never forget and a story to share for the rest of your days. Or maybe he or they did fuck her and just wanted to get her expelled?

Anyway, yes, she ended up getting expelled and lost her job, but they couldn't really press charges since she didn't really do anything, the guys were past the legal limit (15) and while teachers having intimate relationships with students is definitely considered unethical here, it is not illegal, maybe in the grey area, and not really punishable by law.

So, a while after this incident she started having seizures and some other neurological conditions, the doctors found out that she had a brain tumour which was causing her horniness. She's well now.

>> No.22902260

What a rollercoaster of a story.

Teen and preteen boys should be allowed to consent legally to sexual relations with an older woman on a "You sure bud?" basis. You ask him once if he wants to bang his teacher, if he says yes then you legally have to say "You sure about that, bud?" If he says yes again, everything is legal.

>> No.22902268

Reminds me of the story of the dad who raped his daughter because he had a brain tumor, not sure I want to let the tumor take all the blame

>> No.22902274

she should sue the school for not being inclusive to differently abled bodies

>> No.22902283

I wouldn't be too surprised if this could work in America, since apparently you can sue anyone there over anything and win if you have enough money to hire creme de la creme lawyers, but it doesn't work like that here, fortunately.

>> No.22902314

They really put the socialist in national socialists

>> No.22902325

I like that Anna seems to have a thing for nerdy men and also appears to be genuine friends with Moldbug.

>> No.22902346

Dasha's tweets are genuinely funny, which is saying something, especially for a woman.

>> No.22902603

She has a twofold advantage in that regard - she leans into feminine modes of humor because she very badly needs to be seen as especially feminine, and she is sick in the head which is always necessary in order to really be funny.
I still wouldn't care about her purely for that though, the pseudo-romantic fantasy is the only reason my attention is (very occasionally) drawn to her. I was thinking about her today because I checked the TAFS subreddit and there was a pic of her sticking a gun in her mouth making her usual dead-eyed face - obviously ridiculous and pathetic at her age, but that's the part that makes it compelling for me, the fact that she does such desperate things, probably knowing on some level how she comes across and yet still unable to help herself.

>> No.22902613

she's like 5'2 she needs a stool

>> No.22902641

fuck off, dasha

>> No.22902824
File: 29 KB, 640x489, 1663198315380304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my sister is now a high school teacher
>she's emotionally unstable and promiscuous
I fear seeing her face in one of these compilations someday.

>> No.22902829


>> No.22902847

jannies will delete my thinly veiled /pol/ shitposts that are actually still about literature/specific books but this is still up.

>> No.22903287

Maybe, yeah, but I'm not pining over her. I just find the presence of people like that, people who are so openly abject and wounded and vulnerable, incredibly cathartic. If you can't appreciate that then you are a bit of a soulless faggot imho.

>> No.22903289


>> No.22903299

Not him, just a bystander, but can confirm it is you who is the fag

>> No.22903301
File: 24 KB, 748x276, dasha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22903300

Would be impressive if the board wasn't so dead around this time. Also I'm guessing this is your second try given that >>22903288 is nowhere to be found.

>> No.22903340

>Also I'm guessing this is your second try given that >>22903288 # is nowhere to be found.

>> No.22903351

Alright man, no need to be rude. Just being myself here, let a nigga live.

Oh shit wait nvm he just saged

>> No.22903426 [DELETED] 

>I just find the presence of people like that, people who are so openly abject and wounded and vulnerable, incredibly cathartic

>> No.22903500

>16 year old boy has sex with 22 year old woman
>this is somehow a problem
please explain can someone please fucking explain this to me I am so confused

>> No.22903853

I mean she is but in that video specifically she was pretending to be a dumb cunt to troll the reporter which is based

>> No.22903869

She’s 17 and 1825 days you sick fuck

>> No.22904059

It‘s incredibly grating to my ears to listen to these two. Americans make fun of us for having a harsh and aggressive language, but our women actually sound feminine. German women don’t adopt a vocal fry. But for some reason people really love their voices and extreme vocal fry.

>> No.22904072

German girl voices are so hot, I found one german asmr once on soundgasm and I fell in love. I need more, any reccs?

>> No.22904115

Were you able to understand her?
I think German JOI is incredibly cringe. In the boomer porn era they always used this weird German dirtytalk vocabulary. Like describing cum as Ficksahnd and that kind of stuff. I hope you weren’t listening to that.

>> No.22904690

>he forgave her.
Fatal error.

>> No.22904701

She's nothing.

>> No.22904727

Literally who?

>> No.22904752

What are you going to do about it?

>> No.22904755

even still i dont think i could forgive her. cheating is cheating, brain tumor or not

>> No.22904794

knew a fan of red scare who was all into Lacan, Hegel and Bataille (and a lot of others)
god she was really fucked in the head

>> No.22904815

jimmy cleans cheezebox 1995
just search for the text in the subs

>> No.22904823

I like the brain damaged one better

>> No.22905047

bonerkiller when I realized it wasn’t a rare /lit/ femanon vocaroo

>> No.22906016


(22/2)+7 = 18

>> No.22906022

These girls and their circle aren't baste, why are people from this site wasting their time trying to cultivate them? I tried listening to an episode and the whole thing was very low energy without any insightful commentary either

>> No.22906035

I think youre over estimating this websites cultural significance

>> No.22906069

This was a law and order episode

>> No.22906080

He's underestimating it

>> No.22906301

anna&dasha are introducing alot of NPCs to Steve Sailer lol

i bet within a year they have Jared Taylor on as a guest