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File: 52 KB, 400x400, Cofnas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22897724 No.22897724 [Reply] [Original]

>answers the Jewish Question

Is there literally anything more to discuss on this subject now that Cofnas has introduced his 'Default Theory' of Jewish over-representation?

Do you think he will release a book this year on the issue?

>> No.22897739

This guy dismissed UFOs as nonsense seemingly without critical thought based solely on social conditioning.

>> No.22897747

fuck off, nathan

>> No.22897748
File: 272 KB, 1439x757, 1704141337352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22897768


>> No.22897769

He makes no secret of this.

>> No.22897775
File: 117 KB, 361x368, Brainy_Smurf_1981_TV_series.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mf looks like the brainy Smurf kek

>> No.22897784


>> No.22897793

>Why the Aristocracy should rule by Duke Haplesturt the Fifth

>> No.22897798

Why would you deny McDonald's evolutionary theory when it gives you an alibi? Now you're stuck with admitting that Jews are fully aware that they are repulsive.

>> No.22897810

What do you mean?

>> No.22897863

What's his answer? Jews are innately more smart?

>> No.22897874

>goyim are lazy and stupid, jews are smart and hardworking and that's why goyim are jealous and make up all kinds of stuff.

>> No.22897878

The JQ isn't just "why" but "what"? Jews are in charge and they suck at it. What does he propose we do about it?

>> No.22897891


>> No.22897921

His 'Default Theory' posits that Jewish over-representation is mainly a consequence of two contributing factors:

1. Higher than average IQ (especially wrt Ashekenazi)
2. Concentration in urban environments

He argues that as a result of these factors, Jews are over-represented in *any* industry, political movement etc which is both intellectually demanding and does not discriminate against Jews. He points out, for example, the over-representation of Jews in both left- and right-wing political movements, in historically far-right movements such as Italian fascism, the NRA, etc. As a response to the argument that Jews are doing this in order to hedge their bets and make sure Jewish power remains in place, he points out that fact that a growing number of liberal / non-Orthodox Jews are marrying goyim, a point he references when making the corollary argument that the future of Judaism is conservative as all the liberal Jews will just be blended in the melting pot.

>> No.22897927 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 1080x869, ba5851b886e6e85bfc3c7cf65ed3b12820623a9d365d0_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty embarrassing when a nazi youtuber reks the jews are just smarter theory.

>> No.22897973

it's not a myth though, it's just that they're generally intelligent in a different way from white gentiles. y'know, more wordcel less shape rotator, although there are exceptions to that too like the manhattan project. i agree that it alone doesn't explain their over-representation due to jews being a vast minority, but it is a major reason for it and the only real reason they're a problem today less because of them specifically and more because A. FDR ruining the american government B. the democratization of the cathedral and C. NGOs ruining european and east asian governments. so basically: power corrupts, and diffused power spread through ideas corrupts far more insidiously than absolute power spread through one man.

>> No.22898229

Clearly there's a discord full of retarded non-reading/pol/kids directing their members to /lit/ for some reason

>> No.22898231

Hello chaim

>> No.22898245
File: 31 KB, 331x499, 1697144246071721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been done much better by many others

Watch this first:

Then read these, a highly nuanced philosemitic take on the Jewish question:

Some good books:
>Werner Sombart, The Jews and Modern Capitalism.
>David Verbeeten, The Politics of Nonassimilation: The American Jewish Left in the Twentieth Century
>Paul Gottfried, Leo Strauss and the Straussian Movement
>Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique
>Pic related
>Bernstein, Hannah Arendt and the Jewish Question

Incidentally, Arendt's "antisemitism" goes very well with Ludovici's (the two CC links above).

>> No.22898279

>some good books
>including by the author whose entire work the series of articles written by the subject of the thread brutally obliterates
Link spam from the discord. Mindless, degenerate, subhuman. Exactly like leftypol.

>> No.22898305

Huh? Anyway, the Botticini/Eckstein book is dense but I think basically gives you the necessary core for understanding Jews as an essentially urban déraciné people. This is what Marx (and later Arendt) basically meant when they said stuff like:
>The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew.
>The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.
>Bourgeois society continuously produces the Jew from its own innards.

What he means is there is no one essence of Jewishness, and it's certainly not a biological thing. It's just that there are strong elective affinities between the modern bourgeois state's worst tendencies and modern secular urban Jews, the latter being rootless "professionals" with in-group loyalty to a nebulously defined international clique ("Jewry"), and either low loyalty or outright hostility towards the actual nations they live in.

Arendt's views are well-summarized in a chapter in Martin Jay's recent book, "Immanent Critique." Alongside the supposed antisemitism of Adorno/Horkheimer and Erikson. But Arendt's is the most interesting by far.

>> No.22898421

pseud moment

>> No.22899115

Every intelligent reader on earth is aware of jewish power in the western world. Only complete retards and the wilfully ignorant are not.