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/lit/ - Literature

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22896875 No.22896875 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most racist books you have ever read in your life?

>> No.22896883

Idk, mein kampf?
>The readiness to sacrifice one's personal work and, if necessary, even one's life for others shows its most highly developed form in the Aryan race. The greatness of the Aryan is not based on his intellectual powers, but rather on his willingness to devote all his faculties to the service of the community. Here the instinct for self-preservation has reached its noblest form; for the Aryan willingly subordinates his own ego to the common weal and when necessity calls he will even sacrifice his own life for the community.
Lmao you fucking cucks

>> No.22896887

My diary desu

>> No.22896893
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>> No.22896896

Anything about US history

>> No.22896902

The Torah.

>> No.22897021

theodor herzl - the jewish state

>> No.22897062

Leave it to the King of racism, Compte Arthur de Gobineau.

When we studied the causes of early migrations of the white race to the south and west, we found that these displacements were the consequence of strong pressure in the northeast by unnamable multitudes of yellow peoples. Even before the descent of the white Chamites, the Semites, and the Aryans, the Finnish inundation, finding little resistance among the black nations of China, had spread to their environment, and had pushed its conquests, consequently its mixtures, very far. In the devastating, brutal dispositions of this race there was necessarily an excess of spoliation. Faced with ruthless dispossession, large gangs of blacks fled and dispersed wherever they could. Some conquered the mountains, others the islands Formosa, Ni-phon, Yeso, the Kuril Islands, and, passing behind the masses of their pursuers, came in turn to conquer, either pure or mixed with the blood of the aggressors, the lands abandoned by them in the Americas. There they joined the yellow thieves who had not followed the great emigration.

[...] meanwhile, were no less metaphysical than the most complicated Hindu, Assyrian, Egyptian dogmas. Thus, it is not the nature of the abstract idea itself that should be inspected when images are odious: it is at the disposal of eyes, minds, imaginations to which figurative feelings must be addressed. Now, the black man and the yellow man could only understand the ugly: it was for them that the ugly was invented and always remained rigorously necessary.
At the same time as it was necessary among the Hindus to produce the theological personifications, it was equally necessary to multiply them, in order, by splitting them, to make them present a clearer meaning and easier to grasp. The few gods of the primordial ages, Indra and his companions, were no longer sufficient to render the series of ideas that a growing civilization gave birth to in profusion. To cite an example, the notion of wealth having become more familiar to masses who had learned to appreciate its causes and effects, was put this powerful social mobile in the custody of a celestial master, and invented Kouvéra, a goddess made in such a way as to fully satisfy the taste of blacks (1).

It has already been established that every society is based on three primitive classes, each representing a different ethnicity: the nobility, a more or less resembling image of the victorious race; the bourgeoisie, composed of mestizos of the great race; the people, slaves, or at least highly oppressed, as belonging to an inferior human variety, Negro in the south, Finnish in the north.

>> No.22897108

White Fragility was pretty racist. And made by someone low IQ to boot.

>> No.22897117

IQ is racist

>> No.22897168

The talmud

>> No.22897479

Here you go, some pro slavery books.


There's also the ku klux clan trilogy and nazi stuff like the Turner diaries. If you look at black supremacist publications you can probably find anti-white stuff.

If anyone has pro-segregation suggestions from the civil rights era that would be cool. Surely there must be obscure conservative books shitting on Martin Luther King.

>> No.22897490
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National Lampoon

>> No.22897492
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>> No.22897496
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>> No.22897500
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>> No.22897508
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>> No.22897523


>> No.22897528

From what I’ve heard it’s an exercise in ethnic pedantry

>> No.22897549

Finn bros...

>> No.22897583

"Mūsų praeities beieškant" by Česlovas Gedgaudas, "Behold, the protong!" by Stanisław Szukalski, "Słowiańscy królowie Lechii" by Janusz Bieszk

>> No.22897588

What is an aryan?

>> No.22897742

.. they walked through the solitudes on heavily hooded horses, escorting and guarding huge chariots covered with a large roof. In these vast machines were locked their wives, their children, their old men, their riches. Huge oxen dragged them heavily as they wobbled and screamed their wooden wheels on the sand or short grass of the steppe. These red houses were like those that the darkest antiquity had seen transported to Punjab, the opulent land of the five rivers, the families of the first Aryans. These were the likes of these itinerant constructions of which, later, the Germanics formed their camps; it was, in austere forms, the real ark bearing the spark of life to the civilizations to be born and the rejuvenation to enervated civilizations..

>> No.22897809
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>> No.22897821

Amerifats think history started in 1492.

>> No.22897871
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It’s worse, it’s a Kafka trap sold to guilty white people as snake oil.
>”you are racist”
>”what? No I’m not.”
>”you are, it’s just unconscious”
>”im racist but don’t know it? That’s ridiculous!”
>”your defensiveness when told you are racist is actually proof you are racist, white people always react this way when confronted. It’s a phenomenon called “white fragility”

>> No.22897897

it's actually ego destruction not subordination
was hitler retarded or something

>> No.22897903
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>the nobility, a more or less resembling image of the victorious race


>> No.22897910
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is that the only nobility you know, retard? he's right.

>> No.22897930

I like going to the local historical library and reading the books about the Native Americans that were displaced from my area. They're often called the expected things like savages, but in these books there's also usually personal accounts of what made these groups savages. Plenty of cannibalism and strange sacrifices.

>> No.22898787


>> No.22899110

I'll take the easy route and say The Turner Dairies

>> No.22899485

Einstein's travelogues.

>> No.22899492

Refuted by Taleb

>> No.22899500

Sounds like gaslighting with extra steps

>> No.22899525

Nature's Eternal Religion - Ben Klassen

>> No.22899556

>brown moron denies genetics
what else is new

>> No.22899577
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>> No.22899581

That’s facts bro
Death of a Salesman no cap

>> No.22899934

same for me. Its eschatology has got everything jews claim nazis wanted: master race, genocide, thousand year reich, complete global conquest, death or enslavement of other races, etc.

>> No.22900390

What value does it have as a spiritual text? This is what I am attempting to discern through repeated re-readings.

>> No.22900408

To completion, probably Turner Diaries.
Read quite a few books that were casually a bit racist due to being products of their time, but Turner Diaries is on a whole other level of actually being fully all about the race war.
Meanwhile stuff of the past sort of took racial superiority or inferiority for granted and moved on.
That said political and religious writings on jews have basically always been quite spicy.
Somehow for the entirety of jewish history they have found a way of pissing basically everyone they live near/among off. Personally I don't care about the jews but then again I don't live near them so that probably why I don't have strong opinions on them.
So if you count jews as their own race, which I don't because that's retarded, then it would be harder to choose.

>> No.22900414

It's literally not actually racist and was never intended to be racist.
You would know that if you actually read it.

>> No.22900418

Old-world name for Indo-Europeans (western white people)

>> No.22900855

This is a really old picture of my shelf, and I've clearly gotten a lot more over the last 2 years but here you go, OP. I recommend all of them, unless you aren't Irish, then just pay attention to the bottom.
I won't be including my Traditionalist shelf this time because Evola isn't really what I'd call racist, and neither is Savitri Devi nor Guenon. Actually, if I'm being honest, these books are really just racialism. Racism itself is retarded because of... well, it doesn't matter, you just wanna see some "good ol' boy nigger hatin'" right? Enjoy, OP and any lurkers.

>> No.22900859
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Weird. Here's another upload attempt.

>> No.22900869

>/lit/ board
>not looking for the deeper meaning behind why he posted it
Ah yes. Reason #1487 why this board is terrible.

>> No.22900882

Blood Meridian

>> No.22900886

Highest IQ answer

>> No.22900906

>irish nationalist
>no potato cookbooks

>> No.22900931

I'm an ethnically Irish American should I read these for fun?

>> No.22901011

The 'Indo' of Indo-European doesn't mean 'indigenous'.

>> No.22901494

Probably Trilby. Strange that most everyone knows who Svengali is without having read the novel he's in.

>> No.22901528
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Tiocfaidh ár lá. Big fan of Darre's social commentary.

>> No.22901557
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every other page is a n bomb iirc

>> No.22901607

I read this book written by a former missionary about china. Forget the name. From what I remember it dipicts the chinese as xenophobic dogs who eat everything a pig would eat.
Not a bad read honestly

>> No.22901611

Because they say nigger? lol sheltered

>> No.22901616

And brutally kill Indians and Mexicans

>> No.22901653

Are those people not allowed to die?

>> No.22901725

>endless second chances, endless incest and adultery, endless perfidy
>confusion and conflation of The One with henotheistic tribal god supremacy

A cautionary tale that underscores the necessity of sola scriptura, and the utter worthlessness of bowdlerizing 'oral Tradition of the Elders' straight out of Babylon.

>> No.22901746

Not the innocent ones

>> No.22901748

I can’t even tell what brand of Ameritard Christianity people are on anymore

>> No.22901759

They weren’t killed because of their race stop being a retard

>> No.22901775

They were killed because they looked close enough to hostile Apaches

>> No.22901840

My cookbooks are on the other shelf.
Yes. Here are three recs, but there's a lot more:
>Gaeilge: A Radical Revolution (Caoimhín De Barra)
I don't have it in this iamge, but you should learn Irish, because it's good for you and your race.
>The Path to Freedom (Michael Collins)
You should know who this is, if you don't, get to knowin'.
>Collected works of Pádraic Pearse
Extremely important man for Irish thought. His writings are still referenced to this day by every side.
Irish poetry and literature along side philosophical thought are all important to keep track of for all of Irish. We need to keep a good grasp on it while the demographic changes contribute to the constant stream of deracinated Europeans because otherwise the next 50 years will see a massive loss of culture.
Go raibh maith agat, mo chara. Tiocfaidh ár lá! I picked it up for the third positionist environmentalism, stayed for the healthy mind/body recommendations.

>> No.22901910
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>Go raibh maith agat, mo chara. Tiocfaidh ár lá! I picked it up for the third positionist environmentalism, stayed for the healthy mind/body recommendations

I had it squarely for the blood and soil ideology and new means of leadership. The agrarian roots were a welcome addition. It encouraged me to place more effort in to homesteading.

>> No.22901988

Camp of the Saints. Maybe not the absolute most racist but didn't see it mentioned. It's also possibly more hateful towards white liberals, but come on, the main Indian characters are "the turd eater" and "the monster", it deserves a mention

>> No.22902011

It wasn’t racism though, mccarthy is probably some cuck even

>> No.22902032

>reading decline of the west
>cat anime images as bookmarks
ironic isn't it

>> No.22902052

From the liberal worldview, it's extremely racist, but then it's hard not to be.
lol probably not as much as having a Japanese man discussing violent revolution to rebuild Japan on the same row along side an Islamic man who wants to build a third positionist state in Libya. Anyways, my wife liked the cat bookmarks so I got them for her.

>> No.22902140

I think it goes past that, kek, it's extremely racist no matter which way you slice it. What I mean is it's more hateful towards the traitors than the enemy, though it's still incredibly hateful to them. Probably not the singular most racist book ever written but it's up there

>> No.22902181

Well, you know the saying, "always kill a traitor before an enemy."

>> No.22902415
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>my wife liked the cat bookmarks so I got them for her.
Wholesome family man.

>> No.22902437

Wait till you read about world history...

>> No.22902550
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>most racist
>here ya go
index pdf 60k
zip files 714mb

>> No.22902610
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You can't post something like that and not tell us what tribes and books you're talking about. I want to read about native cannibals too.

>> No.22902623

Sherman Alexie. I wont say the name of the book I read it was so anti-white.

>> No.22902632

>obsequious deminiggers
Holy fuck I was not prepared for that and lost my shit like a retard. That has to be up there for greatest phrases a human can utter right next to "vile Jew sorcery"

>> No.22902668
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>books about Irish identity
>books about being a racist
>no books about anti-irish racism
but why though

>> No.22902707

The old testament.

>> No.22902815

The Arabian Nights.
>Attractive, good characters are always said to be the palest white.
>Every black character is a eunuch slave and is ugly and stupid.

>> No.22904158

is the talmud racist?

>> No.22904254

what year is it from?

>> No.22904484

Any racist books towards whites that aren't leftist multicultural propaganda or from an Abrahamic perspective?

>> No.22904566

Why would you want to read that?

>> No.22904850

>no books about anti-irish racism
Well, my famine book is one because it was the British that intentionally made the problem worse. But would you recommend something? I'm not particularly interested in sustaining a victim complex, but rather the overcoming of oppression.

>> No.22904861

I can't believe this low IQ edgelord thread is still up.../pol/ really ruined this board.

>> No.22904874
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HAHAHAHAHA!!! Get a load of this retard! Imagine actually putting in that much effort to have NO INDIVIDUAL IDENTITY OR THOUGHT WHATSOEVER!!! You can't make this up...

>> No.22904885

Lmao is it possible to be more of a bugman? What is your identity? Obese individualist

>> No.22904891

When was this written? I'm amazed to see these toxic clowns have the audacity to call Jews, "Christ-killers," as if anyone as obviously evil as the writers of these papers are on the side of Jesus Christ. They were cancerous start-to-finish, even if funny here and there, but that stood out.

>> No.22904895

>t. doesn't understand genetics, and even less behavioral genetics



Imagine taking serious a egocentric arab that thinks his super genius or something.

>> No.22904896

>what's your identity
>still thinking and insulting categorically
You have fully caged yourself.

>> No.22904901

Wow you sound like a very special snowflake. Still probably obese tho

>> No.22904904


>> No.22904946
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How would you know? You have no concept of the individual left. Your entire self revolves around the categorical thinking of others. Pitiful and comical.

>> No.22904955

George Lincoln Rockwell's books are good for that.

>> No.22904972

Ok bug

>> No.22905144

>I'm not particularly interested in sustaining a victim complex,
Hopefully you learn that a superiority complex isn't good either.

>> No.22905162
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Truly a shame we are not local, it seems our interests and world-view greatly overlap. Im about to begin Pearse's works after learning of his Proto-Fascist roots.

His speeches and talks are much more convincing that his written works.

>> No.22905173
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>> No.22905201

Types of Mankind by Josiah Nott and George Gliddon or just anything from the American School of Ethnology (Morton, Gliddon, Nott, Fontaine)

>> No.22905211

Post the ones you left out. These are great.

>> No.22905224

My guess is that in order to not be racist I’d have to suck a lot of BBC or something?

>> No.22905240

Odd how Americans are missing from these.

>> No.22905245

It was written by Americans to describe foreigners or immigrants.

>> No.22905258

I know. Americans are the number 1 enemies of Europe after all.

>> No.22905308
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America is the golem, the enemy is those who control it. The European aspect of America (a small minority to be sure) that is still alive and is able to discard the American-worldview need to return to their respective Nations for internal colonization. Let America collapse and die and grow fertile again for us to recolonize in a united European manner.

>> No.22905363

I'm sure Europeans will accept you with open arms and give you another chance not to be golemized after you've plunged the entire world into WWIII, puppet or not.

>> No.22905370

>Hopefully you learn that a superiority complex isn't good either
Never had a superiority complex. I just prefer my people. Simple as.
wew, I can't believe you put this much effort into this retarded, deracinated shitpost. The shift-holding, the tri-punctuation each time, I'm just surprised you aren't doublespacing. This is peak boomer mentality. You should probably try to kill that and really learn what you're attempting to peddle, at least so you can understand the irony here. I hope it clears up soon, and you're able to reach at least one of your new years resolutions fairly shortly.
Oh yeah, a major component of the Irish tradition is ethnocentric, which eventually evolved into ethnonationalism, long before even Cromwell brought the Jews back in. There is a lot of third positionist thought out of Ireland as well as derivatives of it, such as Distributism. G. K. Chesterton even wrote a fair amount about it in a few of his books, Eoin O'Duffy and Gearóid Ó Cuinneagáin are pretty important. I wouldn't call them "fascist", right, but definitely third positionists. No one wants to talk about how Pearse is only directly followed by what many call, today, "far-right extremists" in Ireland, like the National Party to name a bigger one.
I talked to Justin Barett and his wife, and I've never heard another politician genuinely talk about usury, international finance capitalism, until I met him.
Now I'm not saying go out and vote or anything for aNP, but it's just pretty wild at how little people are really do not know how "fascist"-like the rising and onward everything really was. (Not to say we didn't have marxists, but it's really under-discussed)

>> No.22905406

>I just prefer my people. Simple as.
I mean, it's a natural evolutionary drive. I don't see how wasting time with esoteric stuff helps. Read a textbook on human behavioral ecology or the evolution of mankind or chimps. The argument is there and in primate social organizations, but it can be interesting to entertain other possibilities (e.g., contrasting man to orangutan social organization).
I don't think post-industrial capitalism and relative harmonious homogenous groups can coexist. We have deviated too far from our evolutionary default state.

>> No.22905424

I would love to see any Western country field an army for WW3. At least half of all fighting age men hate their governments now lol

>> No.22905449

Talmud or Germany must Perish.

>> No.22905458 [DELETED] 

Based fellow kern, praying to the Dagda we somehow meet one day, share a pint and discuss.

>> No.22905605

Ive got a book on 'Big' Jim Larkin, who is typically claimed as a Communist or Marxist-Socialist type. But a deeper reading or a slightly open mind appears to show a different world-view. Had those like James Connonly survived i think it is very possible their particular brand of Socialism would of involved a huge Nationalist revolution.

>> No.22905620 [DELETED] 

>wew, I can't believe you put this much effort into this retarded, deracinated shitpost. The shift-holding, the tri-punctuation each time, I'm just surprised you aren't doublespacing. This is peak boomer mentality. You should probably try to kill that and really learn what you're attempting to peddle, at least so you can understand the irony here. I hope it clears up soon, and you're able to reach at least one of your new years resolutions fairly shortly

>> No.22905628

>wew, I can't believe you put this much effort into this retarded, deracinated shitpost. The shift-holding, the tri-punctuation each time, I'm just surprised you aren't doublespacing. This is peak boomer mentality. You should probably try to kill that and really learn what you're attempting to peddle, at least so you can understand the irony here. I hope it clears up soon, and you're able to reach at least one of your new years resolutions fairly shortly
Putting that much effort in replying to my "shitpost." GOTTEM AYYY

>> No.22905639
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>> No.22905643

Math is even more racist

>> No.22905667

It's funny, right? A lot of people are viewing things from the liberal worldview lens, but haven't the tools to escape that type of thinking for better comprehension. A lot of times they either write it off with "I just don't get it how someone could X" or they just do reduction until it fits within this specific worldview. Pre-1940's thought is radically different compared to the post-1960's, which is why you have "national socialism" being called "far-right" and such, while distributionists are seen as more like "far-left". Another way to say it, I guess, is that liberal plurality is a serious problem in the so-called "intellectual" movement, unless you're a marxist.
>being this mad
Why not rewrite it a third time to stay a little more consistent?

>> No.22905781

>"I just don't get it how someone could X" or they just do reduction until it fits within this specific worldview. Pre-1940's thought is radically different compared to the post-1960's, which is why you have "national socialism" being called "far-right" and such, while distributionists are seen as more like "far-left"

One need only look at how close Ireland was to obtaining supplies and firearms in greatee numbers from Germany. There is a good reason why many old IRA rebel songs mention Mausers.

Where can we speak more on this?

>> No.22905851

didn't know we started the world wars. european education must be somethin else.

>> No.22906149

the works of geoffrey of monmouth
that lad was angry af

>> No.22906294
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>> No.22906593

What do you see that is so great about Ireland that you read so much about it? I wish I wasn’t Irish but I’m still thankful that I’m European.

>t. self-hating kern

>> No.22907397


>> No.22907428

I think Irish people are pretty cool, anon. Dont hate yourself for that.

>> No.22907430


>> No.22908189

The Talmud

>> No.22908213

I’ve just never felt a connection to my culture, nor Ireland, I feel like we’ve been the lowest of Europe with no empires of our own. Still I realize I’m lucky to at least be European, and not a pajeet or nigger.

>> No.22908255

>"Mūsų praeities beieškant" by Česlovas Gedgaudas
plačiau papasakok

>> No.22908310

Ego isn't annihilated when you act alturistically you retard

>> No.22908320

Irish people belong to the Celtish clans, one of the big three in the properly Western ethnicities, Celts, Romans and Germanics.

>> No.22908809 [DELETED] 

did he ever publish it

>> No.22908815

These for sure

>> No.22909352

Bumping Incase anyone knows the name of this book and can tell me

>> No.22909376
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>> No.22909379
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>> No.22909384
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>> No.22909387
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>> No.22909395

Invisble Man. That shit drips racism of the page in a way that even the Tumult of the Nigger cant approach. Leftards have a word for it but it escapes me at the moment.

>> No.22909397
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>> No.22909399
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>> No.22909624
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>> No.22909626

>I’ve just never felt a connection to my culture
That's a major goal for marxism, which is pretty rampant, especially in NI. Are you in NI?
>no empires of our own
The Irish spirit doesn't want empires, it wants freedom and sovereignty. It wants regaelicization, it wants to end colonialisation so others won't go through what we have, it wants to rebel against the liberal worldview and forge its own path for itself. Empires? We don't want them, just one, our own. It isn't an empire though, it's a free state and that's enough. Our land is good and we can repair what has been disaffected, not just the land but your heart and spirit. Visit a gaeltacht for a week and refuse to speak english, this repairs it. Go participate in a sport or a public event that you've never experienced before that is done in our language. You'll feel it when you're having fun, then you won't need someone to try to explain to you something that you should be feeling naturally.
It's depressing as hell how many are deracinated by the ruling class. Thankfully, we're seeing a second revival and we might be correcting a lot of these problems. Ironically, struggle is when, historically, we're all at our best and struggle is here. It sucks that we need to struggle again, but we'll be okay because we all have eachother.

>> No.22909649

Why would you want an empire? That just basically means your country has turned gay and been sold to oligarchs

>> No.22910293
File: 1.48 MB, 1804x2668, The Turner Diaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically enjoyed the parts where they blow up the FBI Headquarters building, hang all the politicians and celebrities, and fly a crop-duster with a niggerigged nuclear warhead into the Pentagon.

I think we can all get behind that.

>> No.22910645

/// Red, white and blue bunting hung in the city's renovated train station /// The 82-year-old songwriter mixes serious contemplation with mordant humor on his new album /// She threw him a look of haughty disdain /// This recognition frees logic from the epistemological discussion of secondary qualities /// Was there no postman or postmaster whom he could suborn to intercept them for him? /// As to syllogism specifically, Locke in a passage, 8 which has an obviously Cartesian ring, lays down four stages or degrees of reasoning, and points out that syllogism serves us in but one of these /// Littoral warfare includes amphibious landings /// He's a science-fiction maven who can talk for hours about fictional technology /// Bacterial sepsis continues to be the leading cause of death in intensive care units /// My husband is retreating into sullen withdrawal or making sharp passive-aggressive digs at me /// He turned away to wring out the wet shirt /// We are far too concerned to repeat the old shibboleths of the past without trying to face the vexing and intractable problems of the present /// No wonder the court feels little compunction about overturning statutes /// He is like an artist who is more anxious to produce a meretricious effect than he is to be true to himself or to nature /// The rules are set in stone, so we can't make any adjustments /// Stop being so unctuous and tell the truth /// The word limey originated from 18th and 19th century British sailors drinking lime juice to ward off scurvy /// Following a march by protesters, police tried to tear down some newly-erected tents at the encampment and scuffled with demonstrators /// The most dangerous creature of all is the nymphet, the femme fatale, the siren who will lead a good man to ruin, a common archetype threaded throughout art, music and literature /// Strategic recklessness aside, the chief problem with the plan was that it needed a weak, feckless opposition /// He attempted to tackle the nettlesome issue of police and community relations /// Some jurisdictions have recognized a spoliation tort action, which allows the victim of destruction of evidence to file a separate tort action against a "spoliator" ///

>> No.22910673

>Hard to tell a Canadian from an extremely boring regular white person...

>> No.22910686

>deeper meaning
Regurgitating bullshit to in order to shy away from reality isn't meaningful let alone deep.

>> No.22910942

The Canadian jokes sucked. The first two didn’t make any sense and the Johnny Fuckerfaster one had nothing to do with being Canadian.

>> No.22912007

You missed my point, but I'm not particularly surprised. You're not the thinking type, hell probably not even the doing type, you're just a reactionary faggot.
>Nope, but if we put everything on a bell curve, the mass majority of blacks are on the left side of all the other Whites, save a tard or two.
That's not my point, by the way, I'm just saying to not worry so much about things since you can't figure out deeper meanings. Yeah, the curtains are just blue, but it's not "just about a fish" if there's lessons to be learned.