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/lit/ - Literature

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2289608 No.2289608 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, we made you a little something.
We hope you enjoy and have a nice new years eve.
Sincerely, /sci/

>> No.2289613

>Determinism existing at all

Thanks for the laugh OP.

>> No.2289620

>implying indeterminism

>> No.2289632
File: 2.96 MB, 4000x2000, dilda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfriend posting before finished...

>> No.2289635

/sci/duck here.

/lit/ is marginally more intelligent, mainly due to all the high school kiddies on /sci/ who stay after being helped with homework.

>> No.2289640

Hello /lit/erally useless art graduates

neither of these are finished, sorry.

>> No.2289641

lol, why is /sci/'s card about /lit/?

>> No.2289643

because it's a present from us to you.

>> No.2289644


>implying /lit/ has any scientific background further than highschool that would deem them more intelligent than those highschool kiddies

No one on this board would be able to even touch those putnam challenge problems, let alone read and understand the question

>> No.2289646
File: 739 KB, 1280x800, 1325348256476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We send you one every year lol

<--- e.g.

>> No.2289648

Um, this isn't /soc/. Try them.

>> No.2289660

Someone's an e/lit/ist asshole. We made this for you.

>> No.2289672

>Implying that anyone has even slightly benefited from anything posted on 4chan
>Implying that /sci/ and /lit/ are not equally useless and are only used fro basement dweller circlejerking
>Implying that 90% of people here are not <18
>Implying that threads in /sci/ can't be broken down in three things : Bad trolls, self-ego-boosting, and circlejerking by means of making some sciences "above others"
>Implying that threads on /lit/ aren't made by hipsters who then proceed to run the show in "THINGS I LIKE = EPICWINAWESOMETIER, THINGS YOU LIKE = SHITFUCKPIGSUXTOBENIGGERTIER"
>Implying every single of us is not a virgin fat fuck who lives in a basement...

This discussion is pointless.

>> No.2289674


great crtiical exegesis of an e-card, homie

>> No.2289676

Calm the fuck down. Everyone knows what 4chan is, this is just some lighthearted humour.

Jesus. Some people.

>> No.2289680

its not funny though. it's dogshit.

im confused and frightened.

>> No.2289681

Thank you.
I am not upset, just pointing out the obvious.
You should be.
End of times and shit.

>> No.2289684

Because OP went ahead and posted it unfinished.

But for lack of giving a fuck I guess we're probably keeping this piece of shit.

>> No.2289687

I thought it was a lovely gesture. Thank you /sci/, I'll put it on my fridge

>> No.2289706

Hi there EK. You did say you were going somewhere.

>> No.2289728


>> No.2289737

I'd be surprised if they could even do IMO problems, let alone Putnam problems.

>> No.2289744

>go on /lit/ and /sci/
>study mathematics in college
>read literature in my spare time to have an understanding of culture
>/sci/ fags bashing /lit/
>mfw i'm ashamed i go on /sci/
>mfw i am too lazy to choose a reaction image

fucking /sci/, if you don't understand the value of literature and philosophy you are absolutely retarded.

>> No.2289747

/sci/ bashing /lit/ and not the other way round is evidence that /sci/ has both intelligence and humour. /lit/ only has intelligence (and even that's uncertain since most people here only read for pleasure and not study)

>> No.2289748

Interboard love-in :3 daaawww

>> No.2289749

wait, how does that work

i don't think that works

are you sure about that

>> No.2289750

/sci/ is joking around. /lit/ isn't. it's obvious that /lit is full of uptight autistic kids more than /sci/

>> No.2289754

/lit/ isn't active enough to participate in something like this. literature is much less popular and hold much less value to the average person than science and mathematics.

>> No.2289755

what? i don't understand. what do you mean. how does that work. what are you talking about. who's joking around. are we not joking around. what's going on. are you sure.

>> No.2289756

I also frequent both /lit/ and /sci/. Board wide actions are always retarded and only represent a minority of the user base.
Also /lit/ is generally more intelligent than /sci/ nowadays because it has less pop-sci loving high-schoolers.

>> No.2289757

>intelligence and humour
>some of /sci/ seeing arts as scum of the earth
>unaware science is just applied philosophy

There's a reason this board is extremely slow.
Everyone is off partying for New Years.
Of course the insecure and hate-filled lonely are here tonight.

>> No.2289758

chill man. /sci/ and /lit/ are the 2 best boards. we should work together and usher in a new era of prosperity and creativity.

both of these disciplines reveal the beauty that the universe has to offer us.

>> No.2289759

haha you funny guy I'm right, bitch

>> No.2289760

:( why won't you answer me i'm so confused

>> No.2289761


>> No.2289762

More people read than do, or even like, science and math. What you said is retarded.

>> No.2289764

Never in the history of time has any sentence made /sci/entists so mad.

Buttfrustrated because they can't admit that science is applied art degrees

>> No.2289765

More evidence that I win every debate I participate in on 4chan. it's been a pleasure gentlemen.

>> No.2289767

In Europe it's only 8 and in the US it's even earlier. I'm sorry but if any parties have started this early they're bound to be even more pathetic than the insecure and hatefilled virgins alone tonight.

>> No.2289769

Thanks /sci/, have an awesome new years to you guys as well.

>> No.2289770

>say something stupid
>people are like, you're dumb

man like i did not want to give credence to those dumb "/sci/ sucks/is autistic" insults because who gives a crap but you're really playing the role well here, is all i'm saying

>> No.2289771

Maybe 40 years ago. Arts in general are looked down upon nowadays as worthless and honestly, their value has declined relative to the value of science and mathematics. Doesn't mean the arts are any less important.

>> No.2289773


>over 9000 hours in MS Paint

>> No.2289774

its way more complicated than that but in a way i don't want to really get into

frankly, both the populations that seriously care about science or are legitimately interested in it, and the populations that care about the arts and reading in any real way that we're referring to here, are not really part of the mainstream at the moment, so saying that either is more popular is kind of dumb. we're all freaks.

>> No.2289784

Why is my Chemistry and Physics lecture full of chavs talking about memes and reddit, but my English and Philosophy lecture is full of people who actually know their shit.

>> No.2289822

I've been browsing /lit/ for about seven months so far. I've been browsing /sci/ for half a month.

I'd have to say that collectively, /sci/ is smarter.

From what I've seen, most of the people on /lit/ are coffee-shop intellectuals majoring in English/Liberal Arts/Creative Writing at some shitty community college/state school. They will most likely never have a job that pays adequately or helps the world even remotely, and their intelligence doesn't extend as far as the dogmatic interpretations of novels that they have heard inside the classroom. Their "intelligence" extends about as far as putting books into categories, talking about what position they like to read in, and making fun of Stephen King. Most of /lit/ isn't even very good at writing. Every story I have read on this board is about some angsty 20 year old who sees the world differently from everyone else.

Ultimately, your average c/lit/ is detrimental to society and to themselves.

At least your average /sci/ poster is some kid in high school who hasn't already fucked up his future beyond belief or someone who is majoring in something useful.

Probably the most intelligent posters on /lit/ are the extremely rare, open-minded individuals who are doing something with their lives and spend their spare time reading.

>> No.2289829

you have strange standards for "intelligence" or more likely you're just a troll

>> No.2289834

I've been browsing /sci/ for about seven months so far. I've been browsing /lit/ for half a month.

I'll have to respectfully disagree with you.

>> No.2289841

>They will most likely never have a job that pays adequately or helps the world even remotely

How's that colectivism going, uh?

>> No.2289844

>I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself!

>> No.2289846



I've been browsing both longer, but it's painfully obvious /sci/ has turned into shit hole (partly due to the mods).

/lit/ is one of the last remaining boards that's intelligent and hasn't been taken over by inane trolling.

>> No.2289849


/sci/'s mods are frequently butt flustered and side with the wrong people. It's full of very smart folk.

>> No.2289854

-/sci/ is a board for people who are fans of science
-/lit/ is a board for people who are fans of literature

the problem I have with /sci/ is that, just from what I've seen, it seems like a lot of people there think they're on the "'Science' team" and can thus take pride in the accomplishments of this ridiculously broad category of human activity. I think if you engage in this kind of tribalism and you don't see how ridiculous it is, you're kind of stupid. At least /lit/'s behavior is in keeping with the behavior of fan communities, which is what both boards are.

to answer the questions posed in the postcard:
What has /sci/ done? Some image macros, I guess.
What has /lit/ done? The same.

>> No.2289867

actually /lit/ produces a shitty litmag, so I guess as a board we're more active in our subject than /sci/

>> No.2289868

This is a pretty fair (or honest, anyway) assessment.

>> No.2289872

Speaking of, TAR is about due for a release.

>> No.2289873

/sci/ has an educational wiki and a guy who makes hamsters underwater habitats. /lit/ can't compete with that.

>> No.2289880

Majors in hard sciences and related subjects like engineering, math, etc. are probably much more valuable than liberal arts majors, english, etc. That's why it's weird that /sci/ is so insecure in its relationship to /lit/. They really shouldn't be, but it seems like they define themselves in opposition to /lit/ whereas /lit/ never goes out it its way to comment on /sci/.

I'm really curious as to why this is. Why does /sci/ seem so intimidated by /lit/? In a broader sense, why are people in those types of disciplines intimidated by people in the liberal arts? I'm not offering an explanation, I'm honestly asking.

>> No.2289881


do hamsters even want to be underwater though?

>> No.2289883

Deep down they do, probably.

He went to one for hoomins as well.

>> No.2289889


>What has /sci/ done? Some image macros, I guess.

We were going to do a science journal, but it never happened. I still have the domain for it actually.

>> No.2289891

you know legorobot was banned from somethingawful for being a pedophile, right?

actually he was banned for generally acting like an asshole, whoring his mspaints for gifts, acting like an arrogant dickbag whenever someone disagreed with him and bringing up his status as a SA celebrity every chance he got, but the helldump thread about him dug up pretty compelling evidence that he was a pedophile and I think that was the pretense under which he was finally permabanned

yeah he's really a guy you should look up to

>> No.2289892

A journal? That sounds tough for /sci/.

>oh my god he's a human fuck that guy
It'd be a cool guy if you could cite any of that.

>> No.2289895


>> No.2289896


an unresolved oedipal complex, primarily... the physicist or chemist, having submitted himself to a patriarchal hegemony (to wit: the scientific establishment), fears doubly for the penis, which is threatened not only by the father but by the surrogate father of sicnence

the castration anxiety manifests itself most notably in the constant insistence upon physics/math/chemistry being "hard sciennces" and "rigorous" fields of study -- metaphorical erections that are a sublimated defense mechanism

>> No.2289898

Can we combine this with the "all engineers are faggots" hypothesis?

>> No.2289902


>> No.2289908

^helldump thread
he posted about taking his (almost!) 15-year-old girlfriend to a state where the age of consent was low enough that they could fuck legally (he was 22 at the time)

legorobot was also the guy who got kicked out of art school (lol) for repeatedly harassing a girl who believed in some stupid new age bullshit. so yeah, not a surprise he's found a new home in /sci/

>> No.2289912

This is why I rarely come to /lit/. They talk like stoners: sounds and words, but no cohesion.

>> No.2289915

Nobody gives a fuck about your knitting circle-style /sci/ gossip.

Get the fuck out of here, you tongue-wagging weasel.

>> No.2289917

>one pretentious tripfag blathering on stupidly

>> No.2289918


That would have been better if you could spell.

Also, people who are the first question the maturity/masculinity of others are usually fearful of their own.

>> No.2289919
File: 124 KB, 620x417, l-l-l-ookatyouwonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even know who Richard Feynman is?

>> No.2289921

Faggotry unification theory.

All engineers are faggots

All scientists are closeted engineers with better dress sense

In a closed field all faggots enter increased states of entropy with decreased physical effect, by moving up the xkcdian scale of scientific purity until they are condensed to mathematicians

therefore hereforthwith the underlying principia literary are fully expressed truly magnanimously.

>> No.2289923
File: 520 KB, 900x550, 1369825150_d8452897b0_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he sure does love using the word ephebophilia!

>> No.2289925

>"We hope you enjoy and have a nice new years eve."

Typical science-produced drivel. Textbook example of pleonasm.

>> No.2289926

obviously at least one person does because he asked me to back up my assertion with links

>> No.2289928

Read his Six Easy Pieces.
He sure made his point clear.

>> No.2289929

second person who gives a fuck reporting in. Mad Sci is such a cool bro, all of this is fucking with my mind

>> No.2289932

Exchange e-mails or just take it back to /sci/. Stop cluttering up /lit/ with your garbage.

>> No.2289934

>stop cluttering up a single thread that's about your board anyway

Deal with it, bookfag

>> No.2289935

Hey man, I used to love his comics back in the day. But you can't let the fact that you like the stuff get in the way of accepting the truth. Read that thread. It documents pretty clearly his shitty kiddy-fucking, obnoxious twat behavior.

>> No.2289937

Pedos are fucking disgusting, but a 15 year old and a 22 year old isn't anything more than unusual.

>> No.2289938

Hey bob.

>> No.2289940

It's par for the course in Europe.

>> No.2289942

Nope. My MS paint skills are nothing near that good.
I know, I'm in europe.

>> No.2289943

/sci/ - harvard
/lit/ - yale (lol Bloom)

>> No.2289947

/b/ - Podunk U

>> No.2289948

not MIT?

>> No.2289981

You know, I would like to visit /sci/ but every time I go I just see a first page filled with multiple 200-post-long science vs religion debates. Are you all just in high school or something? Who even cares? At least on /lit/ you can find interesting discussion.

>> No.2289993

>interesting discussion.

Like what?
>I think bateman's work is an excellent post-humorous sage
>nonsense, philistine
>nonsense, elitist
>nonsense, philistine
repeat ad nauseum

>> No.2289990

>At least on /lit/ you can find interesting discussion.

we do? Maybe I'm just not here often enough.

>> No.2290011

Reported for being a gigantic faggot and asshole.

enjoy your ban

>> No.2290012

Happy New Year /lit/

From your biggest fan

>> No.2290013

A lot of the philosophy discussions that have a higher anon to tripfag ratio can be quite good (or at least informative), you get people posting about all kinds of shit like the Roman god of penises or 14th-century travel literature, and it's the only board on 4chan where you can have a serious discussion about feminism without people going 'hurr durr I know what feminism is it's when women are sexist against men rite'

To be fair, I think I have this personal experience of /lit/ because I don't usually have enough spare time to spend refreshing it, and when I'm here I do try to softly troll people into coming up with good discussion. In any case I think all of those things are far more interesting than seeing another group of college/high school age kids get trolled into clumsily quoting Dawkins

>> No.2290016

I don't see what he did wrong on the whole 15 year old thing. When I was 15 I could make decisions like that and ended up with a 19 year old for a month or two.

>> No.2290040

Yeah but how old are you now, and how many 15-year-olds do you actually know? I'm 20 and my little sister is turning 15 this year, and she's bright as hell but I can also see how she has a lot of growing up to do in ways that she doesn't even realise yet. Thinking of a guy two years older than I am, presumably done with his uni education, I think I could say with certainty that in that sort of situation he would know more than her about what was going on between them and, by extension, be in a position to easily manipulate her (if he were so inclined). She could certainly handle a mature relationship with someone with good intentions, but she wouldn't have the life experience to really assess the actions of someone that much older than her.

Not that I actually care who this guy is or what he did, I just tend to doubt when people say 'I knew enough to do x when I was y years old'

>> No.2290051

I'm 16 (inb4 ban, I can into dynamic IP). When I was 15, I fucked a 19 year old guy in the ass. On the other hand, I know people easily above the age of consent who have no idea how to into relationships. The age of consent is pretty useless anyway, more of a modal value than a universal.

that's not to say it should be disgarded- an 8 year old is an 8 year old, and there's no way in hell they can consent. Fully sexually developed people months from adulthood, on the other hand. I support drawing the line in the sand further back.

>> No.2290052

I gotta think you're still pretty young if you think that.

no, a 15 year old cannot make these kinds of choices. there's really no "rational" or "mature" reason for a 15 year old to want to fuck a 22 year old man. any 15 year old who was actually mature would be able to see that any 22 year old man who WANTS to fuck, or even have a relationship with a 15 year old girl must himself be seriously flawed. else, why would he seek out such relationships? what attracts him to 15 year old girls that he cant find in women his own age? what makes him risk serious legal consequences to be with a female who is inherently less experienced and less developed emotionally, sexually, intellectually? when I was in high school, a guy like this was tolerated at the fringe of our group because he could buy us beer, but everybody recognized how creepy he was. no mature 15-year-old girl would want to go out with a guy like that and the only reason she would is because his age makes him seem more interesting to her-- which is an exertion of his power in an inherently unequal relationship, and the reason why it's called "statutory RAPE"

>> No.2290057

Can a 15 year old make choices better than a 16 year old who was in the same grades at the same time? why?

There are people below 16 who can give informed consent, and people above it who can't. The system we have happens to be the best we know of at the moment, but it's far from perfect anyway. There's nothing illegal or even particularly strange about 15 and 22, we just think of 15 as being awful for some reason.

Again, I'm not defending child molestation or any of the typical pedo jingoism, but 15 is probably fine. If it isn't, then you should probably take it up with the US government, not this guy.

>> No.2290074

Dude, you're not going to like me pulling this card, but you're 16. I know you think you're a fully developed human being right now, I thought the same thing when I was your age. But you're not. There is a WORLD of difference between a 15 year old and a 22 year old.

I mean, notice how both me and that other anon pegged you as still being a kid? That's because, yeah, of course 16 year olds think 15 year olds can be mature enough to consent. They're pretty close to you. Predators depend on that attitude. No teenager wants to believe that they're not actually a full-fledged adult yet.

>> No.2290079

So working with the assumption I wasn't old enough to consent, what damage has been done to me? What damage could have been done to me that wouldn't have been now?

In the UK, I can legally consent at this point.

>> No.2290087

not the anon youre respodning to but i thought it was really cool when my neighbor (mid-age woman) had sex with me when i was 14 but when i got older i realized how fucked it really was and felt violated + disgusted

i mean theres a reason its called statutory rape, just because you've got the penis and you were putting it in his butt doesnt mean he didnt violate you

maybe wait until youre actually an adult to make proclamations about how much of a consenting adult you were a year ago

>> No.2290094

I realise there's a gradient, and no absolute line between able and unable to consent. I fully understand that for some people, 16 is probably just right when it comes to being able to consent. I still don't understand, however, why 15 is bad and 16 isn't. 16 is the legal age of consent in the UK, so I guess I already count for that.

I mean, I've had sex with guys before and after I was 15 and I see no difference. I don't feel abused by any of them. It think we're addressing different issues.

>> No.2290109

Thanks /sci/, appreciate it

We can put aside the tsun-tsun for one day of the year, at least.

>> No.2290112

You are the iridium to our platinum catalysts. Never change

>> No.2290115

You're conflating "age of consent" with some kind of moral imperative. There are places where fucking a 12 year old is fine. That doesn't mean in those places people would see you with your child bride and think "nothing wrong here"

I'm not going to make a specific judgement on your relationship but I can confidently say a 19 year old who is willing to have sex with a 15 year old is at least a little broken. That's the difference between being a freshman in high school and being a freshman in college.

It's pointless to argue with you though because of your age. I think the other guy realized that and that's why he's no longer responding. The truth is you're literally incapable of understanding how fucked up this is because as a 16 year old, it's impossible for you to actually understand the difference between the state of mind you had a year ago and the one you'll have 6 years from now. You think you're "pretty close" to being an adult already, if not fully one.

>> No.2290126


And I guess you would be the Sartre to our Camus.

>> No.2290128

>It's pointless to argue with you though because of your age.

If you say so. Thanks for trying, and happy new year.

I realise you're probably finished, but I'll say this:
I'm psychologically an adult at this point. In biological terms, this is the point at which I've started competing for mates, anyway. I was early in to puberty- voice broke at 11, associated ball dropping and beard at 13. What you're saying goes against both my opinion and the medical knowledge I'm aware of. Conversely, the guy I slept with was shorter than me, thinner than me, had a higher voice than me, and watched cartoon network. You'd guess I was the older one if you saw us both. How is someone both mentally and physically less mature than me inherently more able to handle a sexual relationship?

>> No.2290131


More like our Camus to our Dostoyevsky?

>> No.2290138

>I'm psychologically an adult at this point
hey maybe make this judgement when your older because everybody thinks this when theyre a teenager and the thing they all have in common is that theyre all wrong (intellectual development isnt the same thing as psychological development)

i know it sucks but see all the people youre arguing with have been on the other side and they know what its like to be 16 and think youre an adult but you dont know what its like to be an adult yet

>> No.2290145

> the guy I slept with was shorter than me, thinner than me, had a higher voice than me, and watched cartoon network.

So the 19 year old you fucked in the ass when you were 15 was a wimpy, immature manchild and you're using this as evidence for why its not creepy for a 22 year old to fuck a 15 year old?

>> No.2290147
File: 759 KB, 437x304, 1324181839563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No postcard as good as /lit/'s 2011
Are you guys even trying to not do this?

>> No.2290151


(I'm just joining the discussion now.)
I would probably be willing to admit your case as an exception if I were personally familiar with you and the other guy. That said, any reasonable being assesses each case individually, if such an option exists.

The fact of your early biological maturity, however, is no testament whatsoever to your intellectual and emotional maturity. Not to say that you aren't. Intellectual maturity, "civility," is in large part a curbing and coming to terms with your biological maturation. When puberty comes along, one is suddenly greeted with desires and the ability to attain pleasure in a rather easy matter. This is in part the reason why so many teenagers appear as immature - they have not learned that sexual pleasure is by no means the be-all and end-all of life and being and are not inclined to control themselves. When someone older, say a 22-year-old engages or attempts to with a much younger person, they are potentially taking advantage of an overpowering pleasure-seeking and a want for instant gratification a teenager MIGHT be prone to feel.

Most 15-year-olds simply haven't lived long and varied enough lives to have properly understood the benefits, reasons behind delaying gratification and long-term-planning.

/2 cents

>> No.2290155

no, I'm using it to show that it isn't necessarily creepy, and to try and understand why people think 15 and 22 is.
I will. "be older" isn't a good enough argument to convince me at this point, you'll probably understand.

>> No.2290157

but the example you posted WAS creepy! a nineteen year old manchild who watches cartoon network and fucks high school freshmen is creepy!

>> No.2290158

>and to try and understand why people think 15 and 22 is.
You can't understand because aspergers.

>> No.2290160

I don't have assburgers, if I did I wouldn't be willing to talk because you'd automatically be a faggot/nigger//g/'s insult du jour.

>> No.2290162

>if I did I wouldn't be willing to talk
Aspergers is the autism where you do talk.

>> No.2290163

But now we're back to it being weird because it's weird.

>> No.2290164

>no, I'm using it to show that it isn't necessarily creepy, and to try and understand why people think 15 and 22 is.
you have to understand, you actually kind of proved the point you were trying to disprove. by saying "no, it's fine, he was super immature for his age" you're basically giving evidence for anon's argument, that a grown man who wants to have sex with a 15 year old boy is by necessity "fucked up"

>> No.2290165
File: 2.58 MB, 5000x2000, sciiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2290169

go away, /sci/. we're talking about kiddy fuckers now

>> No.2290172

You seem to know a whole lot more about autism than I do.

He was an adult. He had a house, car, reasonably good job in IT. Legally, socially, in every way he was an adult, and I trumped him. Without going as far as tu quoqui, this also shows that what I'm saying (that age isn't the only determining factor in readiness) is correct.

>> No.2290173

death to this thread

>> No.2290176

I could really do with toning down the pretentious.

>> No.2290178

Coming in half way through the argument, I think both 22 and 15 year olds are pretty immature in general. However, 15 year olds are more vulnerable. There's that aspect of exploitation.

>> No.2290183

You should probably look into it to know how you're weird.

>> No.2290184

So as a freshman in high school you were fucked by a fully grown and mature man?

The fact that you regard things like facial hair and the pitch of your voice (and maybe the fact that you were on top?) as signifiers of how much more mature and in control you were than him just goes to show how immature you actually were/are.

>> No.2290192

1) informed consent is impossible before a certain level of maturity is reached

2) age is important in maturity, but it's impossible to tell whether or not someone is mature simply from their age

3) because the law and society require an easy test for whether someone is able to consent, 18 is used as the guideline, even though some people are more or less mature earlier or later. so, practically speaking, we act as though no one under 18 is capable of informed consent, even though a few may be, because we are civilized and living in a society.

4) someone who fucks a 15 year old as a 22 year old is in blatant contravention of these norms & is having sex with someone that society has determined is unable to give consent. that's not cool.

stop posting in this dumb thread seriously

>> No.2290194

Agreed, totally. A typical 15 year old might not be ready. I'm opposed to the idea that all 15 year olds can't have a relationship because they might hurt themselves, when there's a lot of variance between age and maturity.
As a year 11 I was fucked by someone who was just leaving 6th form, two years above me.

I mentioned that because it's entirely possible this could go down the route of him being a paedophile, and I want to make it clear that's not the case. It's definitely not the reason I felt I was able. That said, there's correlation between physical development and mental development, both in terms of brain structure and thought process.

>> No.2290199

Holy shit is this thread seriously about a kid defending his rapist now

Before I ate dinner we were talking about how /sci/ is a bunch of insecure faggots, how the hell did we get to this point?

>> No.2290202

He forcibly lay on the bed while I fucked him, it was terrible.

Seriously though, don't equate rape with mutually consensual sex- unless you're talking about statutory rape, in which case I still don't get your point.

>> No.2290205

now you're literally implying that its impossible for the penetrator to be the victim

you're so dumb its getting embarrassing

>> No.2290207

somebody posted about a dude who posts on /sci/ and got banned from SA for being an annoying dickhead / pedophile. this inevitably lead to a discussion of the morality of ephebophilia and pedophilia, and in this case specifically one dude defending a relationship he had with a 20 year old when he wsa 15.

in other words, the internet happened

>> No.2290212

No, I'm literally implying that it's foolish to literally imply that I was a victim.

>> No.2290214

"nonconsensual sex is rape"

"by the standards of our laws and society you were incapable of informed consent"

"therefore you were the victim"

>> No.2290215

lol, I love the word "ephebophilia" its basically a code word for "I have a dozen gigs of child porn on my computer"

>> No.2290220

So statutorily. Good luck finding a lawyer willing to take the case of a 15 year old who had sex with a guy because he wanted to.
Harsh, but probably true.

>> No.2290225

how do you get kicked out of school for trolling people with atheism?

like i'm amazed, how big of a nuisance would you have to actually make of yourself?

>> No.2290228

> Good luck finding a lawyer willing to take the case of a 15 year old who had sex with a guy because he wanted to.
you mean the prosecuting attorney? because yes, he will take that case. and assuming the facts of the crime are backed by the evidence, he will win that case when a jury of 12 men and women vote guilty.

every time you post you reveal a little bit more about how naive you really are, which makes the relationship you're trying to defend get sadder and sadder

>> No.2290233

I'll believe it when you can provide me a single case from anywhere in the world

>> No.2290238

seriously this is kind of sad at this point

>> No.2290239

it's funny because even in the article which seemed to take his side (because he was the only person who was willing to talk to the reporter) legorobot comes off like a giant asshole. basically this silly lady was having a conversation with someone about her weird new age beliefs, and legorobot COULD NOT ABIDE THIS so he stomps over and interrupts them and starts arguing with her and trying to prove to her that when she dies shes just going to rot in the ground and calling her an idiot (I'm not disputing she's an idiot, it's just not a nice thing to say to someone who isnt doing anything to bother you) and basically keeps berating her despite both she and the girl she was talking to her asking him to leave them alone until the girl starts to cry and he starts to laugh at her

the "other side of the story" as told by other students is that he was a notorious faggot who never did his classwork if he could help it, jacked around on the internet during class, and was generally known for being a loud disruptive asshole, and the school probably just used this whole mess as an excuse to get rid of him

the school as willing to let him back in if he was willing to have a session with a counselor, presumably to teach him how to not act like a jackass, but he was incredulous at the very notion. after all, he wasnt the one with the problem, he wasnt the one who believed in space wizards.

what's funny is the girl who believed in leprechauns or whatever was obviously more well-adjusted as a human being than he was.

>> No.2290242

thank god for helldump

>> No.2290251

hey is this the actual 16 year old kid who has been posting in this thread

because this is an insane thing to say - really? the idea of prosecuting a 19 year old for having sex with a 15 year old is crazy? you've never heard of anything like that?

>> No.2290256


And yes, I don't think you'd find anyone who'd take the case, let alone mine. I've never heard of that happening, and though the laws exist they're not used.

>> No.2290260

does it have to be exactly 19 and 15? cause I just googled it and I got this:

>> No.2290262


the best way to dissuade someone from a belief is to yell at them about it in public

>> No.2290264

Yes, it's important.

Looking back I was 15 and 7 months. If you get that close, I'm seriously impressed.

>> No.2290271

so you think that for a 19 & 14 y.o. they would, but for a 19 & 15 yo they wouldn't? why does the month matter? are you just crazy?

>> No.2290278

i know its anecdotal but a guy i went to high school with got head from a 14 year old girl when he was 18 and he went to jail for a year for it, they put him on the sex offender registry and everything

>> No.2290284

A universal age of consent is a poor system because there are people younger than it who are fully able to have sex responsibly, and people older than it who aren't. There are less 50 year olds who aren't mature enough to give consent than there are 17 year olds, and the numbers drop off as you look at older groups. The same applies in the other direction- someone who is a day of 16 is more likely able to consent than a 14 year old. Practically applied, the law follows this.

>> No.2290288


20 year old fucked a 15 year old, got arrested for it

>> No.2290290

off of* 16

>> No.2290298

>One count of Especially Aggravated Sexual Exploitation of a minor

This isn't a statutory rape case, it's something different. The ages are also different. Thanks for trying though.

I think we've digressed here, the point isn't that it's legal or illegal, it's that 16 is not an age of consent set in stone, which is where we started off. There are states where it's 15, and states where it's 18. Even if my ex could be prosecuted, that wouldn't be contrary to what I'm saying.

>> No.2290315

it would be contrary to what you have been saying when you said that nobody would ever prosecute him

hey when literally everybody else in a thread thinks you're wrong maybe you should take a step back and think "hmm maybe I dont know what the fuck I'm talking about because I am a child"

>> No.2290320

>hmm maybe I dont know what the fuck I'm talking about because I am a child
I'm legally an adult, and "you're a kid" still isn't particularly convincing. When I was a kid I proved adults wrong all the time.

>> No.2290352

what's even better is that he tried to get the ACLU to defend him and they were like "lol no", presumably because he'd been warned so many times on other issues and the aforementioned offer of counseling

seriously. he wanted to SUE THE COLLEGE instead of talking with a counselor for an hour about his complete inability to function around other human beings. Lego Robot DEFINES the autistic science nerd.