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File: 595 KB, 1511x1023, paris sous la neige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22895100 No.22895100 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ write what's on your mind
new years in paris edition

last >>22890813

>> No.22895117


>> No.22895121

It's not New Year's Eve yet where I live.

>> No.22895127

I won't type it

>> No.22895138
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>the banquet hall after Perseus saved Andromeda

>> No.22895163

At my very Mormon parents' place for the holidays. I'm troubled by my poor relationships with my family, but also by the things they do.
Nearly snapped and yelled at my older brother while he was happily chatting about how meaningful the Book of Mormon is and how much he gets out of studying it with my mom. Internally I was like YOU'RE A FUCKING PHD STUDENT HOW THE FUCK DO YOU FALL FOR THIS SHIT but I held my tongue. I also got into a minor argument with my dad since he brought up how I had stopped going to Mormon services - I also wanted to scream something like YOU'RE A FUCKING PROFESSOR OF LANGUAGES HOW THE FUCK DO YOU BELIEVE IN SOMETHING AS LAUGHABLE AS REFORMED EGYPTIAN but I didn't because the part of me that wants to be right isn't as important sometimes as the part of me that just wants to see his family once in a while.
Saw my imouto and otouto as well. They're doing okay. Younger brother is a discord gamer twitch RGB lighting type but he doesn't demand people use different pronouns for him yet so maybe all hope isn't lost. Imouto is a sophomore in college and enjoying it for the most part. She's probably smarter than me and is one of those motivated ambitious energetic types who will probably either end up a CEO at a startup or burn out and work as a barista. I missed her a lot while I was living on my own and I don't think I saw her nearly enough this year. If she wasn't my sister I'd probably be head over heels for her.
What weirds me out is that her, my younger brother, and my older brother have all been on SSRIs since they were in middle school and no one bats an eye at it or thinks there's anything wrong with it - maybe I'm just callous but I'd like to think a treatment for depression would lead to you becoming a healthy person who doesn't need treatment anymore rather than permanently being dependent on it.
Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.22895166
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The real problem is that you keep trying to fix your other, very simple problem in the same way you've always done that doesn't work and which you know doesn't work.

>> No.22895176

Mormons are freaks, why the fuck wouldn’t you just be Christian?

>> No.22895198

Take some Prozac and go to (Mormon) church, dork.

>> No.22895211

Idk, you'd have to ask my great great grandfathers since they got us into the whole thing in the late 1800s. Personally once I found out about the whole "symbolically vow to commit ritual suicide by throat slitting and disembowelment if you tell outsiders about your secret new name and the secret temple ceremonies" thing I was done, and that was before I knew about the secret Mormon asset management company holding like 200 billion dollars and the #2 largest private land holdings in America.
Back in the day the big appeal was having a harem of plural wives but that's not a thing anymore unless you live on a compound or have serious connections.

>> No.22895213

Happy new year, anons!!!

>> No.22895236

Damn now I know where scientology got it from.

>> No.22895248


>> No.22895254

NTA but Mormonism is pretty standard occultist in origin, I can't remember the exact details but its core stuff is a mix of contemporary Masonic and occult symbolism and rituals, though they toned them down over time iirc, and Scientology is similarly not a "random science fiction cult" but a spinoff of Crowley shit which is an evil edgy spinoff of the Golden Dawn which was an attempt to systematize all the 19th century interest in occultism. Modern scifi and alien stuff is very downstream of Golden Dawn occultism via Crowley, the demons he was contacting / trying or claiming to have contacted are the prototypes for the "greys," and there is a direct Hubbard/Crowley connection, as well as a LaVey (Satanism)/Crowley connection. Also look up Jack Parsons, brilliant major rocket scientist who was a Crowley guy trying to contact alien demons in the desert via sex magic.

Heinlein, the famous scifi author, was Hubbard's friend, and also into weird sex tantra magic shit.

Basically everything is occultism or two degrees of remove from it.

>> No.22895269

>its core stuff is a mix of contemporary Masonic and occult symbolism and rituals,
Anon it's worse than that: the book of Mormon is a reskinned rant about how the English need to beat the shit out of Napoleon.

>> No.22895274

You gotta understand that normies don't access religion in a way that connects it with their desire to know the world objectively, there is a very thick barrier for them between how they feel about their beliefs (and everything that goes with them: community, family, memories, identity, home itself) and their inward "duty" not to believe in bullshit. That's why they have be academics and still believe it, even.

You seem like an insightful guy and your psychological insight about your sister reminded me of women like that.

I knew a really smart ex-Mormon who you remind me of. It's sad when the faith is such bullshit that there isn't even a way to rediscover it at a higher level, like there is with most other faiths. I wonder if there's any good at all to be found in Mormonism aside from the peace it may have given some ordinary people who didn't think about it too much..

>> No.22895281

Sucks bro. I feel similar being a christian around my secular family

>> No.22895295

I'm 3rd wheeling and it fucking sucks. My friend made stay over for new years and then he invited his psycho ex over and is fucking her. At least i got a free 12 pack

>> No.22895306

It's 2023

>> No.22895316

Your relatives probably have pondered these contradictions before but are upholding a noble lie, your family is educated and prominent for this reason,

>> No.22895320
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>the demons he was contacting / trying or claiming to have contacted are the prototypes for the "greys,"
it goes deeper anon. There were other intelligent races on this earth before us and there still are.

>> No.22895323

Theosophy is fake and gay

>> No.22895324

I plan on reading the Bhagavat Gita in 2024. My goal is to gain an understanding of when and why violence is justified.

>> No.22895330
File: 352 KB, 741x712, 1702302459289747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal is to get a gf

>> No.22895340

Any words that look like what they mean outside of “bed”?

>> No.22895352

I used to be able to feel God. I cant anymore.

>> No.22895354

My goal is to work out and brush my teeth more. Also to look at more gore whenever possible, it's been so many reposts lately.

>> No.22895359
File: 2.23 MB, 2736x4000, Gustave_Caillebotte_-_Jeune_homme_à_sa_fenêtre_(B_32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a new year, but he couldn't stop thinking about the same Woman who never thought about him.

>> No.22895366

Fun fact, if you live in Southern California, you can drive right by a ritual site used by Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard right off the 210 freeway.

>> No.22895369

I don’t want to buy a house anymore but these last 3 years of living in my parents’ basement at the age of 30 to save up and buy a home will have been pointless if I don’t.

>> No.22895371
File: 170 KB, 1321x1536, 95FE02A6332E45DB99B72C2DB74AEA46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking malibu on the packed train with my gf
This is going to be a good new years. We're going to a bar for a 90s 2000's night.

>> No.22895372

Just leave, retard. Men who respect themselves don’t stick around situations like that.

>> No.22895378

Ive actually been there a few times. Thats where they tried a gay orgy to make rhe moon child right? Right by the Rose Bowl. It's a cool little hike and tunnel. Mexicans do santaria in there. Should go back soon

>> No.22895379
File: 865 KB, 1354x784, Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would two girls go to the bathroom together on the train?

>> No.22895381

Can't. My house is an hour away and I'm drunk.

>> No.22895386
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Working and living on the nightshift feels like playing life on an empty server.

>> No.22895389
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Pic for proof

>> No.22895391

New year.

>> No.22895419

They need to go together because when you pee sitting down you need a spotter to make sure you don't fall in.

>> No.22895432

Do women spread their pussy lips when they piss? I have watched porno from beneath a woman pissing and their piss frequently splashes on their thighs if they don't do this, but when I ask gfs if they do it they laugh at me and say that never happens and I'm insane, women do not need to spread at all when they piss it all just comes out no mess. I think they're fucking lying.

>> No.22895436


>> No.22895470

Update: unintentionally ended up having a bit of a discussion slash debate with my dad. I tried to just remind him that he's still my dad and I love him even if I don't share his beliefs rather than debate and argue but I still made him tear up while explaining how I don't believe in Mormonism anymore and now I kinda feel like shit.

>> No.22895498

I'm worried about my brother

>> No.22895506

>but I'd like to think a treatment for depression would lead to you becoming a healthy person who doesn't need treatment anymore rather than permanently being dependent on it.
unfortunately, that's not the case. some things, you can only treat the symptoms.

>> No.22895508

What would you guys do if i died today?

>> No.22895515

girls move in groups to prevent them from being assaulted, or just to drag each other away from a creep. It just ends up getting ingrained.

>> No.22895552
File: 10 KB, 671x673, 33h69i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this bar is too loud
>there is no food here
>I want to smoke but if I get up I'll lose my seat
>drinks are too expensive
>I had to pay $30 cover
>my date is drunk already

>> No.22895569

I'd be sad. You're a cool guy anon, never forget it.

>> No.22895576

Just finished the Chuck Krantz story in If It Bleeds yesterday, didn't think too much of it, the dancing portion was fun but that's about it, what was the point of it all?

>> No.22895578
File: 45 KB, 540x540, 1673186313511126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, 10 minutes ago
>drive to bar
>pay $15 cover
>sit down at empty table in the middle of bar
>put in ear plugs
>doodle in my sketch pad for a couple minutes
>"wait, I hate bars and loud noises"
>leave without getting money back
>drive home
>post about it on 4chan

>> No.22895589

I might be eating bad cheese...

>> No.22895592

Sounds comfy anon. I'm about to go to Hooters and eat some wings with my gf. Things went better than expected.

>> No.22895607

buy land and have a house built.

>> No.22895617

I’m in the city so land is prohibitively expensive here. I would like to own land out in the country, but I’m just going to be making payments and paying taxes on land I don’t live on. I can’t build yet because I can’t afford that.

>> No.22895620

why don't you want a house anymore?
even if you don't get a house there are countless other options. you could start a business or travel the world. You could invest. The time you spent living as a basement goblin is gone regardless of what you do.

>> No.22895621

Hard cheeses don't go bad

>> No.22895628

Well, the money I’ve saved won’t go as far now for one but I just don’t think these prices are worth it. I’m worried that I’m going to buy in at a shitty time.

>> No.22895672

Give me more paintings that are high quality fren

>> No.22895675

Yeah, I know it is but it just bothers me that the time was pointless you know. It’s like if someone lives in their mother’s basement for a while because they’re saving up for a house that kind of fine but if it’s any other reason they’re somehow a loser and will never not be a loser.

>> No.22895676
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Hooters was closed. We're on our way home unceremoniously

>> No.22895677

Hey it’s me bro. You should be worried.

>> No.22895691

don't joke

>> No.22895702

My girlfriend got upset again at a houseguest and family friend talking about something she wasn't familiar with. We're going to bed on 11:30 on new year's. This will probably be my last post since I'm giving up 4chan, which feels like it makes me a worse person.

>> No.22895714
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I try to get girls pregnant

>> No.22895719

See you tomorrow anon.

>> No.22895724

2024 might be the year I die.

>> No.22895735

Gotta drink some whiskey and rye, american pie style.

>> No.22895741

>nigger atheist anon is mad because his more educated family have religious beliefs.
it always makes me crack up how atheist niggers can't help but signal to everyone around them that they're atheists and that everyone else is an idiot to them. cool, guess what, while you're being an edgy kid nobody gives a shit and people actually learn from each other at those table discussions that you aren't part of. how does it feels to know your dad and your mom love your brother more than you and that you could fix this by not acting like a redditor but always choose not to nonetheless?

and do you realize that you ironically look possessed by satan whenever you get mad at someone for believing in God? sometimes jokes write themselves

>> No.22895746

see you in twenty minutes when you get bored anon

>> No.22895748

You r a dem0n

>> No.22895768

I keep racking my brain to come up with a solution I can pursue in 2024 that will unfuck my career but keep coming up with nothing

>> No.22895774
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Come with all your arrogance, Narcissus of the creek, come with all your vanity, Oriana of the woods, I was harsh to judge you. Those who say beauty is not worth all are but blind. I would enslave mankind for the lily covered valleys in your chest, the cascading vineyards in your hair, even the golden daggers you have for eyes. No one sees that the web you spin is just chantilly lace, my black widow cutie, I would happily die just to feed your delusions.

>> No.22895798

Do you have a goal for how many books you wanna read in 2024? I saw that picture of that black girl a couple of threads ago where she was talking about how she read over 130 books last year and I thought that was wild.

>> No.22895807

Just read every day and don’t worry about a number. All books have different lengths and difficulty levels. If you need motivation to read to reach a goal you don’t really like reading. A reader wants to read, he doesn’t need that push to reach a number

>> No.22895815
File: 771 KB, 534x799, Screenshot 2023-12-31 224149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel stupid for having spent so much time thinking of what to say in places like these threads and not listening to others. Why do I care about making sure others know my stupid issues, I already know everything about them, I don't learn anything, nobody's going to rescue me. I gain far more insight from listening. At least, listening/reading to threads like these where people are honest... IRL you often have people on the other side who are just like me thinking more about some vain image theyre presenting over actual honesty, wasting everyones time.
Anyway it seems like the more I think about death the better I am at making good decisions. It also seems like the dominating issue in my life is simply finding the motivating factor to push me towards doing fucking anything at all. So I think of death and it gives me a sense of context to make the worthless things I waste my time on actually feel worthless. I'm tired of being a porn addict loser. I want a girlfriend like pic related. I want to actually fucking step towards that life too, not just think about it. I waste so much time thinking about stuff that doesn't matter. And the only way to think about what does is to become more intimate with death.
Also my dad's cough is getting worse. I feel concern but I resent him for many reasons so I say nothing, no one does, except my mother, who if anything is met with anger upon advising his health. He made his bed he can lie in it. Car rides with the family are always almost silent. We don't hug him. Part of the reason I want to move is to not be around to deal with the inconvenience of his death or becoming invalid.
Anyway happy new year. I am going to dare to hope this year. I'm going to dive back into the waters and try to live some more.

>> No.22895818

My goddamned whiny fucking girlfriend has complained for like an hour nonstop because she's drunk and when I got home she fucking broke my bong my brother got me like 5 years ago because she was being stupid and dramatic. Fuck I'm mad but I cant be mad because she'll make it all about her.

>> No.22895821

I'm not saying it's a motivation thing, I'm saying it's like a "Hey, it'd be cool if I read X amount of books this year" or a "Hey, I'm gonna challenge myself to read X amount of books this year" type of thing. Just a fun sort of thing.

>> No.22895822

I went in a very famous cosmetic brand shop a few weeks ago. There was a tranny that looked like this at the counter. Just a massive, fat american football player wearing make-up. He had a Minnie haircut. I couldn't help but look back two or three times, maybe more as I was waiting in line for another cashier. Keep in mind that even if this was during rush hour the tranny's line was empty save a woman. I remember taking glances around me and seeing everyone looking at their phones or at starting at each other surreptitiously but never directly breaking contact to look at the tranny. It was a surreal fucking scene. Like there was a whole line of good looking women cashiers and in the middle, a gigantic bloke in skirt wearing make-up. His mannerisms indicated that he was gay and I kept imagining what I'd do if my son turned out to be a gay tranny who couldn't pass in a million years and brought me shame in his existence like this.

>> No.22895843

Faggot stoner she did you a favor

>> No.22895851

It's 2024

>> No.22895854

Depends on what you’re reading and how deeply or closely you want to read. In theory you could read a poem a page long a few times, think about it some, then read it a few more times. Such a reader can easily spend 15 minutes on a page

>> No.22895855

Somehow him being a fat tranny that couldn't pass was even worse than just being a tranny or being gay. There was something repulsive here, like okay alright gays are gays. I have nothing against them. I'd get in the line of a good looking, polished, beard-trimmed and clean looking gay. As for passing trannies, I don't mind/care. They're not an eyesore, at best they are a curiosity since you either can't notice it or it just tickles your 'is this a woman or a man?' sense. But him being a fat, so obvious of a man, wearing a skirt and make-up whilst sweating buckets and still acting like a woman was disgusting. I don't know litbros, I don't like fat people but I'd get in line for a fat gay. The guy was such a compound of everything I find repulsive that he activated a defence signal in my brain. It was a destruction of nature, a bad imitation of God's work. I pitied him but people don't ask to be serviced by repulsive human beings.

>> No.22895857

Why should I have sympathy for old people. They had their whole lives to watch the elderly make mistakes and prepare to avoid them. I'd rather save my sympathy for the young.

>> No.22895861

Bitch I was sentimental, that shit meant a lot to me.

>> No.22895866

ugly girls always have hot friends
hot girls have ugly friends
goodlooking girls are nicer - being attractive gives you good qualities
being tall makes you modest, being short makes you proud

look at all these realizations i'm having, only 5 hours into the year

>> No.22895870

you're absolutely right brother. that's why you should always befriend the ugly girl, spend time with her and then friendzone the shit out of her before she cockblocks you

>> No.22895872

old age is awful, and it's a part of life they never really prepare you for

>> No.22895878
File: 184 KB, 501x450, Is It Odd That I Became an Adventurer Even If I Graduated From the Witchcraft Institute 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching the Time Square Ball Drop like I've done pretty much every year for two decades
>3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!
>Cuts to a camera that's right in front of a white dude and a black dude in the crowd passionately making out, really sucking face
>This is the first thing I see in 2024 after the Ball Drop
Look, man, I don't give a shit if you get married or have sex or whatever, but I don't fucking want to see it, and I DEFINITELY don't want it to be one of the first things I see of the New Year.
How fucking inconsiderate.

>> No.22895884

Half hour past new years. My buddy and I passed out.

>> No.22895888

Who is "they" If anyone is going around telling people that some mystical "they" is going to take care of them when shit hits the fan then they need to be slapped because you can walk out the front door and see people literally everywhere suffering immeasurably because of means outside of their control. You had 50 fucking years to do something about getting old. It's on you. It's not my fault you didn't use your brain.

>> No.22895889

25, so I have 2 weeks per book, with 2 weeks to spare for when I can't.

>> No.22895890

>on /lit/ at midnight like ive done pretty much every new year
>first thing i see is weeb whining abt a gay couple in nyc

>> No.22895891

Ive been doong drugs and before the anxiety kicks in I could use some conversation. Anyone wanna debate about American Psycho or Blade Runner?

>> No.22895893

they is they

>> No.22895897

and, yet, all his siblings on SSRIs. It's almost as if the religion is so retarded they have to take meds to cope. OR, the family is highly dysfunctional on some level and the children are fed meds to keep up the facade that they are a mayo mormon family.

>> No.22895898


>> No.22895899

Why do you go to a weeb website if you don't want to see weebs?

>> No.22895901

>almost 6am, have not seen my bed this night
>still haven't reached the showering part of the to do list from last year

>> No.22895908

why'd he go to nyc steam if he didnt want to see gay interracial PDA

>> No.22895911


>> No.22895913

They never showed it on one of these streams before.

>> No.22895915

My friends think I'm so insightful and deep and helpful. If only they knew I was a moserable midwit just regurgitating basic shit I read to them. Oh well. As long as it's helpful right?

>> No.22895918

Yup. Threw grams in a week. Did the last few lines just now. Sitting in my car smoking and writing descriptions of apartments.

>inb4 advice about drugs; I know, I intend to, lets skip that portion

>> No.22895920

Ooooh a sentimental gay thc inhaler! Get better taste faggot and thank your gf for doing you the favor

>> No.22895924

based, nations should live for their young

>> No.22895927

At least you have friends. Keep it up, if your friends ever learn youre a fraud they will be disappointed.

>> No.22895928

glad to see i wasn't the only one bothered by that.

>> No.22895929

its 2024 buddy

>> No.22895935

I'm not an atheist, but even if I was, it still wouldn't make Mormonism true.

>> No.22895939

Permissiveness like this is the reason we have homos on tv. I also used to think like you, "hey consenting adults, privacy of their bedroom yadda yadda" . But I realized that idea is wrong.

Accepting homosexuality as normal is wrong. Homo is degenerate and harmful to society and will lead to the destruction of society.

>> No.22895940

One of the few things that has been bothering me for the past few weeks, has been about the great depression. In late 2017, my mother and her stepmother, met up with the family in tow at a cracker barrel. What was supposed to be a fairly happy meeting turned into something that stuck with me, it was somber. The stepmother brought her mother along to meet us, and she was in her late 80s or early 90s. She mentioned to us she had lived through the great depression. the old woman talked about her life during the great depression, the struggle the pain and too often the sorrow her family and her community had gone through . The stepmother told us about how her mother would manually turn off the circuit breakers during the winter and instead use lots and lots of blankets to keep warm, she would save every single scrap of food and eat it no matter if she had liked it or not, and would wear her clothes until they where threadbare. This had seemed odd to me, I had comparatively lived a very privileged life.
Now nearly 7 years later i'm starting to understand how traumatic that time would have been. She had seen America at its worst time, poor and starving to seeing it at its richest, a land where the honey and milk flowed freely without impunity, all within a time span of maybe 15 20 years.
These things we have we take for granted, and too often or not we fail to realize how fragile everything from the economy to human life is. It troubles me to think about how even tomorrow I could be homeless or even worse dead. And more often than not we don't plan or prepare for the worst until its too late.

>> No.22895941
File: 1 KB, 72x38, date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not, retard.

>> No.22895943

stay cool out there

>> No.22895944

Why? Is he ok?

>> No.22895948

guy lives in the midwest
that explains it

>> No.22895952
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I have great taste. It's not the object but the circumstances around it. I have people who mean a lot to me and are also nice enough to buy me things I like.

>> No.22895953

How do you know I don't live in Texas?

>> No.22895955

you wouldn't have said 'black dude'

>> No.22895957
File: 58 KB, 700x607, f0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is now 2024 where I live.

>> No.22895961

Good to be with you all at this science-fictional date (who ever heard of 2024 except as the year the Galactic Federation was founded?)

>> No.22895971

Vegano-pescetarian diet (day 22).

>> No.22895973

That sounds kind of awesome

>> No.22895982

I find it interesting how stupid Western culture had become in the 1890s already (Oklahoma Landrun).

>> No.22895983

Should we attempt another read along to start 2024?

What say you have we?

Preferably one of the great works of literature in the western world

>> No.22895984


>> No.22895987

I have become an Orthodawgh.

>> No.22895989

With that mindset you already are a loser and will never not be a loser.
I've lived in my mom's basement plenty and now I live in my own place and have a gf. Next year I might move in with my parents for a while just because it's comfy and to take care of them. Imagine caring what other people think.

>> No.22895991


>> No.22895994

You smoke weed and like bongs. Your gf is an out control drunk. You're a fag

>> No.22895995

Heh still 10:22 here faggot.

>> No.22895997


>> No.22896001

Is faggottestantism better? It was based in the 1600s, ngl, but now they tolerate gay faggotism and I cannot accept that.

>> No.22896003
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Happy new years anon, I'm not going to hate. Hopefully you find peace.

>> No.22896005

Being a humble volcel doesn't count if you jerk it to porn every day, sometimes multiple times. I need to stop lying to myself. My new year's resolution is to buy a hard drive, move my whole collection to it, and chuck it in the back of my storage shed. Dubs and I delete the whole thing instead.

>> No.22896012

It sounds cool and mysterious and all until it's your own family lying or giving half truths about the whole thing, guilt tripping you into partaking in the ceremonies even though you barely know wtf is going on, and acting like it should be the happiest day of your life even though it's just bizarre and creepy. The bigger disappoingment by far, though, was realizing that doing all the wacky mormon rituals doesn't let you use magic powers or give access to hidden occult knowledge or whatever and is mostly just a way to bind young mormon adults more tightly to the mormon church so they keep paying tithing like good goys.

>> No.22896016

Faggot gayoids have it better in the countries where they are oppressed. There they have wife and family, here they are forced into becoming the most degenerate version of themselves. It's disgusting.

>> No.22896017

if they eat red meat they are

>> No.22896020

There's only a handful of prot denominations that don't explicitly condemn homosex. UMC, unitarians (weird schizo cult when you dig into it) the burger version of Lutherans (they're against it everywhere else in the world) and that's basically it. Even in UMC at least half of the clergy are still against it and just acquiesced to the higher ups

>> No.22896027

I only fap to a few pics of arab femboys and anime brown qties that I have saved on a hidden folder on my phone. I only fap about once a week or less now, so when I do fap it’s more meaningful, and I can cum in a few strokes. There’s a few pics I have that I’ve fapped to hundreds of times. My life is much better this way… real porn is just weird and I felt like a weirdo watching it

>> No.22896028

you wouldn't get sovl. that's okay.

>> No.22896030

sometimes i put a hoodie on when i watch porn so it feels creepier

>> No.22896047

Ok, but do they fast 100 days a year?

>> No.22896058

sonic fasts 365 days a year

>> No.22896065

It's amusing how a bunch of mutual friends I have with this one girl I know keeps pestering us to date. But even if I did like her, I'm not gonna bother going after her. For I know she's still not over her ex. If he ever comes back into the picture, she'd immediately fold for him.

>> No.22896069

That’s ok you have le heckin science to rely on. Good for you!

>> No.22896070

Un ironically how do you guys meet women?
If I didn't go to college is it already too late?

>> No.22896071

yeah I can respect that
I plan on keeping a small stash like that
hardcore porn is causing mass mental illness in the younger generations imo

>> No.22896073

I was baptized Lutheran 41 years ago and I’m a burger but that was eons ago. I have my own beliefs informed by the Rhineland Mystics and a bit of Marcion Of Sinope.

>> No.22896075

Happy new year lads

>> No.22896076

To seek an answer. Each time I delivered the crabs onto the docks, hurried hands reached for the shipment without a word—as if we were all autonomous beings created to fulfill a task bestowed upon us without consent nor choice. We are both thrusted into a world of pleasure and can obtain anything our bodies’ desire, yet, in every waking moment I feel no such fulfillment living in such a time. It is as if the Lord himself decided to enact a cruel joke upon our lives—the Lord provided unlimited pleasures but it resulted in unquenchable desires. The Lord himself must have an answer to this predicament. And that is what I seek.

>> No.22896079

Go to church.
Go to events.
Go to concerts.
Go to places like football or rock climbing places.
Basically anywhere with a social gathering setting where people can mix. And go there to make friends first, be interested in people. Helps in filtering out the chicks you'd wanna date and the ones you don't wanna also.

>> No.22896080

Look they can do what they want it takes at least ten women to bring me down. I am persistent.

>> No.22896083

Happy new year…what are your plans for January?

>> No.22896088


>> No.22896089

They do have a liturgical calendar that prescribes similar fasting but no, it's not quite as robust, or even mandatory
There seems to be a hard split between schized out fundamentalist sects and globohomo "Christianity" amongst burger Christians. Why can't we just be normal? I don't wanna attend a church with a rainbow flag but I also don't want to attend a church with a congregation of 12 that was founded in 2003. I'm converting to Catholicism because I feel like I've been backed into a corner and don't have a choice anymore

>> No.22896090


>> No.22896093

not much. gotta go to the doctors and get the crippling pain in my left side checked out lol. hopefully they will diagnose me and I can finally go on with my life

>> No.22896097

whats your diet like

>> No.22896100

In North Korea, the poor live on the top floor of skyscrapers.

>> No.22896105

Unfortunately I don't drink. This would probably be a lot easier if I did. Though I wonder how many women in bars are looking for something serious and how many just want to go home with someone for the night.

>> No.22896111

Slavery is going to make a comeback!

>> No.22896112

oh yeah my friend did no alcohol for a year & said it made dating impossible

>> No.22896114

I’m probably just gonna attend an Episcopalian church

Weird, I’ve been having lower right back pains. It doesn’t help that I’m also 41

>> No.22896117

Misread that as “Slayer is gonna make a comeback” you had me excited for a second

>> No.22896119

32 y.o. and still no gf or wife
feels fucking lonely at times

>> No.22896121

>go where normies attend
no thanke

>> No.22896122

No not at all. First get on a few dating apps like Hinge / Bumble and swear a geas never to give a fuck what happens on the dating apps and never to act in a way that goes against your basic dignity, even if it means giving up pussy. Then make a profile that showcases the ways in which you're slightly offbeat and have intellectual hobbies, but in an unpretentious way that invites open-ended conversation at a fairly general level. Be prepared for women, even women who claim to have serious interests, to have 1/10th the level of interest you would think is the bare minimum for claiming to have that interest.

Use the dating apps as your background default for going on the occasional date, even if it's only to get some experience and keep your head in the game. Set your range to something reasonable so that you can do quick coffee dates after some initial chat, rather than hours or days talking to women that leads nowhere (this is women's form of gooning).

Then join church groups, reading groups, volunteering groups, and any "activity" (gay) groups you can stomach in your area. Also, learn to be chatty and charismatic and try to ask women out if you have a bit of chemistry with them and they're receptive.

Both of these are a numbers game so you have to just start and stay regular.

>> No.22896123

Does every chick expect you to buy them a drink? I drink but rarely and I’m curious.

>> No.22896125

I keep telling other dudes that it’s not really worth it unless you can make her stay loyal. I’ve been single for about six years now. Last bitch tried making a false rape allegation against me.

>> No.22896128

not really, though i think it's like a form of validation for them.
but sometimes you buy the drink and they dip you feel like a fucking idiot

>> No.22896131

Don't think I can go to sleep now and get up in time for mass so I guess I'm pulling an all nighter. One day soon I'll fix my sleep schedule, but not tonight

>> No.22896135

Been with a girl for five years and she left to get fucked by other dudes (enjoying her youth). Nta but I've been a volcel ever since. I don't think dating is a good idea anymore

>> No.22896139

>he hasn't read any books this year
never gunna make it

>> No.22896149

Most girls, if not all, are usually normies. Good luck.

>> No.22896161

Just made rice potatoes shitake mushrooms and spinach in the instant pot with assorted spices

>> No.22896184

no protein

>> No.22896190

Happy new year.

>> No.22896204

>the more interesting ones are in very small closed circles and no chance of meeting them
>or meet normie girls
no good solution here

>> No.22896216

Happy new year /wwoym/

>> No.22896218

There is a chance. You just don't want to put in the work. You have to go from being friends with one girl to being friends with her friends friends and then you'll be able to filter them out. Unlike guys, girls friend circle isn't rigid so there's always gonna be some overlap.

Or you could wallow in self-pity.

>> No.22896225

I'm going to piss my pants *intentionally*

>> No.22896228

Sometimes learning from mistakes is bad.

>> No.22896247

if you want a gf or wife who has exactly the same views as you, what you're really asking for is an autistic man

>> No.22896250

I'm still sick. I want to make it everyone else's problem. Death to joy. An end to the happiness of all mankind.

>> No.22896253

If it makes you feel any better by diabetic father will probably lose his big toe because they refuse to go to a podiatrist to remove the necrotic tissue off of a wound that my father inflicted to himself accidentally almost a year ago. She has been taping onions to his feet because she read a Facebook article that said that onions have magical healing powers or some shit. Despite speaking with her several times about the urgency of getting the dead tissue in the middle of his diabetic toe removed they “forgot” about his appointment with the podiatrist I had to bed them to make and have been taking the external bits off with a nail file as if that even begins to solve the problem. I reckon sometime this year he will have to have his toe cut off because of their negligence. You aren’t the only person with parents that do severely retarded shit. They are both intelligent entrepreneurs and yet the simple fact that my father’s toe is rotting from the inside out seems to escape them.

>> No.22896257
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The whole world circles on the White Man, because the White Man is the best and ultimate form of human being. All of history was made to build him up. Foreign enemies were only significant in that they gave him an obstacle to conquer. All races are below him. Right now, the soul of the White Man is in a crisis. It believes itself weak, and secondary to lesser people. But every night is dark, so that the dawn may be allowed to show its Power by contrast. When the sun rises on the White Man, his Power will be undeniable to all who see it. The Truth will be known.

>> No.22896356
File: 10 KB, 300x400, 20240101_015821_copy_600x800_copy_300x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spending my NY/E around a fire w/my buddy in the park (I'm homeless) drinking smokinh and listening to Black Sabbath https://youtu.be/cRCeK3Gk93s?si=dsEaRqnqx77L4ddL

>> No.22896383

I watch a lot of toilet cam videos and can tell you; they just pee into the folded lips and let the liquid fall out the weak points and run where gravity takes it on their sunken ass flesh.

Women are absolutely disgusting creatures.

>> No.22896401

>I watch a lot of toilet cam videos
>Women are absolutely disgusting creatures.

>> No.22896405

Write a book

>> No.22896418

at least we got some good music out of theosophy (ie scriabin)

>> No.22896424
File: 82 KB, 960x540, 1614347144877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2023 was the year I lost my long-term gf (she didn't die, we broke up). As a way of coping I have been retreating into mathematics and literature. On the one hand, I have been exceedingly productive - I'm reading more books and writing more poetry than ever before and I'm going through mathematics textbooks at a rapid pace. On the other hand, I go to bed every night wanting to kill myself.

>> No.22896426

Homosexuality being harmful to society is in general bollocks. And even if it wasn't, it's impact is negligible in comparison to current trans-insanity.

>> No.22896441

how many trans people have committed mass shootings vs how many incels

>> No.22896442

a bad breakup can be so good for you sometimes. like im soo sad but im sooo productive.

>> No.22896444

Trannies are just incels with a twist, it's the same fundamental demographic.

>> No.22896459

Trannies have heavy influence on women and make them get surgery on their tits, trannies are just sex having men with a twist, it is the same fundamental demographic

>> No.22896460

I dont agree. I think permissivness is fine and there is no fear of the degradation of society. What irks me is that we are spoonfed something that is disgusting for the majority to pretend like showing things that make these people a minority is something to be celebrated. It's not

>> No.22896467

insane take

>> No.22896484

When you chop wood, the chips fly.

>> No.22896493

fucking hell i always thought 'let the chips fall where they may' was a gamblng reference til now

>> No.22896532
File: 72 KB, 1200x675, p039z4sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank general Kutuzov

>> No.22896608
File: 37 KB, 270x400, Barry gibb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading a book that I've had spoiled for me because no one told me I was meant to read this before the previous one I read. I reckon I'll still be able to enjoy it but not as much as I could be.

>> No.22896629
File: 47 KB, 890x618, Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 13.21.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made my food pyramid

>> No.22896639

That's a very based pyramid.

>> No.22896765

Good call.

>> No.22896776

You know that white boy smell crazy

>> No.22896807

>this is women's form of gooning
Women's gooning is just gooning. In fact they're better equipped for it since they can keep going if they cum

>> No.22896815

like corpus santalum

>> No.22896827

>natural deodorant
You KNOW that white boy smell crazy

>> No.22896839

>aluminium in 2024

>> No.22896848

I actually don't use deodorant but I also don't have a diet of cabbage and fish liver

>> No.22896866

you should consume some nutrient dense foods & probiotics

>> No.22896879

Need a disgusting, fat girl-gooner to lick my feet

>> No.22896914

Welcome to the club asshole

>> No.22896940

He's just been feeling down. He recently realized that he's working a minimum wage job just to give his money to other people, and he's bummed out about it. He's feeling lonely, and I live outside of the states, so I can't even cheer him up, except to talk to him when he calls. We'll be talking and then he kind of just goes quiet and ends the call. And Christmas and New Years is a hard time for just about everyone. I don't think he'd kill himself, but you don't always know these things before hand, you know? I just want him to be happy.

>> No.22896963

Capucao, advehantur, hundeartigeres 斥く, caricié logiker пoгнaвшиcь alterant புஷ்பம், boyará ދީން, bakeriet, spunge unheady saltellasti, changuearais, arborez, zhànlǐngjūn, intercalare purificariades, 價格戰, idolatrarás silografico fletándolas, milhamos, fomenterions, кoлoвpaты kuormarattaat, veslehjerne, zastępczyni परं तु juġa', gradienten, rescondre, kastu зacтyкaлo, subterduceretis, entrecortáreis, evinxerat strangolamenti, пpипaдaщa Iech dépolymérisée, skrovište 滴, fisa-dany roa, prýðislutur, گداخت هستهای, apparatissimum, fjǫlhǫfðaða inflazionavamo, biskupspeð underprovisioned, care-takings shāndiān, convolventur syantifik, yǎnshì criscia stamtavlors пpocлeдяeм, switch on dedicatoria, pычaл arrufferò, bestioles conparaturi sotilasmahti, Yūsei, eorcnanstane, animeverse, Otricoli íol sxʷeyn, Minskas, joulukuussa relazionavate, trinkinta, ტონაჟი, cuadratriz kontingento, ofiko accollés, ballotassions broad across the beam, bizcándose storcendoci, paraphysis prostituions, febror, telerehab, four-minute warnings, ミミズ paccottaglia, exulceratorii, designierte, snellirmi, discoperientis 平常心, correteemos oljekällor, molibdének riligione, punctuareris

>> No.22897004

Instagram is the absolutely best thing since the Domesday Book

>> No.22897029

He doesnt have any friends besides you? Sounds rough.

>> No.22897045

No, he does, and he hangs out with them, and he has a good relationship with his roommates, but that doesn't preclude being lonely, and it doesn't mean realizing that you're part of the rat race isn't a fucking bummer.

>> No.22897065

depression is overwhelming my life

>> No.22897098

same here. did you lose any desire too?

>> No.22897254

I think age matters. Before 28 it’s fine.

>> No.22897338


Ask. Bine. Cobalt. Woodsorrel. Taste in my mouth. Of the salvages. Dry

itching. Raise of the right rump. The Asariis coming back. No more tomorrows.

Of the dry salvages. I take them into hand. One by one; clover leaf, sang-

froid, abactors, catchingfields. Slew dogs out after the latched kerns,

caterans, skirmishers, vedettes. We are running. Nowhere to go. I lie down

again, face-first. Inhaling puddle. Mud, dry first. Pant legs wetted. All to go.

Where was I? Before the chase. Aphrodite. Lightly. Where was I? Before the

light. Cavalry. Yharnam, Phthumerian Queen. Right. James Joyce, am I? Plate

soil. Hardearned coin. Never-going-back-ness. These men. Hard types. They

respect me. Ultimately. Do I?

Blood-wetted fabrics. They can smell it. Taste it in their mouths. My blood. I stop talking forever. Until. The day. Riding rough with the picquets. Empress Jessamine Kaldwin. Bright fire burning in my heart. No cold. No wights. No steam-engine trains either. Trains the mind, though. Vampirism.

Lightly, holly. Pricks, bumps, binds. Everything else, too. The kitchen sink. Being picketed on it. Bare redarse hung over. Thwacks, whacks, wallops, thumps. Anything else? They ask me. I say: Why? / Don't hurt me! / Please. Please. They don't.

By broken bag pieces I fall and lie. Holly leaves and woodsorrel crumple underneath me. Pieces of picketed material. Picket me up. Put me back down again. Yaxley. Exactly. Says. Never go back. To them; I say. Yes, she says. We go; take off running. Why not?

Back on the bridge where we began. No novel. Novel-lessness. Novelty, though. I give the soldiers some gifts. Just small representations of myself. Something I remember; something to remember me by. They do. Talk so much. Don't they?

>> No.22897373

Silent Running

>> No.22897465

want catgirl

>> No.22897483

Every girl that flirted with me I friendzoned.

>> No.22897498

Why? I did the same but unconsciously.

>> No.22897527

I have some sort of autism innocence. Recent one: she kept maintaining my looks by brushing dirt off me, touching my hair, trying to pop a pimple, etc., then someone told me she had a crush on me; I stopped hanging out with her. When talking to girls viewing them as a friend I'm very good but not so when potentially romantic.

>> No.22897547

Do you have intimacy issues too? I remember treating girls as a friends and maybe doing some light flirting but never moving past that ever. Sucks to have defective brain.

>> No.22897567

I probably have something from childhood. Lots of crap happened to me.

>> No.22897592
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>> No.22897596

Fatso friend is cringe and boring. Getting so tired of his shit I just go quiet whenever he does something that doesn't please me. Although he doesn't like it, he's got some understanding of the situation : he is aware that I despise him to some extent sometimes, but doesn't seem to know that this is an all-day thing. It gets a bit funny. He smells like shit so I step back whenever he gets close, and half the times he will ask, 'What, do I stink?' followed by an awkward silence and stare on my part. It's some The Office shit I can't even make up. I keep silent for the stink stuff because I already told him that he stank two times and the two times he whined that I was inconsiderate to everyone we know. This faggot can't handle the truth. The year has been long and harrowing. I didn't see him since December 15th because I was on holidays. I can't wait to quit my fucking job in March and never see his stupid fucking face again.

>> No.22897599

Interesting. My brother was treated the same but he ended up being completely normal but I became this mess.

>> No.22897600

If you don't see any problem with gays and were only mad at the tranny bc he didn't make your weewee hard you are part of the problem ayrt

>> No.22897614
File: 32 KB, 470x624, dwright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love women
They are my favorite animal

>> No.22897621

I hate this post

>> No.22897626

I see the problem with gays. Like most people I just act like I don't give a shit to get what I need and go home. What do you think we should do about that?

>> No.22897630


>> No.22897632
File: 91 KB, 1300x1148, 153362986-illustration-a-hand-drawn-vector-illustration-of-a-female-reproductive-system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fried is your brain from porn that you actually think this is how women pee? Does fucking pee drip all over your penis from "gravity" too? Here is a diagram since you have never seen a woman irl go touch some grass degenerate

>> No.22897636

My pee goes into my balls

>> No.22897643

Any Domino's workers here? What's Quality Check? You're not actually checking for "quality", whatever that means, after cooking the pizza, are you? Shouldn't you check the quality at every step? And why does it take like 10 minutes?

>> No.22897662

What textbooks? Thoughts on the Euclid thread?

>> No.22897668

>not retaining your piss

>> No.22897674

Yeah it's exactly this, it comes out sloppily through the outer labia and gets intercepted by them, then where it ends up is chaotic. I've seen it hit the buttcheek for crying out loud.

This is just the gaslighting I mean. Why is the womafia OBSESSED with preventing men from knowing this?

>> No.22897697


>> No.22897718

The author sounds like a petulant faggot, so self-absorbed that he doesn't understand that he's no better than his fat and smelly friend and, by several metrics, is much worse. I mean, just fuck off by yourself if you can't handle other people having quirks, foibles, or shortcomings. If it's that bothersome, just don't hangout with anybody. Nobody wants to be around a self-aggrandizing shit that thinks he's better than the people he surrounds himself with.
The fact that you are surrounded by people you dislike and are rude to says everything here.
You are not above the life circumstances in which you find yourself.

>> No.22897727

Women don't pee out of their vaginas you fucking degenerate nothing "comes out sloppily" serious question, how do you pee? I don't know what kind of ghetto women you see but women get utis if they don't clean themselves properly if they pissed themselves all over they would have infections all the time only a porn sick degenerate would think something like this

>> No.22897745


Is it normal for a woman to have butthole hair?

>> No.22897753

>wanting it to be easy
I actually want it to be easy

>> No.22897761

When I pee it gets in the folds, so I use toilet paper to wipe.

>> No.22897766

Why does it hurt when I pee?

>> No.22897770

Your mom is my favorite animal

>> No.22897776

I go to a third rate regional university full of dumb mexicans. But you know what? I'm so proud of myself for getting there

>> No.22897938

>Nobody wants to be around a self-aggrandizing shit that thinks he's better than the people he surrounds himself with.
My fat friend is exactly that. He already told a full table of people that he thinks he is smarter than them. There was no context.
Remember 'cringe and boring'?
>The fact that you are surrounded by people you dislike and are rude to says everything here.
He is the only person in my social circle I actively despise and am rude to. Nice try CIA. Try spending the day with a rude, obese, cringe redditor and not feel any contempt for him as he keeps trying to touch you. Try having to work with that same guy for months straight and listening to the inane shit he says.
>If it's that bothersome, just don't hangout with anybody.
I don't have a choice in the matter it's part of my job have you ever worked in a professional setting you faggot
>You are not above the life circumstances in which you find yourself.
Guess what : I know! I have lots of friends I see often. I just hate that guy in particular. You are that guy, aren't you?

>> No.22897940
File: 31 KB, 420x420, mark scheming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mathematical interests can broadly be divided into two categories: algebra and pure mathematics on the one hand, and logic and theoretical informatics on the other. I recently read the Atiyah-Macdonald commutative algebra classic, which I supplemented with Mastumura's commutative ring theory and the big Eisenbud book on the subject for further details. Following this was algebraic geometry on the one hand - my main source for this has been The Rising Sea: https://math.stanford.edu/~vakil/216blog/FOAGnov1817public.pdf - and algebraic topology on the other - mostly just going thru the MIT courses, https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/18-905-algebraic-topology-i-fall-2016/ and https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/18-906-algebraic-topology-ii-spring-2020/ (just started the latter).
On the more logic/computing side of things, some textbooks I've read or partially read last year include Categorical Logic and Type Theory (Jacobs), Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism, Jech's set theory book, Priest's non-classical logic book, Elements of Finite Model Theory (and many many current research papers relating categorical semantics with finite model theory and descriptive complexity), the cambridge tracts modal logic book (as well as Scott and Lemmon's modal logic classic).

>Thoughts on the Euclid thread?
had a glance at it. a few points.
I think all mathematicians should look at primary sources when it comes to areas that they specialise in, but in general if one just wants to learn mathematics it almost never makes sense to read the primary sources when better guides can be found in modern textbooks and lecture notes
also it seems a lot of the thread is arguments about foundations, which always happens in maths-related thread on /lit/. my personal stance is predicativism, following feferman and weyl. set theory is nice and often quite beautiful but it ceases being fundamental when we approach higher infinities. the natural numbers are one of only few crystal clear concepts

>> No.22897947

The idea of "I don't want it to be easy" is good, however it is a message which mostly fails to convince the people who need it most. I count the me of 2 years ago in those ranks.

>> No.22897949

My retirement dream (lol) is to go back to college and do a Masters in Math.

>> No.22898008

If he's just a co-worker you hate, why do you call him a friend?

>> No.22898053

considering quitting X formerly known as twitter

>> No.22898074

It sucks so much now

>> No.22898076

The only good reason to use it is to follow jap artists who stopped using pixiv.

>> No.22898080

Hi cumming, I'm dad.

>> No.22898091

My sister in law is so hot. I wanna watch those honey colored boobies jiggle around in my face. Lick whipped cream off them

>> No.22898095
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, clementine (52 of 90201).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Clem.

>> No.22898419

The walls are closing in on me. I've squandered all my opportunities. The bitch used me too. It's hard to go on. I fear that at point or another I'll be forced to deal with the awful mess of a life I've made.

>> No.22898515

Sometimes I look at the works of a minor artist online. Perhaps their paintings sell for a few hundred or thousand dollars at best. Makes me a bit melancholic.

>> No.22898530

the past is a grotesque animal

>> No.22898550

wheres the joke, idgi.

>> No.22898568

I think this is the premise of all religions as a social phenomenon, anon. It is a confidence trick. Everyone has to do the weird rituals and believe the weird beliefs and do the counterintuitive stuff like pay tithes or make voluntary contributions to their churches. Everyone buying into the absurdity, while secretly suppressing, policing, and punishing anyone for bringing up the absurdity, is what keeps the community cohesion. As the other anon put it, it's a noble lie, a set of hackneyed ideas upon which is built a foundation of solidarity. If the absurdity didn't exist, if the smoke and mirrors weren't there, the mystifications torn away, you'd get the disintegration of the community. The mormon religion is so ridiculous that is probably why it has more staying power. The other faiths attempted to rationalize their religions over centuries under the influence of Enlightenment ideals or some other philosophical currents, and that is probably what undermined them in the long term. Same goes for all the other wacky Protestant sects out there. Though I'm sure all of them nowadays are hemorrhaging followers like crazy.

>> No.22898574

You are the first person I've seen to actually grasp how religion works. Congrats.

>> No.22898588

>The mormon religion is so ridiculous that is probably why it has more staying power
It has staying power cuz they all have a ton of kids. Lots of people leave the church, like a third of all people raised Mormon end up leaving

>> No.22898624

>Lots of people leave the church, like a third of all people raised Mormon end up leaving
Tbf, I did mention that in the last sentence. I was too lazy to elaborate, or more likely couldn't elaborate why this is the case in a satisfactory way. I'm also afraid of giving a cringe answer. But I think, basically, the reason the "staying power" is gone is because the internet or other technologies of mass communication. It's cliche to say, but religious communities of all kinds can't be kept isolated in their own delusions anymore as much as they used to. Everyone has to use the internet, and people can now easily learn about alternative religious ideas or how outsiders write about and view their religion. Of course, you also have the draw of mainstream culture and the pleasures it offers outside the religious community. And once you step outside the bubble, you are strongly tempted to leave. Once you also move and live outside your community, and encounter alternative modes of living, you're also tempted to leave or just adopt other ideas by unconscious imitation, and just silently drop all the dumb parts of your religion to avoid having to justify stupid beliefs and ideas that, up to that point, didn't have to be justified to outsiders. But as soon as you get into a dialogue about having to justify particular practices or ideas, you are usually waging a losing battle, because they can usually never be justified except on the ground of faith. Alternatively, you can double down on the idiocy because of the sunk-cost fallacy, because acknowledging you spent all your life practicing meaningless ritual and believing stupid ideas is to hard to bear, especially if these ideas and practices are, in the manner of Classical Conditioning, associated with positive memories.
>It has staying power cuz they all have a ton of kids.
That's also a good point. But I think you also have a phenomenon (in any religion) where you have a super religious core, which has lots of kids, in the expectation that some of these kids are going to leave. However, the many that leave also are in a state of limbo, so that among these kids you also have many in states of moderate adherence to the religion. It's kind of like the Overton window. The religious devotees drag the religion to a 'radical' pole, and then you have another body of people who left the church but are in various states of orthodoxy, who will live for many decades and unconsciously adhere to the values of the religion. Then you will have another large body of people who totally rupture from the religion, and abandon all its practices and values. These can either be people who leave in adulthood, or the children of people who are in a state of moderate rupture from the church. However, in the more wacky, cult like religions like Mormonism or other prot sects, I suppose rupturing from their respective churches carries severe consequences of social isolation and alienation (cont.)

Thanks brah.

>> No.22898638

> I suppose rupturing from their respective churches carries severe consequences of social isolation and alienation
and the very severity of this isolation will force the followers to make an even more abrupt end to their beliefs, because of the trauma and perceived unfairness of the excommunication, and because the rupture also forces the people to join and live among the mainstream, to which they will eventually tie their allegiance to

>> No.22898658

Basically, though, my TLDR is that the mormon anon shouldn't really be to hard on his family, because they aren't really even that unique. They are just following the age old script that all religions adhere to. If he thinks that he will find salvation outside his religion by following other religious ideas, that is a delusion. Better to just love your family and embrace the noble lie. Because what the anon is doing, by challenging the beliefs of his family, is not actually going to sway them. How they likely interpret it is, "You are attacking our religion and culture, we are outwardly conform and believe to said culture, by questioning our religion, you are also questioning our own devotion to the religion which we lived our whole life in. Therefore, your questioning of the faith is questioning the integrity of our family and your love for us. Because you attack something we love adhering to, and by giving us negative feelings about the things we believe in, you are hurting us, and family who is hurting us must have a fundamental problem about our love for us, and the love we put into raising them" I suppose this is something of the logic of any non-believer in the family attacking the family faith. I suppose, then, the best solution is to treat religions of all kinds more along the lines of Confucianism. Just acknowledge that the rituals and beliefs you are engaging in are ultimately about upholding the cult of the family. All religion is just a kind of family religion. A weird abstract devotion to the family unit. This is in my mind similar to my (bastardized?) idea of what Confucianism is as it has always been practiced in China.

>> No.22898664

You did right anon. You are being very mature and reasonable.

>> No.22898719

My plan to get rid of him worked — a bit sad about it but on the other hand also relieved. It got boring and there was no place to expand the relationship. I just hope I retain some pleasant memories.

>> No.22898730

I'm proud of you for going to Mass. I need to return, after all these years. Please pray for me, anon. I will pray for you.

>> No.22898748

You did him a favour

>> No.22898756

True but also if he didn’t want to be in it anymore then why not just let me know? I would have respected his wishes

Dudes staying just because it is easy puss?

>> No.22898757

I'm going to become a medieval man rather than a contemporary man.

>> No.22898769

Thinking about my plans in the new year was a bit harder this year. I’m at this weird age and stage of life where I know really clearly exactly what things I want to do over the next decade, but not any particular order and due to the natural constraints of time and life, I won’t get to do them all. It’s been hard for me to sift through these and figure out what to prioritize.

>> No.22898772

Is it weird that I shampoo my pubes

>> No.22898797


>> No.22898809

How else do you wash them?

>> No.22898831

That's nice but I'm neither an atheist nor someone who will pretend to believe in untruth just because it would make my family happy.

>> No.22898843

With body wash or soap

>> No.22898846

I do it too... Is it not ok??

>> No.22898855

So you argue with your parents that mormonism is stupid, while arguing for another equally stupid thing? Well it's no wonder they ignore your opinion then

>> No.22898857

Bar soap doesnt go in hair

>> No.22898878

Here's your (You), mr. super intelligent atheist.

>> No.22898883

It's fucked up.

>> No.22898928

On the contrary, I'm not that brilliant. I'm posting on /lit/ after all. It's just you don't need to be that smart to see through bullshit. But to you religion is just a shopping catalogue. You choose the beliefs that are fashionable and cool, and then you drop them whenever they just so happen to inconvenience you. At least your family has a simple earnest faith, whereas your bickering probably comes off as edgelord casuistry to them. Just be happy and enjoy your family life. Stop trying to impose your beliefs on them. Despite all I say I still hope the best for you and hope you come a happy balanced family life.

>> No.22898933

I don't even want sex right now, I just wanna get my consensual grope on.

>> No.22898948

Sure thing, dude. Whatever you say.

>> No.22898979

atm i'm sniffing alone for the first time. This year goal is getting away from it and the streets. Hope I do. Stay safe anon, and reach for your best self

>> No.22899070

I wish I had someone who was comfortable enough with me to be naked around me. Not even in a sexual way or anything.

>> No.22899082

I'll get naked around you

>> No.22899158

used to do this & go on omegle to get lots of compliments from girls, it was chill

>> No.22899233

I moved to a city far away from my hometown, where my family and friends live.
The job pays well, I made new friends, living alone gave me time to pursue my hobbies.
But something big is missing and I do not know what it is, my days should be fulfilling because of my job, hangouts, and hobbies, but they are not.
I feel lethargic and unmotivated, but when I visit my hometown I feel motivated and energized.
The thing is, my hometown became alien to me, I've been absent for years. The friends I have known mostly have left the town or drifted apart. My family are busy with their lives. I am still thankful for them hosting me and their house feels like true home for me, it's where I grew up and had all my memories up until I reached 18 years old. It is carved deep in my mind.
I don't know if this is all a signal that I am lacking warmth and intimacy in my life in the city? Or is it that my job is not fulfilling enough to keep my mind busy?
Or am I lacking something bigger, like God?

>> No.22899285
File: 133 KB, 1084x1080, 1700453052722595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got an old typewriter for Christmas, but my OCD completely ruins writing on it because I freak out if I make a mistake and need to throw away the entire page if I make a spelling or grammar mistake.
Still going down the road of becoming a lawyer, which only makes me more and more depressed because I want to get into academia really badly, but it's just not realistic, and it fucking kills me that I've reached the “Dreams don't come true” stage of my life and I will more than likely spend my entire life in some shit 9-5 at the most likely when I would happily live on minimum just to lecture English or Classics. I wonder if I'm just not brave enough, so many people go down the route of academia and I live in Europe, so the job market isn't as bad as in America. Are the people going down that route retarded or brave? Or have I just resigned myself to my fate of a self-employed barrister making fuck all money because I didn't come from a rich family who just gives up and works HR at some company for the rest of my days?

>> No.22899403

Do you know the feeling.. The house is burning around you, and you're more bothered by a hangnail that won't be ripped no matter how much you tear at it?

Everyone in my house is miserable. Their misery seems to give me a strange kind of stability and otherworldly discernment. Suddenly, I know what I must do and I do it without anxiety.

I wonder if it's real. If I'm really handling things in a functional way, or if I'm merely delaying the processing of all the sad, depressing things that are happening. I'm numb to it. I'm more bothered, curiously by the fact that I can't travel or go wherever. And the fact that contenmentb continues to elude me.

>> No.22899410 [DELETED] 

I accidentally became an anglophile.

>> No.22899445

A lot of people speculate that race has an affect on your interests, but how does that explain weebs?

>> No.22899451
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-respect-the-man-of-noble-races-other-than-your-own-who-carries-out-in-a-different-place-savitri-devi-121-93-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little known fact, Devi was actually talking about black weebs, black competitive fighting game players, and (oddly) black computer repair store soldering experts in this quote

>> No.22899453

Desperation, metaphor, geography

>> No.22899466

I actually watch black YouTubers who are weebs (not nerds), they tend to have a social energy that whites lack (hypeness?) which draws me in.

>> No.22899586

Christian missionaries used to buy slaves, free them, baptize and educate them, and use them as an assistant and translator. I have an idea...

>> No.22899657

I have this weird compulsion to post whatever I am reading throughout the day (and usually the exact page that I am currently on) on my instagram stories, I know it looks tryhard but I just can't stop.

>> No.22899668

straight out the frying pan into the fire eh

>> No.22899671

If you're reading, you're reading. It's fine. Unless you're reading YA or smut.

>> No.22899673
File: 80 KB, 1000x1024, 76fyiuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will
to this thread
deliver the final blow

bump limit

>> No.22899677

at the moment I'm reading Henry Miller, before that it was Don Delillo

>> No.22899681

It is finished

>> No.22899720

I'm reading Pnin by Nabokov. It's very amusing and a nice little novel. I wish I could write as well though.

>> No.22899731

I didn't like it at all. Maybe it's the bad translation into russian

>> No.22899745

Oh? Well, can you recommend the ones by Nabokov you liked? I'm only familiar with Lolita and this one.

>> No.22899752

I really liked Despair, Laughter in the Dark as well King Queen Knave. Nothing can top these ones for me

>> No.22900078

I'm tired, I'm sick of getting tired so early, I don't want to go to sleep yet.

>> No.22900304

Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.
Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

>> No.22900346

Easy. A certain affinity between Germanics and Japanese, but it’s obviously latching onto a culture which isn’t actively trying to dissolve itself into technophilia and progressive politics. Anime and Japanese games are designed specifically for young males. They have tons of violence, big boobs, martial ethics and scenes and fraternity. It’s not just whites by the way. Latins are obsessed with anime. Central Asians love anime. You just pay attention to the whites, probably because you are one.

>> No.22900349

Hypeness? It’s called being poorly socialized, lacking manners and composure, and decorum you fucking animal. You have the emotional maturity of a child and that’s why you like it. You are uncultured. You are less of a waltz or ballet of a person and more of a tribal mating dance.

>> No.22900675

>What's wrong with the Viennese waltz?