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File: 170 KB, 739x739, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22889846 No.22889846 [Reply] [Original]

actually good tips on how to get started?

>> No.22889854

No. I'd tell you to kys but you wouldn't know how to get started.

>> No.22889876

No. Go back to watching your twitch whore.

>> No.22889881

No. Give me the name of your twitch whore.

>> No.22889904

I know this is a tranny but I still want to fuck it but I wish I didn't.

>> No.22889906

I hate that women can get caught in 'archetypal poses' like this one that make me want to stare at the image indefinitely

What do I even want from it? The enchantment doesn't end with cooming. I know if I fucked her even that wouldn't be enough. Nothing temporal is good enough. I want to eat the archetype itself or bite it or fuse with it or something. There is no worldly act extreme enough to express what my third eye wants me to do when it sees a woman in an archetypal posture, one of those pictures that get circulated around, posted and reposted on a site like 4chan because all demi-consciously harmonize in agreeing that it's archetypal and worth saving. Most men just go coom, some men gnash their teeth that they can't fuck her, a minority of men do fuck her and then have that weird after-fuck feeling of 'that's it?' But I know all of these are insufficient so I sit here with the archetype for a second and then scroll on.

>> No.22890009

That's a man

>> No.22890017

With transitioning? Hrt??

>> No.22890021

it doesn't turn me on like a girl showing off her goods in a bikini - sorry but I'm a normie

>> No.22890028

Get started what? Reading? Writing?

Tip Number One (for readers): Turn off your electronics, pick up a book, and read it. Repeat daily.

Tip Number One (for writers): Turn off your electronics, pick up a pen and notebook, sit down, and write. Repeat daily.

Highly complex stuff, I know; be careful not to hurt yourself.

>> No.22890040

Mods sticky this

>> No.22890171

Tip Number Two (for writers): Don't use semicolons they make you look like a fag

>> No.22890173

Getting chicks like that?
Well grow taller, grow bigger muscles, bigger dick, more money, and a personality. Then find her and tell her you want to have sex with her.

>> No.22890362

she has the bpd stare

>> No.22890549

If semicolons are something special to you, you don't read or write enough; take that to the bank.

>> No.22890577

Feed and seed; fuck and suck

>> No.22890743

Yeah, same thing here. Like, i just feel this urge to stare at her indefinitely, but for what reason? What do i want? I know i want something, but what is it? Sex? Love? Devour her? I don't know. As you said, even if i had sex with her maybe would not be enough. This bothers me.

>> No.22890803
File: 290 KB, 575x620, c51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first step is to kill yourself

>> No.22892897

If you haven't already, read Keats's "Ode on a Grecian Urn." It captures this yearning perfectly. Also, my take is that what you see in the archetypal pose is a glimmer of divine beauty, and what you're yearning for is union with the divine. "Our hearts are restless, O God, until they rest in thee."

>> No.22892921

I find the OP picture vulgar, not sexy, and not aesthetic, and I really don't understand how you can feel that way about it. Otherwise, I know that feeling. I guess that's why we fall in love

>> No.22892950

>archetypal poses
What the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.22892967

>I want to eat the archetype itself or bite it or fuse with it or something
Oh I get it now, you're trans

>> No.22892981

>pen and notebook
Why? A PC makes the job much easier, unless you're drafting or designing something.

Pretty much any writer from the pre-computer era could kill for something like a text editor.

>> No.22893032

t. ranny

>> No.22893138

Daily reminder that trannies are quite literally subhuman freaks who belong in work camps.

>> No.22893251

If these writers had had access to the internet their output would have been divided by ten. Just like no one here actually fucking writes.

>> No.22893255

Creative hobbies are gay, most people who do them really should stop, I know my place as a consoomer.

>> No.22893271

Ive yet to come across more accurate description of the way i felt all these years when looking at those pictures. Unironically thank you

>> No.22893599

Sucking my dick is legitimate work

>> No.22893722

Make it a tiny habit where even in the worst scenario you can keep the streak going.Stack or replace the habit to one you already do.

>> No.22895084

Pretty much this but I want it destroyed.

>> No.22895457
File: 205 KB, 380x485, 17037939333390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

_________ is based. Her vibe fits this board really well somehow

>> No.22895873
File: 2.21 MB, 1535x1920, Saint Peter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Janus you fuck niggas

>> No.22895887
File: 1.41 MB, 728x937, El_Greco_-_Saint_Peter_and_Saint_Paul_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg (JPEG Image 4363 × 5609 pixels) — Scaled (16%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dupuis was the first scholar to identify St. Peter as Janus [the term janitor, originally keyholder, derives from janus]. Janus in turn derives fron Dianus (>> day), a god of the daylight hours, male form of Diana, the famous lunar- and wildlife deity. Janus was considered the god of all doors, especially responsible for the portal to heaven. The month January is named after Janus.
One star in Virgo is called Janus. This implies astromythical imagery. In the old days, Janus was at the Medium Coeli at sunrise around the winter solstice, thus opening a new year. Janus was not only competent for opening and closing days and years, but also war and peace. Janus was here seen as superior to Jupiter, the father of the gods. As Janus leads the annual circle of the zodiacal signs, St. Peter leads the twelve apostles of Roman Christianity. Hercules is called a mace bearer, but key and mace can be expressed as synonymous in Latin: Hercules is thus a key holder like Janus. The regions of the near East get most rain in winter. This leads to the picture of Janus as a ferrymen across the invernal flood. Argo, called the ship of Janus, was back then seen in the medium coeli during rain time. Janus as a ferryman again alludes to Peter's activity as a fisherman. Janus was depicted not only with the key to heaven, but also with a long staff that can be reinterpreted as the shepherd's staff with which St. Peter watches over the 'sheep' of the Catholic church. Janus was depicted as two-faced, watching both ahead and back, from horizon to horizon.

>> No.22895894

Wrong thread. Meant for