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22887965 No.22887965 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche thought antisemites should be put to death, and BAP correctly assesses that antisemitism is the new woke

>> No.22887967


>> No.22887968

Wokies are all antisemites now

>> No.22887976
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>> No.22887980

That’s probably not at all what he says. Nietzsche’s views on Jews were complex.
You’ve been refuted OP. Delete your thread now.

>> No.22887981

antisemites in his day were the equivalent of fox news boomer retards who thought bismarck should gas jewish women and children, not people who thought jews should be under political and economic restraints.

>> No.22887996

Nietzsche was a cheeky fellow. His philosemitism was ironic.

>> No.22888135

I notice that shills have been pushing/ amplifying antisemitism for a while now.

>> No.22888138

new WOKE
learn to read

>> No.22888176

Post nose.

>> No.22888187

That was his gramdfather. Your grandparents were probably libtards, not kkk members.

>> No.22888327

Why there are so many jews on 4chan?

>> No.22888332

Umm, 4chan is a Jewish website

>> No.22888340

It's so funny how they go silent when asked to post nose.

>> No.22888346

Half are shitposting chuds. The jews here are exceptionally bitter though, everyone else hates them so the fact that they stick around is sufficient proof of mental illness.

>> No.22888359

Philosemitic Nietzsche fans resorting to the madness letters, pathetic.

>> No.22888365
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Damage Control by JIDF and related Jew advocacy groups. This is one of the easiest sites to access for different opinions on a load of varied subjects. All of the stuff that shit-talks Tolkien or popular Western authors are jew psyops, all of the porn and subversive threads are by them too.

Anything that contributes to destroying board culture, and subsequently the destruction of a community critical of them, is a win for the jew.

>> No.22888366

FPBP. Nietcsche hated kikes.

>> No.22888386

BAP is clearly against all the Jewish influence that is poisoning the West and talked about it many times. He just thinks that MMA retards on Twitter and 90 IQ brownoids like Fuentes shouting "LE EPIC WOODEN DOOR 109 COUNTRIES" isn't exactly the best way to move forward and he's absolutely right about it. Christcucks are just seething that there's a non-christcuck movement on the right, that's what all the BAP slander is actually about.

>> No.22888395

I think people take a simplistic view of "antisemitism" in relation to Nietzche, on one hand he seems to make statements that clearly are against antisemites and antisemitism, yet he also makes statements throughout his life that would clearly be read as antisemitic if they were said by someone else, such as that Jewish morality arises from them hating humanity so much, or that Christ was too Jewish, or that the young Jew of the stock exchange is disgusting. It's also important to note that BAP himself is Jewish.

>> No.22888451

1. Not true, my ancestors very well might have been in the clan lmao 2. There’s a big difference between voting for the blue team and being an active party member in a Bolshevik authoritarian regime.

Plus, hes a jew so he automatically is bad

>> No.22888461

Okay, and?

>> No.22888476
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From his madness letters:

>To friend Overbeck and wife. Although you have so far demonstrated little faith in my ability to pay, I yet hope to demonstrate that I am somebody who pays his debts — for example, to you... I am just having all anti-Semites shot...

The problem with antisemitism for Nietzsche is the same problem with any other ideology or political stance: it narrows the potential of the WILL TO POWER and thus hinders the development of the OVERMAN.

Nietzsche supported Prussian military men marrying the daughters of wealthy Jews. Why? Because these two types had the greatest WILL TO POWER in Europe at the time, and therefore had the highest potential to produce a world that would serve the development of the OVERMAN.


Your all-too-human ideology pales in comparison to these two things, no matter what it is.

>> No.22888498

Nietzsche is a teenager's philosopher of choice. I have ceased caring what the lunatic thought or wrote. It's honestly embarrassing to have one's culture take him seriously.

>> No.22888506

Richard Spencer is extremely anti Christian and when Spencer said he was opposed to the attempt to censor criticism of Israel in schools, BAP said Spencer on the same side as the SPLC to be saying that

>> No.22888516
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>Nietzsche is a teenager's philosopher of choice.
Rather, you have a teenager's understanding of his philosophy. Nietzsche was not a hedonist, for example, which is the true teenager's philosophy.

>> No.22888540

One is an edgelord before they existed the other is a literal nobody

>> No.22888669

>antisemitism is woke

Well, leftism is the child of Christianity, so this is technically true

>> No.22888750

A teenager's response.

>> No.22888808

A teenager's sense of humor.

>> No.22889632

Such an idiotic post, probably written by a child. Remember in Anti-Christ where he blames Jewish characteristics seeping into culture for the decline of Hyperborean/Aryan Europe? Or when he derives his conception of the overman and aristocracy from Aryan conquerors?

Keep making it up as you go, total retard.

>> No.22889633


>> No.22889920

And yet he still criticized German antisemitism, gave praise to Jews sometimes, and encouraged Prussian-Jewish marriages. Maybe his view, and the idea of the will to power, is more nuanced than you think—maybe.

>> No.22889941

N respected jews for doing to europe what rome did to jews
He admires their resilience and what could I would personally call their "shamelessness", but make no mistake he said outright that germans and anglos were getting bent right over by jews, and he sees that as fair comeuppance for the modern europeans ever-increasingly placated, lame, domesticated lifestyle.

>> No.22890002
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Remember these words:
>BAP's primary function is to make right-wingers less antisemitic

His job is to promote a new "individualist," "elitist" online right, where individualist and elitist mean "anything but ethnic solidarity." It's just yet another version of keeping other countries internally divided while Israel is the only one allowed to have its own ethnonationalism (Zionism), supported by looser networks of solidarity and fellow collaboration. He wants you to turn yourself into a gay ironic clown, a materialist and hedonist, to kill all sincerity in yourself, to hate your own people for having wayward elements or dregs instead of taking it upon yourself to help those people, and above all, to identify with other freaks like this, united only by the fragile 2020-era internet.

It's just another Randian or libertarian red herring to draw people away from ethnonationalism. Over the next few years there will be a decisive "rightward" shift among "based" Jews, as they promote a new "nationalist conservatism," which is really civic nationalism, so they need to do everything they can to pave the way for this. First of all by denuding existing proto-nationalism of all ethnonationalist currents and especially antisemitic currents.

Divide and conquer tactics are the main weapon of this movement (which is already well underway). For example, associating antisemitism with those cringe woke leftists, as opposed to the real goal: using leftist antisemitism tactically to place criticism of Jewish influence over American life smack in the middle of the Overton window so that the upcoming zoomer/gen-alpha generation is saturated in anti-Zionism. False dichotomies are very useful when trying to divide and conquer. Look up the "slicing the salami" method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salami_slicing_tactics

But they also use demoralization and degeneracy-promotion techniques, like the aforementioned "turn yourself into a gay ironic clown lmao!"

The "New Sincerity" DFW foretold is already here and they're terrified of it, so they are trying to reset the clock for an eternal 2010s, this time with a better curated internet and fewer glitches in the system, e.g. fewer wildcards like Musk who give temporary space to real right-wing thought. In the redux they are planning, they've ironed out the kinks, so that an army of Ben Shapiro clones will be all you can get access to unless you're willing to descend to the level of homeless schizophrenic crank.

Remember, resist false dichotomies. Be critical and open and demand that all issues get their fair hearing, not through representative e-celebs with which one either agrees or disagrees wholesale. Resist demoralization. Always ask yourself "Is this gay? Am I becoming a clown?" Hint: If you learned it from a podcast or Twitter, then yes, you are becoming a fucking clown. Stop using internet catchphrases altogether. Stop trying to find the "right" e-celeb, the one final e-celeb who is right about everything.

>> No.22890005

BAP is a literal retard with nothing of worth to say and is also biased given his ancestry.

Does NOT belong on a literature board.

>> No.22890008

>reminder, i would rather watch some papist shitskin yap then actually read a book

>> No.22890098

This guy writes like a commie.

>> No.22890110

I don't understand anything any more. Won't you immediately be called antisemite if you dare to utter a word against or show any sign of disapproval of woke agenda? What's going on?

>> No.22890177

Zionism doesn't matter at all. If you want to talk about a cause loved by Jews that has actually hurt America, focus on Civil Rights

>> No.22890190

Zionism is a lighting rod for gathering people generally critical of organized foreign influence over sovereign Western states. Today the leftist repeats "fuck Zionism" because his friends told him to, tomorrow he watches a Mearsheimer video, the day after that he hits 19 and has the first of whatever flip-flopping political realignments will characterize his 20s, but halfway through those he has been broadly aware and critical of Jewish influence for many years and this influences his formation.

>> No.22890578

Zionism has cost America a lot of money and blood in foreign wars to support Israeli interests all of which are justified by appealing to the values of Jewish groups like the Anti Defamation League which trains the FBI. Saying neoconservatism isn't a problem is ludicrous, it is a huge problem

>> No.22890683

hey man nice post

>> No.22890737

Call him a jew and you'll be amazed how fast he recoils
>I've been found out!

>hamas has grievances with jews, kills them and fights them irl using bullets and knives, jews entirely depended on handouts to survive exactly like africans
>costin has grievances with muslims, women etc, proceeds to seethe about it online using words
It's clear who has ressentiment here. Bapism is ressentiment masking as le based. Jews are inferior and therefore you cannot have ressentiment against them
I hope he keeps at it, these retards should be online and stay there

They are also pro-nature and soirage when someone hurts animals. Hippies pioneered this
Distinctly femael trait

>> No.22890765

Yep, they turned on the people who created them. They are useful idiots for us now

JIDF and also rw jews coping about ortho jews dominating their shithole country while larping as european. A resentful and neglected bunch all around

Bap (an ethnic jew) never talks about how all the things destroying the west are created by jews and judified golems, he'd rather spend 90% of his time seething about niggers talking over his peaceful and heckin beautiful suburbs
This is literally what he does. Did Nietzsche slander christianity when he described it? Cope harder

>> No.22890776

"Bronze Age Pervert" is a faggot and I don't respect him.

>> No.22890790

Reminder that nobody reads BAP besides a handful of midwits and system drones. He's astroturfed with bot engagement and also a rabid homosexual.

>> No.22890818

He despised anti-Semites because they were vulgar and populist, not because he particularly loved Jews.

>Nietzsche supported Prussian military men marrying the daughters of wealthy Jews. Why? Because these two types had the greatest WILL TO POWER

>> No.22890820

>pro nature
>distinctly female
Its called Husbandry not Wifery.

>> No.22890829

BASED wokies

>> No.22890850

Wokies are getting more based

>> No.22890853

>unless you're willing to descend to the level of homeless schizophrenic crank
Why yes I am willing to do that how could you tell

>> No.22890859

why are you asking for the guy who is defending modern antisemitism to post his nose? bad reading comprehension? post verbal IQ

>> No.22890864

>all the things destroying the west are created by jews
Many of these things are also destroying Israel. Why would Jews destroy Israel?
>judified golems
Are you including the Catholic and Protestant organizations that exist to funnel immigrants into white countries?

>> No.22890865

>Nietzsche thought antisemites

Citation? Source?

>> No.22890893

Why would jews be smart enough to foresee it? They are resentful against westerners and don't see beyond that
Also Israel is fine under Haredis
>Are you including the Catholic and Protestant organizations that exist to funnel immigrants into white countries?
Of course, they wouldn't exist without jews just like they didn't in europe circa 0-1800 or so. The demand for immigrants also comes from jews (banks/economy)

>> No.22890934
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tan cierto paco, the whole world should be like your favela to own da jews, filthy gringos like bap would never understand

>> No.22890939

>filthy gringos like bap
filthy jews like bap*

>> No.22890951

más blanca que tú

>> No.22890952

BAP is jewish therefore everything he says comes from a place of coping and seething and mental illness

Into the trash it goes

>> No.22890954

I speak neither spanish nor yiddish, jews belong in ovens. Cope and seethe shlomo

>> No.22890988

US muzzies should use their will to power and minecraft this jew desu.

>> No.22891037

Reminder that the global system that hates the West and destroys it with immigrants and globohomo is pro-jewish and pro-israel.

>> No.22891057

आह, क्षमा करें सर, फिर भी आप से अधिक सफ़ेद

>> No.22892128

In Romania, and I assume it was the same in other east bloc countries, you more or less had to be a party member to be a functional member of society, i.e. have a proper job.
Having a party membership card meant about as much as having a drivers liscence

>> No.22892147

t. seething untermensch
I do not have anything in common with a bunch of babbling retards even if they claim to be on the same side as me

>> No.22892160

Even if this was true, he was still a jew either way, and deserved the oven

>> No.22892168

t. Tay-Sachs diseased merchant

>> No.22892193

Nietzsche didn't see the subtle influences in modern society and bap is a jew

>> No.22892231
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>> No.22892378

Why is he supposedly "seething"?

>> No.22892588

>has been consistently saying that immigration is the biggest concern from the start
>had holocaust denying tradcath bishop and neonazi on his show
He is baptized mischling, I thought christcucks loved such converts

>> No.22892650

Lmao this entire argument exists on israel being a good place to live, in reality they have inflation and extreme corruption. /pol/ will take seriously jewish whistleblowers and cite jews that have been murdered by the cabal and yet have no inclination to attempt to reconcile this with the virtue of an ethnostate. It is not in my interest to live in a white ethnostate as a white man, and it is not in jewish interests to have zionism. Instead of focusing on inane race theories and refusing to think critically about forms of government you should realize that libertarianism is BASED AF and the ultimate enemy of the jews, not you in helping to promote a world view of there only being different collectivisms to choose from and lending strength to leftist arguments.

>> No.22892663

I dont particularly like the company of jews and I have no ressentiment of them.
What now?

>> No.22892703

That's not true at all, party membership was very exclusive. You had to work to get in. Same as it is today in China.

>> No.22892737

Thanks for letting me know BAP is a jew

>> No.22892746

If such an operation didn't exist, it would be wise for them to start one.

Applying the means/motive/opportunity standard, the most questionable factor is means---considering how ineffective the messaging coming out of that place has been lately, one wonders if they have it in them to maintain something so complex and sophisticated (and it would be those things if it were all done in bad faith) for so long.

Simpler explanation is that it's just his genuine personal bias and opinion, and he does it for free (or to pander to the not insignificant portion of his audience who falls into that demographic). Really a toss-up.

>> No.22892751
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Stop sucking e-celebs cocks retard.

>> No.22894148

Libertarianism only works if the people are actually able to respect a non aggression pact most the time. Thus it is not just an enlightenment only philosophy, or a white man philosophy, but an anglo only philosophy. So only if you have an anglo ethnostate can your so called based libertarianism actually work.

>> No.22894187

> Jew thinks the anti-Christian is based and anti-Semitism is bad
What an unexpected take.

>> No.22894283

Spot on.

>> No.22894311
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Has anyone read picrel? I never read it because I thought the thesis was obvious from reading Nietzsche himself. That is, Nietzsche wasn’t a big fan of the Jews.

>> No.22894318

Shitskins lol

>> No.22894328

>And yet he still criticized German antisemitism
Not hard to criticise coarse, lay antisemitism. Evola and other writers do this too.
>gave praise to Jews sometimes
Even some Nazis did that
>Prussian-Jewish marriages

>> No.22894340

If you are interested, you can find "anti-semitic" texts at this site: https://samisdat.in/en

>> No.22894402
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No thanks. I will continue to use archive.org, amazon, hpb and independant book shops.

>> No.22894405


>> No.22894609
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>> No.22894618

>Nietzsche supported Prussian military men marrying the daughters of wealthy Jews. Why? Because these two types had the greatest WILL TO POWER in Europe at the time, and therefore had the highest potential to produce a world that would serve the development of the OVERMAN.

sounds like naive wishfulfillment

>> No.22894636

>Nietzsche wasn't racist!!
Also most of the shit he said about hating antisemitism was either (1) something he wrote in his final schizo ramblings where he was so out of it he literally thought he was Jesus and (2) contrarianism for the sake of his petty tsundere gay crush on Wagner.

>> No.22894773

Leftism is the absence of Christianity

>> No.22895133

still haven't seen a good rebuttal to this from the BAPsphere

>> No.22895202

Doomed attempts to create racial equality of outcomes have cost at least 10x per year what the US has given to Israel since the 1940s

>> No.22895225

America has not just given money to Israel, they have fought costly wars for them and maintain bases all over the Middle East to protect them. Israel is right now trying to drag America into another war

>> No.22895704


I'm kind of amazed that there are people who pay $5 a month to listen to this guy. So which of you faggots here is a subscriber?

>> No.22895788
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>Both created by jews
>Both profess to be the only way in to Paradise
>Both insist on the equality of all humans
>Both indifferent to human suffering
>Both are convoluted and contradictory
>Both supporters repeatedly insist that its lack is the cause of the worlds problems
>Both focus on an enemy that must be punished
>Both support an elevated inner-party to whom the rules do not apply
>Both possess a single book which neither have read
>Both have factions within that affirm that the others are not really true believers

>> No.22896230

>Nietzsche saying antisemites are gay =/= Nietzsche likes Jews
He doesn't like antisemites because it is weak and gay to just be bitter and resentful all day bitching about other people. It's the equivalent to black people demanding reparations; in fact, it is even more gay because at least with them, they're taking action. Antisemites just point the finger to which they cast all of their personal problems on. Doesn't mean Jews are a group of people that Nietzsche liked.

>> No.22896241

Leftism is the Godless form of Christianity.

>> No.22896251

>Tips fedora

>> No.22896349

It's not a dichotomy.
BAP's ideology is essentially just conforting lies as far as WASPs are concerned.
But then again it's not like WASPs had much going for them anyway.

>> No.22897343

At the time, the biggest, most important antisemite in Germany was Duhring, of SPD fame. Easy to understand both what type of arguments he used and why Nietzsche disliked him and his entourage.

>> No.22897495

Probably Calvinism in particular.

>> No.22897625

Daily reminder that the greatest political impact that Nietzsche's writings had was in being utilized to justify race mixing in Brazil:

>> No.22898153

What a polite way to say "don't ask for your billions of dollars back"

>> No.22898155

Good idea
>You can see why [in the 1920s] American felt our borders were out of control. [The immigration law passed at the time] stated a preference for Northern Europeans] ... [Restrictions on] Southern Catholics and Jews—this went on to 1964, so all through [World War II] there were incredible restrictions. 1965 comes, we’re reluctant leaders of the world, we have an economic boom, we didn’t have much immigration, and we have a ton of guilt. First, about the Holocaust. [Rep.] Manny Celler was voted in in 1923…he was Jewish, from Manhattan. He was warning about the Holocaust, and everybody was ignoring him. In 1947, he was head of the Judiciary Committee, and he was able to get jurisdiction [over immigration] changed from the Labor Committee. He had control over immigration reform. There was a huge attitude change. Exodus had been published. Israel was popular. The other thing was the civil rights movement. Black soldiers were coming back, and there were Jim Crow laws. Those movements drove the 1965 law. Philip Hart, called the conscience of the Senate, was passionate about civil rights. ... They decided to do away with preferences for work skills, and have preferences for family reunification. That’s pretty unique to immigration law—they gave green cards to extended family members.
>“Manny Celler managed to get immigration into the Judiciary committee,” Orchowski told TAC in an interview. “That changed the whole focus on immigration from a labor thing to a justice [thing].”
>Following the conclusion of the war, Celler worked to liberalize American immigration laws. He helped pass a bill that allowed 339,000 Displaced Persons to come to the United States, including many Jews.
>Over the next few decades, he continued to work to liberalize American immigration laws, pushed by Jews and others who were discriminated against by the current system. That culminated with him writing and passing the INA, which is also known the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965.

But why not both?

>> No.22898175

While making threads about himself for promotional purposes, BAP browses /lit/ for useful takes and then passes them off as his own. Same goes for other e-celebs.

>> No.22898477

spergleracolyte is the worst offender, nibba stole the spengler anime girl gif from here

also, i think mencius moldbug and nick land browses this board too

>> No.22898486
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>> No.22898497
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now that bitch grimes is following that sperg autist lmao, great artist my ass

>> No.22898911

he was an antisemite himself. In every book he paints the Jews with broad strokes as inherently bad - mostly because he considered them a very religious people and didn't consider their traditional trades highly.
Zur Genealogie der Moral makes this most clear.

>> No.22899009
File: 56 KB, 750x490, datura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tbqh

>> No.22899025

Silver tongued homosexual Jew being artificially pushed on all right-wing spaces in an effort to stamp out antisemitism and anti-Zionism, returning non-mainstream right-wing positions to a safe civic nationalist or preferably neoconservative platform. His sugar daddy uncle is a higher up in Israeli military intelligence.

>> No.22899087

>BAP browses /lit/ for useful takes and then passes them off as his own.

>> No.22899176

Aren't most of his quotes that "own the chuds" come from his last years after he parted with Wagner and became an unironic lunatic?

Anyway, the thing is with most people like him is that you can find quotes supporting anything and also the polar opposite of that thing somewhere in his oeuvre. His opinions are like a shopping bag blown about by the winds of his mood swings and whoever happened to upset him that week.

>> No.22899211

Fuck you for making me look up what the fuck that gay ass word means.

>> No.22899225

>american education moment

>> No.22899231
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How many aircraft carriers does your country have? Do they have the oeuvre that is CATOBAR? Or do they have a beta bitch ramp?
Thought so.

>> No.22899240

murica...fuck yeah...I kneel.

>> No.22899326

His sister married a man who was "of that psychological type", and she was taken in by those attitudes to a certain extent. There seems to be a certain amount of personal sentiment behind his comments on the topic, and his biographers have speculated that it is due to his animus against his sister and brother in law.

>> No.22899837

He just seems like an incredibly petty and vindictive person. I'm reminded of that quote by him about being relieved to hear that Wagner died.

>> No.22899882

Speak for yourself

Anyways I oppose them on religious grounds not ethnic grounds. Idgaf about them racially.

>> No.22899913

Israel is the only OECD country with above replacement TFR (and i mean for Jews, not Arab Israeli). Clearly, they are doing something right.

>> No.22899927


1. Wrong.
2. Wrong.
3. Extremely wrong.
4. Wrong.
5. Wrong (you're probably an Anglo).
6. Wrong.
7. Wrong.
8. Wrong.
9. Wrong and gay claim.
10. Correct.

>> No.22899930

>catholic loves pharisees

Every time.

>> No.22899957

To this day, I think the whole ideology is fucking cope.
His thesis is a prefiguration of this cope.
Unrefined cope.

>> No.22899990

What? Want to heal your society by removing literal anthropomorphic parasites that are destroying it? Well let me inform you that a syphilitic philosopher (aka professional sophist) came up with his own niche term about you 150 years ago that ties into his theorycel web. Checkmate.

Imagine getting paralyzed by some nerds words.

>He doesn't like antisemites because it is weak and gay to just be bitter and resentful all day bitching about other people

Yeah, and I'm sure that if he was around to see the Nazis come around and actually take action aside from just bitching he'd say "noo, not like that though", and come up with some new rationale for why that's also not allowed in his headcannon

>> No.22900009
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>Cope, the post

>> No.22900012

>Not hard to criticise coarse, lay antisemitism

Lol. And what exactly is non coarse antisemitism. Being an old WASP faggot that whispers about how uncouth and lowbrow they act at the country club, while simultaneously letting them in to run take over your financial system and media?

>> No.22900136

This. You can find quotes of him also arguing against any claim he makes

>> No.22900201

Being a WASP who impotently whines about whatever from the comfort of his armchair is the essence of not only modern conservatism, but also most dissident right politics.

>> No.22900528
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Objectively correct. The 'Dissident Right' is toothless in that it advocates for the exact same processes that poisons it. Any dissident movement must embrace Far Right talking points of Ethnicity, exclusionary/restricted or even no democracy and purge big bussiness and society of 'subversive' peoples and interests to have a chance to fix the Western World.


>> No.22900618
File: 366 KB, 807x1280, 967C4980-D1A2-47F1-840E-5E1CFF38B67F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biblical Literalism is hilarious.

>> No.22900622

How do you know all of this? I could understand recognising a kike just by looking at it but what about all the rest?

>> No.22900628

Another “Nazi” who believes the ashkenazi version of history where they are descendants of Moses lol

>> No.22900631

What's even the point of jews if I don't get to have big Jewess tits in my mouth? Books for this feel?

>> No.22900648
File: 7 KB, 249x250, 1703110817669218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people are unwell.

>> No.22900677


Like half a million Israelis fled after the Oct attack, many never to return, so you may have to revise your statistics.

>> No.22900687
File: 133 KB, 992x711, IMG_7671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. They have almost a 1/3 of their population that do not work and instead study the torah. These people are the most unsophisticated of all jews and are a growing cancer within Israel which will eventually contribute to its collapse.

The Ultra-Orthodox.