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/lit/ - Literature

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22882093 No.22882093 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>22877245

>> No.22882098


>> No.22882100
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I wish more people would read this

>> No.22882106

My coworker and I discussed how much we hate black people today. God I love her. Also I’m developing a hydrocele.

>> No.22882107

This is what I get for fucking phone posting cuz no one made a new thread I apologize everyone

>> No.22882112

is she cute?

>> No.22882118

> focusing on hating other races
> not focus on the qualities of one's own race
> Yeahh being a white pleb is le heck in based, we are good goys we don't commit crime and we aren't violent because we're white

>> No.22882135

I guess you’re young and haven’t seen the I hate black guys and would never…some of those end up hooking up with black guys. Sexuality and psychology play out in strange ways

>> No.22882142

since i started eating beef everyday, i think my face looks more taurine, sort of broader, eyes more well set. then i noticed people who eat a lot of tinned fish have sort of fishy faces, narrow, eyes seem farther apart. china are the biggest pork-consumers in the world, don't you think they resemble pigs a little?
i even think i can see chickpeas & plants in vegans.

of course that's ridiculous.

>> No.22882143

I don't need to wageslave less, I need to wageslave the fuck more.

>> No.22882149

She’s older and Im married but I love her face so Id say so.

>> No.22882160

sadly this is the wagie way

>> No.22882164

I thought I was a paleo conservative. Until I realized that I'm of mixed origin- a euromutt. What's the point of fighting for a cause that already lost at birth? I am part of the problem.

>> No.22882170

indians - goats
people who eat a lot of chicken - a lot of bodybuilders develop chicken little faces

>> No.22882172
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Any of you anon just keep hitting update and refresh hoping (you)s or new interesting posts bc I can't stop. I really think I'm developing a problem. not even joking.

>> No.22882173

lol karma leaves no debt unpaid

>> No.22882175

here's one

>> No.22882176

*puts hand on your shoulder*
Have you considered larping?

>> No.22882178

Is there a chart for books set in a very short timespan, like one or several days? Looking for more books like that.

>> No.22882180

thanks. keep em coming anons.

>> No.22882181

making out and falling asleep cuddling

>> No.22882182

Hope you get the most (you)s ever, good luck

>> No.22882187

I've tried, got sniffed out by a second generation Italian immigrant. An event the more painful that in fact I am a real Belgian by my father's side. I live in a sad reality.

>> No.22882191

thanks anon

>> No.22882197

fuuu sorry bruder. Well, guess you just gotta be yourself and find a qt mutt girl like you and have little happy mutt babies. nothing wrong with that.

>> No.22882202

I moved to my mother's nation, the Slavs. Couldn't make a life in Belgia. Treated like a nigger cattle everywhere I went, even by foreigners.

>> No.22882212

here's a (you)

>> No.22882214
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I don't see the problem.

>> No.22882227

a bunch of empty (you)s...
careful what you wish for

>> No.22882253

Shaking brown hands typed this post.

>> No.22882254

Has anyone played The Franz Kafka Videogame

>> No.22882260

literally no one

>> No.22882262


>> No.22882270

Are you prepared for WW3, and will you draft?

>> No.22882275

Surely there are a few women left in my country who reached the age of adulthood without becoming part of the instagram-selfie-travel-blog-foodie-say-a-goofy-line-on-first-match-or-blocked-guys-6-foot-and-6-figures-only-all-lowercase-twitter-casual-sex-every-weekend Borg cube?

>> No.22882300

I used to think that if WW3 happens I would die from nuclear fallout 15 minutes after it started. Now I feel that WW3 started in Feb 2022 and we are in this calm before the storm moment.

>and will you draft?
I used to think I'd jump the border in the case of a draft. But I don't know if I'm brave enough to. We'll find out if it ever happens I guess.

>> No.22882310

I think dying in combat would be good way to go.

>> No.22882313

Not that I'm not brave enough, I'm too arrogant to fight in a war without being at command myself. I find humiliation in receiving gifts from my equals or inferiors so even if the recompense was glory and spoils I'd probably refuse to join the battle.

>> No.22882328

Same, I do it because I can’t stand the constant noise in my home.

>> No.22882339

Maybe for a cause I actually believed in. But dying so that the shareholders of Lockheed Martin can make a few more bucks? Nah. I resent American foreign policy, it has done great harm to the world. I have no desire to help it linger on for a little while more.

>> No.22882348

I mean what's alternative during a draft? Jailtime? No thanks. I'll take the honorable death.

>> No.22882354

robert graves said it's a 'sad death for a poet'

>> No.22882393

How do I tell my 28 year old brother that he's too young to watch Netflix

>> No.22882402

It's not that i failed at everything because I was lazy but it's that I'm not special at all. So avoiding hard work (along with the natural predilection for comfort) was my way of ignoring the harsh realty.

>> No.22882403

She did wipe properly. I saw some turd.

>> No.22882404

I get what you mean. I have a 25 year old coke addict friend and he's already too old for sex. Poor fuck needs a viagra just to appreciate a sunset

>> No.22882408


>> No.22882417

The idea of "culture poisoning" appeals to me. I truly don't believe I am responsible for most of my vices. I live in a cultural environment that elicits the absolute worst from people.

>> No.22882423

It was the first philosophical text I read when I began reading again for the first time since my early twenties.

>> No.22882427

What's preventing you from being civil?

>> No.22882431

I'm one of the rare American purebreds. Unfortunately, my background is British so I've developed a less than stellar view of the dissident right while being pro staunchly far right anyways.

>> No.22882435

is sam sulek still around or did he croak already?

>> No.22882437

That's one the reasons why I'm a dick to Europeans. We have the bomb, they dont.

>> No.22882442


Your chances of just losing your legs, arms, balls and eyes is much higher than actually losing your life. So don't be in such a hurry to run into that battlefield.

>> No.22882445
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Touch grass.

>> No.22882487

My teacher owes me money and now I think he's avoiding me

>> No.22882493

>losing your legs, arms, balls and eyes
I think I would shoot myself then

>> No.22882500

With what arms?

>> No.22882507

Suicide by cop then

>> No.22882520

I'm only 27 and I fall asleep after sex. It tires me out more than the gym or swimming.

>> No.22882525

yep thank you message received

>> No.22882529

Ever know a single person who celebrated kwanza?

>> No.22882531

I was never truly happy in my life with friends. I can distinctly remember not feeling at peace or ease anywhere EXCEPT the few times I hung out or did nothing with flirts or girlfriends. For me, true contentment only came in the arms of beautiful women.

Also, I hate faggots

>> No.22882537


>> No.22882540

ur supposed to came in the pussy not the arms

>> No.22882541

Cops aren’t going to shoot an armless man running at them Kek. Theyd just trip ur ass

>> No.22882548

Let the armpit fag do what he likes, he might be the next Huysmans

>> No.22882553

too horny to live pls send help

>> No.22882568

Transgenderism is the end result of Western Faustianism.

>> No.22882572

I am a pacifist not because I truly believe in pacifism, but rather because if I allowed myself to use violence I would condone and commit unspeakable acts. I wouldn't be able to stop myself.

>> No.22882581

Bullshit, people would have to read/experience Faust in some form. If Goethe's to blame at all, it's because of his epigrams about anal

>> No.22882587

>Faust wasn't Faustian until he was aware of his own existence
This is how stupid you sound.

>> No.22882592

Granted, I also fully agree with Nietzche in his critique of the notion of personal responsibility. Guilt is a legalistic invention , a form of psychological manipulation. Even the most bestial of wrongdoers never "signed up" to be capable of such acts, nor are they necessarily culpable for lacking the executive functioning --- (a physiological property akin to the quality of one's heart or lungs) which may cause them to behave impulsiveness. Since no one ever volunteered to be subject of "impulsivity", it was never a voluntary act of will, therefore any misbehavior one might conduct occurs under the aspect of one's status as a physical object, rather than as an agentive subject.

>> No.22882596

I need Jesus in my life

>> No.22882608

Culpability is a purely social phenomenon, but all social subjects are objects of force. Therefore the legitimacy of law dissolves other than in purely behavioristic, (behavior regulating) terms. Is the dog really guilty for getting into the trash?

>> No.22882631

Faust literally became a hit because both Marlowe and Goethe picked up the same compilation pamphlet, so, yes, that is what happened.

>> No.22882648

I'm pretty sure I'll still have one arm

>> No.22882650

one time I had sex and my abs were sore as fuck and I kept wondering why and I realized that while I was plowing this chick I had to hold myself up with my arms and thrust for like ten minutes straight and I wasn't used to that so that was probably why.

>> No.22882651

Lol let’s not get too cocky now, lettuce be reality, both your arms would be gone

>> No.22882665

I fear the reaper.

>> No.22882671

If both my arms are gone I'd probably bleed to death.

>> No.22882701

I get what youre doing and you even blame someone else. Youre a creep.

>> No.22882720 [DELETED] 

>Write What's On Your Name
Heh, I hate to break it to you, but it looks like you made a mistake typing your post. You said "Name," but I think you meant to say "Mind." It happens to the best of us, but now that I've noticed, I'm afraid I won't be able to focus on anything else. Please, try again tomorrow—or wait a day or two longer—and hopefully nobody will even remember that you messed up this badly. The two words aren't even similar. If this is something that happens to you a lot (I wouldn't know, because I normally don't pay attention to these threads) I'd recommend an appointment with a neurologist who can make sure your MIND is functioning properly. Anyway, that's all that's on my "name" today. Thanks for the laugh!

>> No.22882732

Crazy how I immediately assume people won't be dating for long whenever I'm told someone is in a relationship. like a voice in my head immediately pops up and say "okay, well I guess we'll see that in a year or two, best case scenario." or shit like that. I keep quiet but I'm blackpilled now because of you fuckers

>> No.22882754

i'm living in the same world as when i was a child. really nothing has changed. it's almost 3am on a windy night right now.

i'm remembering staying at my grandmas house in wales when we visited, not being able to sleep, the wind outside, the quiet inside, the lampshade and the carpet and the curtains. its just as real to me as all this is.

all the people have changed but the sound of the winds the same.

>> No.22882765 [DELETED] 

Well, bless your vigilant soul for catching that typo, but I must say, my dear literary detective, there's no need to unleash the hounds just yet. You see, my mind is as sharp as a freshly honed quill, and I did indeed intend to scrawl "Name" across the Subject heading of this post. It's a peculiar request, I grant you that, but let's not embark on a wild goose chase into the realms of Freudian slips and neurological mishaps. Now, I appreciate the concern for my mental well-being, but rest assured, my cognitive faculties are in tip-top condition. No need for a neurologist's intervention; my synapses are firing in harmony, orchestrating the symphony of thought with unparalleled finesse. As for the subtle insinuation that my blunder is a recurring theme, I assure you, this is an isolated incident. The cosmic dance of words sometimes leads us astray, and in this particular waltz, "Name" took center stage. It happens to the best of us, like a misplaced comma in the grand tapestry of linguistic expression. So, let's not dwell on this momentary lapse. Tomorrow's sun will rise, casting its forgiving glow upon the digital landscape of /lit/, and the memory of my lexical fumble will fade into the recesses of the collective consciousness. Until then, let's savor the irony, embrace the imperfections, and revel in the whimsy that threads like these bring to our literary pursuits. Your laughter, dear interlocutor, is the sweetest ink to this textual escapade. Cheers to the capricious dance of words!

>> No.22882772

too slow

>> No.22882871

Why do anons delete their posts?

Also, any anons ever see their posts on r/4chan?

I always go over there hoping some took a screenshot of my posts but I guess I'm not cool enough yet. Although one time one of my replies did make it on there and it make some redditors laugh. Haha that made me so happy that redditors found me funny. haha.

>> No.22882884

that must have been interesting. could you tell us more?

>> No.22882911

nice digits. and THE WHAT?

>> No.22882930

I wish my sixty followers would leave a comment on my story instead of reading in subdued silence

>> No.22882934

i was searching the archives for something i said once about milton, and i saw someone made a thread about it a year later. so you never know

>> No.22882940

postscript; i just searched now & someone mentioned it again last may. scary.

>> No.22882960

I lent some woman some money and she has been ducking me. It's only 150 bucks, but I wanted that money for cig cartons and a Nabokov LoA volume.

>> No.22883090
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Sometimes I think I've became cynic too much early in life.

>> No.22883091
File: 2.69 MB, 3024x3915, Letter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>final year of uni six years ago, take writing course
>write shitty ya sci fi story
>cute girl who sits across from me writes a whole thing gushing about it, in class discussion tells me she loved it and my writing style
>every class after I wanted to talk to her or at least thank her but couldn't because developed fear of women after years of sexual abuse at the hands of my father
>never said a word to her all semester, never saw her again
I explained this and showed the letter to my therapist and it was the only time she ever got pissed at me, despite knowing full well how scared I am of women.

>> No.22883154

nice touch crumpling the paper

>> No.22883159

I don’t think you have a choice even you do or not. It will proceed as usual.

>> No.22883161


>> No.22883162

Nope. And I live in a largely negro populated area.

>> No.22883166

that is some nice handwriting

>> No.22883169

It’s on my steam wishlist but the reviews look terrible

>> No.22883175


>> No.22883184

The One Thousand Year American Empire (1KYAE) theory

The US will lead the world for another 700-800 years

>> No.22883187

I'm giving up video games for reading starting tonight. Wish me luck.

>> No.22883191

good luck

>> No.22883219

what you reading

>> No.22883229

Murakami, Kafka, Ian M. Banks.

>> No.22883231

I wish I could right what's on my mind

>> No.22883238

OOF good luck

>> No.22883275

I just read the Wikipedia page about the Skinwalker Ranch, none of you actually believe that shit, right?

>> No.22883298

Any recs on the hist of India?

>> No.22883323

I'll crawl on my hands and knees and wade through filth and scrape my palms on broken glass and stumble through sharp thorns on dark nights and fall from great heights and burn the skin from my shoulders and my elbows will dislocate and my ribs will crack and I'll wheeze and cough blood and I'll slam into a sharp rock and break my ankles and I'll walk on, through icy-cold streams trembling with frost and uncertain footing which dashes me against stone and the hunting grounds of great leering dark animals all teeth and claw and waist-deep snow and mud black as pitch and sheer high rock faces which split the nails off my fingers and rip gouges in my arms and heave myself at last to perch without support at the peak torn and shuddering, and my hope is that there will be some white pure clear thing awaiting me thence which will make all that came before worth it.

>> No.22883342 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22883349
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>> No.22883367

post something easier to read please.

>> No.22883372

There's the less popular Nobody Poops But You

>> No.22883380

wtf does the apple poop?

>> No.22883381

>he doesn't know

>> No.22883384

i need to read this book

>> No.22883422

Why did the capitalism thread get nuked?

>> No.22883447

The government spent lots on the military, as well as on other favors and subsidies for big business.
The rich, and the corporations they owned, paid low taxes.
The government had to borrow the money it hadn't raised from taxes...
and pay interest.
All the borrowing made the Fed nervous about inflation, so it kept interest rates artificially high, so the government paid more interest.
Meanwhile, ordinary people paid high 1970s taxes, plus some extra.
The government "couldn't afford" to spend much on them...
While high interest rates kept unemployment high and wages low.
People saved less and borrowed more ...
and paid artificially high interest on car loans, mortgages, business loans, school loans, and credit card debt.

>> No.22883454

ok but why did the thread get deleted?

>> No.22883461

That is why, unfortunately.

>> No.22883463

McVeigh is alive

>> No.22883466

Dick Laurent is dead

>> No.22883474

the government deleted the thread?

>> No.22883485

My dick is dead

>> No.22883496

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.22883534

My dick will rise from the dead to rule the world

>> No.22883588


>> No.22883597


>> No.22883638

I need ideas for a blog name. My blog will focus on the history and culture of the Islamic world.

>> No.22883645

History and Cculture of the Islamic World

>> No.22883648

mashallahnal geographic

>> No.22883655

Halal History

>> No.22883665

I got an offer to teach at a Catholic school. Should I do it?

>> No.22883691

no one coming to 4chan with such questions should be responsible for teaching children

>> No.22883704

I actually grew up teaching children. My school had a weird thing where you can help younger kids.

>> No.22883708

Did you smash?

>> No.22883711

I was fired from a job for the first time in my life today which sucks. I admit that I wasn’t really giving it 100% but who would for $11/hr? His main complaint seemed to be that I was wasting food, I was a cook, which is almost inevitable in my opinion given the slowness of my station and the levels of stock which I have to keep it at in case there was a party or something. The place I worked at was more prone to random bursts of activity than any other restaurant I’ve worked at before. Given the erratic nature of the customer base and the stringent requirements for getting food out on time I feel like I was kind of set up for failure. Not to mention that my “training” at the joint amounted to 30 minutes on the first day and a couple of recipes, some of which I later learned were just dead wrong, jotted down on the back of an envelope. I have the sneaking suspicion that he never intended to keep me on in the first place and only hired me to help out the rest of the line during the holidays which I was told was their busiest time of the year. I feel like the man wanted nothing less of me than clairvoyance with his incessant cries to make every last scrap of use and at the same time to make sure that everything stayed at perfect levels of freshness. (The man would get mad if a half container of shrimp was left in the line cooler for 3 days) Speaking with an acquaintance who knew the man I learned that he is deeply indebted to every food supplier in our area and is constantly on the hunt for a vendor with which he does not already have a line of credit. In a way I pity the man, I suppose it makes sense now that he would be outraged at a level of waste which any other restaurant that I’ve worked for in the past would have found normal, especially for the standard of food which he claimed to serve. The man was having me make shrimp scampi without a thickening agent for the sauce and was bloodshot eyes mad that melted butter and wine didn’t have the consistency of a rich Alfredo sauce. What a lunatic.

>> No.22883713

We have a /pol/ jannie who regularly gets assblasted about leftists threads

>> No.22883717

those poor bastards

>> No.22883721


>> No.22883726

Gay Sand Nigger Sandbox

>> No.22883732

The honorable death in a draft is shooting the draft officer

>> No.22883742

whoa. i literally spend 3 hours (not exaggerating) every shift in the disabled toilet vaping, take 1 hr in breaks, and stop working an hour before i clock off.

>> No.22883749

I just made toasted sandwiches out of rotisserie chicken that I accidentally left in the microwave overnight, are they fucked? I haven't eaten them yet and every website says not to eat cooked chicken if it's been left at room temperature for over two hours.

>> No.22883757

Do you think you're going to die of it? Lol. Stupid food waster.

>> No.22883760

Where do you work at?

>> No.22883762

No, but I don't want them to make me even a little sick. I haven't thrown them out, they're sitting in front of me right now.

>> No.22883767

Lol, gut weakling. Slop it down with five shots of whiskey and you should do fine.

>> No.22883770


>> No.22883776

nah its fine g it's good for your gut microbiome

>> No.22883779

It is only the obvious things that are never seen; and a thing is often counted stale merely because men have been staring at it so long without seeing it. There is nothing harder to bring within a small and clear compass than generalisations about history, or even about humanity. But there is one especially evident and yet elusive in this matter of happiness. When men pause in the pursuit of happiness, seriously to picture happiness, they have always made what may be called a "primitive" picture. Men rush towards complexity; but they yearn towards simplicity. They try to be kings; but they dream of being shepherds. This is equally true whether they look back to a Golden Age or look forward to the most modern Utopia. The Golden Age is always imagined as an age free from the curse of gold. The perfect civilisation of the future is always something which many would call the higher savagery; and is conceived in the spirit that spoke of "Civilisation, its Cause and Cure." Whether it is Arcadia of the past or Utopia of the future, it is always something simpler than the present. From the Greek or Roman poet yearning for the peace of pastoral life to the last sociologist explaining the ideal social life, this sense of a return and a resolution into elemental things is apparent. The pipe of the shepherd is always something rather plainer than the lyre of the poet; and the ideal social life is some more or less subtle form of the simple life.

>> No.22883854

eating six plums with hot honey while watching some Gyllenkino.

>> No.22883856 [DELETED] 

never apply heat to honey

>> No.22883869

Mmmm, yummy hot honey. Mmmm, yummy plums.

>> No.22883913

I'm always at my saddest in December, my birthday, my grandad's birthday, and new years haunt this season for me.

P.S: Is it just me or do things tend to turn out better for you when you just don't think as much?

>> No.22883961

>my birthday, my grandad's birthday, and new years
those are three nice things

>> No.22884002


>> No.22884054

My youth is slipping away, my grandfather doesn't have many years left/lives in another continent so I can't see him and the new year just reinforces both of those facts along with reminding me that I wasted another year of my finite lifespan.

>> No.22884095
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I'd like to share something. A couple of days ago, I went to a building that my family is selling; whilst rummaging through the old stuff I found these books. The titles are:
>The Crisis of Liberalism and the First Manifestations of the Socialist Ideas in Portugal
>French Language Grammar (in Portuguese)
>Repeater of Natural Sciences and Brief Notion of Natural History in Brazil
I myself think these are neat finds; and although I don't know a thing about French, I might start learning after this.

>> No.22884101

I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you're Brazilian.

>> No.22884104

A good guess, but no. I'm actually Portuguese.

>> No.22884128

Basically the same thing.

>> No.22884140

Funny joke, from funny man. It's as equivalent as the French and Algerians being the same; or the English and South-africans.

>> No.22884142

They speak Brazilian Portuguese, you speak regular Portuguese, that's close enough for me.

>> No.22884328

>experienced cook makes $11/hr
what is up with hospitality cucks? how do they do these grueling semi-skilled jobs for such shit pay? i don't get it. you could get paid more in an amazon warehouse and not smell like a decaying fish afterwards.

>> No.22884358

i thought that. i just looked up the us min wage & my heart dropped.

>> No.22884360

Drugs and everyone hooks up

>> No.22884380

$11/hr won't get you far with a coke habit

>> No.22884544

We wuz KANGZ.

>> No.22884599

holy shit it actually stopped raining

>> No.22884611


>> No.22884613

was taking a walk outside and stumbled upon a dead cat, now I'm feeling pretty depressed about this whole thing. I think I might have known that cat too

>> No.22884654


>> No.22884867

Been riding the same $80 folding kickscooter for over a decade.
I love it. It's fun, it's practical, it fills my heart with happyness and joy.
Thing is, since Ii have the money I have been eyeing a $1000 folding kickbike.
It would basically be a upgrade in nearly every way.
But oddly enough after spending so long with the same scooter it kind of feels disloyal when my current one still functions fine and will probably be able to go another 10 years just fine.

I know it's dumb but it's what's on my mind.

>> No.22884870

Buy the new one, keep the old one.

>> No.22884917

There are some years that I don't remember anything of because of the depression, I legit can not remember antyhing between march and july this year, the year is ending but I feel like I've been on a long restless sleep

>> No.22884945

>work extremely hard to the point of overworking
>get extremely drunk at evenings
I cant operate as a normal human being

>> No.22884947

Welp, folks. I joined a work gang over the holidays.

>> No.22884964

Why does Satan keep getting Ws while I Ls?

>> No.22885014

This morning, I read 'Snowy Day' a short story and an interview with the author, Lee Chang-dong. (Both in the New Yorker.)
Then I walk outside, I take a longer route. It had snowed again in the night. I listen to Arvo Pärt. The snow makes crunching sounds under my shoes. I go get groceries. I walk home.

Only now do I realize I was in pleasant a haze, a cocoon--it's burst and gone.
I can't recreate it for another day, because meta-awareness ruins it.
It's one of those things that happens of its own.

>> No.22885050

You'd be surprised how fucked up most people are. I recommend getting sober if you can but I have worked with plenty of people who come to work slurring words and obviously fucked off of something

>> No.22885058

b-but nobody can tell I'm drunk anon, stop saying such monstrous things

>> No.22885063

My old boss was a functioning alcoholic. He would miss work because he was too drunk or drink before we closed then drive home sloshed. Alcohol isn't good for you, it is literally poison, but you shouldn't focus on what other people pay attention to because they likely aren't focusing on you.

>> No.22885064


>> No.22885066

I have to poop

>> No.22885070

You'd better have written that url and not copy pasted.

>> No.22885109

My dream is to have my own aparment where I could do whatever I want.
Can't wait to hire prostitutes in it, but probably won't have my own apartment before 30

>> No.22885140

>tfw have my own apartment
>prostitutes dont exist in my town

>> No.22885153

Im not >>22885058
Its just that without work I have nothing to distract myself. Alcohol helps me relax and forget the obsessive tendencies even for a bit.

>> No.22885250

I live in a poorfag flyover state and was hard pressed to find a job when I accepted his offer. There weren’t many options open for me at the time.
Thankfully I only smoke weed and had the good fortune to keep my nose away from that shit. Coke is the ultimate junkie drug

>> No.22885259

you're gonna let random hookers aka criminals inside your apartment? dude ngmi

>> No.22885278

I gave it some thought. Women shouldn't have the right to vote. We have to backtrack here.

>> No.22885284

>cold evening
>soup for dinner
I need a cozy murder mystery to round this off

>> No.22885292

should i go to the weed store and buy some weed? the cheapest 8th is like $50. they also have gummies for $35. i kinda want to get gummies so i don't have to worry about the smell, but why are they so cheap? also they all look like they have artificial dyes in them. aren't there any organic gummies for nature freak hippies? seems like an obvious product.

>> No.22885298

why hasn't david lynch made a movie since 2006? was inland empire really that much of a stinker?

>> No.22885303

he made twin peaks s3

>> No.22885311

waste of time should have made a movie. it's like when some good electronic producer doesn't drop an album for like five years because they're doing the soundtrack for some lame movie everyone already forgot.

>> No.22885322

tp season 3 was much better than most of his films and great in general

>> No.22885351
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There's an online publication that's a big fan of me as a writer; it's published multiple short stories and poems of mine. Just the other day I discovered each entry on the site has a comment section, and I went to check some of the comments on some of the things of mine they've published.

It was a nice little ego boost because everybody was positive. I even saw someone say that I have "enviable skill as a writer."

Maybe I am going to make it.

>> No.22885357


I second the nice handwriting.

I hope firstly that the letter isn't too much of a painful reminder and secondly in the future you're able to talk to women when the time comes.

>> No.22885365

i hate my life.

>> No.22885368

u know what looks sick the salammbô video game but the reviews say it doesn't work on newer version of windows

>> No.22885369

TP S3 was entirely out of tone with the rest of the series. Feels like he took a shit on the fans of the show and we were supposed to run with it because it’s le David Lynch and he like knows better than us what we want bro.

>> No.22885370

same but it's all my fault which makes me hate it even more.

>> No.22885378

I have a hard time appreciating just how much time has passed.

>> No.22885386

>he took a shit on the fans of the show
he did the same with season 2

>> No.22885392

I only watched it through once years ago but was enjoying it until the end when it seemed to go off the rails

>> No.22885396

>every class after I wanted to talk to her or at least thank her but couldn't because developed fear of women after years of sexual abuse at the hands of my father
>never said a word to her all semester, never saw her again
i could barely talk to women in college but i don't even have the excuse that my dad raped me. finally one year i tried to get laid really hard and i had a one night stand with some chick who was cheating on her bf. my whole life has been a waste of time.

>> No.22885409

too busy making money/cavorting with lower malevolent forces with "transcendental meditation"

>> No.22885429
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I will stay a virgin until I curbe my pride and stop hating women so much. I don't even know if It's worth it however.

>> No.22885432

>Sexuality and psychology play out in strange ways
People love what they hate. But if they didn't hate they wouldn't love.
In this sense rascists are the most anti-rascist

>> No.22885436

damn tove lo is good live you never know with pop singers

>> No.22885438
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>I will stay a virgin until I curbe my pride and stop hating women so much
are you me?

>> No.22885448

holy shit blast from the past!

>> No.22885451

ur gonna keep this cope going until someone calls u "mr" and u realize u waited too long and now it's truly over and you'll have done it to yourself

>> No.22885462

There was this comic in which an ugly guy brings a friend to his house and then they have a laugh together and he moves closer to her face to kiss and she recoils in horror and he notices this in a millisec and apologizes. Does anyone know which comic series it's from?

>> No.22885463

A writing class with group review really is one of those rare opportunities to more intimately show yourself and potentially connect to a girl if you are the type who never really approaches or attempts to seduce women. I had a very similar experience in a mandatory freshman writing course. I also failed to make anything of it but don't have an excuse as legit as sexual abuse.

>> No.22885470

have you tried fully embracing and owning your hatred and outwardly projecting it?

>> No.22885486

I post way less on /his/ and /lit/ than I used to. Not because I don't like history or literature, but because I've come to realize how little I know about these topics.

This is happening to me across my life, in hobbies, in politics and in work. I feel the urge to speak less and listen more.

>> No.22885510

what would that achieve?

>> No.22885515


>> No.22885516

the problem is listening more to the stupid shit people say on 4chan say is not a great idea. most of the shit on this site is stupid as hell.

>> No.22885522


>> No.22885524

Achieving your goal of having sex with a woman without unnecessarily forcing yourself to change your thoughts and feelings.

>> No.22885530

I derive a part of my self-image from the things I consume. I can't be a discerning reader because deep down I always doubt if my personal opinion of something has legs or I'm just a philistine always open to be manipulated. Sad but despite challenging my taste in things I don't seem to be getting any better. I guess it's not changeable.

>> No.22885536

he's already a virgin. none of his feelings and thoughts are appealing to women.

>> No.22885548

He is a virgin due to some combination of being physically unattractive and shy, not his thoughts or feelings. He will need to overcome those hurdles to sleep with some women then afterwards he can learn to hate them a little less.

>> No.22885560

If you aren't mentally strong enough to burn money, I don't respect you

>> No.22885562

well yeah this is called lifestyle marketing. you buy tarkovsky bluerays cuz ur an arsty mf unlike those ppl streaming the avengers.

>> No.22885570

>sleep with some women then afterwards he can learn to hate them a little less
do you think that sleeping with women make him hate less?

>> No.22885574

every day you can open up the paper and read some story about a guy who brutally murdered some chick he was fucking.

>> No.22885584

psycho men are hot to women. what else is new?

>> No.22885586

Potentially, because if he has only had negative experiences with women then some positive ones can move the balance in a more favorable direction. Of course men who sleep with women can still be hateful towards them but I believe a case such as this would benefit more from trying to find positive experiences than trying to psyop himself into a different outlook as a purely mental exercise.

>> No.22885592

>positive ones can move the balance in a more favorable direction
that would either require quantity or quality

>> No.22885593

What makes an abusive incel creepy and icky as opposed to an abusive partner girls normally go for? Resentment, self-loathing, not being forward?

>> No.22885616
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Is there any real point trying to "explain" or "rationalize" a fetish or a kink?

I tried to do it with some of my own fetishes years ago, but lately I've come to the conclusion that there's no point in bothering. Ultimately there's no rational explanation for why we have the physical desires we do, especially when it's something outside the mainstream. It's just how your brain is wired, right? You can explain or justify it however you like, but at the end of the day it's just that your dick wants what it wants.

>> No.22885628

Mostly physicality and hormones and the fact that "abusive incels" are just meek guys irl

>> No.22885656

It doesn't hurt to rationalize why you like it, but there isn't really a reason to explain why you like. Its like explaining why you prefer mustard over ketchup.

>> No.22885669

you COULD rationalize it but it largely falls into unconsciousness territory therefore it requires some extreme introspection.

>> No.22885685

Fetishes emerge from the prolonged absence of sufficiently gratifying normal sexual experience coupled with the presence of some available substitute. Once the brain's reward mechanism kicks in and latches onto something it's off to the races.

>> No.22885690

I find long, slender necks extremely attractive. I always look at a woman's collarbone and jaw to judge their neck.

>> No.22885695

that doesnt explain the childhood fetishes

>> No.22885710

Visiting my very Mormon family for the holidays.
I'm gonna lose it. They have doublethink and confirmation bias down to an art. The very concept of metaphysics and philosophy eludes them and their system is designed to prevent anyone inside of it from doing philosophy in the first place.

>> No.22885731

Act ignorant beyond any doubt.

>> No.22885756

I'm intrigued. What is Mormon philosophy and theology?

>> No.22885764

I have fetishes that I've had for as long as I could remember bro. My first sexual experiences were experimenting with my innate fetishes. I often wonder what caused it, but your explanation doesnt safisfy

>> No.22885766
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>> No.22885812

I feel more pessimistic about the prospects for life than ever after this episode. I always wavered between some sort of purpose or accomplishment on one hand or friends and family on the other hand as making life worthwhile, but now I just feel like neither of these are even possible. The former is reserved for a lucky few and as for the latter, it seems people show their true colors sooner or later. I’m not even an asocial NEET weirdo. I’m just convinced now more than ever people only ever care about themselves and are shallow.

>> No.22885832

uncerimoniously and unexpectedly rejected by a girl I went on a few dates with. at first I took it in stride, but, as the days pass, the idea that I won't get to see her or talk to her, or make her laugh ever again is beginning to weigh terribly on me.

>> No.22885837

I won't ever go that far but personally now I am seeing from the point of view of a tranny. I know you're not that gone like me but speaking only personally here I have zero confidence in myself at this point of time and space.

>> No.22885838

I find it unattractive. So weak. I could easily kill those people.

>> No.22885848

It has several layers. Originally it was a bunch of bullshit which Joseph Smith used to get young (sometimes underage and sometimes already-married) women to agree to become his plural wives and to get people to give him money and power. Then Brigham Young and successors added another layer of bullshit in order to build a Mormon theocracy in Utah and convince their followers that killing non-Mormons was actually way cool and what God demanded (see Mountain Meadows among others). Then once the federal government started looking at enacting Total Mormon Death the leadership decided to add another layer of bullshit and turn the whole thing into a mere crypto-Freemasonic cult designed mostly to separate believers from their time and money and route it to Mormon HQ, and this layer has persisted to this day.
In between the beginning and now a ton of insane wacky nonsense arose, like believing God made human souls through spirit sex with a female deity, Jesus and Satan are brothers, God dwells in physical form near a star called Kolob, ancient Jews crossed the Atlantic and spoke a language called Reformed Egyptian which conveniently left zero records whatsoever besides the golden plates Smith claimed to have found in 1820 and which no one ever physically saw besides him, magic underwear inscribed with Masonic symbols, alcohol, tea, and coffee being de facto sinful to consume and in fact able to block consumers from entering the highest level of Mormon Heaven, senior Mormon leaders having a special secret ceremony which guarantees them a slot in Mormon Heaven regardless of any sins they commit in life short of murder, women being eternally subservient to men in the afterlife, eternal plural marriage, and much more. The latest layer of Mormon bullshit also produced more mundane but no less awful things, like the Mormon church secretly holding over $140 billion in assets under the name of Ensign Peak Holdings (and in fact they were fined $5 million just this year for using 13 shell corporations to hide some of those assets from the federal government for 20 years), being one of the largest landowers of ranches and farms in the United States, covering up thousands of child sexual abuse cases when Mormons happened to be the perpetrators (floodlit.org), etc.

>> No.22885852

The anti-philosophy thing comes from the fact that the foundation of their movement is that the original Christian Church was corrupted sometime in the 5th century by "Greek philosophy," resulting in what they term the "Great Apostasy," in which all Christendom fell into an error which only Joseph Smith receiving divine revelation along with translating allegedly long-lost records of ancient Jewish Americans in the early 19th century could ameliorate. Along with this, Mormons believe the greatest proof of any idea or consideration is that one "feels the Spirit" when thinking about it, and they define "feeling the Spirit" as a vague warm feeling in the breast which can be provoked in a great variety of ways as long as one has a good understanding of social engineering. Mormons are encouraged to "doubt their doubts" and not to take counsel from non-Mormon sources lest they come to see something as true which does not promote "feeling the Spirit," such as allegations that early Mormons did in fact regularly consume and brew alcohol despite manufactured stories to the contrary or that overall Mormon activity and conversion rates are in decline. The consequences of these two factors are that Mormons by and large do not engage with and remain ignorant of philosophy beyond the sketchiest outlines, will not accept arguments that do not promote their own specific understanding of the world, and consider personal experiences in which they felt a vague warm sensation in the breast to be as valid as, if not more valid than, any amount of rational, scientific, or philosophical evidence, such as the volumes of archaeological work proving that there was never a massive Jewish-descended civilization in the Americas numbering in the millions between the 6th century BC and the 4th century AD as claimed by the Book of Mormon.

>> No.22885855

Who cares, dude? That girl would’ve shown you in time that they never really cared about you, not in any way more than a “what have you don’t for me lately” sort of thing. People in general don’t care about anyone but themselves, avoiding paining, and experiencing their own pleasures. Nobody is really loyal and in fact will happily ruin you if it means it can advance themselves in some way. This is true for family. It’s true for friends. Most of all, it’s true for women.

>> No.22885870

I used to be super into politics, but given how reflexive and team sports-oriented it seems to be now has led me to developing some kind of weird apathy. Nothing is ever as good or bad as it seems any more because I feel like I can't trust doomers, or people that made their mind up from the first second. The only topics that even get me excited any more are more philosophy related

>> No.22885891

thanks for the encouragement, but, assuming your very cynical view of the world is accurate, then it makes sense for me to be upset because I took pleasure in her company, which I am now deprived of!
thanks for the writeup. I always found the history of Mormonism very interesting, especially the strange little orthodox offshoots.

>> No.22885897

>he can't make up his mind from the first second

>> No.22885898
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You should read Jay Dyer.

>> No.22885909

Unironically you just haven’t tried hard enough. After years of analyzing my attractions I could tell you with almost 100% certainty why I like the “kinks” that I do. Be careful though, like the other Anon said it’s definitely a subconscious thing. You become acutely aware that you’re not the only thing in charge of your own head. That’s why normalfags hate Freud so much.

>> No.22885962

My favorite part of looking for a job is feeling like a writhing worm begging for a boot to puree me.

>> No.22885978

What passes for politics today is fundamentally ignoble, whether by design or by incidence. If you developed a distaste for politics it’s probably because you’re a noble soul and intuitively see the ugliness in it. As for political activity, I think it’s an open question whether that can be dignified or noble. I don’t know. But investment is not.

>> No.22886019

I was walking around the local mall and observed a flock of fat girls walking out of the Hot Topic

>> No.22886023

Next time rape one of them and assert your masculinity.

>> No.22886035

So they're basically like America's Islam?

>> No.22886045
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Welcome aboard

>> No.22886051

I do not know how to defeat shame.

>> No.22886055

i'm bored i should do something productive

>> No.22886058

The things that occupy my mind daily happend 5 and 7 years ago. Kind of crazy.

>> No.22886062

I've been 33 for exactly 1 month.

>> No.22886065

posts i would make

>> No.22886071 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22886080

Corporate world survives on the backs of those willing to let themselves be taken advantage of. If you let yourself be given shit you will be made to eat shit day in and out until you burn out and are replaced. This is why they love it when they you know you really need the job, like if you just had a newborn and a mortgage or your visa is contingent on employment. And it's all done in this smarmy passive aggressive way even though the underlying cruel reality to it rivals anything from our ape past.

>> No.22886092

By "listening" I meant reading more books, not 4chan posts

>> No.22886098

I don’t even think I’m cynical. Most people I invested in showed me in the end that they don’t really care. Parents, friends, girlfriends. When the chips are really down, they turn tail. At most, they stick around but sort of resent you or place their own self interest first. With girls, the hardest ones to deal with are the ones you never expected to be like that. At least that’s how it’s been for me. Maybe I’ve been unlucky. Maybe there’s something wrong with me. But in my life, basically nobody has really been interested in loyalty or putting other people first. People who’s company I enjoy, I would suspect to turn out to be the most self-interested in the end. Life is funny like that and fate loves irony. The girl who is cold and disinterested probably ends up being the most loyal in the long run.

>> No.22886113

Things that occupy mine happened 10 and 6 years ago. I had this moment of lucidity about it thinking "I've lived so much life after those events and am an entire person, but I still imagine a fictional parallel life based on if those bad events didn't happen. Will I still be daydreaming about the alternate timeline when Im 40, married, and with children?"
In spite of this realization, its still hard to let go

>> No.22886114

It’s worse because 30 years ago, you couldn’t least climb the latter and be the shit shoveler instead of the shirt eater. But entry level financial analysts don’t become CFOs anymore and nobody works their way up. Then hire disgruntled investment bankers from
Harvard to be your boss because they have the right background and you’re supposed to be happy with your middle management life even if you’re the most competent person at the firm. That’s the real tragedy of corporate life. It’s not that you’re exploited. Even if you give it everything you get shafted for some trust fund retard who started their career at Goldman Sachs.

>> No.22886128

They were 130 years ago. These days they're like the somehow more boring version of Scientology.

>> No.22886133
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Mormons have been cucked hard in recent years. Most of them these days are normie tier conservatives who think Trump is too edgy. They even allow faggotronic marriage now.

>> No.22886208
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"Growing up" is code word for identity death.
I'll die of old age before I grow up.

>> No.22886225

We live in a country where republican governors in “conservative” Midwestern states veto bills that ban tranny surgery on minors. It is a total clown show and if you consider it with anything other than disgust, there’s something wrong with you.

>> No.22886275

Nah, gay marriage is still a no-no for them, though there's a growing demographic of young Mormons who think the Mormon church should be more 'inclusive.'
A ton of Mormons were super into Trump and Qtard shit and the Mormon authorities telling people to mask up and get the vaxx didn't sit right with them. These people are a fertile ground for splinter sects and sub-groups and private meeting circles, which lead to batshit insanity like the Lori Daybell affair or the case of the Laffertys in the 80s. Most recently there was the debacle surrounding Tim Ballard (relative of late Mormon authority M. Russell Ballard) and Operation Underground Railroad, in which it was revealed that Tim kinda sorta pressured women into sex in the name of some sort of "pose as a pedo couple and get into child-selling rings" scheme gone awry, and also that Tim was receiving "intel" on possible pedo rings from a woman who was using ketamine to receive visions from the Book of Mormon prophet Nephi. The right-wing side of Mormonism presents growing pressure on the Mormon leadership to be more hardline and conservative lest these people depart for offshoot groups.
On the other hand there's a sizeable contingent of liberal Mormons who want diversity and inclusivity and LGBTWTFBBQ acceptance and for the mainline Mormon church to make more definite statements about the Mormon God's wife and allow women to be ordained and so on, which presents opposing pressure to the previous demographic and from which people generally either make peace with the way Mormonism works or snap out of it in order to become liberal democrat agnostic/atheist secular humanists and become the gay trans weed smokers they always wanted to be... or something. These people are far more vocal when they leave Mormonism and make up the bulk of who you'd find on places like the plebbit exmormon board, and a lot of their issues with Mormonism have to do with its "traditional" patriarchal structure (not that there's really anything traditional about it), its approach to social issues, and the like.
In the middle is the mainline Mormon leadership, a group of very old (early 80s at the youngest) men who are terrified of losing the people who see them as representatives of God Himself (and who are also their revenue streams). They have no desire to liberalize Mormonism (and in fact mostly grew up in a time when Mormonism was much more 'hardcore' than it is now) but also have no desire to turn it into a based trad redpilled MAGA Qanon cult or some shit; all they want is for the status quo (that is, the status quo of roughly 1980) to continue forever. They kinda suck at this but the time scales involved are just large enough for it to be hard for the average Mormon to notice. If you don't mind using >plebbit for a sec there's a good writeup about their recent-ish moves here: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/eu5vh7/a_history_of_modern_apostasy_and_the_churchs/

>> No.22886304

Almost everything boils down to either S&M, or crossed wires.

Like seeing girls get inflated like balloons? You like seeing them restrained and humiliated.
Like seeing girls get their tits pooped on? You like seeing them humiliated.
Like seeing giant girls step on little dudes you self insert as? You like the idea of being dominated and/or hurt by women.
Like fat chicks? You see their entire body as a tit/ass.
Like feet? You see it as an ass/pussy.

These two general trains of thought explain 99% of all fetishes, if not 100%

>> No.22886310

double jointed pussy

>> No.22886318

fresh balls

>> No.22886322

That’s the typa shit my bitch got

>> No.22886327
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I guess we can call this trauma

>> No.22886332

Does anyone else hate themself? I have this person I want to be and then this person I am. The two are so far apart that I really have a lot of resentment for the latter. I’m really filled with resentment in general I think.

>> No.22886373
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Things that used to make me happy don't work anymore. I don't enjoy my favorite books, my favorite music, my favorite vidya, I don't even like my friends.

>> No.22886374

I don't hate myself. Also, I don't hate you :)

>> No.22886405

Nice of you to say, but I hate myself. I’ve been think about taking my life recently. I know I shouldn’t say this to you.

>> No.22886410

It logically makes sense that women shouldn't vote.

>> No.22886413

who /fridaylatenightposting/ here?

>> No.22886418

I don't mind you telling me. I wish you didn't want that for yourself, and there's probably nothing I can personally to help you about hating yourself, but that's the way I really feel.

>> No.22886447

almost 7pm so not yet

>> No.22886460

Have tried weed yet?

>> No.22886472

hell ya bra i just went to banana king for a burger. i ordered a double cheeseburger right, but get this, it had two big thick soft juicy beef patties, but it also had an egg and bacon. the shit was stacked so high i had to bite into it diagonally. i had worked out my ass off last night so i was looking for some real authentic protein and it delivered big time.

>> No.22886475

i'm resentful of the pressure I received when I was 18-19, I had an underdeveloped brain, depressed, in a strage place, yet people called me old and that my time was running out when I was in fact so young. You think time heals all wounds but they don't, sometimes they get bottled up and only come to haunt you years later

>> No.22886552 [DELETED] 

i was doing this video production class in college and i saw myself in a scene and i looked like that asshole kid telly from the movie kids. i was like what the fuck.

>> No.22886562

I masturbated once in the back of the bus. It was at night when I was coming back from school and was extremely horny teenager, horny to the point I couldn't wait till I got home. I remember putting my jacket over some barrier, thankfully there were only 4 or so people in the bus and they were all facing front of the bus. I started jacking off while watching asian female squrting porn. The coom was fantastic, thick and lots of it. I remember after getting home having regrets that because of my moment of pleasure the bus driver had a shit day having to wash off my cum stains so I prayed away my sins to God and he forgave me, or I thought so

>> No.22886568 [DELETED] 

>absolute degenerate is religious

>> No.22886591

don't tell me you never masturbated in public. Besides in the bus, I also did it in the park, gym shower, public toilets etc., I even once did in my friend's house standing right behind him. He was sitting on his chair and I was watching him gaming like gta or something, and we were switching every 15min, and so I was watching him playing and then mindlessly put my dick out and started fondling it right behim him. Didn't cum though Didn't even get hard, I was just fondling my dick, but the thought of doing it right behind him was so funny to me

>> No.22886599

No I'm not a degenerate. The worst thing I've ever done in childhood arguably would be incest with my sister.

>> No.22886605
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>> No.22886614

The worst I did was smell a girl's shoes when she wasn't looking. Am I going to hell

>> No.22886628

Did it smell nice at least

>> No.22886632

It smelled nice to me but I'm the kinda of nigga that smell a woman's shoe

>> No.22886642
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What happens in 2024 when you promise amnesty, but then tell 10,000,000 illegals the the other political party is going to deport all of them?

-There have been more than 276,000 migrant encounters in December so far
-They are releasing 5,000 illegal immigrants a day into the U.S., and that doesn’t include those being paroled in at ports of entry
-82,000 known getaways and 760,000 migrant encounters at the southern border (since Oct 1), making the first quarter of FY 24 the highest quarter on record.

10,000,000 since Biden took office. The Democrats have imported a foreign army. What do you think they'll do with it? There is absolutely no way you can convince me that there's not a dark purpose to this.

>> No.22886644

>incest with my sister
>No I'm not a degenerate

>> No.22886648

>What do you think they'll do with it?
Tell them to become DoorDash drivers

>> No.22886651

working class wages were going through the roof post-pandemic, so they imported more workers to drive down wages. it's not that sinister dude.

>> No.22886652

Shit is about to go so fucking bananas politically a trillion hungry monkeys couldn't fix it. I strongly advise anons who live in major cities to formulate emergency departure plans, in case the establishment finally decides to turn America into one giant riot / one giant Latin American shithole in perpetual political chaos.

>> No.22886662

are there any boards with self-hate generals?

>> No.22886665

so you re not actually a mutt?
im probably more of a mutt than you
all my ancestors are romanian, or serbian, or greek but i look like the what comes out if a jew copulates with a nigger

>> No.22886671
File: 58 KB, 200x212, fkngrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'm only a self-hate colonel

>> No.22886673

Youre a retard. They imported a new slave class to replace the working class. This slave class has no understanding of the core values of the republic and is less likely to rebel or to speak up in defense of their rights.

>> No.22886678


>> No.22886681

In grade school my peers pronounced the word as Col- o- nel insteqd of Kernal. It broke my heart

>> No.22886703

isn't that just lonely people trying to find internet hookups?

>> No.22886705

Yeah I realized if I'm not that kind of person so I'd rather smell nothing at all while doing it

>> No.22886708

As the government has a responsibility to man, so does man have a responsibility to the government. Cicero said that mans highest calling is too enter civil service and he was correct but fell short of the mark. Every man is duty bound to be an active participant in his government be he a farmer, banker or nurse or labourer or any of the myriad professions this nation employs. And when that government becomes corrupt, serving the goals of the foreigner, man is duty bound to rebel with all of his strength, to remove that corruption with force.

>> No.22886711

I thought that was /soc/.

>> No.22886714

Give a synopsis

>> No.22886718

Working class? they exported their sources of income, these people are no lesser; their political weapons. It makes no sense financially, none of this does. If the goal is to demographically destroy Whites in the US the GDP would crash and turn into a Latin recession.

What happens when the MARS base gets smaller and smaller? (Middle White America) what happens when the MARS even starts another country? (for whatever reason)

You lose half the tax base. What happens when the third worlders can’t even tax fund to build a school water fountain with their door dash jobs? much less a war against Russia? This is the most shortsighted, corrupt, incompetent administration in the Century.

>> No.22886727

>visit Canada
>go to library for the first time in years
>get to the library
>there's a queue of around a dozen people wearing masks
>they're waiting to be let into the library
>woman wearing a mask and a face shield approaches me
>she hands me a mask and tells me to put it on
>bewildered, I do so
>I'm also given some foul smelling liquid to put on my hands
>I wait around 30 mins to be let into the building
>meanwhile everyone around me (mostly Asians for some reason, despite this being Canada ??) are wearing masks
>wtfs going on
>finally get to the front of the queye
>armed librarian scans my forehead, tells me it's mandatory to make sure I'm not sick
>go inside, like 5 people max in there including staff

>> No.22886728

the irish came in the same way. i'm sure it isn't lost on biden.

>> No.22886739

NEW >>22886737

>> No.22886740

>This is the most shortsighted, corrupt, incompetent administration in the Century.
I don't think they are shortsighted, not really. They just have the misfortune of being liberals running an empire in the days when both liberalism and said empire are dying. Biden will be remembered as the last liberal president. Conservatism or leftism will follow. Either way the center can no longer hold on.

>> No.22886746

i just checked out /r9k/. it seems to be entirely people bitching about not getting laid. that's cool, but not really what i'm looking for.

>> No.22886757

You assume they need taxes to operate (or really, ever needed them).

>> No.22886759
File: 104 KB, 749x1087, IMG_8282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insane false equivalence. This is radically different. The culture at that time was pretty much Anglo-chauvinist, so others were pressured to join and conform. Now it's mostly White-hating (Whites in general being the equivalent of WASPs now) so there is Balkanization, if not already. And then they cut off immigration in the 1920s, they are NOT stopping this, they even threatened Texas if they did.

Plus they were European.

Biden is not doing this btw, he’s not in charge. Let’s be real he likely hasn’t remembered what he ate for dinner yesterday.

>> No.22886777

According to that graph percentage-wise it's not different, though raw total is higher

>> No.22886795

>said empire are dying

>> No.22886836

Pre-industrial America was so cool

>> No.22886865

why is life so difficult? how did this come of nothing and why does it hurt? I see pain in every living thing. a forever expanding force brought itself out of nowhere and we are a part of it and we all now have to eat ourselves for survival. this unnecessary suffering. reincarnation is my greatest fear. most life on earth is not worth living. having to make another form of life suffer to continue living is horrifying. why is this such a tragic condition? nothing was needed after farming. I can't stop thinking about suffering. it never had to happen. as a whole life is not worth the art, stories, and good experiences it has given. all we had to do was farm wheat, bake bread and relax. what does the future hold? this is the easiest time to live but now art is dying, replaced by ai. everything is losing worth, creation is meritless, there are already thousands of ai books and all jobs will eventually be mechanized. all media glorifies the worst. why? I'm looking for a nice happy artsy movie but all of them have some form of suffering. i think most suffering stems from the misunderstanding of primal animal instinct. most of it is cope. all of these violent films on streaming sites are people trying to face their fear head on etc. it's just terrible and depressing. everything search already has an ai doing it, stained glass for instance. it was inevitable but it's like living in a cargo cult society where nothing is of worth. the majority of all boards and forums are bots. everything is so commercial and hardly anything is made with true love or passion and even what is could be shit out by an ai or machine. we're at a point in history entirely different from all others. art is dead. it could be compared to the industrial revolution and luddites or the camera and rise of expressionism but it's completely dead. everything has become inauthentic. whens the last time you saw something normal? where are all of the nice things? why? it makes sense in the historical timeline and all is logical but why? what's the end goal? nothing will matter. zoomers are already nostalgic for a time they've never lived in, there's no identity, everything is a trend. what will this generation evolve into? they're all traumatized and suffering from psychological regression. nothing has meaning, nothing has worth, there is no culture, there is no art the best of people are diminishing and the worst are expanding. it's just not nice also can anyone rec me a comfy documentary? thank

>> No.22886910

Do you ever worry that you’ll just never achieve your literary ambitions or that the window of opportunity to build the foundation for achieving them has closed or something like this?

>> No.22886936


>> No.22887006


>> No.22887128

I graduated from a pretty good school with a law degree and got a job as an attorney, but I guess I couldn’t cut it because I quit and I’ve been teaching in high schools as adjuncting at colleges ever since. I just turned 30 and I’ve been living with my mother for the last 3 years. I make enough to live on my own if I really want to, but just barely. I’ve come to realize what a giant fuck up my life is and I wonder if I should just kill myself. It’s one thing for a man to live with his mother for a year, two years even possibly to save up for a house. I’ve been here 3 years and can’t even afford a house. I have a dead end career and no major prospects in my life, career, dating, or otherwise. All I have are the kind words of my mother and these books that I read. Even if I left now, I’ll always have been the adult man who got a high flying lawyer job but ended up living with his mother into his 30s. I’m ashamed of myself and I see fewer and fewer reasons to like myself everyday.

>> No.22887350

Could be worse I am in similar spot but my mother has no kind words

>> No.22887407

You don’t get along?

>> No.22887428

I’m smart, but I’ve gotten really fat as I’ve gotten older so now I look stupid.