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22880650 No.22880650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any books on how to solve capitalism

>> No.22880652


>> No.22880666
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Not even being ironic.

>> No.22880681

The Analects

>> No.22880685

peak irony

>> No.22880693

Have you heard of Karl Marx?

>> No.22880715

I'm being dead serious. Why continue with the endless struggle of attempting to defeat capitalism to little or no avail, when the only thing that could be done to entirely extirpate the problem is by the complete extirpation of the human species itself?

>> No.22880728

you realize that communists require you to work in fields and factories all day long right?

>> No.22880730

Do you wish you were not born?

>> No.22880733
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Presented without comment.
No comment is necessary.

>> No.22880737

that's not solving the problem. that's being a whiny bitch and ragequitting because you're incompetent to solve the problem.

>> No.22880741

not me. I get to work in a cush office with sexy Svetlana and Anastasia because I got good grades in school. nothing personel pleb.

>> No.22880743

Those were capitalists anon. Marxism-leninism was a bourgeois ideology and Soviet Union, Mao's China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea et al were capitalist states (and Marx would've considered them as such) Only retards deny this

>> No.22880745

well then you’re a dumbfuck

>> No.22880753

Humans are inherently capitalistic by nature. Avarice is born within all humans (no matter how great or infinitesimal), whether you realize it or not. Therefore, as long as humanity remains to exist, capitalism will never be abolished on an international scale.

>> No.22880761

The only way out is through.

>> No.22880779

Idk but its going to require plenty of violence. Hope you own at least one gun

>> No.22880786

pure jealousy

>> No.22880793

>t. can't into evolution
the only limits are the limits you place on yourself

>> No.22880796

Good grades in school means you go to a work camp, fucking idiot. You probably sit inside on the computer all day at your parents house like a child, eating like a king, all because of capitalism. It isn't capitalism's fault you're a loser.

>> No.22880799

Guns are fascist and opress BIPOC so no i don't own that evil White male creation of opression of a gun. Trump and fascism lost in 2016, democracy and the diverse mosaic of peoples won. Putin lost to and is losing more every day. So did the nazi fascists.

>> No.22880804

>he thinks humanity is evolving
Funniest post I've seen all day

>> No.22880805

when people talk about solving capitalism, they mean go full on commie instead of solving poverty and the rest.
Fucking hypocrites. But we are doomed to make the same errors over and over again so lets say I'm ready for the model commie act.

>> No.22880806

>Good grades in school means you go to a work camp, fucking idiot.
nope. means I go to top-tier commie university and get cushy commie bureucrat job. seethe more low-grade student.

>> No.22880810

>t. doesn't know how evolution works

>> No.22880825

>people arguing about merits of socialism and capitalism and muh human nature
Midwittery: the thread

>> No.22880848

There's literally nothing wrong with capitalism.

>> No.22880872


I love posts like these that prove unironic commies really are underaged autistic losers. Are you a tranny too? I had top grades and went to a top-tier uni for stem. It's a meme and the people who are successful are socially well-adjusted people who went into business or rednecks who went and worked hard right out of high school. How stupid and naive are you to think bureaucrats get good grades? they are lazy, fat, mediocre (at best) fags. Actually that's probably you.

Try writing an actual reply you drooling retard. Subhumans like you are proof that humanity is devolving. It is becoming less intelligent and less thoughtful, obsessed above all else with satisfying base impulses, weak and spineless with no principles, and of course all of this is closely correlated with it becoming more brown. You think technological advance means humanity will evolve? it's more likely the opposite.

>> No.22880884

Thank you for the input Shylock!

>> No.22880886

>I had top grades and went to a top-tier uni for stem.
you outed yourself retard. I never said anything about stem. You go to college to socialize and network with the children of richfags. The learning and degree are gratuitous. sorry you're ngmi. excuse while I go take an extended lunch with Svetlana and Anastasia.

>> No.22880907

People say they study history as to not repeat it. However, all history has shown is that it constantly repeats itself with no progress in sight. There’s an illusion of progress within humanity, but the core of what it is remains, hence history repeating itself. Humanity does not stand a chance and lying to yourself just because there seems to be hope within a relative framework does not mean humanity has a chance.

>> No.22880936

>with no progress in sight
what are they supposed to progress towards?
>Humanity does not stand a chance
At what?

you sound like a 14 year old who thinks he's thanos

>> No.22880948

You first. Anyways, capitalism isn’t meant to be solved, socialism has its own problems.

>> No.22880960
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outed myself how? seems like you're trying too hard to be clever, maybe even compensating
>I never said anything about stem
why else would you need high grades? only stem programs need high grades.
>implying you've graduated high school
>implying you could network with chad and stacy
>LARPing as le ebin business jock while simultaneously LARPing as a communist
>implying you leave the house and don't live with your mom

>> No.22880961

>all history has shown is that it constantly repeats itself
so far anon. so. far.

also history is a joke. without clairvoyance and time-travel history is fiction.

>> No.22880965

fuck off with you're anti-semetic dogwhistles

>> No.22880977

lmao did I hurt you or something?

>> No.22880991

putin lost
drumpf lost
hitler lost
fascism lost

back to /pol/

>> No.22881001

ok? idc. Why do you go full seethemode?

>> No.22881018
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yeah here ya go

>> No.22881486

Yeah, because Hollywood writes villains that are based, but go about their beliefs in the worst way possible. The villain has to have a compelling point, only to be defeated with a cope feel good ending. Joker, Thanos, Kaczynski-esque villains all make good points that have to deafeated by boring neoliberal writers who have to save the status quo.

>> No.22881522

This and Ted K

>> No.22881534


>> No.22881670

"Neither Vertical nor Horizontal" by Rodrigo Nunes. There, you're welcome.

>> No.22881683


>> No.22881820

Sounds like some neurotic jewish bullshit. I agree a good amount of humans need culling though, just not all of them.

>> No.22881840

Ted K and Thoreau have nothing to do with one another.

>> No.22881853

What a fucking idiot

>> No.22881900

Since all vices are natural why only encourage avarice instead of all of them? We should just get rid of anti-natural civilization and go back to being roving bands of hunter-gatherers and hunt members of the big nose tribe like you while raping your women, seems natural to me.

>> No.22881939

you must do a great synthesis of hegel's logic, marx inversion of the former, and postmodern inversion of the former, without picking sides, because each has many defects but all togheter can mend some of them. Marx mends the otherwise brilliant hegelian logic by "de-spiritualizing" it, postmodernism mends marx's account by bringing adaptations from the finantial capital dystopia we're living that he could not predict, although they themselves have things that in my opinion could be mended by a nuanced interpretation of marxism. If you know spanish check Gustavo Bueno for an unkown but higly complex contemporary marxism called philosophical materialism.

>> No.22882334
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It has been solved already.

Also Henry George.

>> No.22882370

Communism and Marxism is deliberate Russian infection in western academia that propagates anti-western values, such as identity politics, ethnic minority based analysis of history, especially of colonialism, and, through that, a naive perception, of the kumbaya sort, of power relations and their implicit responsibility, which is very often predicated on a savior complex or entitlement in relation to the European ethnic groups — this is all a Russian trick of subverting the west, which has infected academia like a virus to spread in journalism and humanities, and in our Information Age through online propaganda.
The internet makes it harder and easier to avoid propaganda — it ultimately depends on your iq.
This is not to say that these theories are inherently evil, useless or subversive — it is simply an observation of how they are used in western media and culture.

>> No.22882555
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People will do literal cartwheels around the solution rather than simply acknowledge Hitler was able to address some of the economic problems we currently face. I'm not even talking about the wretched jews, but sound internal financial policy.

>> No.22882556


>> No.22882557

Just make everyone follow a strict honor code

>> No.22882560
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Neither of these will last without a State supporting it

>> No.22882563

>idiocy is when you want the government to not just be able to print money to get out of any situation

>> No.22882574

>how to solve the people being able to own private property
I guess Might is Right is a honest book on how you "solve" capitalism.
You just beat everyone else up and take their shit.

Not sure why you would want such a thing though.

>> No.22882620

Wrong. As a pilotBVLL I would be a part of the CHADforce, dropping bombs on capitalist pig dogs.

>> No.22882642

Just look up any communist jew that ever wrote a book on their various genocides of gentiles.

>> No.22882823

>how to solve capitalism
Youre a broken person. Stop breaking shit so it looks like you, you think you fixed it but you didnt. Reality snaps back when you realize other people were preventing the consequences of your actions but stopped...then you die a horrible death.

>> No.22882838
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Nope, Thoreau is one of ours, sorry commycuck

>> No.22882845

>solve capitalism
For starters
-Tax corporate profits (lower the median income tax proportionally)
- Repeal Citizens United (unlimited campaign donations law in burgerland that is emblematic of capitalist decadence)
- Abolish the concept of Corporate Personhood
- Organize labor
- Tax capital gains (and again, not labor)
- Regulate drug prices
- Force banks to keep a minimum amount of cash reserves equal to their liability to avoid bank runs
You're welcome.

>> No.22882846

Communism is just middle class cronies that want job security and hate the poor confirmed

>> No.22882856

ok so what are the odds of anything you just presented actually being implemented?

>> No.22882858

Anarcho-capitalism. You hate corporatism/cronyism

>> No.22882861

Human Action by Luwig von Mises

>> No.22882865

How did you get baited this hard?

>> No.22882873

What made them not socialist?

>> No.22882875

>Tax corporate profits
aka increase consumer prices
>Repeal Citizens United
Repeal the state entirely
>Abolish the concept of Corporate Personhood
aka the rights of doers and get less business done
>Organize labor
aka form labor monopolies and fuck over everybody not actively participating in the union including union members when they leave work and go to the grocery store and try to buy a house
>Regulate drug prices
aka keep the pharmaceutical industries government privilege problem making drugs expensive in the first place but introduce shortages of drugs too
>Force banks to keep a minimum amount of cash reserves equal to their liability to avoid bank runs
Ok this is based but you don’t need to force them to do that you just need to stop federally insuring them and they will shape up themselves
You’re retarded, such surface level views you may as well have just said “feed people”, would have been no less ignorant of the background processes required to do so.

>> No.22882885

Lots of ex military ended up in the gulags right after coming back from germany

>> No.22882890

Only correct answers in the thread
Lol retard

>> No.22882910

Make the bar lower to form businesses. There are too many regulations and paid-off government agencies to prevent everything from upstart tech to just making a complete, paid-off storefront for under $10k.

>> No.22882917

Virtually nil because the government has been coopted by capitalist enterprise. That's not an argument against it , of course. It just demonstrates the corruption
Sorry I don't argue with brainwashed boomerists or clinically diagnosable imbeciles.

>> No.22882919

Taxation is theft

>> No.22882921

Anyone who would try these policies would get assassinated or they wouldn't get enough corporate funding (due to Citizens United) to make their campaign visible.

>> No.22882925

You don't need a book. You need to follow @GOPJosh20 on X.

>> No.22882932

And income tax is the worst. That's why if you have no alternative you should tax corporate gains and profits.
So is the corporate extraction of surplus value. Better to tax people who are so rich they would never even notice rather than the average guy just to keep him in his place as a wage slave. The current tax structure is reactionary and anti-labor. I don't propose how to structure a political economy without taxation because that is beyond the scope of this subject. A lot would have to change outside of that for a feasible society to emerge without tax.

>> No.22882941

No, an income tax is heinous but so are corporate taxes are corporations are the productive elements of society and taxes naturally impair production and cause decivilization. Your tax the rich rhetoric is retarded. Who is 'rich' what is their 'fair share'?

>> No.22882956

>corporations are the productive elements of society
Very spooked.
Corporations are a legal fiction, meant to obscure the people who compose it.
Corporate workers are the productive elements of society. Corporations don't exist other than on paper.

>> No.22882967

Corporations are a collection of workers that produce something. I'd recommend you read an economics book but I think you'd refuse anything not by Piketty outright

>> No.22882976

>Corporations are a collection of workers that produce something
LOL. Lol. Not in the eyes of the law. A corporation is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners or employees . Under the law, corporations possess many of the same rights and responsibilities as individuals.
That's the whole idea of corporate personhood I'm militating against numbskull. See this is why I should't break my rule about arguing with imbeciles.

>> No.22883001

According to Marx it's not possible to reach socialism (lower stage communism) within a single state. Those states weren't dictatorships of the proletariat either, since they were imperialist nation-states that had their own currency, wage-labour, commodity production and markets, which they certainly didn't attempt to do away with either. Effectively they had their own bourgeois classes or alternatively the role of the capitalist was played by the nationstate itself. If those regimes had been dotps they also would've prioritized the global spread of the revolution above everything (which they didn't, since they were bourgeois to the core).

>> No.22883008

I guess I am a numbskull because I don't follow your point. If we got rid of the law what would you call a corporation now that it ceases to be a legal entity?

>> No.22883071
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This is the most retarded statement on the whole of /lit/ right now.

>> No.22883115

Nobody can "solve" capitalism, it will continue its progress until the benefits it provides slows to a crawl, and then society will necessarily and inevitably shift to socialism/communism because the technology will be great enough that scarcity isn't a factor anymore.
There is literally nothing you or anyone else can do to hurry this process along, aside from I guess being a good capitalist and creating market presence that benefits humanity and furthers progression.

>> No.22883121
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>Remove Democracy
>Make subversion of the native people a capital crime
>Increase tax rates
>Remove Jews

There, Capitalism has been fixed/solved/completed/corrected.

>> No.22883123
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A few...

>> No.22883128

Rich dad poor dad comes to mind. Along with the psychology of money.

>> No.22883133

One thing I've always found funny is how this motherfucker was less socialistic than our president at the time when it comes to economic policies.

>> No.22883255
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I'm European, he's not my President you retarded sack of flavored semen.

>> No.22883316

>I'm European
Oh, okay, so you're a vassal of America then.

>> No.22883389

Ok apparently some comment was needed.
Thoreau essentially lays out a minimalist method of interacting with markets. Only take what you need, only give what you need. This tackles some of the biggest problems of capitalism: consumerism and overconsumption. No more ridiculous amounts of money being spent on fuckhueg piles of trash to choke dolphins to death on if people are only buying what they need to live a simple life.

If everyone lived a more Thoreau-like life, things would be a lot better.

>> No.22883417

The books of alchemy. Transmutations and gravitational spaces, morartes and dunheilde.