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File: 636 KB, 586x800, waldenkun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22879615 No.22879615[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

waldun-kun getting handsome god damn... and his likes are so high. he really is making it litbros... maybe there is hope for all of us since he used to post here too?

>> No.22879642

>making it is being a faggy pseud
You too can live this dream anon.

>> No.22879647

>/lit/ - instagram psued gossip

>> No.22879689

I wonder if that anon has tried contacting him yet for the interview. Anon, if you're reading this let me know.

>> No.22879753

he looks like a fucking potato

>> No.22879759

looks like china's answer to kd lang

>> No.22879761

dysgenic skinnyfat degenerate. I could kill him with my bear hands

>> No.22879785

post gram

>> No.22879786

Obsession with how one is perceived is a feminine trait, thus in his case gay.

>> No.22879790

Post lifts

>> No.22879797

>bear hands
You mean paws?

>> No.22879806


>> No.22879811

As someone that gave "image" little if any thought....I have come to realize if youre trying to make it in public sales....image is the most important thing, more than the product itself.

>> No.22879842

Well in that case we can call mr galdoon a regular whore

>> No.22879852
File: 317 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Rich and Successful whore...like these guys.

A fucking brick...an empire built on selling overpriced single BRICKS.

>> No.22879860
File: 375 KB, 717x841, you_trying_2B_edgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /sci/, passionfag. You belong there.

>> No.22879900
File: 1.90 MB, 1440x2560, 2022-10-23_14.18.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would go back to lecturing midwit students on post-doc Number Theory?

Am I crashing your logic as emotional based judgements with basic information? Is that the reason you talk about me and not the topic?...because I won, and you know it?....

>> No.22879918

t. ugly slob

>> No.22880015

>basic facts about the Golden Ratio are post-doc Number Theory

>> No.22880024

I am reading this. I never really planned on doing it. I just posted it for (You)s. Although I am interested in learning his ethnic background and forcing him to admit he is ESL.

>> No.22880026

Richard J Little would suck his tiny Chiney chub and he would swallow instead of spit just to be super extra gay. He wouldn’t deny of the aforesaid either.

>> No.22880282
File: 20 KB, 700x700, 1672888472918664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"lmao lmao lmao" like a fucking retarded retard...
Got a PhD in Mathematics?
Cool, you can go ahead and shut the fuck up like you know anything about Mathematics.

>basic facts about the Golden Ratio are post-doc Number Theory

First off, scalar base systems, like Base Phi, are a thing, second, there is no "basic facts" when talking about attributes in all scales of reality, Physics or Mathematics, third, post-doc refers to radically abstract and novel forms of mathematics that are too definitionally altered from traditional Pure Maths, and too new to be taught in Physics...which it this case belongs to.
Physics via Number Theory.


Let me know when you graduate with either Physics or Maths...then I can lecture you on how little your professors taught you about either in terminology you cant LARP you understand while denying the truth.

>> No.22880298
File: 56 KB, 437x434, 1657546881690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fruity lookin nigga

>> No.22880377

>he thinks showing φ^2 = φ + 1 is post-doc Number Theory

>> No.22880509
File: 138 KB, 645x992, 1507983429757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>addresses nothing said and LARPs he knows what I know and understands it
Keep strawmanning or else you have to admit youre out of your league....out of your professor's league.

You posting latex does nothing but affirm youre a psuedent...just because they pass you to be able to take more tuition that doesnt mean youre a Mathematician, it means youre a certifited technician of Mathematics, not a Mathematician or Doctor.

Ugh...university students are LARPers...

>> No.22880555

>he thinks the Greek keyboard on the iPhone is LaTeX

>> No.22880608
File: 395 KB, 1480x720, 2023-05-29_16.33.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont use latex, I use definitional abstractions. You know....NUMBER THEORY. Discerning the difference is meaningless to me, your effort was noted, you failing to even use latex is now noted as well.

Youre not even a student...youre some random jackass with "strong opinions" based on pure egocentric emotions, like a toddler.

Youre disgustingly retarded and vapid.

>> No.22880978

>I'm a post-doc in Number Theory
>I don't use LaTeX
LARP exposed

>> No.22880982

fucking kek
he is a massive pseud though and the retards lap it up

>> No.22881146

>no u
You cant even address my posts, you just lie constantly and use said lies as evidence.

Literal elementary school behavior from a "mathematician", I would flunk you for that kind of shit.

>> No.22881194

bro if you're going to trip then just trip

>> No.22881221

>forgets to remove name
>samefags as his own antagonist

>> No.22881291

>he used to post here too
is this true? I thought /lit/ was just obsessed with him

>> No.22881301

asians are so gross i dont even see them as human

>> No.22881487

You got me I'm a big dumb gay boy

>> No.22881518

The term Gen-X/Millenials used for people like Waldun was "poser." In the age of social media it hits too close to home for far too many people and I doubt it can get traction again.

>> No.22881528

A guy who knew him personally introduced him to the board. I don't know if Waldun ever posted but he complained about 4chan multiple times over the years (e.g. calling us "goons" on his YouTube channel comment page, back when those were a thing, without realizing the term has a new meaning).

>> No.22881540

You not being able to discern identity proves youre unable to discern facts from your emotions...

You's a bitch, living your "truuf"...proud and fierce in the face of "man-facts".


>> No.22881547

>it hits too close to home for far too many people
most people are posers?

>> No.22881647

Posing is "cringe" except instead of describing what someone else is they describe how they themselves feel about it, being self expressive instead of outwardly defining.

>> No.22881931
File: 21 KB, 218x265, 1668387786964236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22881961

Why is he Chinese?

>> No.22883850

because his parents are Chinese

>> No.22884222

debunked. Waldun is Australian.

>> No.22884239

I think you mean Austrarian

>> No.22884242

Lots of Australians are Chinese...

>> No.22884254

Waldun is Arthurian both in demeanor and in heritage.

>> No.22884674

I know it isn't you, anon. Here's your (you) anyway