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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 93 KB, 800x822, frankenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22877777 No.22877777[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Frankstein is the name of the doctor, not the monster

>> No.22877783

drawing attention to my quints before this gets pruned

>> No.22877784

>waste of digits by a teenager

>> No.22877791

im 33

>> No.22877799

ummm sweatie, frankenstien IS the real monster

>> No.22877800

/qa/ won, digits confirm

>> No.22877807

Nice quints

>> No.22877812

dubs confirm quints

>> No.22877814


>> No.22877816


>> No.22877963

they're both called Frankenstein and it's common practice to refer to the most famous [surname] as just [surname] so there's nothing wrong with calling the monster Frankenstein

>> No.22879582

Frankenstein was my father, call me Adam

>> No.22879595
File: 88 KB, 707x682, 166974233449614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting wojaks

>> No.22879610

Was it the jew in him?

>> No.22879865

Another win by a 'teen

>> No.22879866

BasedGOD I kneel

>> No.22879875
File: 330 KB, 1200x1118, 1703544193986182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting wojaks

>> No.22880040
File: 17 KB, 427x400, IMG_2114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. If I were to be referring to the doctor, I would use his title, Dr. Frankenstein. Frankenstein without the title signifies the monster, obviously as the monster does not have a PhD.

>> No.22880043

*shits self*

>> No.22880656

Well actually you could perceive Frankenstein to be the monster due to his actions throughout the novel

>> No.22880709


>> No.22880857

wtf i thought chuds were teens???????????? this doesn't agree with the established narrative

>> No.22880888

How do I avoid becoming him? I'm 25

>> No.22880902

Frankenstein's monster was the doctor's creation, in a sense his son, so it makes sense he would inherit the surname.

>> No.22880918

Never browse /pol/ & /b/ and ideally leave 4chan if possible.

>> No.22880922

He was made, not begotten thoughbeit

>> No.22881029

What should I do on my phone when not on 4chan? I mostly use it when I need to kill a few minutes waiting, the bathroom, or taking a break at my desk.

>> No.22881076

You are literally me except I'm 19
You are mein negger

>> No.22881109

Read Wikipedia articles and check the sources to find to books to read.

>> No.22881773
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, 1000006327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankenstein WAS the monster

>> No.22882337

Read short poems
Of course I have struggled to follow this advice

>> No.22882641

Use chatgpt to organize your life.

>> No.22882657

checked and this thread is better than 99% of the commienigger bait we have right now

>> No.22882662

holy based

>> No.22882698

Good idea. It’s already one of my favorite sites. I could definitely stand to read it more.
Where to find them? Don’t read a lot of poetry but do like it.

>> No.22882748

Same except I really am

>> No.22882759

I use poemhunter. I'm sure there's a better website though if someone want to name it.

>> No.22882787

I think I'll kill myself if I'm still on here in 10 years. I'm already growing tired of it

>> No.22883034

How do you do that anon