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File: 56 KB, 850x400, quote-fall-in-love-with-some-activity-and-do-it-nobody-ever-figures-out-what-life-is-all-about-richard-p-feynman-104-4-0421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22873759 No.22873759 [Reply] [Original]

*obliterates philosophy*

>> No.22873764

and that activity's name? PHILOSOPHY

nothing personel kid

>> No.22873778

>instead fall in love with activities, like developing weapons that enable the retards that end up heads of state to seriously threaten all life on earth. doesn't even matter bro

>> No.22873797

>Feynman didn't drop the A-bomb. I dropped it.

>> No.22873851
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- smarmy face with prestigious name, not a book, 20th century

>> No.22873912

Look up the television interview of him prevaricating when asked to explain magnetism for the audience. Fraud and a representative specimen of his post war atomist ilk.

>> No.22875112

I'm just a critic because Feynman diagrams could've been invented by literally anyone

>> No.22875121

Literally who

>> No.22875128

It's the same argument apolitical people make. You're just accepting the status quo out of ignorance.

>> No.22875133

>just have lead poisoning bro

>> No.22875164

He discovered REAL things and had REAL impact. He didn't convert his impotent rage into made up words and preach the society about how to live. Science CHADS have destroyed and humiliated philosophy fags. I cant wait for the day when we finally get evidence for all phenomenon being just a combination of material(and trust me it's coming). The amount of SEETHE it will generate among philosophy fags will be epic.

>> No.22875171

What's wrong with philosophy you mad man.
I see a bunch of people every day who are mad. I'm just the least mad among them.

>> No.22875177

Philosophy IS activity, you illiterate gutter swine. You will NEVER be /lit/.

>> No.22875182
File: 401 KB, 1920x1080, real impact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had REAL impact

>> No.22875202

I fell in love with your mom OP

>> No.22875205

Philosophers trapped us in a world of make believe. They kept repeating the same old cliches about soul , God ,morals etc. This lead to opressive dumb societies.And this to me is more dangerous than any nuclear explosion . Imagine if we had opened ourself to scientific method back in 500 BCE , by now we would have been an interplanetary civilisation.

>> No.22875250

Imaging taking an life advice from a jew.

>> No.22875427

>*introduces a philosophy*

>> No.22875436

>I cant wait for the day when we finally get evidence for all phenomenon being just a combination of material(and trust me it's coming)
The vast majority of philosophers teaching at American universities are outspoken materialists. If you think the idea that all phenomena are at bottom material phenomena is some kind of novelty then sorry to burst your bubble but philosophers have been there thousands of years before scientists

>> No.22875454

The religious were the scientists of their day, and they were no less dogmatic and incorrect than todays academics. The same shit that went on in the past is going on today, but like how religion was always doomed to its own mechanism of truth seeking so to are the current faggots in universities trying to force narratives.

>> No.22875476


"Be an animal." - The Anglo

>> No.22875699

Feynman was a jew.

>> No.22875705

Same thing

>> No.22875719

yet he was more happy than any philosopher ever. All them wordcel niggas an heroed. Scientists and engineers usually don't do that

>> No.22875722



>> No.22875727

Science originates from natural philosophy. The real mistake was separating them.

>> No.22875740

I like Adler

>> No.22876017
File: 35 KB, 667x1000, D8C265B6-E741-4F3F-99E3-88FFD82EF8F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao science itself btfo'd materialism
but philosophy already knew

>> No.22876019
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>> No.22876705
File: 179 KB, 1000x1000, 1000007650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it could be easily argued that the sad faggot vs happy Chad archetypal image IS The primordial truth of this world.
One that separates the loser from the winner, the Will that is forced to choose just by us existing.
If men are meant to play games, maybe this is the only game worth playing, one that will grant the winner his personal nirvana, that is happiness, whatever that might mean for the individual.
And who is a winner if not Feynman.
Philosophers, the abhorrent merchants of sadness, wallowing in the depths of their own consciousness, refusing to accept that things are simpler than they look and that happiness is at a hand's reach, lost.
Simple as.

>> No.22876712

Philosophy will guide you in you actions and activities

>> No.22876734

Thats kind of his whole thing, any layman can do what he does

>> No.22876753

will it? in my experience it will dissuade you from action by providing knowledge (or "knowledge") as a source of satisfaction alternative to action

>> No.22876757
File: 44 KB, 496x400, judge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If men are meant to play games, maybe this is the only game worth playing, one that will grant the winner his personal nirvana, that is happiness, whatever that might mean for the individual.
Games, you say?

>> No.22876763

During the course of action, you are obviously not thinking of philosophic doctrine. When I'm weight lifting, I am not thinking of Epictetus' Discourses, or the Analects of Confucious. But those Philosophic writings are what lead me to pursue weight training, and the maintenence and improvement of my bodily strengths/faculties in the first place. Make sense?

>> No.22876773

You're literally a midwit, kek.

>> No.22876784

>I cant wait for the day when we finally get evidence for all phenomenon being just a combination of material(and trust me it's coming).
Yeah, it's coming alright, any day now! Meanwhile we can live in our pods, eat our bugs, own nothing, and be happy! Right?

>> No.22876786
File: 201 KB, 930x900, flesh nexus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22876789

You do realize whatever nonsense you're preaching is a philosophical position in itself, right? And not a very novel, original, or profound one, at that. You do understand that, don't you?

>> No.22876998

Maybe the actual war is the war with ourselves and that part of us that is an obstacle to our happiness. Yes, war is God but which war?

>> No.22877023

Go back

>> No.22877166

>Philosophers trapped us in a world of make believe
>This lead to opressive dumb societies
prove to me right now that you don't actually deserve to be oppressed you mental midget lol

>> No.22877174

*rapes you*

>> No.22877187

>increases pleasure by 1,000%
Give me two good reasons not to join the flesh nexus

>> No.22877195
File: 61 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cant wait for the day when we finally get evidence for all phenomenon being just a combination of material(and trust me it's coming)
literally how can you even prove this? you've already admitted that basic sense perception is not completely reliable by not simply kicking the rock and screaming "see!"
In fact, one of the strictest empiricists in history did not even believe that "matter" existed at all. What is matter anyway if not just another metaphysical abstraction?

>> No.22877203

I'll be disappointed in you.

>> No.22877204

Feynman's IQ was only midwitted 125 and he was a sex haver. He cannot compete with the intellectual genius of incel philosophy kings.

>> No.22877208

When I destroy the flesh nexus you'll die with it

>> No.22877216


>> No.22877228

>mathlet philfag talking about midwits

>> No.22877268

OP is based in this regard

>> No.22877280

This quote IS philosophy

>> No.22877291

hedonism is a philosophy lol

>> No.22877341

Oh, I'm absolutely a mathlet. It's all good and well if you're specialized in a particular field, however, philosophy is above math. You're a midwit!

>> No.22877373

That quote does nothing but reinforce philosophy. He's doing a philosophy by saying that!

>> No.22877381

in your example both philosophy and weightlifting are not "action," they are mutually reinforcing defenses against action. action would be to reach towards a concrete desire or seek a concrete change in the world outside oneself, whereas the masturbatory "improvement of faculties" represents the indefinite postponement of present action in order to prepare the mind/body for some future action that never comes and is eventually obviated by death

>> No.22877408

He admitted the same thing

>> No.22877414

based Ken wheeler acolyte
tell the truth sciencefags, you have no idea what the subatomic particles are (because they aren’t real)