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/lit/ - Literature

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2286976 No.2286976 [Reply] [Original]

harry potter is hideously written. Sure it's entertaining, but only in the same way Die Hard 4 is kinda entertaining on a friday night when you've got nothing better to do.

Seriously Rowling can't write for shit.

> itt: any /lit/-related opinion you have at all, which is not shared by the mainstream/ the majority

>> No.2286989

Stephen King doesn't just "suck", he is so bad as to be unreadable, and only faggots and morons enjoy reading his bullshit books

>> No.2287005


no fun allowed.

I hate the Bible. It's long and fucking boring as shit.

I hate Vonnegut. His writing style is stupid and he doesn't really have much to say about anything.

>> No.2287025

> no fun allowed
what are you even trying to say?

>> No.2287031

I agree.

Yet I'm for liberty of entertainment.

So meh.

>> No.2287033

just because you think something is crappy doesn't mean you are against its freedom to exist

>> No.2287034

>I hate the Bible. It's long and fucking boring as shit.
The object of this thread was to give 'opinions NOT shared by the mainstream'. No one reads the Bible and thinks it's exciting.

>> No.2287037

this thread sucks BAD

i feel like we should all sit in a circle on the carpet and have a mini-lesson on how to make threads that don't suck ass

>> No.2287040
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>> No.2287058

hannibal lecter was the good guy

>> No.2287065

who died and made you boss

stfu cunt

>> No.2287072

So I'm allowed in this thread. I enjoyed reading the Bible. And I'm no religiousfag, obviously.

Stephen King do suck a lot more than people think, in my opinion.

>> No.2287073


i'm just a poster who dislikes bad threads, friend

don't shoot the messenger

>> No.2287074 [DELETED] 

True, I quite like that awful painting of the dog.

>> No.2287080
File: 82 KB, 606x748, lolsagefags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry harder

>> No.2287081

> taste_police.jpg

>> No.2287084
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>> No.2287087

Why do you think it's crap? Post a passage that exemplify your claim please. I never read the books, so I don't know.

>> No.2287092


you know deep in your heart these arent interesting posts

>> No.2287096

hide the thread and fuck off then, mrs Good Thread Police.

not all threads are for everyone

>> No.2287095

i didn't say it was "crap", and i acknowledged an entertainment value for people who don't like to think too hard and/or who don't need a well written book.

1. frequent deus ex machina
2. obviously written by a woman who couldn't contain her feminine perspective and project people and the world normally
3. terrible character psychology, and by terrible, i mean Are-You-Fucking-Kidding-Me? bad
4. systematic misunderstanding of realistic psychology and sociology in general. The kind of dumbassery a highschool teacher has who believes that "bullying" (lol) can be "solved" by "educating" the students and by having "bullied" students come and see the teacher.
5. frequently, hideously unrealistically hopeful. Ie: the main characters can't die "just because", and so hopeless situations are resolved ridiculously. Hurr durr surrounded by a million giant spiders right in the nest and get out by basically punching them all and "somehow" escaping. Give me a break.

that's all i care to type out for now, there's probably a lot more.

>> No.2287106

did you watch the movies?

>> No.2287109


weeeoooo weeeoooo thread police freeze license and registration please you're under arrest for being boring as hell you have the right to remain silent

>> No.2287118
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> has no idea what subjectivity means
> continues to post rather than just hiding the thread
lolololo sageheroes thinking they are saving 4chan from shitposts

oh man my sides

>> No.2287123


the first step toward ending shitposting as an institution is to not make a shitpost

a step you are failing abjectly at

>> No.2287127

oh how i wish i was an ass-pie who lurks 4chan looking for posts he doesn't like and "correcting" the poor misguided souls from the error of their ways, like you

then i would truly be a sagehero.

>> No.2287131
File: 59 KB, 1001x509, lol_sagehero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol saved

>> No.2287130

harry potter was poorly written. I started the first book before i was ten and quit a few chapters in because of it.

just finished ender's game; good book, but gay. so very gay. i don't mind gay, but it was little boys. i guess catholics <i>and</i> mormons can now be pedophiles.

ulysses is hard to follow not because of joyce's genius, but rather poor writing. why the fuck would anyone make an entire book stream of consciousness? not only does it make poor me have to reread every fifth paragraph with the occasional "wtf, i need to reread this page. this cant just be gibberish" (i just turned 18 and read it a year or two ago. fuck off, i can have issues understanding it) but it makes the use of stream of consciousness within the novel less affecting and turns it into a stylistic choice-a pretentious/bad stylistic choice.

>> No.2287134



>> No.2287139

most books have some annoying writing habit, or some annoying poorly thought out flaw that ruins it for me, usually a huge mass of flaws

i mean i can look past that, but nevertheless what i said is still an unpopular opinion.

>> No.2287142
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>> No.2287172


Only the first one and i rather liked it. Sure, it had a lot of cliches, but I found the premise interesting enough to enjoy it. So i figured, most of the hate must come from her writing style. That's why I want to read a passage.

>> No.2287187

dragons and magic are a stupid crutch

>> No.2288710


>> No.2288717

I find the cult of Shakespeare a tad overblown.

>> No.2288733

>just turned 18
>baby's first stream of consciousness
>uses the word "pretentious" as a criticism of Joyce

motherfucker, Joyce was the most pretentious wanker on the planet and that's why Ulysses is so fucking good