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/lit/ - Literature

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22866376 No.22866376 [Reply] [Original]

what are some essential texts for a degenerate

>> No.22866383

Story of the Eye by Bataille

>> No.22866509

Jeremy Bentham

>> No.22866512

Dennis Cooper

>> No.22866559

Marquis de Sade
Algernon Charles Swinburne
Georges Bataille
Henry Miller
Bret Easton Ellis
Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.22866564


>> No.22866861
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>Journey to the End of the Night and Death on Credit by Celine
>A Posthumous Confession by Emants
especially good if you want to feel called out for your degeneracy breeding an ego
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce
>The Necrophiliac by Wittkop
reminded me of Lolita except he fucks corpses: beautiful portrayals of the grotesque
>Omensetter's Luck by Gass
love my man Jethro

Diary of an Oxygen thief is another, but it fills the "degenerate" criteria without really being transgressive. Easy read, and if you just want a story about a dick who reflects on being a dick it's pretty good. Used to be shilled on here more.

Last suggestion is pic related.
(I wrote it so feel free to hate it.)

>> No.22866961

The Holy Bible

>> No.22867307

Do you have more to the story? I didn’t dislike it

>> No.22867337
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Nah, sorry, that's all I ever wrote for it. It was just a handful of fragments from the same month that I strung together. I'll post a couple other things I've written with a similar tone, but I can't promise that they're any better. Thanks for reading anyway.

I'd like to write a proper story about a peeping Tom but nothing yet.

Thanks for the unlikely album rec, OP. Ever listened to Scratch Acid? or any of the other old pigfuck bands like Rapeman. /mu/ blows and I want to talk about noise rock, but I don't want this thread getting deleded.

>> No.22867346
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And in this one I got drunk, had to pee, and decided it'd be a good idea to rhyme. If I pared this one down and removed the more annoying rhymes I might be satisfied with it, but it's another narrativeless thing that ought to have more context. Anything like -this- is meant to be italics.

Next noise rock rec is Vanilla by Beautiful Mother, specifically the track "Object of Affection".

>> No.22867646

The Consumer, M. Gira
The Atrocity Exhibition, Ballard
Peter Sotos
...the French

>> No.22867657
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Obey briefly reminded of Dog Faced Hermans. Like if they weren't feminists and had an anal fixation. Would recommend the novel Frisk if OP wants brutal sexual degradation.

Pic semi related. In the Miso Soup was being talked about recently. The writing isn't anything special in terms of prose style (to be fair I was reading it in translation), but I thought it was compelling, and I was impressed with it in the end. The scenes of gore bothered me in a way that American Psycho didn't; it may have been that they were more sparse in the former, or that you're given them from the observer's perspective, but either way I found that difference in feel interesting.

>> No.22867697


>> No.22869039

Is that the Marbled Swarm guy

>> No.22869046

Here's Proxy by Peter Sotos, he rambles about raping children for 320 pages

>> No.22869424

>Henry Miller

Not degenerate. Freud was a psycologist, he's only a degenerate in the sense that you're also a degenerate. Miller was a sex pest, yes, but his work wasn't degenerate. He spoke about art and the pursuit of art above everything else. Mishima was a little bit gay, but certainly not sexually degenerate.

You are a retard

>> No.22869442

>transgression in atheist society


>> No.22869447

huh? Freud is a jew who understood that after the atheist bourgeois revolutions, men and bourgeois women were sex and drug addicts just like him and since women who work but love to gossip about sex, he figured he could have a little cult around him, composed of whores and bourgeois desperate to hear how sex addiction is the nature of the human psyche framed into a self made and self aggrandizing myth disguised as science to surf on the atheist hype of positivism lol.
100 years later atheists still consider him their guru, since they are still lobotomized sex and drug addicts...

>> No.22869460

Christcuck reasoning. There is no cult around Freud. All the athiest degenerate drug addicts of today nonironically despise Freud and have been trying to undermine his influence on the world of psycology; simply because he holds a mirror to how disgusting humans really are, and they can't accept understanding their true nature. Cope.

>> No.22869492

This. Freud was a trailblazer in psychology, hardly degenerate. Miller is probably one of the most miscast writers of all time; as you said he wrote about art and his life deciding to follow art. Only one of his books is degenerate: Under the Rooftops of Paris. He’s actually a very spiritual writer in most his works. I’ve only read one Mishima and it wasn’t degenerate at all

>> No.22869528
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Fires on the Plain is good. It might not be called transgressive since it's taking place in the context of a war, but there's still a moral/social decay component and the protagonist has his morality obliterated.
>I don't care.
>Just as all men are cannibals, all women are whores.
>Each of us must act according to his nature.
Anyway it didn't read like a simple "war is bad" message.
There's an epub in this folder: https://mega.nz/folder/fgsABRLI#xwfcX6zMBtG9RFT4wMpNUQ
and there's a copy of Dark Spring (short story, worth reading) in there too, from >>22867657.

Recommending Sofa for more noise rock.

>> No.22870277

Against Nature by JK Huysmans

>> No.22870366
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they all have degenerate elements or appeal to the degenerate mind/aesthetics or whatever, really they are fine degenerate recommendations, you are just being a faggy pedant so people will sniff your asshole, more appropriate for

>> No.22870383
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Anyone read it?

>> No.22870394

Nah, I think the other anon is right. Mishima, Miller, and Freud were posted because the guy thinks they're personally degenerate, not because was they wrote was degenerate or transgressive literature (notice that the subject is "transgressive literature", not "books written by fags, philanderers, or psychologists").

>> No.22870396


>> No.22870401 [DELETED] 

There's no such thing as transgender literature, it's degeneracy, which doesn't classify is literature. I don't read tranny slop nor am I able to recommend any.

>> No.22870409

U need glasses

>> No.22870410

>t. tranny

>> No.22870442


>> No.22870451

Yes, unfortunately. "Bizarro fiction" is the juvenile version of transgressive.

>> No.22870455

Evil Companions

>> No.22870547

Evil Companions was interesting knowing the background of why the author wrote it (which Delany explains in the intro). It's ridiculous a lot of the time, but it made me nauseous at a couple parts, and the ending is fascinating.

>> No.22871306

Stop being a degenerate.

>> No.22871310

grow up

>> No.22871743
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read this... as well as all of houellebecq

>> No.22872742

>t. seething degenerate

>> No.22872859

Actual transgression reads like this:
>Moi, j’avais rêvé mieux. Les trois cent mille têtes du citoyen Marat ne m’auraient pas suffi et le pétrole aurait vainement sollicité mon suffrage.
>L’égalité démocratique prise du plus bas possible devait, selon mes vues, réaliser un niveau social tel qu’il ne restât plus sous le soleil que les Bourbeux et les Croupissants. Ma ligne idéale d’élagation partait comme une flèche topographique, de l’aristocratie présumée des vertus, c’est-à-dire du sacerdoce, et s’en allait rigidement, après avoir passé par l’aristocratie de l’argent qui disparaissait dans la Mer rouge, jusqu’à l’aristocratie du Goujatisme triomphant et jusqu’aux hauts barons de la Crapule héréditaire.
>Toute supériorité, tout relief humain devait tomber, s’engouffrer et périr dans le cloaque d’une promiscuité définitive dont les plus audacieux utopistes de la fraternité révolutionnaire n’avaient pas osé rêver l’avènement.
>L’Église devait être saisie dans les sales mains d’un peuple désabusé. L’antique foi des hommes, ce figuier fécond, qui pousse d’éternels rameaux sur son vieux tronc mutilé, serait arrachée une bonne fois du sol de la sacrée liberté. Si cet arrachement ne suffisait pas, on brûlerait la terre autour des racines et l’on saurait, à la fin, s’il est bien vrai qu’aucune puissance d’extermination ne prévaut contre elle.
Léon Bloy. It wouldn't make sense translating it. It essentially boils down to Catholic Absolutism (or Absolute Catholicism?)

>> No.22873057

A gold coin washes off clean. What are you trying to hide from?

>> No.22873698

These are missing:

Jack Kerouac
Hunter S. Thompson
Irvine Welsh

Authors of varying quality, but well-known and fit the bill.

>> No.22873739
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Seconding this, The Sluts might be one of the most degenerate things I’ve ever read (and also rather topical, given that it’s written in a message board format).

Also, surprised no one has suggested Eden, Eden, Eden by Pierre Guyotat but I guess the English translation is hard to come by.

>> No.22873781
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I always found bands like the Brainbombs (especially the opener of the Obey album) and Whitehouse (at least during their non-Sotos tracks) to be quite funny, even if not deliberately. Actually, a lot of transgressive lit feels comical to me as well, particularly Ballard's stuff like High-Rise or the Reagan essay.

>Obey briefly reminded of Dog Faced Hermans
Do you like NoMeansNo at all? They're like DFH if they traded their intellectual baggage and wind instruments for a more muscular rhythm section and prog-rock guitar riffs.

From personal experience, most people that are into this stuff from a strictly artistic standpoint are actually total pussies, and this is how it should be.

>> No.22873970

Genet probably beats most
Also Pedro Juan Gutierrez
Mishima has degenerate tirades on confessions of a mask, as most good homosexual authors. I’d like to get into montherlant as I find the guy’s life, persona and interests fascinating but haven’t read him (but only about him, besides a few essays).
He was blinded in his 70s after some sort of attack by teens on the street, theory being that the had made some sex advances towards one of them. It eventually lead to his suicide. Writing wise I don’t know but life wise he seems to be an excellent mixth of virtue and degeneracy
In terms of movies I would recommend almodovar and fassbinder
I omitted some obvious ones such as miller, yet I’m also reminded of some very degenerate sex tales by anais nin

>> No.22873980
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Only ever listened to Sex Mad and didn't ever get a DFH feel from it, so is there another album where it comes across clearer? Sex Mad is nice for not taking itself seriously. Obey feels like something I should be blasting from a rusty pick-up, though it doesn't feel comedic to me, more like over-the-top in the way Frisk ended as some guy's sexual fantasies that he hoped people would take seriously. The latter had a narrative to carry the idea, but you can't blast Frisk on the way to the Walmart.

Got any noise rock that feels genuinely dark? Rapeman's Budd (the song, not the EP) stands out as being pretty serious compared to the rest of their stuff, and it's my favourite from them by far. Similarly Tiny, King of the Jews and Bad Houses, plus some of the Pigpile tracks (Steelworker especially) are my favourites from Big Black, which otherwise tends to be more tongue-in-cheek or "pick-up truck" noise rock. Heavily obscured or sparse vocals might be what does it for me.

>wrote a fake Big Black interview for /mu/ about them all jacking off together to snuff porn
>mfw anons believed it